Science Simplified!

                       JAI VIGNAN

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'To make  them see the world differently through the beautiful lense of  science'

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientific Jargon - explained
    'Climate Quitting':

    Climate quitting means leaving your job due to concerns about your employer's impact on the climate or because you want to work directly on addressing climate issues.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Milky Way's Black Hole Is Spinning at Near Maximum

    Pick any object in the Universe, and it is probably spinning. Asteroids tumble end over end, planets and moons rotate on their axes, and even black holes spin.

    And for everything that spins, there is a maximum rate at which it can rotate. The black hole in our galaxy is spinning at nearly that maximum rate.

    For objects such as the Earth, the maximum rate of rotation is defined by its surface gravity. The weight we feel while standing on the Earth isn't just due to the gravitational pull of the Earth.

    Gravity pulls us toward the center of our world, but the Earth's rotation also tends to fling us outward away from the Earth. This "centrifugal" force is tiny, but it does mean that your weight at the equator is just slightly less than it is at the north or south pole.

    With our 24-hour day, the weight difference between the equator and pole is just 0.3%. But Saturn's 10-hour day means that the difference is 19%. So much that Saturn bows outward a bit at its equator.

    Now imagine a planet spinning so fast that the difference was 100%. At that point, the gravitational pull of the planet and its centrifugal force at the equator would cancel out.

    If the world were to spin any faster, it would fly apart. It would likely fly apart at an even slower spin rate, but this is clearly the maximum rate of rotation.

    For black holes, things are a bit different. Black holes aren't objects with a physical surface. They aren't made of material that could fly apart. But they still have a maximum rate of rotation.

    Black holes are defined by their tremendous gravity, which distorts space and time around them. The event horizon of the black hole marks the point of no return for nearby objects, but it isn't a physical surface.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The rotation of a black hole also isn't defined by the spin of physical mass, but rather by the twisting of spacetime around the black hole. When objects such as the Earth spin, they twist space around themselves very slightly. It's an effect known as frame dragging.

    The spin of a black hole is defined by this frame-dragging effect. Black holes spin without the physical rotation of matter, just a twisted spacetime structure. This means there is an upper limit to this spin due to the inherent properties of space and time.

    In Einstein's equations of general relativity, the spin of a black hole is measured by a quantity known as a, where a has to be between zero and one. If a black hole has no spin, then a = 0, and if it is at its maximal rotation, then a = 1.

    This brings us to a new study on the rotation of the supermassive black hole in our galaxy. The team looked at radio and X-ray observations of the black hole to estimate its spin.

    Due to the frame-dragging of spacetime near the black hole, the spectra of light from material near it is distorted. By observing the intensity of light at various wavelengths, the team was able to estimate the amount of spin.

    What they found was that the a value for our black hole is between 0.84 and 0.96, which means it's rotating incredibly fast. At the upper range of the estimated rotation, it would be rotating at nearly the maximal rate.

    This is even higher than the spin parameter of the black hole in M87, where a is estimated to be between 0.89 and 0.91.

    Daly, Ruth A., et al. “New Black Hole Spin Values for Sagittarius A* Obtained with the Out....” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023): stad3228.

    Part 2


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Can female fertility survive harsh cancer therapy? Scientists who turned to animal models say the answer is 'yes'

    Cancer treatment can rob childbearing-age women of fertility, but new research has uncloaked how the body's own traitor protein conspires with chemo and other harsh therapies against the ovaries' primordial follicles, home of immature oocytes—the entire ovarian egg reserve.

    A fertility-damaging protein called CHEK2, when triggered by chemo's destruction of DNA, is singlehandedly to blame for coordinating deletion of primordial follicles containing immature eggs—oocytes—according to a research group. 

     But in a stunning discovery, albeit in mouse models conducted as part of the research, the team found that blocking CHEK2 with an inhibitor stops the protein's follicle-destroying activity, preserving the vital ovarian egg reserve and fertility. CHEK2 is an attractive target for future fertility-preserving interventions that ensure reproductive health and the likelihood of a successful pregnancy for women cancer survivors. When CHEK2 is deficient, these scientists say, oocytes can survive chemotherapy.

     Chihiro Emori et al, CHEK2 signaling is the key regulator of oocyte survival after chemotherapy, Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg0898

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Mining asteroids: A new method to extract metals from asteroids

    Extraterrestrial mining and metal processing are key strategies for space exploration. In a new study in Scientific Reports,  a team of scientists in materials science, conducted catalytic dissolution of metals from meteorite proxies of metal-rich asteroids by using a deep eutectic solvent. These solvents are important for extraterrestrial mining since they can be designed to have relatively low vapor pressures and can comprise organic waste products from extraterrestrial settlements.

    The team studied three types of meteorites, two chondrites, and one iron meteorite. The chondrite samples contained silicates with metal-rich phases such as native alloys, sulfides, and oxides, of which, the metallic iron-nickel and troilite formed the most abundant metal-bearing phases in all three samples, with specific hues in the iron-rich meteorite. The scientists subjected the samples to chemical micro-etching experiments with iodine and iron (III) chloride as oxidizing agents in a deep eutectic solvent formed by mixing choline chloride and ethylene glycol.

    It is possible to establish viable extraterrestrial metal extractions, and the efficient use of local materials and resource recovery from space can significantly reduce the mass, cost, and environmental constraints of space missions. These large metal-rich asteroids are parental bodies of iron meteorites and metal-rich carbonaceous chondrites.  These metals can provide a local source of materials to establish a human settlement in space or other terrestrial bodies. Near Earth asteroids contain valuable platinum group metals and iron, nickel, and cobalt greater than that found on the Earth's surface.

    The use of asteroids as mineral and metal resources provide a key step during space exploration with further investigations required for viable economic activity. The proposed technology is at a nascent stage and is very promising for metal recovery.

    Rodolfo Marin Rivera et al, A novel method for extracting metals from asteroids using non-aqueous deep eutectic solvents, Scientific Reports (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-44152-0

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Humans are disrupting natural 'salt cycle' on a global scale

    The planet's demand for salt comes at a cost to the environment and human health, according to a new scientific review . It  revealed that human activities are making Earth's air, soil and freshwater saltier, which could pose an "existential threat" if current trends continue.

    Geologic and hydrologic processes bring salts to Earth's surface over time, but human activities such as mining and land development are rapidly accelerating the natural "salt cycle." Agriculture, construction, water and road treatment, and other industrial activities can also intensify salinization, which harms biodiversity and makes drinking water unsafe in extreme cases.

    When you accumulate so much salt it could affect the functioning of vital parts or ecosystems.

    When people think of salt, they tend to think of sodium chloride, but this work over the years has shown that human beings have disturbed other types of salts, including ones related to limestone, gypsum and calcium sulfate. 

    When dislodged in higher doses, these ions can cause environmental problems.

    Salt has even infiltrated the air. In some regions, lakes are drying up and sending plumes of saline dust into the atmosphere. In areas that experience snow, road salts can become aerosolized, creating sodium and chloride particulate matter.

