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Krishna: Roaches are pests that everyone wants to get rid of. Instead of using artificial chemicals to get rid of them, it is better to use their natural enemies.

Cockroach Source: google images

Cockroaches are known far and wide as one of the world’s most annoying, and stubborn, pests. Roaches are very successful insects. Roaches eat just about anything, but, what eats roaches?

With thousands of species and millions upon millions of individuals scattered across the planet, there are plenty of creatures that make meals of these armored insects. So what are their natural enemies?

Amphibians like toads, frogs and salamanders.

Small mammals like rats, mice, opossums, and raccoons eat roaches.

Other insects and spiders. Yes ,there are plenty of other insects that eat roaches. Everything from spiders to praying mantis will eat a cockroach, if given the chance. [ please note that Spiders are not insects scientifically speaking, but some ordinary people consider them as insects in this part of the world.. While spiders and insects are distant ancestors they are not the same type of animal.

Both insects and spider are invertebrates with an exoskeleton though there are a handful of characteristics that set insects apart from spider. Insects fall under the class Insecta while spiders fall under the Arachnida class. An insect has six legs two compound eyes three body parts (head thorax and segmented abdomen) two antennae and generally four wings. Comparing the body of an insect to that of a spider you will notice quite a few differences. Spiders and other species in the Arachnida group have eight legs with only two body parts as well as eight eyes. A spider’s head and thorax are fused while their abdomen is not segmented. Spiders also do not have distinct wings or antennae like insects.]

Birds. All insect-eating birds eat roaches, including roadrunners, jays, owls, shrikes, magpies, and robins.

Reptiles. You must have seen a hunting lizard in action several times. It’s not just lizards that eat roaches either; snakes and young crocodiles and alligators will also feast on cockroaches. In particular, young snakes, or species of snake that don’t grow very large, may make up a large portion of their diet from cockroaches. Alligators and crocodiles will eat any moving thing as they grow, and in certain areas, may rely mostly on things like insects and fish.

Cockroaches. Yes, cannibalism! Roaches eat other roaches. Cockroaches don’t have a long lifespan, most live less than three years. And, they breed in great numbers, with many of the nymphs never making it to adulthood. So, just what’s a cockroach to do with all those dead roaches? Well, in the cockroach world, nothing goes to waste. If a roach dies and there are other roaches around, you can be sure that at least part of it will go to feed the next generation.

Now, don't say 'chee' when you read this. But this is true: Humans! Yes, cockroaches can be eaten roasted, fried, or sauteed in some parts of the world. Cockroaches are Edible and healthy to eat and they are high in protein levels. But yes it should he cooked properly to kill its bacteria present on its body. We probably consider eating insects as disgusting and we don’t even consider them. But in many cultures people eat them and other insects and include them in their diet. In Thailand they consider Cockroaches a yummy dish especially when it is deep fried in the oil to get that crunchy texture and taste (1).

Cockroach dish! Image source: The Hans India

Now answering this Q made me very uncomfortable!

Because I don’t have even a single cockroach in my home as I don’t allow them at all and take all the precautions to avoid them.


  1. Cockroaches are Edible ,HIGH IN PROTEIN and HEALTHY TO EAT

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