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Genetic mutations that persist in remission might be the cause for relapse and low survival rate in leukemia

A new research suggests that lingering cancer-related mutations – detected after initial treatment with chemotherapy – are associated with an increased risk of relapse and poor survival in deadly form of leukemia . Using genetic profiling to study bone marrow samples from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), researchers found that those whose cells still carried mutations 30 days after the initiation of chemotherapy were about three times more likely to relapse and die than patients whose bone marrow was cleared of these mutations.

The study, by a team at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is published on Aug. 25, 2015 in JAMA.

While the genetic profiling of cancer is not yet routine, such testing typically is performed only at the time of diagnosis to try to pinpoint how aggressive a tumor is and whether it will respond to a particular treatment. The new findings suggest a different approach, one that focuses less on the specific set of mutations present in a patient’s tumor at the time of diagnosis and more on whether those mutations are cleared by initial treatment with chemotherapy.

“Most patients diagnosed with AML fall into a gray area when it comes to being able to predict their risk of relapse,” said senior author Timothy J. Ley, MD, the Lewis T. and Rosalind B. Apple Professor of Oncology in the Department of Medicine. “About 80 percent of AML patients go into remission with chemotherapy, but most of them eventually will relapse. Unfortunately, we still don’t have a definitive test that tells us early on which patients will relapse.

“Such information is important to know because high-risk patients need aggressive, potentially curative therapy with a stem-cell transplant when they are in remission, early in the course of the disease. However, we don’t want to transplant patients who are unlikely to relapse following conventional chemotherapy because the transplant procedure is expensive and carries a significant risk of severe side effects and even death.”​​​​​​​​​​

AML is a cancer of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.

The current study was retrospective, meaning that the researchers looked at bone marrow samples from patients whose outcomes were already known. The investigators studied leukemic bone marrow samples obtained at diagnosis from 71 AML patients treated at the Siteman Cancer Center​ at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University.

Genome sequencing and analysis were performed at the university’s McDonnell Genome Institute.
The researchers first sequenced the 71 bone marrow samples obtained at the time of diagnosis to see if specific leukemia-related mutations found in each patient’s AML cells correlated with relapse after initial treatment with chemotherapy. But they found that such mutations were no more informative than standard methods for assessing risk of relapse.

The researchers then conducted genome sequencing on bone marrow samples that had been obtained from 50 patients at the time of diagnosis and again 30 days after the initiation of chemotherapy, when they were in remission. Analyzing these samples, the researchers found that 24 patients had persistent mutations in bone marrow cells after chemotherapy, even though by standard clinical measures they were in remission. This suggested that at least some leukemia cells had survived the initial therapy. In several cases, these same cells were shown to expand and contribute to relapse.

Those with persistent mutations had a median survival of only 10.5 months, compared with 42 months for the 26 patients whose leukemia mutations had been cleared by initial chemotherapy.

“If our results are confirmed in larger, prospective studies, genetic profiling after initial chemotherapy could help oncologists predict prognosis early in the course of a patient’s leukemia and determine whether that patient has responded to the chemotherapy – without having to wait for the cancer to recur,” said first author Jeffery M. Klco, MD, PhD, now at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “This approach to genetic profiling, which focuses on performing genome sequencing after a patient’s initial treatment, also may be useful for other cancers.”

Pastore and Levine call for next steps to include the development of assays to detect residual disease after AML treatment, and the formulation of therapeutic regimens to target such residual disease, with the goal of improving outcomes for patients with AML.

Source: Association between mutation clearance after induction therapy and outcomes in acute myeloid leukemia. Klco JM, Miller CA, Griffith M, Petti A, Spencer DH, Ketkar-Kulkarni S, Wartman LD, Christopher M, Lamprecht TL, Helton NM, Duncavage EJ, Payton JE, Baty J, Health SE, Griffith OL, Shen D, Hundal J, Chang GS, Fulton R, O’Laughlin M, Fronick C, Magrini V, Demeter RT, Larson DE, Kulkarni S, Ozenberger BA, Welch JS, Walter MJ, Graubert TA, Westervelt P, Radich JP, Link DC, Mardis ER, DiPersio JF, Wilson RK and Ley TJ. JAMA. Aug. 25, 2015.

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Why Some Leukemia Cells Have Normal-Looking Chromosomes About one third of acute myeloid leukemia cases have normal-looking chromosomes due to a mutation in a protein known as nucleophosmin
In a study published in Scientific Reports, researchers have identified a correlation between the protein nucleophosmin (NPM) and the development of an aggressive form of blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The findings mean that NPM may potentially become a target protein for future cancer therapy drug development. AML is a cancer of the bone marrow and blood, in which abnormal blood cells are created. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues in the body, white blood cells fight infection and platelets stop bleeding by clotting the blood. Any abnormality in these cells can have devastating effects on these critical processes. AML is the most common form of blood cancer in adults and progresses very rapidly if left untreated. While NPM has long been known as an important housekeeping gene that regulates various cellular functions in the body, its association with AML was only established in the last decade. In earlier studies, the team led by Professor Lim Tit Meng from the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore (NUS) established that NPM is vital for normal cell death and cell differentiation, and it was observed that mutated NPM actually inhibits programmed cell death. While conducting further studies on the novel functions of the protein, Lim and PhD candidate, Ms. Narisa Chan, uncovered a puzzling phenomenon. They found that while about 50 to 60 percent of AML cells show abnormal chromosomes which contribute to genomic instability as a hallmark of cancer, a significant portion of AML cells (about 40 to 50 percent) possess normal-looking chromosomes. Upon further investigation, they discovered that the mutated form of NPM—called NPMc—which is found in about one-third of AML cases, is associated with a novel cellular mechanism that develops AML cells containing normal chromosomes. Centrosomes are responsible for the separation of chromosomes during cell division, a vital process for cellular and tissue development. Each human cell has 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes and when they divide, the resulting daughter cells must also contain the same number of chromosomes. Centrosomes are responsible for ensuring proper cell division and the separation of chromosomes. The experimental results showed that the presence of NPMc could suppress centrosome reduplication which would otherwise result in unequal segregation of chromosomes during cell division and lead to genomic instability. The findings from this study therefore explained the prevalence of normal-looking chromosomes in AML cancer cells in about a third of AML cases. With this new knowledge discovery, NPM may potentially become a target protein for future cancer therapy drug development. Lim and his team are currently looking to collaborate with clinician scientists to expand research into clinical sample investigations to further understand the cell biology involving NPM and NPMc.




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