    Salinization is also associated with "cascading" effects. For example, saline dust can accelerate the melting of snow and harm communities.

     Because of their structure, salt ions can bind to contaminants in soils and sediments, forming "chemical cocktails" that circulate in the environment and have detrimental effects.

    The anthropogenic salt cycle, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s43017-023-00485-y

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Antibiotics for common childhood infections no longer effective in many parts of the world

    A new study has found that drugs to treat common infections in children and babies are no longer effective in large parts of the world, due to high rates of antibiotic resistance.

    The  study found many antibiotics recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) had less than 50% effectiveness in treating childhood infections such as pneumonia, sepsis (bloodstream infections) and meningitis. The findings show global guidelines on antibiotic use are outdated and need updates.

    The most seriously affected regions are in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including neighboring Indonesia and the Philippines, where thousands of unnecessary deaths in children resulting from antibiotic resistance occur each year.

    The WHO has declared that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. In newborns, an estimated three million cases of sepsis occur globally each year, with up to 570,000 deaths. Many of these are due to lack of effective antibiotics to treat resistant bacteria.

    The findings, published in The Lancet regional Health—Southeast Asia, add to mounting evidence that common bacteria responsible for sepsis and meningitis in children are often resistant to prescribed antibiotics.

    The research reveals the urgent need for global antibiotic guidelines to be updated, to reflect the rapidly evolving rates of AMR. 

    The study found that one antibiotic in particular, ceftriaxone, was likely to be effective in treating only one in three cases of sepsis or meningitis in newborn babies.  Another antibiotic, gentamicin, was found likely to be effective in treating fewer than half of all sepsis and meningitis cases in children.

    Gentamicin is commonly prescribed alongside aminopenicillins, which the study showed also has low effectiveness in combating bloodstream infections in babies and children.

    AMR is more problematic for children than adults, as new antibiotics are less likely to be trialed on and made available to children.

    The study analyzed 6,648 bacterial isolates from 11 countries across 86 publications to review antibiotic susceptibility for common bacteria causing childhood infections.

     Coverage gaps in empiric antibiotic regimens used to treat serious bacterial infections in neonates and children in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, The Lancet Regional Health—Southeast Asia (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.lansea.2023.100291

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    How sunflowers 'see' the sun: Study describes a novel mechanism

    Sunflowers famously turn their faces to follow the sun as it crosses the sky. But how do sunflowers "see" the sun to follow it? New work from plant biologists published Oct. 31 in PLOS Biology, shows that they use a different, novel mechanism from that previously thought.

    Most plants show phototropism—the ability to grow toward a light source. Plant scientists had assumed that sunflowers' heliotropism, the ability to follow the sun, would be based on the same basic mechanism, which is governed by molecule called phototropin and responds to light at the blue end of the spectrum.

    Sunflowers swing their heads by growing a little more on the east side of the stem—pushing the head west—during the day and a little more on the west side at night, so the head swings back toward the east. 

    Researchers have  previously shown how sunflowers use their internal circadian clock to anticipate the sunrise, and to coordinate the opening of florets with the appearance of pollinating insects in the morning.

    Indoors, sunflowers grew straight toward the light, activating genes associated with phototropin. But the plants grown outdoors, swinging their heads with the sun, showed a completely different pattern of gene expression. There was no apparent difference in phototropin between one side of the stem and another.

    The researchers have not yet identified the genes involved in heliotropism.

    Blocking blue, ultraviolet, red or far-red light with shade boxes had no effect on the heliotropism response. This shows that there are likely multiple pathways, responding to different wavelengths of light, to achieve the same goal.

    Sunflowers are quick learners. When plants grown in the lab were moved outdoors, they started tracking the sun on the first day. That behaviour was accompanied by a burst of gene expression on the shaded side of the plant that did not recur on subsequent days. That suggests some kind of "rewiring" is going on.

     Apart from revealing previously unknown pathways for light-sensing and growth in plants, the discovery has broad relevance. Things that you define in a controlled environment like a growth chamber may not work out in the real world.

    Multiple light signaling pathways control solar tracking in sunflowers, PLoS Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1371/ … journal.pbio.3002344

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study directly links high insulin levels to pancreatic cancer

    A new study from researchers reveals a direct link between high insulin levels, common among patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, and pancreatic cancer.

    The study, published in Cell Metabolism, provides the first detailed explanation of why people with obesity and type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. The research demonstrates that excessive insulin levels overstimulate pancreatic acinar cells, which produce digestive juices. This overstimulation leads to inflammation that converts these cells into precancerous cells.

    While obesity and type 2 diabetes had previously been established as risk factors for pancreatic cancer, the exact mechanisms by which this occurred remained unclear. This new study sheds light on the role of insulin and its receptors in this process.

    Hyperinsulinemia acts via acinar insulin receptors to initiate pancreatic cancer by increasing digestive enzyme production and inflammation, Cell Metabolism (2023). DOI: 10.1016/ … 1550-4131(23)00372-8

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Star fishes are just heads!

    For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a "starfish." When looking at a worm, or a fish, it's clear which end is the head and which is the tail. But with their five identical arms—any of which can take the lead in propelling sea stars across the seabed—it's been anybody's guess how to determine the front end of the organism from the back. This unusual body plan has led many to conclude that sea stars perhaps don't have a head at all.

    Researchers now have published a study finding that the truth is closer to the absolute reverse. In short, while the team detected gene signatures associated with head development just about everywhere in juvenile sea stars, expression of genes that code for an animal's torso and tail sections were largely missing.

    Researchers used a variety of high-tech molecular and genomic techniques to understand where different genes were expressed during the development and growth of sea stars. A team  used micro-CT scanning to understand the shape and structure of the animal in unprecedented detail.

    In another surprising finding, molecular signatures typically associated with the front-most portion of the head were localized to the middle of each of the sea star's arms, with these signatures becoming progressively more posterior moving out towards the arms' edges.

    The research, published Nov. 1 in Nature, suggests that, far from being headless, over evolutionary time sea stars lost their bodies to become only heads.

    It's as if the sea star is completely missing a trunk, and is best described as just a head crawling along the seafloor.

    Almost all animals, including humans, are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning they can be split into two mirrored halves along a single axis extending from their head to their tail.

    But the body plan of sea stars has long confounded scientists' understanding of animal evolution. Instead of displaying bilateral symmetry, adult sea stars—and related echinoderms, such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers—have a five-fold axis of symmetry without a clear head or tail.

     Laurent Formery, Molecular evidence of anteroposterior patterning in adult echinoderms, Nature (2023). DOI: 10.1038/

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    New insights into the India–Asia collision in the Western Himalayas dating back to circa 55 million years

    New Sangdanlin Section Data Suggests a Large Greater India

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Human emissions have increased mercury in the atmosphere sevenfold: Study

    Humans have increased the concentration of potentially toxic mercury in the atmosphere sevenfold since the beginning of the modern era around 1500 C.E., according to new research .

