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Why science is like art and the turn to the visual

Frank Shifreen

Why Science is like art and the turn to the visual

What artists do are experiments. With several
variables and also several controls( a paint, a material,style, size,
series, etc) an artist pursues knowledge through creating a work of art
that can also be characterized as an experiment.
There is now what has been called :The turn to the visual" that is being
discussed throughout academia. It means that pictures and images are
taking over areas that had previously been a province of print and
This goes far beyond television and movies. Computer operating systems
organized visually and iconically as one example. It used to be said
that a picture is worth a thousand words. This is one of the reasons of
the power of signs and sensory information that the visual embodies.
Look how complex information can be simplified with graphs, diagrams. In
Scientific American Magazine, a good example. The pictures accompanying
each article explain the concepts. In art we do similar work, when we
are successful and masters of our craft. Craft is the set of skills that
an artist uses to create art. Like the instruments in a scientific
laboratory that assist us to perceive and record data.

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You are right, Frank. All art is experimentation. However, there is difference between science & art. Science invents or discovers something new-sometimes things you can't
even imagine possible to find out or exist. The discovery of penicillin
is one such example. Mystery always precedes a scientific discovery.
Scientists themselves don't know where they are going & what they
are about to find out, whether they will succeed or not. Watson failed a
thousand times before inventing the light bulb. But he had the guts to
move ahead again & again. There will be challenges & tons of
challenges a scientist faces with every step he takes & every move
he makes. And he has to deal with them all alone.

Art is the one that you can see even before you create through your
minds eye. Or you have a model before you.
There is no mystery in it. The challenges are very small & easy to
Creating art is easy than inventing something new.

As a person who has seen best of several worlds, I can say firmly,
science is difficult to deal with even if a person is well trained in
the subject.
I am not trained in art but can create art & deal with the
difficulties in the field easily.
Because art can come naturally to a person. But science needs tremendous
training of the mind to understand a problem & finding out a
solution to it.
Art has no rules & freedom is what artists enjoy in creating art but
in science if you don't study & follow rules & don't work
within the frame work of universal rules you will never succeed.
However the bottom line is both science & art are equally important
for the progress of mankind.

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Very good answer and distinction Dr. Krishna your reasoning is point on . I guess I wanted to establish the differences and never got around to it

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said:
You are right, Frank. All art is experimentation. However, there is difference between science & art. Science invents or discovers
something new-sometimes things you can't even imagine possible to find
out or exist. The discovery of penicillin is one such example. Mystery
always precedes a scientific discovery. Scientists themselves don't know
where they are going & what they are about to find out, whether
they will succeed or not. Watson failed a thousand times before
inventing the light bulb. But he had the guts to move ahead again &
again. There will be challenges & tons of challenges a scientist
faces with every step he takes & every move he makes. And he has to
deal with them all alone.

Art is the one that you can see even before you create through your
minds eye. Or you have a model before you.
There is no mystery in it. The challenges are very small & easy to
Creating art is easy than inventing something new.

As a person who has seen best of several worlds, I can say firmly,
science is difficult to deal with even if a person is well trained in
the subject.
I am not trained in art but can create art & deal with the
difficulties in the field easily.
Because art can come naturally to a person. But science needs tremendous
training of the mind to understand a problem & finding out a
solution to it.
Art has no rules & freedom is what artists enjoy in creating art but
in science if you don't study & follow rules & don't work
within the frame work of universal rules you will never succeed.
However the bottom line is both science & art are equally important
for the progress of mankind.

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I was also thinking of a sense of aesthetics that scientists and artists share. Many times a theory is sensed to be right even though the evidence is not fully developed. It
feels like it is correct scientists report. It is an aesthetic sense

Frank Shifreen said:
Very good answer and distinction Dr. Krishna your reasoning is point on . I guess I wanted to establish the differences and never got around to it

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said:
You are right, Frank. All art is experimentation. However, there is difference between science & art. Science invents or discovers
something new-sometimes things you can't even imagine possible to find
out or exist. The discovery of penicillin is one such example. Mystery
always precedes a scientific discovery. Scientists themselves don't know
where they are going & what they are about to find out, whether
they will succeed or not. Watson failed a thousand times before
inventing the light bulb. But he had the guts to move ahead again &
again. There will be challenges & tons of challenges a scientist
faces with every step he takes & every move he makes. And he has to
deal with them all alone.

Art is the one that you can see even before you create through your minds eye. Or you have a model before
There is no mystery in it. The challenges are very small & easy to
Creating art is easy than inventing something new.

As a person who has seen best of several worlds, I can say firmly,
science is difficult to deal with even if a person is well trained in
the subject.
I am not trained in art but can create art & deal with the
difficulties in the field easily.
Because art can come naturally to a person. But science needs tremendous
training of the mind to understand a problem & finding out a
solution to it.
Art has no rules & freedom is what artists enjoy in creating art but
in science if you don't study & follow rules & don't work
within the frame work of universal rules you will never succeed.
However the bottom line is both science & art are equally important
for the progress of ma

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