Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Why don't we train our medical personnel properly? Why don't we get our knowledge updated as frequently as possible? This is the Q I ask myself almost every day!
I still remember the days when I got my first and second jabs of COVID vaccines. The first time, I took it on my left arm. Then when I went for a booster dose, I asked the nurse to give it to me in my right arm. She adamantly refused! "We have instructions to give all the vaccinations to left hands only", she told me!
Who gave those instructions and why? Medical Council of India? Or hospital doctors and management? No answers! So in order to take vaccination, I had to comply with their rules and took all my vaccinations in my left hand only!
Hmmm! Now I read something that made me fume more. Let me share it with you too.
Since the advent of vaccines more than two centuries ago, researchers have studied all sorts of ways in which inoculation with a weakened pathogen (or parts thereof) can prepare the immune system for a full attack – exploring different dosages, vaccine agents, and forms of administration.
In all that time, very few experts have investigated the question: Does it matter which arm gets vaccinated?
To get a clearer picture, researchers tested the antibody levels of 947 participants who received a two-dose COVID-19 vaccination.
It turned out to be one of the more significant things they've found, and it's probably not limited to just COVID vaccines.
"We may be seeing an important immunologic function."
When a vaccine is given in muscle, the antigens in the medicine are recognized by immune cells, which 'handcuff' the invaders and take them to the lymph nodes for further questioning. This then primes the immune system against this particular antigen by sort of sending out wanted signs of the invader.
While more research needs to be done to understand the pros and cons of vaccinating different arms, researchers say they won't hesitate to switch it up for their next booster.
Research paper evidence:
Now I want to meet these nurses who carried out those silly instructions and others who 're responsible for framing silly rules and show them this evidence and ask them to go to medical colleges again to learn updated knowledge and do things correctly.
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