    Researchers developed a new method to accurately estimate how much mercury is emitted annually from volcanos, the largest single natural emitter of mercury. The team used that estimate—along with a computer model—to reconstruct pre-anthropogenic atmospheric mercury levels. The researchers estimated that before humans started pumping mercury into the atmosphere, it contained on average about 580 megagrams of mercury. However, in 2015, independent research that looked at all available atmospheric measurements estimated the atmospheric mercury reservoir was about 4,000 Mg—nearly 7 times larger than the natural condition estimated in this study. Human emissions of mercury from coal-fired power plants, waste-incineration, industry and mining make up the difference. 

    Methylmercury is a potent neurotoxicant that bioaccumulates in fish and other organisms—including us.

     Benjamin M. Geyman et al, Impacts of Volcanic Emissions on the Global Biogeochemical Mercury Cycle: Insights From Satellite Observations and Chemical Transport Modeling, Geophysical Research Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1029/2023GL104667

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Double gravitational lenses?!

    How cool is it that the very universe we are trying to explore is actually providing us with telescopes to probe the darkest corners of space and time?

    The alignment of large clusters of galaxies is the usual culprit whose gravity bends distant light to give us nature's own telescopes, but now our own Quora  physicist Viktor T Toth poses the question, "Can there be multiple gravitational lenses lined up and can they provide a 'communication bridge' to allow civilizations to communicate?"

     Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity,  describes how the presence of matter can distort space around them. The famous analogy of placing a bowling ball at the center of a large rubber sheet causes a dip centered around the mass of the bowling ball. Any object rolling past the ball would find itself traveling through "curved space" and, therefore, find its path to be altered. This very concept is used successfully by space mission planners to adjust the trajectory of spacecraft exploring the solar system.

    The same concept applies to light as it passes by massive objects like galaxy clusters and is the principle behind the gravitational lense. The first evidence of light being deflected by a massive object was performed in 1919 by Arthur Eddington and Frank Watson Dyson during a total solar eclipse. Gravitational lenses entered the scene 60 years later when they were first observed in 1979 by Dennis Walsh, Bob Carswell, and Ray Weymann using the 2.1m telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    In a fascinating paper authored by Toth and posted to the arXiv preprint server, he explores the possibility that multiple gravitational lenses might provide extra amplification of light to provide a communication bridge between distant civilizations.

    In a conventional gravitational lens, a large mass—such as a cluster of galaxies—sits between a more distant object and the Earth. As the light travels from the distant object, it is bent around the galaxy cluster, providing a lensing effect to astronomers on Earth, allowing them to a) study the distribution of matter in the lensing cluster but also to observe the more distant object a little more easily. Toth proposes that, just like a conventional telescope that uses multiple lenses, a multiple gravitational lens could provide even more amplification than a single system.

    Toth explores combinations of multiple gravitational lenses using a variety of methods but focuses (sorry) attention on a two-lens system (so-called gravitational lens bridge), which is aligned along the central axis of the system, but found no advantages and no additional signal amplification over the results from a single lens system. In addition, photon mapping techniques were applied with the same outcome; a double-lens system offers no advantage over a single-lens system.

    Applying the wave theory of light to the same two-lens system revealed the same results, but using computer graphics to perform ray tracing (which cannot be used to estimate amplification) can help to highlight visual features other techniques would be unable to produce. Using this approach, it suggested a two-lens system would produce two concentric Einstein rings; however, they would be very difficult to detect in real-world scenarios. In summary, then, a fascinating concept, especially the possibility of using a lens bridge for communication with distant civilizations, but the results are less than promising. Yes, there may well be double gravitational lenses, but as this paper shows, it is unlikely we will be able to detect them for now and sadly I suspect the idea of using them as a long-distance cosmic telephone will for now remain science fiction.

     Viktor T. Toth, Non-coplanar gravitational lenses and the "communication bridge", arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2310.15957

    Part 2

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    How Could a Piece of the Moon Become a Near-Earth Asteroid? Researchers Have an Answer

    A team of astronomers has found a new clue that a recently discovered near-Earth asteroid, Kamo`oalewa, might be a chunk of the moon. They hypothesized that the asteroid was ejected from the lunar surface during a meteorite strike–and they found that a rare pathway could have allowed Kamo`oalewa to get into orbit around the sun while remaining close to the orbits of the Earth and the Moon.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientists Just Discovered a New Human Sense of Touch

    A new study reveals a previously undiscovered way that we can feel light touches: directly through our hair follicles. Before now, it was thought that only nerve endings in the skin and around the hair follicles could transmit the sensation.

    Researchers used an RNA sequencing process to find that cells in part of the hair follicle called the outer root sheath (ORS) had a higher percentage of touch-sensitive receptors than equivalent cells in the skin.

    From there, the researchers produced lab cultures of human hair follicle cells together with sensory nerves.
    When the hair follicle cells were mechanically stimulated, the sensory nerves next to them were also activated – showing that touch had been registered.
    The experiments also revealed that the neurotransmitters serotonin and histamine were being released by the ORS cells through tiny sacs called vesicles, as a way of signaling to the surrounding cells.

    Touch-sensing nerve cells are known as mechanoreceptors. They're the reason we can feel everything from a light breeze to a firm press. In this case, the hair follicle cells were interacting specifically with low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs), capable of feeling gentle touches.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Biomimetic melanin heals skin injuries from sunburn and chemical burns

    Melanin in humans and animals provides pigmentation to the skin, eyes and hair. The substance protects your cells from sun damage with increased pigmentation in response to sunlight—a process commonly referred to as tanning. That same pigment in your skin also naturally scavenges free radicals in response to damaging environmental pollution from industrial sources and automobile exhaust fumes.

    Imagine a skin cream that heals damage occurring throughout the day when your skin is exposed to sunlight or environmental toxins. That's the potential of a synthetic, biomimetic melanin developed by scientists.

    In a new study,  scientists show that their synthetic melanin, mimicking the natural melanin in human skin, can be applied topically to injured skin, where it accelerates wound healing. These effects occur both in the skin itself and systemically in the body. When applied in a cream, the synthetic melanin can protect skin from sun exposure and heals skin injured by sun damage or chemical burns, the scientists said.

    The technology works by scavenging free radicals, which are produced by injured skin such as a sunburn. Left unchecked, free radical activity damages cells and ultimately may result in skin aging and skin cancer.

    Topical Application of Synthetic Melanin Promotes Tissue Repair, npj Regenerative Medicine (2023).

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Research shows one sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days

    Most people who have pulled an all-nighter are all too familiar with that "tired and wired" feeling. Although the body is physically exhausted, the brain feels slap-happy, loopy and almost giddy.

    Now neurobiologists are the first to uncover what produces this punch-drunk effect. In a new study, researchers induced mild, acute sleep deprivation in mice and then examined their behaviors and brain activity. Not only did dopamine release increase during the acute sleep loss period, synaptic plasticity also was enhanced—literally rewiring the brain to maintain the bubbly mood for the next few days.

    These new findings could help researchers better understand how mood states transition naturally. It also could lead to a more complete understanding of how fast-acting antidepressants (like ketamine) work and help researchers identify previously unknown targets for new antidepressant medications.

