Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Q: Why do people with high BP get angry easily?

Krishna: This is a two way process.

If the stress and anger   persists for a long period high BP can  occur. Stress and anger are  also related to heart disease.

Uncontrolled anger also triggers our body's fight-or-flight response, which includes the release of stress hormones. This frequent flood of stress hormones can eventually cause long-term health problems including high blood pressure.
People with high blood pressure have more trouble than others in picking up emotional cues. Researchers reported that people with high blood pressure were less reactive when shown photographs and text passages meant to trigger emotions including fear, anger and happiness (1).

This weakened response could be called "emotional dampening".people with emotional dampening may have a hard time recognizing emotions. They misunderstand others' behaviour and get angry and this might lead to high BP. 

Q: Do Vitamin D supplements prevent or control covid-19?

A study from researchers in Brazil provides a more robust answer to at least one key question: can vitamin D help prevent COVID-19 complications in particularly ill hospitalized patients? According to the results, the answer appears to be no.

The study found that high doses of vitamin D administered to hospital patients with moderate or severe COVID-19 did not affect the course of the disease.

Effect of a Single High Dose of Vitamin D3 in Patients With Moderat...

Study confirms high doses of vitamin D have no effect on COVID-19

Q: Why is the recent discovery of titanosaur fossils in Australia astonishing?

Krishna: Exciting, not astonishing, because it is the largest found in Australia,  and one of the biggest in the world. The titanosaur would have been up to 6.5m (21ft) tall and 30m long, or "as long as a basketball court".

The team of researchers had nicknamed the dinosaur Cooper ( scientific name : Australotitan cooperensis while working on it, after the nearby Cooper Creek where it was found.

 It is an entirely newly discovered  species of long-necked titanosaur sauropod dinosaur that lived between 92 and 96 million years ago. Cooper grazed on plants, weighed about 70 tons, reached nearly 98 feet in length and stood as high as a two-story building.

These types of "dinosaur giants" have largely been found in South America so far -- making this discovery in Australia all the more rare.

Q: Who decides what is good or bad science?

Krishna: What decides? Scientific method!

And people who follow it strictly (like scientists) keep a watch on their peers using the standards of it.

Q: How can real science be turned into pseudoscience?

Krishna: Genuine science never turns into pseudo-science.

Now what is genuine science? The one that follows scientific method strictly to establish facts.

What is pseudo-science? The one that takes alternate routes, not scientific method, but pretends to follow the right one to mislead people.

Pseudo-science is pseudo-science and genuine science is genuine science. Period!

Q: Is it true that China has created an artificial sun?

Krishna: It isn’t actually ‘Sun’ or a star like Sun. China has created nuclear fission reactor, known as “Artificial sun” because it mimics the energy-generation process of the Sun. Nuclear fission is a promising technology that can produce enormous amounts of clean energy with very few waste products.

The purpose of the artificial sun is to replicate the process of nuclear fusion, which is the same reaction that powers the sun.

Q: Why is science limited to the natural explanations of how the world works?

Krishna: Right. If I say this is a bit twisted perception to support what people imagine as supernatural?

Let me start with an example. Earlier people used to explain the day and night phenomenon in this way: When the Sun God travels around the Earth in his seven horse run-chariot, whenever he appears, days happen and whenever he goes to the other side of the Earth, nights happen.

This story is pure imagination about the supernatural.

But science tried and found out the truth and exactly the way things happen and blasted your supernatural theory.

That is how science deals with supernaturals and strange imaginations too by blowing them up. By just finding the right facts with evidence.

Likewise science destroyed the ghost sightings and other paranormal phenomena too. Like this: Science and the paranormal

If something exists in this world, science deals with it directly.

If it just exists in your imagination, it deals with it indirectly by finding the facts about it and melting your imagination.

If you still insist you want to believe in it, it is your headache but don’t ask others who got back to their senses by following science too to follow you. Because, we can’t!

And if you say something is true, you got to provide evidence too. It is your baby. You have to bring it up and see that it grows into a healthy adult. You can’t ask science or others to bring it up. If you can’t do that it will die a natural death when science progresses. Don’t blame science or scientists for that.

We are in no way responsible for your wild imagination baby’s death.

Q: If ghosts really don't exist, then why are people acting so strangely in Mehandipur Balaji Temple?

Krishna: Heard about  mass hysteria? If one person does something, all the others too do the same, especially during religious ceremonies.

List of mass hysteria cases - Wikipedia

Some paranormal experiences are easily explainable, based on faulty activity in the brain. Reports of poltergeists invisibly moving objects seem to be consistent with damage to certain regions of the right hemisphere that are responsible for visual processing; certain forms of epilepsy, meanwhile, can cause the spooky feeling that a presence is stalking you close by – perhaps underlying accounts of faceless “shadow people” lurking in the surroundings.
Some of the experiences people describe as encounters with the supernatural had been reproduced in labs by stimulating certain parts of the human brain.

Science and the paranormal

Science can explain all these things and I gave 22 reasons why people hallucinate ghosts in the above article.

