Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Krishna: Human mind inadequacies. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. How a human mind uses this tool called science dictates how successful we can get.

Scientific principles are connected to this universe irrevocably and scientists use science to study them. Scientists are the people who are trying to unravel the mysteries, the language this universe is working on through the medium of science. They didn't bring these principles from nowhere. They are finding things because they exist. Our understanding of these principles of science might be weak but these concepts are the strongest forces this universe relies on. Scientists sometimes might misunderstand the language, might not use the correct procedures to study it, might mismanage the processes while dealing with their applications but they also have course correction techniques. Therefore, it takes a long, long time to explain things.

People say science cannot solve all the problems and doesn't answer all the questions human minds pose. True! But think about this: This universe started with a Big Bang ( according to one theory - which is not yet proved!) some 14 Billion years ago. But science is just a few hundred years old.

The universe in which we find ourselves is about 14,000,000,000 years old, planet Earth is about 5,000,000,000 years old, the species Homo sapiens, to which we belong, 300,000 years old, and modern science a mere 500 years old ( all approximate, not exact years) .

Science ( the process with which we try to study and understand this universe) is still in its infancy. It has to learn a lot, study a lot, think a lot, experiment a lot and then only it can come up with all the answers we are seeking right now. How can you expect a child to solve all the problems of his ancestors? And answer the questions posed by his great, great, great, great grand fathers? Is it appropriate to even expect such a thing? I don't think so.

There is science ( the laws that govern this universe) every millimeter and Angstrom of this universe. And the universe is unimaginably vast! But the scientists are so few! How can the limited number of scientists read the language this universe is written in such a less time?

Moreover, there are more pressing problems like saving lives, more food production for the ever increasing population. We can’t waste our time on less important ones. But we get ridiculed for our choices of problems!

We should be amazed at how we have been able to get so far in understanding the things in this universe despite our inadequacies! Science is doing its best with the limited resources it has to both answer the questions and solve the problems. As the time goes by, I am pretty sure, it will succeed more and more. Please have patience! Give science some time.

According to scientists, there are many, many phenomena that science can’t currently explain for purely practical reasons: they’re too difficult or dangerous or expensive or time-consuming to investigate. But there is no genuine phenomenon we know of which can’t be explained in principle by science.
When these obstacles are removed, science can slowly move forward and explain the things you think is beyond science now.

And let me assure you when science answers these Qs, they will not be silly stories but universe-shivering true facts.

A slow, steady and authentic process is better than untested and hasty explanations that don't make any sense.

Another way to put it: It is not science that cannot explain things, but us. Science is merely a tool and is as good or as bad as the one who wields it.

Q: Where does science go wrong with the diagnoses of medical conditions?

Krishna: Science doesn’t go wrong, people who handles it go wrong because of human mind inadequacies and improper training. Get that right first.
A chain is as strong as its weakest link. How a human mind uses this tool called science dictates how successful we can get.
Q: Why nowdays scientist like Nikola Tesla Albert Einstein are not born and give such  incredible theories? Michael Faraday have around 16401+ Discoveries which is incredibly unbelievable in our century. Nikola found technology of how to be invisible.

Krishna: Scientists are made, not born.

In earlier centuries, knowledge, as we know it now, was less. Scientists were few and more dedicated to learn more and more about the basics. There weren't so many PhDs. Moreover, they mostly used trial and error methods in the initial stages. There was no competition for paper publication.

Tesla studied engineering and physics in the 1870s without receiving a degree, gaining practical experience in the early 1880s working in telephony and at Continental Edison in the new electric power industry.

Michael Faraday received a basic education at Sunday school. When he was an apprentice bookbinder, he was offered a ticket to attend chemical lectures by Humphry Davy. The lectures inspired Faraday to become a scientist. He eventually became Davy’s laboratory assistant, enabling him to learn chemistry from one of the greatest practitioners of the day.

Edison had a very little formal education as a child. He attended school only for three months, the only formal schooling he ever had. He was taught reading, writing and arithmetic by his mother, who was a school teacher. Edison's mother encouraged his curious son to learn things for himself.

But as Knowledge increased, it became more and more complicated. Scientific knowledge now requires years of education at the college level and beyond now.