    Chronic sleep loss is well studied, and it's uniformly detrimental effects are widely documented and it is not good.Scientists long have known that acute perturbations in sleep are associated with altered mental states and behaviors. Alterations of sleep and circadian rhythms in patients, for example, can trigger mania or occasionally reverse depressive episodes.

     But brief sleep loss—like the equivalent of a student pulling an all-nighter before an exam—is less understood. Now researchers found that sleep loss induces a potent antidepressant effect and rewires the brain. This is an important reminder of how our casual activities, such as a sleepless night, can fundamentally alter the brain in as little as a few hours.

    Mingzheng Wu et al, Dopamine pathways mediating affective state transitions after sleep loss, Neuron (2023). DOI: 10.1016/


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Wildfire plumes deposit ash on seawater, fueling growth of phytoplankton

    A team of marine biologists has found that large wildfires can deposit large amounts of ash on seawater, fueling the growth of phytoplankton. In their study, reported in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, the group tested the impact of ash from a major wildfire on seawater samples in their lab.

    Prior research has shown that large forest fires and wildfires produce a large amount of ash that remains in the air for a period of time before falling. Prior research has also found that when ash falls onto land, the result is usually positive—the ash serves as a form of fertilizer. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for rivers and lakes—the sudden infusion of large amounts of toxic metals can kill fish and other aquatic creatures such as mollusks. For larger bodies of water, it can lead to algal blooms that remove oxygen from the water, resulting in dead zones. For this new study, the research team tracked wildfire plumes over the ocean. They collected samples of ash generated by the Thomas Fire in 2017 and brought them back to their lab for testing. The team mixed samples with fresh seawater in a jar. After a few days, they found that the ash/water solution contained high levels of dissolved nutrients, such as nitrogen and silicic acid. They found it also contained high levels of metals. The researchers then added more seawater to their ash/water solution that also contained microorganisms native to the ocean. They found that after several days, the number of microorganisms was twice as high as it was in a control sample of seawater. They also noted that they did not find any evidence that the ash had a toxic impact on the sea microorganisms. They suggest their work implies that wildfire plumes that settle on the ocean surface can lead to growth of phytoplankton communities.

    T. M. Ladd et al, Food for all? Wildfire ash fuels growth of diverse eukaryotic plankton, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1817

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa


    Mysteries of fainting revealed Experiments in mice have identified a specific group of sensory neurons that is responsible for syncope, the brief loss of consciousness during fainting. The cells — called NPY2R vagal sensory neurons — are found in the vagus nerve, which connects the brain to the heart and other organs. Scientists activated these cells in mice that were roaming about, which then fainted within a few seconds. Their pupils dilated, their eyes rolled back and their heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate all dipped. The team also found that a region of the brain’s hypothalamus is responsible for recovery from fainting.
    Part 1
  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    What causes fainting? Scientists finally have an answer

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Neurons in the brain stop working very quickly if you deprive them of oxygen or glucose. If you add oxygen again, they’ll simply resume their work and do so just as quickly.

    To better understand what happens inside the brain during syncope, the researchers used electrodes to record the activity of thousands of neurons from various brain regions in mice as the animals fainted. Activity decreased in all areas of the brain, except one specific region of the hypothalamus known as the periventricular zone (PVZ).

    The authors then blocked the activity of the periventricular zone, and the mice experienced longer fainting episodes. Stimulating the region caused the animals to wake up and start moving again. The team suggests that a coordinated neural network that includes NPY2R VSNs and the PVZ regulates fainting and recovery.

    Lovelace, J. W. et al. Nature (2023).

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Wearable devices may prevent astronauts getting 'lost' in space

    Taking space  flight is dangerous. In leaving the Earth's surface, we lose many of the cues we need to orient ourselves, and that spatial disorientation can be deadly. Astronauts normally need intensive training to protect against it. But scientists have now found that wearable devices which vibrate to give orientation cues may boost the efficacy of this training significantly, making spaceflight slightly safer.

    Long-duration spaceflight will cause many physiological and psychological stressors, which will make astronauts very susceptible to spatial disorientation. When disoriented, an astronaut will no longer be able to rely on their own internal sensors, which they have depended on for their whole lives.
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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The researchers used sensory deprivation and a multi-axis rotation device to test their vibrotactors in simulated spaceflight, so the senses participants would normally rely on were useless. Could the vibrotactors correct the misleading cues the participants would receive from their vestibular systems, and could participants be trained to trust them?

    In total, 30 participants were recruited, of whom 10 received training to balance in the rotation device, 10 received the vibrotactors, and the remaining 10 received both. All participants were shown a video of the rotation device and told how it worked: moving like an inverted pendulum until it reached a crash boundary, unless it was stabilized by a person sitting in the device controlling it with a joystick.

    Additional training, for the participants who received it, included tasks that taught participants to disengage from their vestibular sense and rely on the vibrotactors instead of their natural gravitational cues. These tasks involved searching for hidden non-upright balance points, which meant participants had to ignore their desire to align to upright and focus on the vibrotactors.

    All participants were given a blindfold, earplugs, and white noise to listen to. Those with vibrotactors had four strapped to each arm, which would buzz when they moved away from the balance point. Each participant took part in 40 trials, aiming to keep the rotation device as close to the balance point as possible.

    For half the trials, the rotation device operated on a vertical roll plane. This was considered an Earth analog because participants could use their natural gravitational cues for orientation. During the second half, which acted as a spaceflight analog, the rotation device operated on a horizontal roll plane where those gravitational cues could no longer help.

    After each block of trials, participants were asked to rate how disoriented they felt and how much they trusted the vibrotactors. The scientists measured their success by looking at how often they crashed and how well they controlled their balance.
    All the groups were initially disoriented in the spaceflight analog. The scientists expected this, because participants could not rely on the natural gravitational cues that they usually use. Nearly all participants reported that they trusted the vibrotactors, but they also reported confusion from conflicts between their internal cues and the vibrotactors.

    The participants wearing vibrotactors still performed better than those who only received training. The training-only group crashed more frequently, moved around the balance point more, and accidentally destabilized themselves more often. Receiving the training did help, though. As the trials continued, the group who received both training and vibrotactors performed best.

    However, even with training, the participants didn't perform as well as they did in the Earth analog. They may have needed more time to integrate cues from the vibrotactors, or the buzzing from the vibrotactors may not have given a strong enough danger signal.

    "A pilot's cognitive trust in this external device will most likely not be enough" . "Instead, the trust has to be at a deeper—almost sub-cognitive—level. To achieve this, specialized training will be required."
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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    If the sensors succeed in more extensive trials, the scientists said, the possible applications for spaceflight are many—from helping astronauts land safely on the surface of a planet, to supporting them as they move outside a vehicle in space.

    Vibrotactile Feedback as a Countermeasure for Spatial Disorientation, Frontiers in Physiology (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1249962
    Part 3

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers find evidence of mpox circulating in humans since 2016

    A large international team of medical researchers and epidemiologists has found evidence that monkeypox (mpox) has been circulating in humans since 2016. In their study, reported in the journal Science, the group used Bayesian evolutionary analysis of the mpox virus to show that its genomic history includes years of change due to human infections.