Just because you don’t understand something, you just cannot call it a ghost activity.

Watch these videos below to know more about this...

Q: What are the differences between superstitions and scientifically base beliefs?

Krishna: Scientifically based beliefs? No such things exist.

Because if you chase a belief - which is defined as acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof - with science, either it disappears or when evidence is shown establishes itself as a fact, it no longer is a belief.

Just beliefs are not scientifically based, they are blind without evidence.

Oh yes, some people try to authenticate their beliefs using science, creating pseudo-science in the process.

Superstitions are completely and hopelessly irrational beliefs.

Q: What is the scientific explanation for Sati Pratha in Hinduism?

Krishna: There is no scientific explanation for Sati. It is a custom originated in a patriarchal society based on people’s beliefs and perceptions.

Satipratha is , on occasion, used as a term signifying the custom of burning widows alive. Sati appears in Hindi and Sanskrit texts, where it is synonymous with "good wife". Widows who declined to die were held in disgrace.

An important theory, by Hawley, is that sati started as a "nonreligious, ruling-class, patriarchal" ideology but later spread as a gilded status symbol of "valour", "honour" and "purity" (1)

Other theories that have been proposed:

1. that sati was believed to be supported by Hindu scriptures by the 19th century

2. that sati was encouraged by unscrupulous neighbours because it was a means of property annexation from a widow who had the right to inherit her dead husband's property under Hindu law and sati helped eliminate the inheritor

3. poverty was so extreme during the 19th century that sati was a means of escape for a woman with no means or hope of survival

Two other terms related to sati are sativrata and satimata. Sativrata, an uncommon and seldom used term,denotes the woman who makes a vow, vrata, to protect her husband while he is alive and then die with her husband. Satimata denotes a venerated widow who committed sati.

Sati only became really widespread during the Muslim invasions of India, and the practice of sati now acquired an additional meaning as a means to preserve the honour of women whose men had been slain to avoid becoming a captive and avoid "rape, torture and other ignominies"(1).

Widowhood for Hindu women during the medieval period had extreme desolation and misery due to the influence of slavery practices in the Muslim ruled kingdoms. Widows chose sati sacrifice as an honourable solution rather than a shameful fate (1).

When the British rule started, the British officials studied this practice in detail and condemned it because ancient Hindu texts never proposed and encouraged this barbaric practice.

The Principal campaigners against Sati were reformers such as William Carey and Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

On 4 December 1829 Lord Bentinck issued Regulation XVII declaring Sati to be illegal and punishable in criminal courts.

Following the outcry after the sati of Roop Kanwar, the Indian Government enacted the Rajasthan Sati Prevention Ordinance, 1987 on 1 October 1987 and later passed the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987.

But still some people with patriarchal mindset support sati.

There absolutely is no science attached to this practice.


  1. Sati (practice) - Wikipedia

Q: Why are there such things as scientists in the world?

Krishna: Scientists are not ‘things’ if thing means an inanimate object distinguished from a living being.

Scientists are not things if they are separate and distinct individual quality, fact, or idea.

Scientists are not things if the definition of a thing is an object, an act, or a step.

They are somewhat things if the meaning is entity.

If there aren’t any scientists in the world, the world will never progress.

Without science and scientists, there is no human growth, no technological advances, no knowledge generation and the world stagnates. Science is knowledge and without an investment in science the world as we know it would not be possible. Without science the world would stop. That would mean the handcuffing of the human generation to watch helplessly unconcerned to be swallowed by their problems.

To prevent all those horrible things from happening, the things called scientists came into existence.

A scientist is important for the world because s/he chooses to look at the world in a special way, a way that can be useful and can help us understand ourselves better. There are many approaches to exploring and appreciating the world. Science is the best of all.

Q: Is it true that the Covishield vaccine is made up of gorilla blood?


Oh my!

The COVISHIELD™ Vaccine includes the following ingredients: L-Histidine, L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, Polysorbate 80, Ethanol, Sucrose, Sodium chloride, Disodium edetate dihydrate (EDTA), Water for injection.


Did you see the word ‘blood’ in the list?

Simian adenoviruses are isolated from non-human primates like the chimpanzee and gorilla and do not infect humans. Scientists took a common cold virus that infected chimpanzees and engineered it to become the building block of a vaccine against almost anything. The virus from chimps is genetically modified so it cannot cause an infection in people. It can then be modified again to contain the genetic blueprints for whatever you want to train the immune system to attack. This target is known is an antigen.

Now where is blood involved in this?

No, Covishield vaccine is not made of gorilla’s blood.

No, Covishield vaccine is not made of gorilla’s blood.

No, Covishield vaccine is not made of gorilla’s blood.

No, Covishield vaccine is not made of gorilla’s blood.

Is that enough?

Q: What is 'vaccine shopping'?

Krishna: Yes, some people  “vaccine shop” - meaning they are willing to forgo one company's vaccine to get one of the alternatives. Why do people do this?

People make all sorts of informed or non-informed decisions about which one to use. Brand reputation, fears created by the media and the scope of the label are some of the biggest contributors to those decisions.

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