Science Simplified!

                       JAI VIGNAN

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'To make  them see the world differently through the beautiful lense of  science'

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Lethal mpox strain appears to spread via sex
    A virulent strain of the monkeypox virus might have gained the ability to spread through sexual contact. The strain, called clade Ib, has caused a cluster of infections in a conflict-ridden region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This isn’t the first time scientists have warned that the monkeypox virus could become sexually transmissible: similar warnings during a 2017 outbreak in Nigeria were largely ignored. The strain responsible, clade II, is less lethal than clade Ib, but ultimately caused an ongoing global outbreak that has infected more than 94,000 people and killed more than 180.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    WHO redefines airborne transmission

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has changed how it classifies airborne pathogens. It has removed the distinction between transmission by smaller virus-containing ‘aerosol’ particles and spread through larger ‘droplets’. The division, which some researchers argue was unscientific, justified WHO’s March 2020 assertion that SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the COVID-19 pandemic, was not airborne. Under the new definition, SARS-CoV-2 would be recognized as spreading ‘through the air’ — although some scientists feel this term is less clear than ‘airborne’. “I'm not saying everybody is happy, and not everybody agrees on every word in the document, but at least people have agreed this is a baseline terminology,” says WHO chief scientist Jeremy Farrar.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Disease Ecology Butterfly Effect
    When their preferred trees to chew on were cut down for the tobacco trade, chimpanzees in Uganda began consuming bat guano instead. Researchers recorded videos in the Budongo Forest Reserve between 2017 and 2019 and observed 839 instances of guano consumption, not only by chimpanzees but also by black-and-white colobus monkeys and red duikers, a type of forest antelope. The guano provides the chimps with essential minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus that they would normally have gotten from the felled trees.

    Why this matters: In addition to essential nutrients, the bat guano contained 27 unique viruses, including a novel coronavirus, the researchers found. Illnesses transmitted from animals to humans, called zoonotic diseases, account for about three quarters of new infectious diseases around the world. Those pathogens have a higher chance of jumping from an animal to a human when people encroach on ecosystems and disrupt relationships among species.

     “This is the butterfly effect of infectious disease ecology,” says senior study author Tony Goldberg, a wildlife epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “Far-flung events like demand for tobacco can have crazy, unintended consequences for disease emergence that follow pathways that we rarely see and can’t predict.”

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study explores why human-inspired machines can be perceived as eerie

    Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and robots are becoming increasingly advanced, exhibiting capabilities that vaguely resemble those of humans. The growing similarities between AIs and humans could ultimately bring users to attribute human feelings, experiences, thoughts, and sensations to these systems, which some people perceive as eerie and uncanny.

    A  recent paper, published in Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, reviews past studies and reports the findings of an experiment testing a recent theory known as "mind perception," which proposes that people feel eeriness when exposed to robots that closely resemble humans because they ascribe minds to these robots.

    For many people, the idea of a machine with conscious experience is unsettling. This discomfort extends to inanimate objects as well.

    Overall, the results of the meta-analysis and experiment run by these researchers suggest that past studies backing mind perception theory could be flawed. In fact, the researcher gathered opposite results, suggesting that individuals who attribute sentience to robots do not necessarily find them eerier due to their human resemblance.

    Although attributions of mind are not the main cause of the uncanny valley, they are part of the story. They can be relevant in some contexts and situations, yet that attributing mind to a machine that looks human is creepy. Instead, perceiving a mind in a machine that already looks creepy makes it creepier. However, perceiving a mind in a machine that has risen out of the uncanny valley and looks nearly human makes it less creepy.

    Exploring whether there is strong support for this speculation is an area for future research, which would involve using more varied and numerous stimuli.

    Karl F. MacDorman, Does mind perception explain the uncanny valley? A meta-regression analysis and (de)humanization experiment, Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.chbah.2024.100065

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Link between depression and cardiovascular disease explained: They partly develop from same gene module

    Depression and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are serious concerns for public health. Approximately 280 million people worldwide have depression, while 620 million people have CVD.

    It has been known since the 1990s that the two diseases are somehow related. For example, people with depression run a greater risk of CVD, while effective early treatment for depression cuts the risk of subsequently developing CVD by half. Conversely, people with CVD tend to have depression as well. For these reasons, the American Heart Association (AHA) advises to monitor teenagers with depression for CVD.

    What wasn't yet known is what causes this apparent relatedness between the two diseases. Part of the answer probably lies in lifestyle factors common in patients with depression and which increase the risk of CVD, such as smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, and a poor diet. But it's also possible that both diseases might be related at a deeper level, through shared developmental pathways.

    Now, scientists have shown that depression and CVD do indeed share part of their developmental programs, having at least one functional gene module in common. This result, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, provides new markers for depression and CVD, and could ultimately help researchers to find drugs to target both diseases.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers used advanced statistics to identify 22 distinct gene modules, of which just one was associated with both a high score for depressive symptoms and a low score for cardiovascular health.

    The top three genes from this gene module are known to be associated with neurodegenerative diseases, bipolar disorder, and depression. Now they have shown that they are associated with poor cardiovascular health as well.

    These genes are involved in biological processes, such as inflammation, that are involved in pathogenesis of both depression and cardiovascular disease. This helps to explain why both diseases often occur together.

    Other genes in the shared module have been shown to be involved in brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease.

    Researchers and doctors  can use the genes in this module as biomarkers for depression and cardiovascular disease. Ultimately, these biomarkers may facilitate the development of dual-purpose preventative strategies for both the diseases.

    Binisha Hamal Mishra et al, Identification of gene networks jointly associated with depressive symptoms and cardiovascular health metrics using whole blood transcriptome in the Young Finns Study, Frontiers in Psychiatry (2024). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1345159

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Genetic variations may predispose people to Parkinson's disease following long-term pesticide exposure, study finds

    A new UCLA Health study has found that certain genetic variants could help explain how long-term pesticide exposure could increase the risk of Parkinson's disease.
    While decades of research have linked pesticide exposure and Parkinson's disease risk, researchers have sought to explain why some individuals with high exposure develop the disease while others do not.

    One longstanding hypothesis has been that susceptibility to the disease is a combination of both environmental and genetic factors.
    The new study, published in the journal npj Parkinson's Disease, used genetic data from nearly 800 Central Valley (California) residents with Parkinson's disease, many of whom had long-term exposure to 10 pesticides used on cotton crops for at least a decade prior to developing the disease, with some patients having been exposed as far back as 1974.

    The researchers examined the study participants' genetic makeup for rare variants in genes associated with the function of lysosomes—cellular compartments that break down waste and debris, thought to be associated with the development of Parkinson's disease—and looked for enrichment of variants in patients with high exposure to pesticide use compared to a representative sample of the general population.

    Researchers found that variants in these genes were enriched in patients with more severe Parkinson's disease who also had higher exposure to pesticides. These genetic variants also appeared to be deleterious to protein function suggesting that disruption of lysosomal activity may be underling the development of Parkinson's disease combined with pesticide exposure.

