Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


Stereoscopic photography art belongs to the realm bioptical art.

I try to translate in bioptical art, some common photo , following

procedures described in the chapter (link):


8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics



We know about "variations on a theme" in music. Variations are introduced in a certain theme in point of melody (to a certain extent), rhythm, relative values of the notes, harmony. Some composers are known to revive the works of other musicians, as a homage. It is also known that composers use to introduce cadences of their own in the concertos created by others. 
The bioptical art permits to introduce similar modalities, as I shall show in the following lines.


 88 fig1

This is the photo Sahara Desert ..... (used in publicity - I have not managed to identify the author)



The equation that describes this form is solved by wind intensity, applied to particles of sand.


The resulting shape may be registered in minimalism: an execution that tends to perfection, simplified form, which resembles not with usual forms and causing the sensation that became dominant.


It contains a curve, observed and primitive man.


Among by the primitive feelings conception to perfection, to supreme faith, were caused, among others, line ocean horizon, the circular shape of the month ........ which he added was the brilliance of lightning, which is accompanied

by overwhelming warning of thunder.


77 fig2

 Vaiations on a theme  :  composition in  bioptical art


 And variant to be seen with the  crossed eyes

  Distance contemplation, 0.5 ... 1 meters


  I mention evolution by simplifying forms abstract to Piet Mondrian,

   forms which I have described in the article:

About some perspectives in the Science-Art


   with completions in:

8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics




 Maybe Mondrian had to force lines of trees image gravitational field that runs through the heart of the tree and make it grow to the sky as miraculous, perpendicular to the sea horizon.

As in Euclidean, Mondrian is linked to postulate his, but the man is living the dream of weightlessness that it liberates the land, it should invent a postulate transmondrian that could be and one that causes sensations amateriale opposite of gravity and "the brunt" psychic . Tests somehow my accomplishments are situated precisely on the opportunities for communication in the visual arts, especially those that can cause sensations until the the brunt.


In Romanian

Poate cã Mondrian a avut pentru arbori imaginea liniilor de fortã ale câmpului gravific care trece prin inima bradului si il face sã creascã miraculos drept cãtre cer, perpendicular pe orizontul mãrii.

Ca si în euclidian, Mondrian este legat de postulatul sãu, dar omul trãieste visul imponderabilului ce-l elibereazã de terestru, pentru care ar trebui inventat un postulat transmondrian, care ar putea fi si acela care provoacã senzatiile amateriale opuse gravificului si "greului" psihic. Încercãrile si cumva reusitele mele se situeazã tocmai pe extinderea posibilitãtilor de comunicare în artele vizuale, în special acelea care pot provoca senzatii de anulare a greului.



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