    Mpox was first identified in the 1950s after an illness struck a group of research monkeys in Denmark. Twenty years later, the first case was detected in a human in Africa. Over the following decades, several cases of the disease were seen in humans and all were attributed to the virus jumping from other mammals.

    Then, in 2017, an outbreak occurred in Nigeria and by 2022, it had spread across the globe, demonstrating that the virus had evolved to jump from human to human. In this new effort, the research team took a closer look at the genome of the virus behind mpox to learn more about its evolutionary history, particularly how it relates to human infections. The researchers sequenced the genome of the mpox virus to learn more about its evolutionary history. They found that the clade IIb was the one that had spread around the world. They also noted that it looked different from other strains that had been seen before in Africa.

    They found a mutation that had led to the production of an enzyme called APOBEC3, which was found to cause further mutations that alter genome base pairs. It was also found to have come about due to infections in humans. That allowed the team to trace the evolutionary history of the virus as it infected humans—they found such mutations going back to approximately 2016, which strongly suggests that the virus has been transmittable between humans since that year. The research team concludes that there is a strong likelihood of multiple cases of small mpox outbreaks that have not been recognized, allowing the virus to spread under the radar. They further suggest stronger surveillance methods be established because the virus is still mutating rapidly and could become deadlier.

    Áine O'Toole et al, APOBEC3 deaminase editing in mpox virus as evidence for sustained human transmission since at least 2016, Science (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.adg8116

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Seeing the unseen: How butterflies can help scientists detect cancer

    There are many creatures on our planet with more advanced senses than humans. Turtles can sense Earth's magnetic field. Mantis shrimp can detect polarized light. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans can. Butterflies can perceive a broader range of colors, including ultraviolet (UV) light.

    Inspired by the enhanced visual system of the Papilio xuthus butterfly, a team of researchers have developed an imaging sensor capable of "seeing" into the UV range inaccessible to human eyes. The design of the sensor uses stacked photodiodes and perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) capable of imaging different wavelengths in the UV range. Using the spectral signatures of biomedical markers, such as amino acids, this new imaging technology is even capable of differentiating between cancer cells and normal cells with 99% confidence.

    Researchers have taken inspiration from the visual system of butterflies, who are able to perceive multiple regions in the UV spectrum, and designed a camera that replicates that functionality. They did this by using novel perovskite nanocrystals, combined with silicon imaging technology, and this new camera technology can detect multiple UV regions.

    UV light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than that of  visible light(but longer than X-rays). We are most familiar with UV radiation from the sun and the dangers it poses to human health. UV light is categorized into three different regions—UVA, UVB and UVC— based on different wavelength ranges. Because humans cannot see UV light, it is challenging to capture UV information, especially discerning the small differences between each region.

    Butterflies, however, can see these small variations in the UV spectrum, like humans can see shades of blue and green.UV light is incredibly difficult to capture, it just gets absorbed by everything, and butterflies have managed to do it extremely well.

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    Humans have trichromatic vision with three photoreceptors, where every color perceived can be made from a combination of red, green and blue. Butterflies, however, have compound eyes, with six (or more) photoreceptor classes with distinct spectral sensitivities. In particular, the Papilio xuthus, a yellow, Asian swallowtail butterfly, has not only blue, green and red, but also violet, ultraviolet and broadband receptors. Further, butterflies have fluorescent pigments that allow them to convert UV light into visible light which can then be easily sensed by their photoreceptors. This allows them to perceive a broader range of colors and details in their environment.

    Beyond the increased number of photoreceptors, butterflies also exhibit a unique tiered structure in their photoreceptors. To replicate the UV sensing mechanism of the Papilio xuthus butterfly, the UIUC team has emulated the process by combining a thin layer of PNCs with a tiered array of silicon photodiodes.

    PNCs are a class of semiconductor nanocrystals that display unique properties similar to that of quantum dots—changing the size and composition of the particle changes the absorption and emission properties of the material. In the last few years, PNCs have emerged as an interesting material for different sensing applications, such as solar cells and LEDs. PNCs are extremely good at detecting UV (and even lower) wavelengths that traditional silicon detectors are not. In the new imaging sensor, the PNC layer is able to absorb UV photons and re-emit light in the visible (green) spectrum which is then detected by the tiered silicon photodiodes. Processing of these signals allows for mapping and identification of UV signatures.

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    There are various biomedical markers present in cancerous tissues at higher concentrations than in healthy tissues—amino acids (building blocks of proteins), proteins, and enzymes. When excited with UV light, these markers light up and fluoresce in the UV and part of the visible spectrum, in a process called autofluorescence. 

    Because cancer and healthy cells have different concentrations of markers and therefore different spectral signatures, the two classes of cells can be differentiated based on their fluorescence in the UV spectrum. The team evaluated their imaging device on its ability to discriminate cancer-related markers and found that is capable of differentiating between cancer and healthy cells with 99% confidence.

    One of the biggest challenges is knowing how much tissue to remove to ensure clear margins and such a sensor can help facilitate the decision making process when a surgeon is removing a cancerous tumor.

    "This new imaging technology is enabling us to differentiate cancerous versus healthy cells and is opening up new and exciting applications beyond just health.

    Cheng Chen et al, Bioinspired, vertically stacked, and perovskite nanocrystal–enhanced CMOS imaging sensors for resolving UV spectral signatures, Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/

    Part 3

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    How can we avoid drinking forever chemicals and arsenic?

    per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS or forever chemicals, which are used to protect clothing, cookware, cosmetics, and other products from water, grease, or oil. But those chemicals can leach out of those goods to haunt our food, air, plants, and drinking water. So far, scientists have found that PFAS exposure could lead to liver and immune system damage, increased risk of kidney or testicular cancer, birth defects, and other health and environmental problems.

    And one of the most common ways to ingest these chemicals is through contaminated water.

    PFAS are typically present at really, really low concentrations. But they can be carcinogenic even at low concentrations.

    Luckily, we can extract PFAS and other unwanted contaminants, like arsenic or calcium, from our water using a process called ion exchange. And soon, removing PFAS will not be optional. In June 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency announced its plan to require water utilities to reach near-zero levels of PFAS in drinking water. That means many water treatment facilities will need to upgrade their systems to target this insidious chemical.

    And ion exchange technologies are some of the only selective separation technologies we have that can get these forever chemicals out of water.

    Source: US National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Cancer trial results show power of weaponized antibodies

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    A living bandage: Wound dressing uses probiotic bacteria to combat biofilms

    Chronic wounds: If an injury has not healed after four weeks, there is a wound healing disorder. Sometimes, seemingly harmless tissue damage can develop into a permanent health problem or even blood poisoning.

    Treatment is particularly difficult because germs that know how to protect themselves perfectly settle here. These bacteria form a biofilm, a stubborn compound of various pus pathogens. For their own protection, they produce a layer of mucus with which they attach themselves to surfaces. Antibiotics or disinfectants reach their limits because they cannot get to the dangerous germs.

