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Could You make
Grape Juice out of Lemons ?

Mother Nature has a grand design of things. Could you make grape juice out of lemons? Of course you could not. Only grapes could make grape juice. That is part of the web of life.

Same goes with this theory, could you make alternative fuel source vehicles with gasoline combustion engines? No you could not.

Have you heard about alternative fuel source engines? Did you know that the gasoline combustion engine has been obsolete for over thirty years now? Did you know that people have been working on alternative fuel source engines longer than just the past couple years and that the technology has been suppressed?

Oil companies have kept the technology suppressed and have kept us in the dark about alternative fuels, only for the simple fact to continue raping our planet of a resource that has limited supply, and to perpetuate their profits.

In their continuing march towards financial monarchy, they have destroyed lives, environments, eco-systems and possibly our world.

How many oil spills have killed off ocean life, plankton that provides life and oxygen for our planet, fish and water fowl, land mammals and plants? How many more oil spills can our eco-systems take?

How much more carbon can our atmosphere take, from our vehicles spewing out their noxious fumes?

Did you know that buying 1 tomato from the supermarket leaves a massive carbon footprint?
A) First you have the tractor that plowed & seeded the field.
B) Second you have the place that made the fertilizer.
C) Third you have the trucking company that delivered the fertilizer to the tomato farmer.
D) Fourth you have the tractor that fertilizes the tomato plants.
E) Fifth you have all the equipment that goes into picking and packing the tomatoes for shipping.
F) Sixth you have the trucks used to ship the tomatoes.
G) Seventh you have the electric used to refrigerate the tomatoes at the store.
H) Eighth you have the fuel you use to get the tomato home.
I) Ninth the electric you use to refrigerate until you use the tomato.
That is the carbon footprint for just one tomato purchased at the grocery store, and that doesn’t include any plastic used in packaging or bagging. Now imagine this same carbon footprint used for everything that we purchase. Can you see now why our highways are congested, on some sunny days in some major cities you can not see the sun because of the haze left from the exhaust of cars, trucks and busses.

Is it no wonder why our planet is heating up from Global warming, due to the amount of carbon being put into the atmosphere.

For over thirty years now, people have been shouting the warning signs, but have been named “Nut Cases” or “Conspiracy Theorists” and you have been told there is no proof. Everyone was out to make the almighty dollar…

Big Oil Companies even the Auto Industry !!

Look at the 90’s and the early part of the 2000’s. Bigger was better. It was Hip to be seen in the BIG SUV… With Rims man, had to have rims, spinners or flashy gold or stylish chrome designs. BIG SUV’s that got NO gas mileage !!!

Hummers, or go to the prom in a Hummer Limo !!! Who cares it got 4 miles to the gallon. It was BIG it was BAD and it made a statement !! I AM HERE !! Ford Excursions or Explorers, Cadillac Escalade, Lincoln Navigator… Auto companies made them, with BIG price tags, and people bought them. Oil companies LOVED it, because of the fuel mileage they got, meant more trips to the pumps for the owners of them, meant more dollars for the oil companies.

Meanwhile, we sit back and destroy our world, feeding into the BS that the Auto companies and Oil companies are feeding us. Thinking that the people standing firm on global warming and ecology are nut cases and conspiracy theorists.

Now here we are in the year 2009, and we find out that the “Nut Cases” and “Conspiracy Theorists” were right ! Global warming is an issue, carbon in our atmosphere is the major cause.

Now auto companies are trying to improve gas mileage, offering hybrids, and other designs to get you the best mileage. But still burning some type of oil product.

Like I said earlier in the article, alternative fuel technology is available that does not involve oil products. Gasoline combustion has been obsolete for over thirty years, so why are our alternative fuel source vehicles being introduced by auto makers still include some type of oil product?

MONEY, has been and still is the reason why our planet is and will be raped for oil. Money is the reason why future generations may not have a future. The unfortunate thing about money and riches, it clouds ones senses. It only keeps one in the here and now, instead of the now and later. It is great to live rich now, but what about later. What will money buy, if there is no clean air, no clean water, no fertile land to grow food, no place left on earth to live.

We do not have the rights to Mother Earth, it was not handed down to us from our forefathers, but it is on loan to us from our grandchildren. We are but one part of the web of life, what we do to the web we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things are connected.

Like I said before, can you make grape juice out of lemons? No ! Can you make an alternative fuel with oil? No !

Just something to think about.

Just one man’s opinion. As always, put the wind in your hair and keep the sun to your back. Be good and stay safe. Peace, Love and prosperity to all.

Good Journeys !!!

Frank WOLF TM © 2005 Monday April 20th, 2009
Watchdog taking a BITE out of corruption!

Copyright © Frank J. Ball Sr.

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Replies to This Discussion

Plants are carbon sinks. But just 2 degrees raise in global temperature can make them release more carbon into the atmosphere, so instead of carbon sinks they become carbon sources. Imagine that!

We have been warned about this (This is one of my paintings)
Your painting is great Krishna,
Problem is that we have become one of the most arrogrant, stupid, intelligent race in the universe... We have the technology, but we fail to use it due to greed of money...
Wind and solar could replace our current form of electric and support our electric needs, but we fail to implement them into place...
Gray water reclaimation ~ using wash, shower, laundry and car wash water seperating it from sewage could be in place to water gardens, lawns and FARMS, but we fail to implement it...
Recycling could be used much better than what it is, but yet for the sake of our own convenience we have diapers and plastic soda bottles sitting in land-fills for the next couple centuries....
Technology has proven that the gasoline combustion engine is obsolete, yet we are still producing vehicles that require gas and oil products, because we allow the big money of the world to suppress the technology...
Yes we are the most arrogant, stupid, intelligent race in the universe... Hopefully we will soon learn from our stupidity, so that future generation do not have to pay.... But that will only happen if we loose our arrogance....


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