     Lysosomal Genes Contribute to Parkinson's Disease near Agriculture with High Intensity Pesticide Use, npj Parkinson's Disease (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Yeast study offers possible answer to why some species are generalists and others specialists

    In a landmark study based on one of the most comprehensive genomic datasets ever assembled, a team of scientists offer a possible answer to one of the oldest questions about evolution: why some species are generalists and others specialists.

    researchers mapped the genetic blueprints, appetites, and environments of more than 1,000 species of yeasts, building a family tree that illuminates how these single-celled fungi evolved over the past 400 million years.

    The results, published in the journal Science, suggest that internal—not external—factors are the primary drivers of variation in the types of carbon yeasts can eat, and the researchers found no evidence that metabolic versatility, or the ability to eat different foods, comes with any trade-offs. In other words, some yeasts are jacks-of-all-trades and masters of each.

    Like other organisms, some yeasts have evolved to be specialists—think koalas, which eat nothing but eucalyptus leaves—while others are generalists like raccoons, which eat just about anything.

    Scientists have been trying to explain why both generalists and specialists exist almost since Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution in 1859.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientists have offered two broad models to explain the phenomenon.

    One suggests generalists are jacks-of-all-trades but masters of none, meaning they can tolerate a wider range of conditions or food sources but aren't as dominant as a specialist in any specific niche.

    The other theory is that a combination of internal and external factors drive niche variation.

    For example, organisms can acquire genes that allow them to make enzymes capable of breaking down more than one substance, expanding the range of foods they can eat. Conversely, random loss of genes over time can result in a narrower palate.

    Likewise, environments can exert selective pressure on traits. So a habitat with only one or two food sources or constant temperatures would favor specialists, while generalists might do better in an environment with a wider array of food or conditions.

    When it comes to yeast metabolism, the research team found no evidence of trade-offs.
    The generalists are better across all the carbon sources they can use. Generalists are also able to use more nitrogen sources than carbon specialists.
    The data also showed that environmental factors play only a limited role.
    Hittinger cautions there are limitations to what can be inferred from the data. It's possible that tradeoffs are present in species that weren't studied. And the lab experiments used to measure metabolic growth can't replicate the conditions in soils, tree bark, or insect guts where yeasts live in nature.

    Dana A. Opulente et al, Genomic factors shape carbon and nitrogen metabolic niche breadth across Saccharomycotina yeasts, Science (2024). DOI: 10.1126/


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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes

    Natural diamonds take billions of years to form in the extreme pressures and temperatures deep underground. Synthetic forms can be produced far quicker, but they typically still require some intense squishing for up to several weeks. A new method based on a mix of liquid metals can pop out an artificial diamond in a matter of minutes, without the need for a giant squeeze. While high temperatures were still required, in the region of 1,025°C or 1,877°F, a continuous diamond film was formed in 150 minutes, and at 1 atm (or standard atmosphere unit). That's the equivalent of the pressure we feel at sea level, and tens of thousands of times less than the pressure normally required. The team behind the innovative approach, led by researchers from the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea, is confident that the process can be scaled up to make a significant difference in the production of synthetic diamonds. -- Dissolving carbon into liquid metal for the manufacture of diamond isn't entirely new. General Electric developed a process half a century ago using molten iron sulfide But these processes still required pressures of 5–6 gigapascals and a diamond 'seed' for the carbon to cling to. "We discovered a method to grow diamonds at 1 atm pressure and under a moderate temperature by using a liquid metal alloy," write the researchers in their published paper. The reduction in pressure was achieved using a carefully mixed blend of liquid metals: gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon. A custom-made vacuum system was built inside a graphite casing to very rapidly heat and then cool the metal while it was exposed to a combination of methane and hydrogen. These conditions cause carbon atoms from the methane to spread into the melted metal, acting as seeds for the diamonds. After just 15 minutes, small fragments of diamond crystals extruded from the liquid metal just beneath the surface, while two-and-a-half hours of exposure produced a continuous diamond film. Though the concentration of carbon forming the crystals decreased at a depth of just a few hundred nanometers, the researchers expect the process can be improved with a few tweaks.


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The Sex of Your Doctor Could Have a Concerning Effect on Your Prognosis

    Patients treated by a female physician are less likely to die or to be readmitted to hospital than those treated by a physician who is male, according to a new study by a team of researchers from the US and Japan.
    And if the patient happens to also be female, the difference is even more pronounced, especially so when they're severely ill.

    While this study doesn't dive deeply into the reasons for the disparity, it supports previous research that comes to similar conclusions.
    What these findings indicate is that female and male physicians practice medicine differently, and these differences have a meaningful impact on patients' health outcomes.
    The team analyzed data from US Medicare sources describing 458,108 female and 318,819 male patients hospitalized between 2016 and 2019. All patients were over the age of 65, and just under a third of both male and female patients were seen by female physicians.

    This info was then referenced against 30-day mortality rates (from the date of admission) and 30-day readmission rates (from the date of discharge). In both cases, female doctors led to better outcomes.

    While the differences don't show direct cause and effect, and weren't huge – adjusted mortality rates of 8.15 percent (female doctor) vs 8.38 percent (male doctor) for female patients, for example – they represent a statistically significant gap that shouldn't be there at all. To put that difference into perspective, it amounts to 1 death for every 417 hospitalizations.
    It is important to note that female physicians provide high-quality care, and therefore, having more female physicians benefits patients from a societal point-of-view.
    The study authors suggest several reasons could be behind the discrepancies, which have been spotted before in different medical scenarios. It's possible that female doctors communicate better with female patients, the researchers say, or that male doctors are more likely to underestimate the severity of conditions experienced by female patients.

    There might also be less embarrassment and discomfort between female doctors and female patients, the research team suggests, meaning more honesty about certain conditions and improved diagnosis and treatment.

    The researchers want to see more done to improve sex diversity in hospital settings, and to make sure the quality of care is the same no matter whether patients or physicians are male or female – and for that to happen, more studies will be needed looking at why the differences exist.
    Further research on the underlying mechanisms linking physician gender with patient outcomes, and why the benefit of receiving the treatment from female physicians is larger for female patients, has the potential to improve patient outcomes across the board.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Most Materials Seem to Obey a 'Rule of Four'

    The rule of four: anomalous distributions in the stoichiometries of inorganic compounds

    An analysis of a vast database of compounds has revealed a curious repeating pattern in the way matter composes itself.

    Of more than 80,000 electronic structures of experimental and predicted materials studied, a whopping 60 percent have a basic structural unit based on a multiple of four.

    What's so strange about this is that the research team that discovered this pattern couldn't figure out why it happens. All we know at the moment is that it's real and observable. It just evades explanation for now.

    Through an extensive investigation, in this work researchers highlight and analyze the anomalous abundance of inorganic compounds whose primitive unit cell contains a number of atoms that is a multiple of four, a property that they name rule of four.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study suggests host response needs to be studied along with other bacteriophage research

    A team of micro- and immunobiologists  has found evidence suggesting that future research teams planning to use bacteriophages to treat patients with multidrug-resistant bacterial infections need to also consider how cells in the host's body respond to such treatment.