    A research team  is currently developing a wound dressing that uses "good" probiotic bacteria to combat biofilms. The researchers recently published a proof of concept in the journal Microbes and Infection.

    They used living probiotic bacteria for the new dressing. They are found in healthy intestinal flora and play a major role in the production of foods such as yogurt and cheese. The used probiotic lactobacilli are biocompatible and create an acidic environment by producing lactic acid. 

    This is intended to push the unfavourable, alkaline pH in chronic wounds in the right, i.e., acidic, direction. In the laboratory experiments, the bacteria were able to induce a strongly acidic pH of 4 in the culture medium. At the same time, the probiotics promoted the migration of human fibroblasts under the investigated conditions.

    Finally, the beneficial bacteria were integrated into a dressing that protects chronic wounds from further infection. This also allowed the living lactobacilli to produce lactic acid in a protected environment. As desired, the dressing released the acidic product into the environment in a controlled and steady manner.

    In laboratory tests, the dressing material with integrated probiotics was able to completely remove a typical biofilm of skin pathogens in a culture dish. The question now was: Does the dressing containing beneficial bacteria also pass the test with human skin?

    The researchers created artificial wounds with a diameter of two millimeters on small tissue samples and allowed a biofilm of wound pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa to grow. In this three-dimensional model of a human skin infection, the probiotics-containing dressing reduced the number of pathogens by 99.999%. In addition, the researchers were able to prove that the probiotics do not harm human skin cells and triggers the production of inflammatory response of the cells.

    Zhihao Li et al, Topical application of Lactobacilli successfully eradicates Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms and promotes wound healing in chronic wounds, Microbes and Infection (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2023.105176

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Plastic waste in rivers may carry dangerous microbes

    Plastic litter in rivers might be allowing dangerous pathogens to hitch-hike downstream, a new study published recently found.

    The research, which focused on one river, found that dumped plastic, wooden sticks and the water itself were a breeding ground  for communities of microorganisms, potentially providing a reservoir for bacteria and viruses known to cause human diseases and antibiotic resistance.

    These findings indicate that plastic  in freshwater bodies may contribute to the transport of potential pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes.

    This could have indirect but significant implications for human health.

    Rivers are the main way plastic enters the world's oceans, channeling anywhere between 3.5 thousand metric tons to 2.41 million metric tons of the manmade material to the sea annually.

    When plastic ends up in water its surface is overrun within minutes by nearby microbes. The researchers submerged samples for a week in the River Sowe in Warwickshire and West Midlands England, downstream from a wastewater treatment plant. They found significant differences in the microbe communities depending on the material sampled.

    Vinko Zadjelovic, Microbial hitchhikers harbouring antimicrobial‑resistance genes in the riverine plastisphere, Microbiome (2023). DOI: 10.1186/ … 6/s40168-023-01662-3

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

     Animal-to-human diseases could kill 12 times as much by 2050: Study

    Certain diseases transmitted from animals to humans could kill 12 times as many people in 2050 than they did in 2020, researchers have claimed.

    Epidemics caused by zoonotic diseases—also known as spillovers—could be more frequent in the future due to climate change and deforestation, experts warned.

    The team's analysis looked at historic trends for four particular viral pathogens.

    These were filoviruses, which include Ebola virus and Marburg virus, SARS Coronavirus 1, Nipah virus, and Machupo virus, which causes Bolivian hemorrhagic fever.

    The study did not include COVID-19, which caused the global pandemic in 2020 and is likely to have originated in bats.

    It looked at more than 3,150 outbreaks between 1963 and 2019, identifying 75 spillover events in 24 countries.

    The database covered epidemics reported by the World Health Organization, outbreaks occurring since 1963 that killed 50 or more people, and historically significant events including the flu pandemics of 1918 and 1957.

    The events caused 17,232 deaths, with 15,771 caused by filoviruses and occurring mostly in Africa.

    Researchers said epidemics have been increasing by almost 5% every year between 1963 and 2019, with deaths up by 9%.

    "If these annual rates of increase continue, we would expect the analyzed pathogens to cause four times the number of spillover events and 12 times the number of deaths in 2050 than in 2020," they added.

    Researchers also suggested the figures are likely to be an underestimate due to the strict inclusion criteria for the pathogens in the analysis and the exclusion of COVID-19. They said the evaluation of evidence suggests recent epidemics sparked by zoonotic spillovers "are not an aberration or random cluster" but follow "a multi-decade trend in which spillover-driven epidemics have become both larger and more frequent." The team added that "urgent action is needed to address a large and growing risk to global health" based on historical trends.

    Amanda Jean Meadows et al, Historical trends demonstrate a pattern of increasingly frequent and severe spillover events of high-consequence zoonotic viruses, BMJ Global Health (2023). DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-012026

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    No appetite for vegetarian diet to help the planet, finds study

    Social media users believe reducing and eliminating meat intake is ineffective in addressing climate change and reported low willingness to engage in either action, according to a new study.

    This is despite recent global reports revealing the strong links between the animal agricultural industry and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the idea that what people put on their plate is an important piece in confronting the climate crisis. The study, published in Sustainability, asked more than 700 Facebook account users, between the ages of 18 to 84, about their beliefs on climate change, the impact of meat consumption on the environment and meat intake.

    Although past research has shown that animal agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, the participants believed reducing and eliminating meat intake to be some of the least effective actions against climate change.

    This study highlighted an increased awareness that meat-eating has environmental impacts, yet its impact was rated significantly less than other pro-environmental behaviors, such as using public transport, recycling, and renewable energy.

    The findings of this study can help shed light on the disconnect between research and public knowledge and subsequently, how to bridge this gap. Sci-com? Yes!

     Ashley Rattenbury et al, Perceptions of the Benefits and Barriers to Vegetarian Diets and the Environmental Impact of Meat-Eating, Sustainability (2023). DOI: 10.3390/su152115522

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Dose response: The basics

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    An implantable wireless cardiac pacemaker

    Cardiac pacemakers are battery-dependent, where the pacing leads are prone to introduce valve damage and infection. In addition, complete pacemaker retrieval is necessary for battery replacement. Despite the presence of a wireless bioelectronics device to pace the epicardium, surgeons still need to implant the device via thoracotomy, an invasive surgical procedure in health care that necessitates wound healing.

    A research team of scientists in bioengineering, microbiology, and cardiology devised a biocompatible wireless microelectronics device to form a microtubular pacemaker for intravascular implantation and pacing. 

    The pacemaker provided effective pacing to restore cardiac contraction from a non-beating heart in a porcine animal model. The microtubular pacemaker paves the way for the minimally-invasive implantation of leadless and battery-free microelectronics for health care and cardiac pace restoration.

    Shaolei Wang et al, A self-assembled implantable microtubular pacemaker for wireless cardiac electrotherapy, Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj0540

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The story of a teenage boy who swallowed 21 disc magnets

    Doctors at Guthrie Healthcare System, in Sayre, Pennsylvania, have documented a case of a teenage boy who swallowed 21 disc magnets. In their paper published in BMJ Case Reports, the medical team describes how they found the magnets, removed them, and cared for the boy afterward.

