Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Krishna: To be frank, during the initial stages of the pandemic even some general physicians, gastroenterologists, dermatologists, oncologists started saying gibberish here in India! I had to correct them several times. That is the consequence of ignorance about a topic!
However, once the specific specialist scientists started publishing research papers on the topic, this nonsense stopped.
Did Astrophysicists understood the topic? When specialized science communicators like me made things easier, I think astrophysicists understood it better than most laymen of other fields. Because people from the science arena have an edge over others.
I am a Microbiologist. I am a science communicator too. So I try to have as much knowledge as possible in as many fields as possible. At least basic knowledge to understand the research papers published in various fields of science. Without it, you can never get benefitted by science in a proper way.
I am an artist. A self-made one. I published research papers in art too!
But can an artist publish research papers in science? Highly unlikely!
If you study science, you will get that edge.
Even art needs science? How?
You need special circuits in your brain for creativity. You need knowledge of chemicals to mix them the right way and create art work. You need science for conservation of art. To find out fakes. Art needs science to develop and flourish. You can find out how by clicking on the link below:
This universe was created or came into existence using scientific principles. It runs on scientific principles. You and I exist because of them.
This universe is based on some basic, methodical rules that we call scientific principles and things like gravity and other fundamental forces run this universe. Chemical interactions - including the biological processes - are responsible for the origin of life and sustaining it. Therefore, this universe itself is scientific in nature! Not trusting them is not trusting the very principles this Universe, Nature and Life are based on! Scientists are the people who are trying to unravel the mysteries, the language this universe is working on through the medium of science. They didn't bring these principles from nowhere. They are finding things because they exist. Our understanding of these principles of science might be weak but these concepts are the strongest forces this universe relies on. Scientists sometimes might misunderstand the language, might not use the correct procedures to study it, might mismanage the processes while dealing with their applications, but these should not become excuses to completely dismiss science. Denying fundamental scientific principles is like dismissing your own very existence or the concepts it depends on and living in an illusionary pseudo-world! Intelligent human beings cannot afford to do this! (1)
Science has two aspects to it.
One: The principles with which this universe came into existence (to atheists), or created (to theists) and run by it.
Two: The process with which we study this universe.
People usually take only the second one into consideration, not the first one while dealing with this aspect. But the truth is, without scientific principles, this universe in which we live, wouldn't have come into existence in the first place. Only when the scientific principles based universe came into existence, the consequences like galaxies, stars, planets, origin of life, its evolution, human beings and finally their religions and art became a reality.
So science is the basis for everything (2).
Studying and understanding ‘the science of this universe’ (one) using science (two) is an absolute essentiality to utilize it the right way and get benefitted by it.
Be it agriculture, or medicine, communication, transportation, construction, art, you cannot name any field that is not benefited by science now.
Because some scientists studied covid-19 and the pandemic, we were able to bring it under control. If nobody studied it and if they just kept painting pictures, imagine the situation!
If scientists (who studied agricultural science) never tried to improve crop yields, found disease resistant varieties, the ever-growing population of the world wouldn’t have survived the food scarcity.
Had scientists not found drugs and other medical equipment by studying medical science, half of humanity would have perished.
If your life span increased it ‘s because of science.
Without science and tech, more people would have died of natural calamities
Because at least some people have studied science, gave their everything to the field, the world is what it is today.
Without it humanity cannot survive in the present situation.
Follow the arts like the majority of the people in the world are doing if you want , but studying science by some people is a must for humanity's survival.
When the whole world is sleeping peacefully, the people who studied science are losing theirs to solve its problems.
"Science is heroic. It fuels the economy, it feeds the world, it fights disease"
Ignore science at your own peril!
If you get into life and death situations , you will understand the importance of science education.
Read this article by clicking on the link to know how : How scientific illiteracy can harm you...
If you think studying science is irrational, nobody can save you!
Image source: JBM Global School
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