    In their paper published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, the group describes experiments they conducted that involved studying the way epithelial cells in the lungs respond to bacteriophages.

    Over the past decade, medical scientists have found that many of the antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections are becoming resistant, making them increasingly useless. Because of this, other scientists have been looking for new ways to treat such infections. One possible approach has involved the use of bacteriophages, which are viruses that parasitize bacteria by infecting and reproducing inside of them, leaving them unable to reproduce.

    To date, most of the research involving use of bacteriophages to treat infections has taken place in Eastern Europe, where some are currently undergoing clinical trials. But such trials, the researchers involved in this new study note, do not take into consideration how cells in the body respond to such treatment. Instead, they are focused on determining which phages can be used to fight which types of bacteria, and how well they perform once employed.

    The reason so little attention is paid to host cell interaction, they note, is that prior research has shown that phages can only replicate inside of the bacterial cells they invade; thus, there is little opportunity for them to elicit a response in human cells.

    In this new study, the research team suggests such thinking is misguided because it fails to take into consideration the immune response in the host. To demonstrate their point, the team conducted a series of experiments involving exposing human epithelial cells from the lungs (which are the ones that become infected as part of lung diseases) to bacteriophages meant to eradicate the bacteria causing an infection.

    They found that in many cases, the immune system responded by producing proinflammatory cytokines in the epithelial cells. They noted further that different phages elicited different responses, and there exists the possibility that the unique properties of some phages could be used to improve the results obtained from such therapies. They conclude by suggesting that future bacteriophage research involve inclusion of host cell response.

    Paula F. Zamora et al, Lytic bacteriophages induce the secretion of antiviral and proinflammatory cytokines from human respiratory epithelial cells, PLOS Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002566

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    High-precision blood glucose level prediction achieved by few-molecule reservoir computing

    A collaborative research team from NIMS and Tokyo University of Science has successfully developed an artificial intelligence (AI) device that executes brain-like information processing through few-molecule reservoir computing. This innovation utilizes the molecular vibrations of a select number of organic molecules.

    By applying this device for the blood glucose level prediction in patients with diabetes, it has significantly outperformed existing AI devices in terms of prediction accuracy.

    The work is published in the journal Science Advances.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    With the expansion of machine learning applications in various industries, there's an escalating demand for AI devices that are not only highly computational but also feature low power consumption and miniaturization.

    Research has shifted towards physical reservoir computing, leveraging physical phenomena presented by materials and devices for neural information processing. One challenge that remains is the relatively large size of the existing materials and devices.

    The team's research has pioneered the world's first implementation of physical reservoir computing that operates on the principle of surface-enhanced Raman scattering, harnessing the molecular vibrations of merely a few organic molecules. The information is inputted through ion gating, which modulates the adsorption of hydrogen ions onto organic molecules (p-mercaptobenzoic acid, pMBA) by applying voltage.

    The changes in molecular vibrations of the pMBA molecules, which vary with hydrogen ion adsorption, serve the function of memory and nonlinear waveform transformation for calculation.

    This process, using a sparse assembly of pMBA molecules, has learned approximately 20 hours of a diabetic patient's blood glucose level changes and managed to predict subsequent fluctuations over the next five minutes with an error reduction of about 50% compared to the highest accuracy achieved by similar devices to date.

    This study indicates that a minimal quantity of organic molecules can effectively perform computations comparable to a computer. This technological breakthrough of conducting sophisticated information processing with minimal materials and in tiny spaces presents substantial practical benefits. It paves the way for the creation of low-power AI terminal devices that can be integrated with a variety of sensors, opening avenues for broad industrial use.

    Daiki Nishioka et al, Few- and single-molecule reservoir computing experimentally demonstrated with surface-enhanced Raman scattering and ion gating, Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk6438

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    'Zombie Deer' Disease: Zoonotic Transfer Suspected After Two Human Deaths

    A medical case report suggests that a deadly prion disease may have made its way from deer into humans.
    Two hunters have died after consuming venison from a population of deer known to be infected with chronic wasting disease – an incurable, fatal prion sometimes known as "zombie deer" disease not dissimilar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease.
    A team of doctors at the University of Texas report a 72-year-old man died after presenting with rapid-onset confusion and aggression.

    The man's friend, who was a member of the same hunting lodge, died at a later, unspecified date after presenting with similar symptoms, the doctors note. A post-mortem determined that this second patient had died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, AKA prion disease.

    Since prion disease is relatively rare in humans, the two cases could mean that chronic wasting disease – described by the Center for Disease Control as never having been reported in humans – has made the zoonotic leap from animals.
    Prion diseases, known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or CJD in humans, are kind of terrifying. Prions are proteins that haven't folded properly, and therefore don't really function the way they should. The problem is that these misfolded proteins teach the proteins around them how to fold badly, too, resulting in a spread of dysfunctional tissue that cannot be halted or cured.
    The spread of prions through brain tissue produces symptoms very similar to a kind of fast-tracked dementia, to which the patient eventually succumbs. Since CJD doesn't produce any kind of immune response, it's practically impossible to diagnose in a living patient.

    Significant concerns have already been raised about chronic wasting disease. It infects animals such as deer, elk, and moose, and seems to be transmitted fairly easily between them; scientists think it is transmitted via bodily fluids such as blood or saliva, either through direct contact, or contamination in the environment.
    It's not known for certain whether the two men described in the case report succumbed to chronic wasting disease, or whether their illness had another source. Prion disease may emerge spontaneously, for example, although that is, as far as we can tell, extremely rare.
    The case report also doesn't mention from whence the two men hailed, but the disease can be found across the North American continent in wild populations, including at least 32 states in the US and across Canada. It can also be found among farmed deer.
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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Given that zoonotic prion disease is absolutely possible, and that transmission to humans has been predicted for some time, the situation, the doctors say, warrants caution and attention.

    Although causation remains unproven, this cluster emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming CWD-infected deer and its implications for public health," they write.

    "Clusters of sporadic CJD cases may occur in regions with CWD-confirmed deer populations, hinting at potential cross-species prion transmission. Surveillance and further research are essential to better understand this possible association."

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Why do we move slower the older we get? New study delivers answers

    It's one of the inescapable realities of aging: The older we get, the slower we tend to move.

    A new study led by University of Colorado Boulder engineers helps explain why.

    The research is one of the first studies to experimentally tease apart the competing reasons why people over age 65 might not be as quick on their feet as they used to be. The group reported that older adults may move slower, at least in part, because it costs them more energy than younger people—perhaps not too shocking for anyone who's woken up tired the morning after an active day.

    Why we move the way we do, from eye movements to reaching, walking, and talking, is a window into aging and Parkinson's. Scientists are trying to understand the neural basis of that.

    For the study, the group asked subjects aged 18 to 35 and 66 to 87 to complete a deceptively simple task: to reach for a target on a screen, a bit like playing a video game on a Nintendo Wii. By analyzing patterns of these reaches, the researchers discovered that older adults seemed to modify their motions under certain circumstances to conserve their limited supplies of energy.