    Prior research and anecdotal evidence by doctors and other medical personnel has shown that swallowing magnets can be harmful. Their magnetic field and caustic properties can lead to damage in the digestive tract.

    In this new study, the researchers report that a teenage boy was transferred to their facility from another hospital with metal objects of some kind in his stomach. When asked, the boy told the medical staff at both hospitals that he did not know how the objects could have wound up in this stomach. X-rays and a CT scan showed the presence of multiple metallic items. An initial procedure involved removing three small discs that had become embedded in the stomach wall using forceps and a surgical net. After removal, the doctors determined that the metal objects were small disc magnets. Three more of the magnets had become embedded in the walls of the large intestine—notably, there were also signs that the wound caused by the discs had led to decay of intestinal tissue. Further investigation showed that there were another 15 magnets embedded in various parts of both the large and small intestine, most of which required surgery for removal.

    The surgeon noted that some of the magnets had begun to create holes in the intestinal walls. The case study team notes that the dangers of ingesting magnets are well known. Instead of passing harmlessly through the digestive tract, they become embedded in the walls of organs, causing tissue decay.

    They also note that that the boy in their case study was lucky in the sense that pain caused by the magnets had brought him to the hospital before any of the magnets had time to burrow all the way through organ walls. Leakage of material from the stomach or intestines into other parts of the body can be deadly due to infection.

    Simona Maksimyan et al, Clinical course and management of an unknown multiple-magnet ingestion in a teenage male, BMJ Case Reports (2023). DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-256418

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    How global warming shakes the Earth: Seismic data show ocean waves gaining strength as the planet warms

    As oceans waves rise and fall, they apply forces to the sea floor below and generate seismic waves. These seismic waves are so powerful and widespread that they show up as a steady thrum on seismographs, the same instruments used to monitor and study earthquakes.

    That wave signal has been getting more intense in recent decades, reflecting increasingly stormy seas and higher ocean swell. In a new study in the journal Nature Communications, researchers tracked that increase around the world over the past four decades. These global data, along with other ocean, satellite and regional seismic studies, show a decadeslong increase in wave energy that coincides with increasing storminess attributed to rising global temperatures.

     Richard C. Aster et al, Increasing ocean wave energy observed in Earth's seismic wavefield since the late 20th century, Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42673-w

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The cell's 'read–write' mechanism: Researchers uncover how instructions for gene expression are relayed

    The "read–write" mechanism by which cells replicate and use chemical instructions for expressing genes has been uncovered by  researchers. The quality and quantity of gene expression correlates not only with instructions by transcription factors but also with chemical modifications to the various histone proteins, which provide a scaffold for DNA in the chromosomes.

    Scientists have long argued whether these modifications to histones are the epigenetic cause for activating gene expression. And, if that is the case, how they activate gene expression and are maintained during the process of mitosis, in which a cell divides into two daughter cells.

    Researchers now have developed an experimental technology that allowed them to generate histones with acetylations at defined sites. They then monitored how p300/CBP interacts with and acetylates a nucleosome containing these selectively acetylated human histones.

    The researchers found that p300/CBP recognizes and binds to specific acetylation marks on the H3–H4 complex. The enzyme then replicates acetylation marks to unacetylated sites of H3–H4, while also transcribing them from H3–H4 to H2B–H2A within the same nucleosome. Since this newly acetylated H2B–H2A complex is more likely to be stripped from the nucleosome, a model emerges in which it finally instructs which genes to be transcribed by the cellular transcription machinery. These results provide an unprecedented glimpse into how p300/CBP inherits acetylation marks to newly divided cells and utilizes those marks epigenetically for gene expression.

    Masaki Kikuchi et al, Epigenetic mechanisms to propagate histone acetylation by p300/CBP, Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-39735-4

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Contraceptive Pills Have a strange Effect on The Fear-Promoting Area of The Brain

    Scientists have found a possible link between using oral contraceptives and changes in parts of the brain that process fear. The findings may help explain fear-related mechanisms that disproportionately affect women. Hormonal changes during a menstrual cycle are currently understood to affect the fear circuitry in the brain. So researchers looked into the effects of combined oral contraceptive (COC) use to learn more about the relationship between sex hormones our bodies make naturally and synthetic versions of those hormones. This effect appeared to be reversible. A comparison with those who stopped using contraceptives or those who had never used contraceptives indicated this physiological change didn't seem to be lasting. To be clear, these are just associations, and there are no known negative effects linked to the change in size of certain brain regions. But the authors think it could be worth exploring further. This part of the prefrontal cortex is thought to sustain emotion regulation, such as decreasing fear signals in the context of a safe situation. The result may represent a mechanism by which combined OCs could impair emotion regulation in women. Researchers found levels of both natural and synthetic sex hormones were linked to changes in the size and thickness of the vmPFC compared to the same anatomy in men. However, only women who were currently using oral contraceptives had a thinner vmPFC than that in men. The researchers also found the structure in a fear-promoting brain region – the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) – varied between men and women. This was noticeable regardless of COC use, emphasizing one way naturally-produced sex hormones can influence brain structure. Given the results that men have smaller dACC volume than women and thicker vmPFC than COC users, these findings may represent structural vulnerabilities to psychopathologies that predominantly affect women.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers identify brain network that is uniquely activated through injection vs. oral drug use

    Understanding the brain mechanisms that underlie addiction is crucial for informing prevention interventions, developing new therapies for substance use disorders, and addressing the overdose crisis.

    Results from a new clinical trial suggest that a group of brain regions known as the "salience network" is activated after a drug is taken intravenously, but not when that same drug is taken orally.

    When drugs enter the brain quickly, such as through injection or smoking, they are more addictive than when they enter the brain more slowly, such as when they are taken orally. However, the brain circuits underlying these differences are not well understood. This study offers new information that helps explain what may be causing this difference.

    People who smoke or inject drugs—two methods that deliver drugs to the brain quickly—often report doing so to get faster relief from withdrawal or to experience euphoria more quickly. However, drug smoking and injection are associated with developing a substance use disorder more quickly than taking drugs orally or by insufflation (e.g., snorting).

    In addition, injecting drugs is also associated with higher rates of infectious diseases and overdose. To better understand how route of drug administration impacts the brain's response to the drug, researchers conducted a double-blind, randomized, counterbalanced clinical trial using simultaneous PET/fMRI imaging.

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    This study showed that when participants received methylphenidate orally, the rate of dopamine increases peaked more than an hour after administration. Comparatively, when participants received an intravenous injection of methylphenidate, the rate of dopamine increases peaked much faster—within 5 to 10 minutes of the administration.

    Through the fMRI, researchers observed that one brain region, the  ventromedial prefrontal cortex,  was less active after both oral and intravenous administration of the study drug. However, two brain regions, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and the insula, which are part of the brain's salience network, were activated only after receiving the injection of methylphenidate, the more addictive route of drug administration. These same areas of the brain were not activated after taking methylphenidate orally, the route with lower addiction potential. This finding was consistent among all 20 research participants.

