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Q: Is absent mindedness or forgetfulness a sign of love? This is what several writers say in movies and love stories.

Krishna: Hello! Absentmindedness can be a sign of several things, not just love. 

Absent-mindedness--lapses of attention and forgetting to do things -  operates both when a memory is formed (the encoding stage) and when a memory is accessed (the retrieval stage). 

According to scientific research being forgetful could actually be a sign of greater intelligence

Absent minded people usually have high IQs, are highly creative, and tend to be on the intellectual side. They may be well-read, intelligent, and have a particular skillset. Their brains are just “on-go” at all times. They have a difficult time slowing down.

If you keep thinking about something or the other  all the time, you tend to be absent minded about what is going on around you. 

Some introverts are absent-minded too because they will be engrossed in their own world. 

This brain fog can be seen in various forms: 

  • Actual Absent-mindedness--lapses of attention and forgetting to do things.

  • Blocking--temporary inaccessibility of stored information, such as tip-of-the-tongue syndrome. 

  • Suggestibility--incorporation of misinformation into memory due to leading questions, deception and other causes. 

  • Bias--retrospective distortions produced by current knowledge and beliefs. Present knowledge, beliefs and feelings skew our memory for past events. For example, research indicates that people currently displeased with a romantic relationship tend to have a disproportionately negative take on past states of the relationship.

  • Persistence--unwanted recollections that people can't forget, such as the unrelenting, intrusive memories of post-traumatic stress disorder. 

  • Misattribution--attribution of memories to incorrect sources or believing that you have seen or heard something you haven't.

What causes absent-mindedness psychology?
It can have three different causes: a low level of attention ("blanking" or "zoning out"); intense attention to a single object of focus (hyperfocus) that makes a person oblivious to events around them; unwarranted distraction of attention from the object of focus by irrelevant thoughts or environmental events.
Absent-mindedness can also be correlated to those with schizoid personality disorders, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Oh yes, love can also make you forget the world around you but that is not the only one that makes you absent-minded. 
By the way, I am extremely absent-minded almost always! And nobody could do anything about it till now. My absent mindedness is so bad, I forget everything else  except the one thing I am doing  in the present moment. Unless I shut off the world completely, I cannot deal with the complexities I deal with daily.
 As per the advice of people, I write on a piece of paper the things I want to do on a particular day, keep the paper in front of me and forget all about it! I don't even remember that I kept the paper there. It will be in front of me, but doesn't get registered in my mind. So I can't do most of the things people tell me to do or I want to do because I don't remember them at all!
My loved ones call me very frequently, remind me about them, and ask me to do them. And I would say, 'okay, I will do it in a moment' and go back to my work and forget all about it in just a second!
That is how I deeply get involved with the things I do and forget the world around me completely!
I caused several accidents, gas leaks, food burning, finger-burnings, flooding, and what not. I forget to cook, eat, and drink ( water) several times. I buy things in the shops/malls and forget to collect the goods I paid for or take the change and leave! 
People around me are putting up with all this because they tried every trick in the book but couldn't make me change. 
There is no cure to it, at least to my absent-mindedness. Period!
The culprit in my case: "hyperfocus".

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