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Living a good life is not all about eating everything you want. It is about good health too.

Q: Should I eat healthier and live longer or eat what I want and probably die earlier?

Krishna: I think food is not 'all about living longer and dying young’.
Whether you live long or die young, you should have a 'good healthy' life without any suffering as long as you live.
Do you want a heavy body that troubles you and doesn't allow you to take even a few steps without making you breathless*?
Do you want a pot belly* that leads to heart disease, diabetes and liver problems during a short life?
Do you want to undergo two to three bypass surgeries during your short life? And take life long insulin injections twice a day?
Do you want damaged kidneys, which can't regulate blood pressure and can lead to several other health complications?

Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity (1)

Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver diseases, some cancers, breathing problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fertility problems, sexual function problems, mental health problems, sleep apnea, asthma, high inflammation and oxidative stress.

Can you live happily with all these things hammering your body day in and day out? You cannot enjoy life at all! Living a good life is not all about eating everything you want. It is about good health too.
Now don't argue even lean people who eat healthy can get these diseases and health conditions. Yes, they too can sometimes get them but they don't have a 'high risk' of getting them.
You can lead a relatively healthy (good) life if you have control over your food urges. Only when you lead a healthy life, can you enjoy your life.
Eat whatever you want but not daily, only occasionally. Eat healthy food daily.

*(Get this right: this is not 'body shaming'. When a doctor says 'you are fat or overweight' and asks you to reduce your fat, he has your health concerns on his mind, not your beauty. He definitely has no intention of shaming you. Likewise, science and scientists care about your health, not your attractiveness)

1. Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity - NIDDK.

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