    The salience network attributes value to things in our environment and is important for recognizing and translating internal sensations—including the subjective effects of drugs. This research adds to a growing body of evidence documenting the important role that the salience network appears to play in substance use and addiction. For instance, studies have shown that people who experience damage to the insula, part of the brain's salience network, can have a complete remission of their addiction.

     P Manza, et al. Neural circuit selective for fast but not slow dopamine increases in drug reward, Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/

    Part 2

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

     Willow bark extract has broad-spectrum antiviral effect

    We need safe, sustainable antiviral options to treat the outbreaks of the future. Scientists  have now shown that an extract of willow bark—a plant that has already provided several medicines, including the precursor to modern aspirin—has a broad-spectrum antiviral effect in cell sample experiments.

    The extract worked both on enveloped coronaviruses, which cause colds as well as COVID-19, and non-enveloped enteroviruses, which cause infections such as flu and meningitis. There are no clinically approved drugs that work against enteroviruses directly, so this extract could be a future game-changer.

    The scientists had previously tested willow bark extract on enteroviruses, and found it was highly successful. In this new study, they expanded the remit of their research to look at additional kinds of virus and to try to understand the mechanism of the extract's action.

    Willow (Salix spp.) bark hot extracts inhibit both enveloped and nonenveloped viruses: study on its anti-coronavirus and anti-enterovirus activities, Frontiers in Microbiology (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1249794

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Cheetahs become more nocturnal on hot days. Climate change may trigger fights among predators

    Changing temperatures can impact the behavior patterns of large carnivore species and also the dynamics among species.

    Cheetahs are usually daytime hunters, but the speedy big cats will shift their activity toward dawn and dusk hours during warmer weather, a new study finds.

    Unfortunately for endangered cheetahs, that sets them up for more potential conflicts with mostly nocturnal competing predators such as lions and leopards, say the authors of research published recently in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

    While cheetahs only eat fresh meat, lions and leopards will sometimes opportunistically scavenge from smaller predators.

    Lions and leopards normally kill prey themselves, but if they come across a cheetah's kill, they will try to take it. The cheetahs will not fight the larger cats, they will just leave.

    Hunting at different times of the day is one long-evolved strategy to reduce encounters between the multiple predator species. But the new study found that on the hottest days, when maximum daily temperatures soared to nearly 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit), cheetahs became more nocturnal—increasing their overlapping hunting hours with rival big cats by 16%.

    There's a greater chance for more unfriendly encounters and less food for the cheetahs because of global warming. 

    Kasim Rafiq et al, Increasing ambient temperatures trigger shifts in activity patterns and temporal partitioning in a large carnivore guild, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1938

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Engineered 'living materials' could help clean up water pollution one day

    Water pollution is a growing concern globally, with research estimating that chemical industries discharge 300–400 megatonnes (600–800 billion pounds) of industrial waste into bodies of water each year. As a team of materials scientists, we're working on an engineered "living material" that may be able to transform chemical dye pollutants from the textile industry into harmless substances.

    Water pollution is both an environmental and humanitarian issue that can affect ecosystems and human health alike. We're hopeful that the materials we're developing could be one tool available to help combat this problem.
    The "engineered living material" scientists have been working on contains programmed bacteria embedded in a soft hydrogel material.
    The hydrogel that forms the base of the material has similar properties to Jell-O—it's soft and made mostly of water. Our particular hydrogel is made from a natural and biodegradable seaweed-based polymer called alginate, an ingredient common in some foods.

    The alginate hydrogel provides a solid physical support for bacterial cells, similar to how tissues support cells in the human body. We intentionally chose this material so that the bacteria we embedded could grow and flourish.
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    This is how the scientists described their work:

    After we prepared the hydrogel, we embedded photosynthetic—or sunlight-capturing—bacteria called cyanobacteria into the gel.

    The cyanobacteria embedded in the material still needed to take in light and carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis, which keeps them alive. The hydrogel was porous enough to allow that, but to make the configuration as efficient as possible, we 3D-printed the gel into custom shapes—grids and honeycombs. These structures have a higher surface-to-volume ratio that allow more light, CO₂ and nutrients to come into the material.
    Like all other bacteria, cyanobacteria has different genetic circuits, which tell the cells what outputs to produce. Our team genetically engineered the bacterial DNA so that the cells created a specific enzyme called laccase.

    The laccase enzyme produced by the cyanobacteria works by performing a chemical reaction with a pollutant that transforms it into a form that's no longer functional. By breaking the chemical bonds, it can make a toxic pollutant nontoxic. The enzyme is regenerated at the end of the reaction, and it goes off to complete more reactions.

     Debika Datta et al, Phenotypically complex living materials containing engineered cyanobacteria, Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40265-2

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Blood cancer treatment could be transformed by discovery

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Engineered yeast breaks new record: a genome with over 50% synthetic DNA

    Scientists have created a strain of brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) whose genome is more than half synthetic. Seven-and-a-half chromosomes were synthesized or stitched together in the laboratory. To make sure the genome was stable, biologists removed repetitive regions of DNA and sequestered all genes for transfer RNAs — essential for protein synthesis — in a single ‘neochromosome’. It’s a milestone for the Sc2.0 consortium, whose aim is to create yeast with a fully synthetic genome.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Using bacteria to make lunar soil more fertile

    A team of agronomists and biotechnicians  has found that adding bacteria to simulated lunar regolith increased the amount of phosphate in the soil for use by plants. In their study, published in the journal Communications Biology, the group added three types of bacteria to samples of volcanic material and then tested them for acidity and their ability to grow plants.

    As several countries make plans to send humans back to the moon, they must address several issues—one of the most basic is figuring out a way to feed people working there for an extended period of time. The obvious solution is for workers to grow their own food. But that presents problems, as well, such as how to transport soil for growing edible plants from Earth to the moon.

    Some have suggested that moon soil, known as lunar regolith, might be treated to make it amenable to plant growth. Last year, a team in the U.S. showed that it is possible to grow plants in lunar regolith by growing a small number of weeds called thale cress in real lunar soil samples. That test showed that lunar soil can work, but not well enough for plants to mature and produce food. In this new study, the research team found that adding microbes to lunar soil can improve its ability to host plant life. To test the possibility of using microbes such as bacteria to make lunar regolith more hospitable to plant life, the research team obtained samples of volcanic material from a mountain in China—testing showed it to be a reasonable stand-in for regolith. The researchers then added one of three types of bacteria to three test pots filled with the volcanic material: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus mucilaginosus. After cultivating the bacteria in the soil samples, the researchers tested the samples to see the effects. They found that the addition of all three types of bacteria had made the soil samples more acidic, which resulted in reducing the pH level of the soil. That dissolved the insoluble phosphate-containing minerals in the soil, which released phosphorus, making it available for plants.

    Yitong Xia et al, Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria improve the growth of Nicotiana benthamiana on lunar regolith simulant by dissociating insoluble inorganic phosphorus, Communications Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-05391-z