Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
A member of Art Lab says: "Science"; "Art" are symbols within a model of the universe called language. The model cannot possibly be as expansive as that which it represents. It is foolish to limit our experience to fit the model. No matter how many roses one tears apart he will never know what constitutes their beauty. For this reason I am no longer interested in following (this network) nor participating here.
My Reply: -- Because Art Lab is trying to bust the myths?! Here is another one:
The beauty of a rose one experiences is because of a number of factors: (1) The chemicals that form the beautiful colours (and their light absorptions and dispersions that make your eyes see them), (2)the genes that make the shapes (3) The chemicals that make it smell sweet (4) The receptors of our brains that respond to these chemicals, shapes and smells (neuroscience) (5) the feel good harmones released when we see certain things that tell us what we are seeing is beautiful.
And there are people who are allergic to roses which trigger severe reactions in their bodies and therefore can't stand the sight and smell of roses!
Feelings and emotions have neurobiological origins and science is trying its best to understand the processes.
'Science, far from destroying the beauty and romance of the world as seen by artists, musicians and writers, enhances it by revealing the underlying reasons and purposes' – McConnell .
Who says one cannot find out what constitutes a rose's beauty now? Knowledge takes you away from foolishness. Science tries to decode the symbols. Takes you more closer to that heavenly feeling. Emotions should be kept at bay to really understand the facts.
Understanding comes only when you try! Science can be as expansive as a multiverse! It is only a matter of time before science understands several of the mysteries of the Nature. Science is still in its infancy. Let it grow and see what answers it can come up with!
It is reasonable to hope that it will some day!
Are art, literature, and even music, merely poor approximations to the clear truths of science? Is "subjective reality" merely a contradiction in terms, a polite way of saying "delusion"? Will rationality finally answer several of your questions? Or are there things which are true but which scientific methods could never, in principle establish: not just ethical, aesthetic or metaphysical questions but matters of historical truth or psychological subtlety.
At one level, I think science can explain art, music, aesthetics and ethics (we have a group titled "research'' here which does just that!) Of course it can analyse pigments used for colour presentations and describe artistic techniques, and it can analyse musical wavelengths and even find which parts of our brain are stimulated by music. It can also give us facts about the world and ourselves, which can inform ethical debate.
However, in a number of crucial ways we have to deal with things ourselves in these areas, to find reasonable answers because you can analyse musical notes in a scientific way, but what is it that makes Beethoven so great? Why does great art move us and speak to us? Because, again this is neuroscience, neuroaesthetics to be more precise, these things match with our emotional states, create 'well being' harmones in our bodies.
Some questions have to be looked at holistically, because they involve the response of the whole person. Much of our lives are to do with our experiences and feelings, and our limbic system is an incredibly powerful actor in our lives, and is not amenable to reason. And the success of reason lies in the way we do our critical thinking.
Perhaps it isn't the fault of science so much, as the fault lies within ourselves and our very nature as a complex human animal, where reason and evidence only play a part, in our whole being. The rest of a human being is made of emotions and feelings which refuse to deal with the other part. Intellectuals are trying to warn you against these pitfalls and one's mental awakening depends on how open one is to these new thoughts and facts of science.
Recently cosmologists took on the idea that the universe may be full of stuff like dark matter or energy - that we can't perceive with any of our senses or equipment available now. Just because you cannot see or perceive it, you cannot say it doesn't exist! You can first form a theory to explain some of the anomalies in your observations, find out ways to prove or disprove it, fit things into theories with these facts, then go ahead to understand things. There are things in this universe that are beyond your perceptions and feelings too! That is where science tries to fill the gap and show the true picture.
But if there were only one tribe in the world who could only dream and feel and think others can't explain these things, then I'm afraid this thinking would become only tiny footnotes in the history books of the mankind.
What is the point in being pessimistic? A positive attitude is a lot more fun. Life is a journey of learning, not a destination of preconceived notions. Continue to explore, seek, and experience the power of knowledge by investing in scientific education.
He who has imagination without learning has wings and no feet - Joseph Joubert
Open the box on the top of your body, you will see the full picture. You will experience more beauty and heaven in the combination of science and art. If you want to shut your mind off and live in a world of limitations, no body will stop you. The choice is yours! - Krishna
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Who is this person who is still living in the last century?
Krishna, you are doing a good job in educating people. Good and fitting reply. Fully agree with you.
I am not surprised. Some still live in a cocoon and refuse to come out of it. Krishna, you have to ask the question whether this is the result of the failure of the scientific community. You are trying your best but still how many are reading everything posted here? On the internet? Are artists really interested in science education? Do they try to educate themselves more? Are they willing to come with you? After reading this I see a big question mark staring at us.
I think nihilistic attitude is malicious even for the person which manifests itself in this way.
These people are lacking aesthetic pleasure which appears as a pulse when we look at the rosy.
Shape and color of the rose are in the divine program. They attract visitors who make to increase their beauty more.
In this divine program contains also people fine emotions (effect described by J.P, Sartre) that arise when we look rosy.
For some people these emotions are short-lived and are not made aware
Painted forms can cause synesthesia to sensitive persons, they evoke while observing
painted shape, tactile sensations and other associations.
I' m interested in science education and application
I have here in italy suggested to an artist artisan to study also scientific processes especially in technological fields application
i try here the necessity to artists to be near culture and also science also for technological processes but is very difficult..
i hope one a day they'll do
Art is for me a way of living and togeather with science they open the door o my mind.
Hmmm.... a beautiful explanation of emotions and feelings.... science plus art....I am convinced
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