Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

When I returned to contemporary art after a long hiatus with life's destined journey, I expected to find a salubrious climate enriched with an art fraternity of epic proportions.


Alas this was not to be so! I looked around to find artists feverishly biting their nails,while

narrating to me their hard and tedious journey to the so called top of the decrepit heap.

The fraternity I discovered,survived on a purely lobby system that was dependent on an

umbrella groups protection.A few art collectors (who don't buy art in any case) would lobby hard for some new entrant into this cauldron of guiles and gargoyles.


From the very onset it was very easy to see through their charades and subtle language.

Typical statements from this obnoxious frat, include,"she's a hobby artist","you should buy from reputed galleries" (Who certifies them?) "He's a self taught artist",(so all those with

Ravi Verma's and Van Gogh's ,please throw them away and start buying from reputed

monkey's.)"The hottest painter at the moment is so and so you know" (Why?because the

gallery has lots of this bufoons work lying unsold and in any case the rats are urinating on it). Gallerie's have closed down and gone into oblivion or started some gimmicks like artist

residencies to butter their bread.What can you get from an artist residency?Nothing!


Art galleries could have run booming businesses, had they kept fielding new and subject

saavy artists, instead of clinging to their worn out relics of the past.I gave up going to

art gall's ,after I realised I'd be treated to the same visual eye sore, of  the same old unsold artworks being hawked around from gallery to gallery for the last half decade.

Come on! Unless you're a depraved halfwit ,you wouldn't see the same film ten times would you?In the west,artists come up with different styles everyday! Even Picasso

was alway's looking for the undiscovered.But a couple of gallerists who saw my work

said,"you have random thoughts,you should concentrate on one style".What the hell

is one style? This one style concept comes into an artist when he loses the interest

to research and becomes a lazy charlatan. At this stage the gullible collectors

and art frat at large, submit to a sclerosis of thought cultivated or vetoed by some

dumb journo who is at a loss in the subject of art and has decided to toot the good news

that Picasso has been reborn.Unfortunately all those suckers,and you can wholeheartedly

call them that,who bought works of art, during the last decade hyped up boom,

are today; unable to sell those works for a quarter of the price purchased.


The next time some gallery smarty sells you his gospel of how great an art piece with

him is,just tell him you'll buy it,but on one condition that you'd be highly grateful if he sells it back for you at a 5% mark up,one week later. Now just stand back,and watch him/her

scoot for cover..........PRINCE






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Replies to This Discussion

You hit the bull's eye, Prince! People don't really understand art here. I was shocked when a high society woman who visited an art show by an artist with an MFA from a prestigious art college refused to buy his art saying that even her 15 year old daughter could paint pictures like the artist did! "Why should I pay thousands of rupees to put these pictures on the walls of my living room?" was her Q! Art world failed to answer these Qs put by common men. Only a few people love art & some just buy to invest in art. Art market refuses to encourage young artists with talent here because people who run it have no interest in art & are bothered only about the returns.
Media always follow only the top artists & those who write about art shows of new artists don't really understand art well (an owner of an art gallery told me this!). And if you try to raise your voice to question this rot , you will be silenced by saying that you are a "cry baby". The truth is as long as injustice thrives some people will definitely complain & cry. Why object to it? If you can- try to correct the situation or if you are blind or timid, just go with the flow but please allow people who want to fight this rot to express their views. If you stop these fighters, Art world will stink!
By the way even MF Husain is a self taught artist!


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