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Q:How do people make mistakes while thinking and processing certain things?
Krishna: How? I have already provided the answer clearly in my articles on  critical thinking  and 
Let me also tell you a few more things. 
Recently I was invited to a ceremony. I was given an address to the hotel where this ceremony was organised. Google maps don't show the right addresses and locations most of the time. So it showed the wrong location as usual. I called one of my cousins and asked him about the exact location when I reached the wrong one. My cousin told me that the exact location  was half- a - furlong away. As it became difficult to take a U-turn and park again, I decided to walk the distance.  I had to walk in the hot sun and climb several steps before   meeting my cousin who was waiting for me at the entrance of the main hall. 
I was a little breathless because of my walk in the sun and climbing steps and said some words about the wrong address.  
Then my cousin thought I was tense and agitated because of the wrong address and the effort I had to put in to get to the right destination. He offered me water and told everybody about it.
I couldn't help but laugh!
Why? Because he was wrong in his assessment! 
I never panic. No matter how difficult a situation is. I know how to do things alone, and how to face almost all tough situations. Just a wrong address and a few feet walk can't make my mind feel tense!
My breathlessness and the sweat on my face because of my walk in the hot sun and climbing steps have been interpreted as panicking by my cousin!
Because he thought  women panic when they do things alone! That they feel anxious to find a new address! They dread  the situation when they can't find the right place! And sweating and feeling breathless are symptoms of all these things!
That is how people think and interpret things wrongly. 
Sweating is not only caused by emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, embarrassment and stress but also high temperatures, exercises, hard physical work, eating spicy foods, drinking caffeinated drinks, including soda, coffee, and tea and alcohol beverages, sweating may also be caused by medication use and certain illnesses, such as cancer, fever and fever-reducing drugs, infection, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), painkillers, including morphine, synthetic thyroid hormones, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a rare form of chronic pain that usually affects an arm or leg,the hormonal fluctuations, chest pain and dizziness, and  heart attack.
So don't always assume what you are thinking is right. Don't just judge people by seeing their present physical condition if you don't know much about the person.
Now I think you understand how people make these mistakes. You should have full picture of why something happens.  Then depending on the situation you can choose and pick the appropriate  reasons for the questions why and how. If you don't have full knowledge about something, or don't know the process of correct way of thinking, you tend to make mistakes while processing the information your senses provide.

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