    All of us, whether young or old, are inherently driven to get the most reward out of our environment while minimizing the amount of effort to do so.

    researchers have long known that older adults tend to be slower because their movements are less stable and accurate. But other factors could also play a role in this fundamental part of growing up.

    According to one hypothesis, the muscles in older adults may work less efficiently, meaning that they burn more calories while completing the same tasks as younger adults—like running a marathon or getting up to grab a soda from the refrigerator.

    Alternatively, aging might also alter the reward circuitry in the human brain. As people age, their bodies produce less dopamine, a brain chemical responsible for giving you a sense of satisfaction after a job well done. If you don't feel that reward as strongly, the thinking goes, you may be less likely to move to get it. People with Parkinson's disease experience an even sharper decline in dopamine production.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    In the study, the researchers asked more than 80 people to sit down and grab the handle of a robotic arm, which, in turn, operated the cursor on a computer screen. The subjects reached forward, moving the cursor toward a target. If they succeeded, they received a reward—not a big one, but still enough to make their brains happy.

    Sometimes, the targets exploded, and they would get point rewards. It would also make a 'bing bing' sound.

    That's when a contrast between the two groups of people began to emerge.

    Both the 18 to 35-year-olds and 66 to 87-year-olds arrived at their targets sooner when they knew they would hear that bing bing—roughly 4% to 5% sooner over trials without the reward. But they also achieved that goal in different ways.

    The younger adults, by and large, moved their arms faster toward the reward. The older adults, in contrast, mainly improved their reaction times, beginning their reaches about 17 milliseconds sooner on average.

    When the team added an 8-pound weight to the robotic arm for the younger subjects, those differences vanished.

    The brain seems to be able to detect very small changes in how much energy the body is using and adjusts our movements accordingly. Even when moving with just a few extra pounds, reacting quicker became the energetically cheaper option to get to the reward, so the young adults imitated the older adults and did just that.

    The research seems to paint a clear picture. Both the younger and older adults didn't seem to have trouble perceiving rewards, even small ones. But their brains slowed down their movements under tiring circumstances.

    The experiment can't completely rule out the brain's reward centers as a culprit behind why we slow down when we age. But if scientists can tease out where and how these changes emerge from the body, they may be able to develop treatments to reduce the toll of aging and disease.

    Putting it all together, these results suggest that the effort costs of reaching seem to be determining what's slowing the movement of older adults. 

    Erik M. Summerside et al, Slowing of Movements in Healthy Aging as a Rational Economic Response to an Elevated Effort Landscape, The Journal of Neuroscience (2024). DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1596-23.2024

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The harm artificial sweeteners can cause

    Artificial sweeteners are chemical compounds are up to 600 times sweeter than sugar with very few (if any) calories, and are cheap and easy for manufacturers to use.

    Traditional artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K) have been found in a wide range of foods and drinks for many years as a way to increase the sweet taste without adding significant calories or costs. However, in the last few years, there has been controversy in the field. Several studies have suggested potential health harms associated with consuming these sweeteners, ranging from gastrointestinal disease to dementia. Although none of these harms have been proved, it has paved the way for new sweeteners to be developed to try to avoid any possible health issues. These next-generation sweeteners are up to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar, have no calories and no aftertaste (a common complaint with traditional sweeteners). An example of this new type of sweetener is neotame. Neotame was developed as an alternative to aspartame with the aim of being a more stable and sweet version of the traditional sweetener. It is very stable at high temperatures, which means it is a good additive to use in baked goods. It is also used in soft drinks and chewing gum.

    An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, scientists found.It does this harm in two ways. One, by breaking down the layer of cells that line the intestine. And, two, by causing previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased, resulting in them invading the gut wall.

    The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, is the first to show this double-hit negative effect of neotame on the gut, resulting in damage similar to that seen in inflammatory bowel disease and sepsis.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study suggests that stevia is the most brain-compatible sugar substitute

    Given the known risks of consuming high amounts of sugar, today many people are looking for alternative sweeteners that produce a similar taste without prompting significant weight gain and causing other health issues. While research suggests that the brain can tell the difference between different sweet substances, the neural processes underlying this ability to tell sweeteners apart remain poorly understood.

    Researchers recently carried out a study aimed at better understanding what happens in the brain of mice when they are fed different types of sweeteners. Their findings, published in Neuroscience Research, suggest that the response of neurons to sucrose and stevia is similar, suggesting that stevia could be an equally pleasant but healthier sugar substitute.

    Stevia is a sweet sugar substitute that is about 50 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is extracted from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana, a plant native to areas of Paraguay and Brazil in the southern Amazon rainforest.The active compounds in stevia are steviol glycosides (mainly stevioside and rebaudioside). Stevia is heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable. Humans cannot metabolize the glycosides in stevia, and therefore it has zero calories. Its taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar, and at high concentrations some of its extracts may have an aftertaste described as licorice-like or bitter. Stevia is used in sugar- and calorie-reduced food and beverage products as an alternative for variants with sugar.

    Interestingly, the team's recordings revealed that compared to other sugar substitutes considered as part of this study, stevia induced activity in the PVT that more closely resembled that elicited by sugar intake. This suggests that stevia is the most "brain compatible" among most widely used sugar alternatives, most closely mirroring the perceived taste of sugar.

    Shaolei Jiang et al, Neuronal activity in the anterior paraventricular nucleus of thalamus positively correlated with sweetener consumption in mice, Neuroscience Research (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2024.02.002

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Research shows 'profound' link between dietary choices and brain health

    A recent study published in Nature Mental Health shows that a healthy, balanced diet is linked to superior brain health, cognitive function and mental well-being. The study, involving researchers at the University of Warwick, sheds light on how our food preferences not only influence physical health but also significantly impact brain health.

    The dietary choices of a large sample of 181,990 participants from the UK Biobank were analyzed against and a range of physical evaluations, including cognitive function, blood metabolic biomarkers, brain imaging, and genetics—unveiling new insights into the relationship between nutrition and overall well-being.

    The food preferences of each participant were collected via an online questionnaire, which the team categorized into 10 groups (such as alcohol, fruits and meats). A type of AI called machine learning helped the researchers analyze the large dataset.

    A balanced diet was associated with better mental health, superior cognitive functions and even higher amounts of gray matter in the brain—linked to intelligence—compared with those with a less varied diet.

    The study also highlighted the need for gradual dietary modifications, particularly for individuals accustomed to highly palatable but nutritionally deficient foods. By slowly reducing sugar and fat intake over time, individuals may find themselves naturally gravitating towards healthier food choices.

    Genetic factors may also contribute to the association between diet and brain health, the scientists think, showing how a combination of genetic predispositions and lifestyle choices shape well-being.