Now people need lots of funding to do scientific research as the equipment became more sophisticated and costly.

But are today's scientists any less dedicated or unintelligent? NO!

The things that are now limiting our capacity are funds, complexity of knowledge, more difficult problems, and the systems that put roadblocks.

Now groups of scientists work to solve the complex problems. We even use AI. In life sciences alone there are many breakthroughs. Covid 19 vaccines developed in record breaking time (1) is a very good example.

There are so many research reports, inventions and discoveries in almost all the fields that it is becoming extremely difficult to keep up.

I read only a part of the work daily to report here. It is amazing how we 're able to cope with all this complexity now. Despite everything, science is progressing at a break-neck speed. Admire that.


  1. Qs people asked me on science and my replies to them - part 217

Q: What makes scientific knowledge replicable?

Krishna: We get the scientific knowledge by studying the universe around us, things that constitute this universe, which are science (scientific principle) based. This is constant under similar conditions in which you study it. It doesn’t change unless the conditions are changed.

This is what makes scientific knowledge replicable. You get the same results even if you study them for infinite times. You get the same results anywhere in this universe provided the conditions in which you are studying them are same.

That is why we insist on replication of results. When the results are replicated several times, they become ‘scientific facts’.

Q: People say science keeps changing and we can't trust it. Is it true?

Krishna: Science ( scientific principles) this universe is based on doesn't change. It is constant.  What really is changing is our 'understanding' of it, which we call 'study', because of human mind inadequacies. But still this change is progress as we understand things more accurately as time goes by.

But science has scientific method and it is the best course correction process to arrive at facts. When what we study tallies with the universal principles, scientific facts get established. We can't change these facts that form the basis for our universe.

This universe is based on some basic, methodical rules  what we call scientific principles and things like gravity and other fundamental forces run this universe. Chemical interactions - including the biological processes - are responsible for origin of life and sustaining it. Therefore, this universe itself is scientific in nature! Not trusting them is not trusting the very principles this Universe, Nature and Life are based on!

Please do not equate scientific principles this universe is connected to irrevocably with scientists and the methods they use to study them. Scientists are the people who are trying to unravel the mysteries, the language this universe is working on through the medium of science. They didn't bring these principles from nowhere. They are finding things because they exist. Our understanding of these principles of science might be weak but these concepts are the strongest forces this universe relies on. Scientists sometimes might misunderstand the language, might not use the correct procedures to study it, might mismanage the processes while dealing with their applications, but these should not become excuses to completely dismiss science. Denying fundamental scientific principles is like dismissing your own very existence or the concepts it depends on and living in an illusionary pseudo-world! Intelligent human beings cannot afford to do this!


Q: I think scientists should allow people to take their own decisions. Why do you try to change peoples' minds with regard to alternative medicines?

Krishna: As long as people don't get harmed, we bear the pseudo-scientific things like Homeopathy. But once we think people are being mislead into the harm's way, we will interfere. 

If the information provided is incorrect, if people 're kept in the dark about the bad consequences to exploit them, it would not be right on our part to keep quiet. 

Q: Can science ever be weird?

Krishna: That depends on a person’s perception of things.

Meaning of weird(1): 1. suggesting something supernatural; unearthly, unnatural.

NO, science can’t be any of these things.

2. connected with fate.


3. a person's destiny


4. induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone.

Some people might feel these things, if they are not mentally prepared for things scientific.

Some might not feel them, if they are prepared.

For me, as a scientist, science is not weird at all. Even if all the meanings of weird ‘re taken into account.

What is there to disbelieve and feel alienation? Even Quantum mechanics, like some here suggested, doesn’t surprise me.

Weird is the word used mostly by journalists to create interest in their stories and people outside of the field of science to express surprise that their beliefs are disproved.


  1. weird meaning - Google Search

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Q: Scientists are they depressed, but good one cause they never laugh? Always thinking why?
Krishna: NO, we are not depressed. But very thrilled and excited.

Who says we don’t laugh? Only thing is “silly things or jokes’’ don’t make us laugh. You need more ‘intelligent talk’ to make us laugh.

If we don’t think in a different, rational and the right way, the world cannot progress in the way it is doing right now.

I hope I answered all you Qs.


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