Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

We often hear/read reports about deteriorating conditions of famous art works (1). While science is trying to conserve these invaluable pieces of art (2,3), you too can do your bit to make your art last long.

Friends, even if you don't create works on Science Themes, you can always create art scientifically! Yes, if you follow the methods of science, art works will be of good quality, they lost longer and don't cause health hazards to you and they will be environmentally safe. Moreover, they will be more attractive to buyers. Fraudsters will find it difficult to cheat.

Let me tell you how you can create art works scientifically.

(1) First choose the theme and subject after thorough research.

(2) Use good quality and long lasting art materials by studying the  available products in the  market and comparing them with one another. Works can be made last longer by following good techniques. Lots of information is available on this subject. Some of it is posted on Sci- art lab too ( Group - Research). 

(3) Study how the works can be made more eye-appealing - follow the scientific explanations. This helps you to sell your works successfully and with ease.

(4) Study how to protect and conserve your art works and follow them religiously.

(5) Use only Eco-friendly materials like organic  or recycled ones.

(6) Do not waste art materials and try to reduce your Carbon Foot Prints.

(7) Avoid using toxic and harmful colours and chemicals for creating art. In case you use them for some reason or the other, take all precautions to protect yourself as well as people who come in contact with the art works.

(8) Try to incorporate things to make fraudsters find it difficult to cheat. For example some artists stamp their finger prints at the back of the paintings.

(9) Follow copyright laws and don't allow others to copy your work.

(10) Use scientifically proven methods and techniques to create art.

Some information on scientific  methods to create art is given on Sci-art lab to make things easy for you. More information will be added as time goes by.





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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on January 28, 2014 at 6:07am


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