     Ruohan Zhang et al, Associations of dietary patterns with brain health from behavioral, neuroimaging, biochemical and genetic analyses, Nature Mental Health (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s44220-024-00226-0

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Human activities have an intense impact on Earth's deep subsurface fluid flow

    The impact of human activities—such as greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation—on Earth's surface have been well-studied. Now, hydrology researchers  have investigated how humans impact Earth's deep subsurface, a zone that lies hundreds of meters to several kilometers beneath the planet's surface.

    They looked at how the rates of fluid production with oil and gas compare to natural background circulation of water and showed how humans have made a big impact on the circulation of fluids in the subsurface.

    In the future, these human-induced fluid fluxes are projected to increase with strategies that are proposed as solutions for climate change, according the study. Such strategies include: geologic carbon sequestration, which is capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide in underground porous rocks; geothermal energy production, which involves circulating water through hot rocks for generating electricity; and lithium extraction from underground mineral-rich brine for powering electric vehicles.

    Responsible management of the subsurface is central to any hope for a green transition, sustainable future and keeping warming below a few degrees.

    With oil and natural gas production, there is always some amount of water, typically saline, that comes from the deep subsurface. The underground water is often millions of years old and acquires its salinity either from evaporation of ancient seawater or from reaction with rocks and minerals. For more efficient oil recovery, more water from near-surface sources is added to the salt water to make up for the amount of oil removed and to maintain reservoir pressures. The blended saline water then gets reinjected into the subsurface. This becomes a cycle of producing fluid and reinjecting it to the deep subsurface.

    The same process happens in lithium extraction, geothermal energy production and geologic carbon sequestration, the operations of which involve leftover saline water from the underground that is reinjected.

    Researchers showed that the fluid injection rates or recharge rates from those oil and gas activities is greater than what naturally occurs .

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    Using existing data from various sources, including measurements of fluid movements related to oil and gas extraction and water injections for geothermal energy, the team found that the current fluid movement rates induced by human activities are higher compared to how fluids moved before human intervention.

    As human activities like carbon capture and sequestration and lithium extraction ramp up, the researchers also predicted how these activities might be recorded in the geological record, which is the history of Earth as recorded in the rocks that make up its crust.

    Human activities have the potential to alter not just the deep subsurface fluids but also the microbes that live down there.
    As fluids move around, microbial environments may be altered by changes in water chemistry or by bringing new microbial communities from Earth's surface to the underground.

    For example, with hydraulic fracturing, a technique that is used to break underground rocks with pressurized liquids for extracting oil and gas, a deep rock formation that previously didn't have any detectable number of microbes might have a sudden bloom of microbial activity.

    There remain a lot of unknowns about Earth's deep subsurface and how it is impacted by human activities, and it's important to continue working on those questions, say the scientists.

    Grant Ferguson et al, Acceleration of Deep Subsurface Fluid Fluxes in the Anthropocene, Earth's Future (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2024EF004496

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers  find brown fat's 'off-switch'

    Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a type of fat in our bodies that's different from the white fat around our belly and thighs that we are more familiar with. Brown fat has a special job—it helps to burn calories from the foods that we eat into heat, which can be helpful, especially when we're exposed to cold temperatures like during winter swimming or cryotherapy.

    For a long time, scientists thought that only small animals like mice and newborns had brown fat. But new research shows that a certain number of adults maintain their brown fat throughout life. Because brown fat is so good at burning calories, scientists are trying to find ways to activate it safely using drugs that boost its heat-producing abilities.

    A new study  has found that brown fat has a previously unknown built-in mechanism that switches it off shortly after being activated. This limits its effectiveness as treatment against obesity. The team has now discovered a protein responsible for this switching-off process. It is called "AC3-AT."

    Hande Topel et al, Cold-induced expression of a truncated Adenylyl Cyclase 3 acts as rheostat to brown fat function, Nature Metabolism (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42255-024-01033-8


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Physicists overcome two key operating hurdles in fusion reactions

    A team of physicists has devised a way to overcome two key hurdles standing in the way of using fusion as a general power source.

    In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes how they devised a way to raise the density of the plasma in their reactor while also keeping it stable.

    Scientists at various sites around the world have been working for several years to figure out how to use fusion reactions to create electricity for general use—thereby freeing the world from using coal and gas fired power plants that spew greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. But it has been a long and difficult road.

    It was just in the past couple of years that researchers were able to show that a fusion reaction could be made to sustain itself, and that more power could be produced than was input into such a system.

    The next two hurdles to overcome are increasing the density of the plasma in the reactor and then containing it for extended periods of time—long enough for it to be useful for producing electricity. In this new study, the research team has devised a way to do both in a tokamak chamber.

    To contain the plasma as its density was increased, the team used additional magnets and bursts of deuterium where needed. They also allowed for higher densities at the core than near the edges, helping to ensure the plasma could not escape. They held it in that state for 2.2 seconds, long enough to prove that it could be done.

    They also found that during that short time span, the average density in the reactor was 20% over the Greenwald limit—a theoretical barrier that had been predicted to mark the point at which adding pressure would escape the magnetic field holding the plasma in place.

    They also found that the stability of the plasma was H98y2 above 1, which means that the experiment was successful.

    The research team acknowledges that their experiment was done in a very small reactor—one with a diameter of just 1.6 meters. For such an achievement to be considered fully successful, it will have to be done in a much larger reactor, such as the one currently under construction in France, which will have a diameter of 6.2 meters.

    S. Ding et al, A high-density and high-confinement tokamak plasma regime for fusion energy, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07313-3

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Many old books contain toxic chemicals

    In our modern society, we rarely consider books to be dangerous items. However, certain books contain elements so hazardous that they require scrutiny before being placed on the shelves of public libraries, bookstores or even private homes.

    The Poisonous Book Project, a collaborative research project between Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library and the University of Delaware, is dedicated to cataloging such books. Their concern is not with the content written on the pages, but with the physical components of the books themselves—specifically, the colors of the covers.
    The project recently influenced the decision to remove two books from the French national library. The reason? Their vibrant green cloth covers raised suspicions of containing arsenic.

    This concern is rooted in historical practices in bookbinding. During the 19th century, as books began to be mass produced, bookbinders transitioned from using expensive leather covers to more affordable cloth items. To attract readers, these cloth covers were often dyed in bright, eye-catching colours.
    One popular pigment was Scheele's green, named after Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a German-Swedish chemist who in 1775 discovered that a vivid green pigment could be produced from copper and arsenic. This dye was not only cheap to make, it was also more vibrant than the copper carbonate greens that had been used for over a century.
    Paris green, 's much more durable. It was quickly adopted for use in various items, including book covers, clothing, candles and wallpaper.
    These pigments, however, had a significant drawback: they degraded easily, releasing poisonous and carcinogenic arsenic. The frequent reports of green candles poisoning children at Christmas parties, factory workers tasked with applying paint to ornaments convulsing and vomiting green water and warnings of poisonous ball dresses raised serious concerns about the safety of these green dyes.
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    The harmful effects of these pigments have even been implicated in Napoleon's death from stomach cancer. Napoleon was particularly keen on the new green colors, so much so that he ordered his dwelling on St Helena, where he was exiled, be painted in his favorite color.

