Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Krishna: Let me show you a new and full picture of science.

Science has two aspects to it:

One: The principles with which this universe came into existence (to atheists), or created (to theists) and run by it.

Everything in this universe is science based. The universe can’t exist without these scientific principles. There is nothing in this universe that is not science dependent.

Two: The process with which we study this universe.

Now life, for that matter everything in this universe, came into existence because of scientific principles that govern  this universe. Without these principles, this universe would collapse and become non-existent.

That is why these scientific principles are more important than anything else in this universe because everything owes its presence to them.

Whether human beings or any life exist or not, this universe runs on these principles! So the importance of humanity is secondary in nature, according to the first aspect of science.

Now if you take the second aspect of science I mentioned above, i.e., the process with which we study this universe, this is also more important than any human being.

Because if you don’t study the universe/world and find the facts about them, you cannot manipulate them and use the knowledge to your benefit.

Without science there is no human growth, no technological advances, no knowledge generation and the world stagnates. Science contributes to ensuring a longer and healthier life, monitors our health, provides medicine to cure our diseases, alleviates aches and pains, helps us to provide water for our basic needs – including our food, provides energy and makes life more easy to live.

There won’t be an agricultural revolution to feed the ever growing population in the world. Several people die of hunger.

There won’t be vaccines, medicines and management of diseases and health conditions and several people die because of this.

There won’t be predictions of extreme weather conditions and people die because of this too.

If humanity is surviving and flourishing, it is because of science now. If it survives on this planet in the future, it is because of science.

Now you know why science is more important than any living being.

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