    The theory that the arsenic in the walls contributed to his death is supported by the high levels of arsenic detected in samples of his hair. Despite the clear link between the green pigments and health issues, toxic wallpapers continued to be produced until the late 19th century.
    Green isn't the only color to worry about, however. Red is also of concern. The brilliant red pigment vermilion was formed from the mineral cinnabar, also known as mercury sulfide. This was a popular source of red paint dating back thousands of years. There is even evidence that neolithic artists suffered from mercury poisoning. Vermilion red sometimes appears on the marbled patterns on the inside of book covers.

    Yellow has also caught the eye of the poisonous book project. In this case, the culprit is lead chromate. The bright yellow of lead chromate was a favorite with painters, not least Vincent van Gogh, who used it extensively in his most famous series of paintings: Sunflowers. For the Victorian-era bookbinders, lead chromate allowed them to create a range of colors from greens (achieved by mixing chrome yellow with Prussian blue) to yellows, oranges and browns.

    Both lead and chromium are toxic. But yellow books are less of a concern than green and red. Lead chromate is not particularly soluble, making it difficult to absorb. It is, in fact, still a widely used pigment.
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    So what should you do if you come across a green cloth book from the 19th century? First, don't be overly concerned. You would probably have to eat the entire book before you'd suffer from severe arsenic poisoning. However, casual exposure to copper acetoarsenite, the compound in the green pigment, can irritate the eyes, nose and throat.

    It is more of a concern for folks who may regularly handle these books where frequent contact could result in more serious symptoms. Therefore, anyone who suspects they might be handling a Victorian-era book with an emerald green binding is advised to wear gloves and avoid touching their face. Then clean all surfaces afterwards.

    To aid with the identification of these potentially hazardous books, the Poisonous Book Project has incorporated crowd-sourced data into their research. The researchers now distribute bookmarks that feature safety warnings and showcase various shades of emerald green to aid their identification. As a result, they have now identified over 238 arsenic editions from across the globe.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    First fetus-to-fetus transplant demonstrated in rats

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientists show that there is indeed an 'entropy' of quantum entanglement

    Researchers have shown, through probabilistic calculations, that there is indeed, as had been hypothesized, a rule of entropy for the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

    This finding could help drive a better understanding of quantum entanglement, which is a key resource that underlies much of the power of future quantum computers. Little is currently understood about the optimal ways to make effective use of it, despite it being the focus of research in quantum information science for decades.

    The second law of thermodynamics, which says that a system can never move to a state with lower entropy, or order, is one of the most fundamental laws of nature, and lies at the very heart of physics. It is what creates the "arrow of time," and tells us the remarkable fact that the dynamics of general physical systems, even extremely complex ones such as gases or black holes, are encapsulated by a single function, its entropy.

    There is a complication, however. The principle of entropy is known to apply to all classical systems. Then what about quantum world?

    We are now going through a quantum revolution, and it becomes crucially important to understand how we can extract and transform the expensive and fragile quantum resources. In particular, quantum entanglement, which allows for significant advantages in communication, computation, and cryptography, is crucial, but due to its extremely complex structure, efficiently manipulating it and even understanding its basic properties is typically much more challenging than in the case of thermodynamics. Part 1
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    The difficulty lies in the fact that such a "second law" for quantum entanglement would require us to show that entanglement transformations can be made reversible, just like work and heat can be interconverted in thermodynamics.

    It is known that reversibility of entanglement is much more difficult to ensure than the reversibility of thermodynamic transformations, and all previous attempts at establishing any form of a reversible theory of entanglement have failed. It was even suspected that entanglement might actually be irreversible, making the quest an impossible one.
    In their new work, published in Nature Communications, the authors solve this long-standing conjecture by using probabilistic entanglement transformations, which are only guaranteed to be successful some of the time, but which, in return, provide an increased power in converting quantum systems.

    Under such processes, the authors show that it is indeed possible to establish a reversible framework for entanglement manipulation, thus identifying a setting in which a unique entropy of entanglement emerges and all entanglement transformations are governed by a single quantity. The methods they used could be applied more broadly, showing similar reversibility properties also for more general quantum resources.
    findings mark significant progress in understanding the basic properties of entanglement, revealing fundamental connections between entanglement and thermodynamics, and crucially, providing a major simplification in the understanding of entanglement conversion processes.
    This not only has immediate and direct applications in the foundations of quantum theory, but it will also help with understanding the ultimate limitations on our ability to efficiently manipulate entanglement in practice.

    Bartosz Regula et al, Reversibility of quantum resources through probabilistic protocols, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47243-2

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have unique and complex autoantibody patterns, study reveals

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) all have a unique and diverse set of antibodies that are involved in the development of the disease. Researchers unveiled the complexity of these antibodies using powerful lab tools capable of analyzing our immune system at molecular levels. Their discovery suggests that current assumptions about the origin of RA are too simple. Their findings may point towards improved diagnostics.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. It arises when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues, leading to inflammation in the joints and potentially other organs.

    The exact cause of RA remains unknown, but a crucial role is played by antibodies, special proteins made by the immune system to help fight off infections. They recognize and attack specific targets, like viruses or bacteria. Some antibodies are wrongly produced, causing them to attack our own body. Normally, our body's immune system is equipped with a 'filter' that cleans up these so-called autoantibodies. Researchers think that this mechanism is malfunctioning in RA patients.

    The extend to which this filter is malfunctioning, now appears to be much greater than expected. Research  published in Nature Communications reveals that it's not just a handful of different RA-associated autoantibodies that evade the filter. On the contrary, the researchers found an extremely broad variety of these antibodies.

    The team used novel mass spectrometry tools that profile specific antibodies typically seen in the blood of RA patients, which are called anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs). They discovered that each RA patient possesses a unique and diverse set of ACPAs.

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    Their findings challenge previous assumptions about the backgrounds of RA, that overlooked the antibodies' diversity and complexity. This shows that RA is not just a disease occurring due to small errors, but a big structural problem in the immune system. 

    The study also revealed that these ACPAs are extensively modified with sugar molecules, known as Fab glycans. Intriguingly, some antibodies had multiple sugar molecules attached. This is much more then researchers normally observe in antibody profiles.

    Having extra glycans aboard, may help the ACPA antibodies pass the filter of the immune system. The immune system uses several very strict checks during antibody production, to make sure all antibodies are correct. Wrongly produced antibodies are then detected and removed. Scientists suspect that glycans could help ACPAs trick the control system, allowing ACPAs to pass through the filter and form the onset of RA.
    Current efforts to develop treatments for RA are mainly geared towards eliminating autoantibodies directly. This strategy may not be effective, say the researchers. When you realize that there is such an extreme diversity in RA-related autoantibodies, it seems virtually impossible to eliminate them. A better approach may be to intervene earlier in the disease process, by targeting the malfunctioning filtering mechanism that allows autoantibodies to pass through.

    Understanding these unique proteins is important, as it could ultimately also help doctors diagnose RA better. Even though RA remains an incurable disease, with an earlier diagnosis you can take better measures to control its progression.

    Eva Maria Stork et al, Antigen-specific Fab profiling achieves molecular-resolution analysis of human autoantibody repertoires in rheumatoid arthritis, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47337-x

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Brain imaging study reveals connections critical to human consciousness

    In a paper titled, "Multimodal MRI reveals brainstem connections that sustain wakefulness in human consciousness," published in Science Translational Medicine, a group of researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital, created a connectivity map of a brain network that they propose is critical to human consciousness.

    The study involved high-resolution scans that enabled the researchers to visualize brain connections at submillimeter spatial resolution. This technical advance allowed them to identify previously unseen pathways connecting the brainstem, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain, and cerebral cortex.
    Together, these pathways form a "default ascending arousal network" that sustains wakefulness in the resting, conscious human brain. The concept of a "default" network is based on the idea that specific networks within the brain are most functionally active when the brain is in a resting state of consciousness. In contrast, other networks are more active when the brain is performing goal-directed tasks.

    To investigate the functional properties of this default brain network, the researchers analyzed 7 Tesla resting-state functional MRI data from the Human Connectome Project. These analyses revealed functional connections between the subcortical default ascending arousal network and the cortical default mode network that contributes to self-awareness in the resting, conscious brain.

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    The complementary structural and functional connectivity maps provide a neuroanatomic basis for integrating arousal and awareness in human consciousness. The researchers released the MRI data, brain mapping methods, and a new Harvard Ascending Arousal Network Atlas, to support future efforts to map the connectivity of human consciousness.

    This connectivity results suggest that stimulation of the ventral tegmental area's dopaminergic pathways has the potential to help patients recover from coma because this hub node is connected to many regions of the brain that are critical to consciousness.
    The human brain connections that they identified can be used as a roadmap to better understand a broad range of neurological disorders associated with altered consciousness, from coma, to seizures, to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    The researchers are currently conducting clinical trials to stimulate the default ascending arousal network in patients with coma after traumatic brain injury, with the goal of reactivating the network and restoring consciousness.

     Brian Edlow et al, Multimodal MRI reveals brainstem connections that sustain wakefulness in human consciousness, Science Translational Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.1126/

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientists identify new brain circuit in mice that controls body's inflammatory reactions

    The brain can direct the immune system to an unexpected degree, capable of detecting, ramping up and tamping down inflammation, shows a new study in mice by  researchers.

    The brain is the center of our thoughts, emotions, memories and feelings. Thanks to great advances in circuit tracking and single-cell technology, we now know the brain does far more than that. It is monitoring the function of every system in the body.

    Future research could identify drugs that can target this newfound brain circuit to help treat a vast range of disorders and diseases in which the immune system goes haywire. This new discovery could provide an exciting therapeutic venue to control inflammation and immunity.

    Recent work by scientists is revealing the importance of the body-brain axis, a vital pathway that conveys data between the organs and the brain. For example, they discovered that sugar and fat entering the gut use the body-brain axis to drive the craving and strong appetite for sugary and fatty foods.

    They  found all these ways in which the body is informing the brain about the body's current state. 

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    The scientists looked for connections the brain might have with inflammation and innate immunity, the defense system shared by all animals and the most ancient component of the immune system. Whereas the adaptive immune system remembers previous encounters with intruders to help it resist them if they invade again, the innate immune system attacks anything with common traits of germs. The relative simplicity of innate immunity lets it respond to new insults more quickly than adaptive immunity.

    Prior studies in humans revealed that electrically stimulating the vagus nerve—a bundle of thousands of nerve fibers linking the brain and the body's internal organs—could reduce the response linked to a specific inflammatory molecule.
    However, much remained unknown about the nature of this body-brain system: for instance, the generality of the brain's modulation of immunity and the inflammatory response, the selective lines of communication between the body and the brain, the logic of the underlying neural circuit, and the identity of the vagal and brain components that monitor and regulate inflammation.
    Researchers turned to a bacterial compound that sets off innate immune responses. The scientists found that giving this molecule to mice activated the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract, or cNST, which is tucked inside the brainstem. The cNST plays a major role in the body-brain axis and is the primary target of the vagus nerve.
    The scientists showed that chemically suppressing the cNST resulted in an out-of-control inflammatory response to the immune insult: levels of pro-inflammatory molecules released by the immune system were more than three times higher than usual, and levels of anti-inflammatory immune compounds were roughly three times lower than normal.

    In contrast, artificially activating the cNST reduced pro-inflammatory molecule levels by nearly 70% and increased anti-inflammatory chemical levels almost tenfold.

    Similar to a thermostat, this newfound brain circuit helps increase or decrease inflammatory responses to keep the body responding in a healthy manner.

    A body–brain circuit that regulates body inflammatory responses, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07469-y

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The journey of inhaled plastic particle pollution

    With recent studies having established the presence of nano and microplastic particles in the respiratory systems of both human and bird populations, a new study has modeled what happens when people breathe in different kinds of plastic particles and where they end up.

    Researchers used computational fluid-particle dynamics (CFPD) to study the transfer and deposition of nano and microplastic particles of different sizes and shapes depending on the rate of breathing.

    The results of the modeling, published in the journal Environmental Advances, have pinpointed hotspots in the human respiratory system where plastic particles can accumulate, from the nasal cavity and larynx and into the lungs. The paper based on these results is titled, "Transport and deposition of microplastics and nanoplastics in the human respiratory tract."

    Evidence 's mounting on the significant impact of nano and microplastics on respiratory health and the UTS study would provide essential insights for the development of targeted strategies to mitigate potential risks and ensure effective health interventions.
    Experimental evidence has strongly suggested that these plastic particles amplify human susceptibility to a spectrum of lung disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fibrosis, dyspnea (shortness of breath), asthma, and the formation of what are called frosted glass nodules.
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    Plastic particle air pollution is now pervasive and inhalation ranks as the second most likely pathway for human exposure.
    The primary types are intentionally manufactured, including a wide array of cosmetics and personal care products such as toothpaste.

    The secondary ones are fragments derived from the degradation of larger plastic products, such as water bottles, food containers and clothes.
    Extensive investigations have identified synthetic textiles as a principal source of indoor airborne plastic particles, while the outdoor environment presents a multitude of sources encompassing contaminated aerosols from the ocean to particles originating from wastewater treatment.
    Researchers' modelling found that breathing rate along with particle size and shape determined where in the respiratory system plastic particles would be deposited.

    Faster breathing rates led to heightened deposition in the upper respiratory tract, particularly for larger microplastics, whereas slower breathing facilitated deeper penetration and deposition of smaller nanoplastic particles.
    Particle shape was another factor, with non-spherical microplastic particles showing a propensity for deeper lung penetration compared to spherical microplastics and nanoplastics, potentially leading to different health outcomes.

    These findings highlight the imperative consideration of breathing rates and particle sizes in health risk assessments associated with respiratory exposure to nano and microplastic particles.

    Xinlei Huang et al, Transport and deposition of microplastics and nanoplastics in the human respiratory tract, Environmental Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.envadv.2024.100525

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Tire toxicity faces fresh scrutiny after fish fatalities

    For decades, concerns about automobile pollution have focused on what comes out of the tailpipe. Now, researchers and regulators say, we need to pay more attention to toxic emissions from tires as vehicles roll down the road.

    At the top of the list of worries is a chemical called 6PPD, which is added to rubber tires to help them last longer. When tires wear on pavement, 6PPD is released. It reacts with ozone to become a different chemical, 6PPD-q, which can be extremely toxic—so much so that it has been linked to repeated fish kills in the US.

    The trouble with tires doesn't stop there. Tires are made primarily of natural rubber and synthetic rubber, but they contain hundreds of other ingredients, often including steel and heavy metals such as copper, lead, cadmium, and zinc.

    As car tires wear, the rubber disappears in particles, both bits that can be seen with the naked eye and microparticles. Testing by a British company, Emissions Analytics, found that a car's tires emit 1 trillion ultrafine particles per kilometer driven—from 5 to 9 pounds of rubber per internal combustion car per year.

    And what's in those particles is a mystery, because tire ingredients are proprietary. You've got a chemical cocktail in these tires that no one really understands and is kept highly confidential by the tire manufacturers.

    Regulators have only begun to address the toxic tire problem, though there has been some action on 6PPD.

    Native American tribes have petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit the chemical. The EPA said it is considering new rules governing the chemical. "We could not sit idle while 6PPD kills the fish that sustain us", they say.

    But, tragically,  today there is no alternative to 6PPD.

    One outstanding research question is whether 6PPD-q affects people, and what health problems, if any, it could cause. A study published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters found high levels of the chemical in urine samples from a region of South China, with levels highest in pregnant women.

    The discovery of 6PPD-q, Molden said, has sparked fresh interest in the health and environmental impacts of tires.

    Source: Environmental Science & Technology Letters

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    **More than half of cats on farm died after drinking milk from cows infected with bird flu**
    In yet another sign that bird flu is spreading widely among mammals, a new report finds more than half of cats at the first Texas dairy farm to have cows test positive for bird flu this spring died after drinking raw milk.

    Published this week in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, the report details the early stages of the investigation into the spread of bird flu among the country's dairy farms.

    Cats at the Texas farm had been fed raw milk from cows that turned out to be infected with avian influenza, also known as H5N1. A day after the farm noticed cows were getting sick, the cats started getting sick. In the end, more than half of the cats perished.
    "The cats were found dead with no apparent signs of injury and were from a resident population of [approximately] 24 domestic cats that had been fed milk from sick cows," the scientists wrote in their report.

    Tests of the samples collected from the brains and lungs of dead cats yielded results suggesting "high amounts of virus," and autopsies revealed "microscopic lesions consistent with severe systemic virus infection," in the eyes and brain, they said.
    And some human beings too got infected with this bird flu virus.

    In late March 2024, a human case of influenza A(H5N1) virus infection was identified after exposure to dairy cattle presumably infected with bird flu. Some bird flu infections of people have been identified in which the source of infection was unknown.
    Source: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Enzymes Discovered in Gut Bacteria Can Change a Donor's Blood Groups

    When a life hangs in the balance, blood transfusions can help sustain a patient – but only if the donor's blood type is a match.
    A new discovery by researchers from Denmark and Sweden could help in those emergency situations, while also easing global shortages in blood supplies.
    The team identified a mixture of enzymes made by a species of bacteria found in our guts that can, in lab studies, transform red blood cells into the universal type O with "remarkably high efficiencies" – improving on an idea hatched 40 years ago.

    Like virtually all cells in the human body, red blood cells are covered in a fuzz of unique sugary structures. These vary from person to person, with some sporting type A structures and others type B. Some have both A and B, and others have neither, which is designated O.

    Immune systems that have never seen types A or B will attack and destroy these cells on sight if they receive them in a transfusion, whereas type O blood is far more widely accepted for most recipients.

    Because of this versatility, type O blood stocks are often used up, especially in medical emergencies where doctors must act quickly without knowing a patient's blood type.
    Converting red blood cells into the universal type O is not a new idea. The technique was pioneered back in 1982, when scientists discovered an enzyme extracted from coffee beans that could strip type B cells of their surface sugars.

    But that enzyme reaction was very inefficient, making large-scale use impractical, and despite early promise in clinical trials, safety concerns were raised. For unknown reasons, donor blood was sometimes still incompatible in recipients despite donor cells being stripped of nearly all their antigens.

    So scientists went back to the drawing board, discovering other enzymes in collections of gut bacteria as recently as 2019.
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    What's tricky is that there are now, as of 2022, more than 40 blood group systems beyond the ABO system and rhesus factor most are familiar with.

    Even within the A and B blood groups, there are subtypes, with varying lengths and densities of the signature molecules protruding from the red cells' membranes.
    Scientists recently reported the discovery of remarkably efficient enzymes, not only against A and B antigens but also against their extensions.

    published paper

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    Based on previous work by other teams, the researchers selected a few candidate enzymes made by the gut bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila and treated red blood cells – from multiple donors and various A and B subtypes – with them.

    Importantly, for potential clinical use, the enzymes were incubated with high concentrations of red blood cells, at room temperature and for only 30 minutes – improving on the longer processing and less efficient conditions of previous candidates.

    "These mild conditions without additives (for example, dextran) together with excellent enzyme efficacies are important feasibility parameters in clinical applications.
    Crucially, the chosen enzymes also removed all four known extensions of group A and B antigens from red blood cells, in addition to the shorter, canonical A and B antigens of other blood subtypes.

    Removing the long, sugary extensions reduced the incompatibility of treated B-type cells with plasma samples to less than 9 percent, and made reactions less severe where they did happen.

    More work is required to understand why a small fraction of apparently sugarless red blood cells still cross-react with group O plasmas, and to improve the conversion of group A blood cells.

    However, in finding enzymes that remove a greater variety of A and B antigens, the researchers say their study uncovers "a missing link" in the production of universal blood for transfusion and potentially organs for transplantation.

    In 2022, researchers used a similar strategy (with different enzymes) to convert donated lungs from group A blood type to the universal type O under lab conditions. This new work might improve those efforts enough to satisfy the safety standards required for human transplant trials.
    Lab-grown red blood cells are also in human trials to test whether they last longer than donated blood. If so, that could reduce the demand on blood supplies and also help patients requiring repeat transfusions avoid complications.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers develop near-chromosome-level genome for the Mojave poppy bee

    Scientists have developed a near chromosome-level genome for the Mojave poppy bee, a specialist pollinator of conservation concern, according to a recent paper published in the Journal of Heredity.

    Putting together the Mojave poppy bee genome is part of the Beenome100 project, a first-of-its-kind effort to create a library of high-quality, highly detailed genome maps of 100 or more diverse bee species.

    The expectation is that these genomes will help researchers answer the big questions about bees, such as what genetic differences make a bee species more vulnerable to climate change or whether a bee species is likely to be more susceptible to a pesticide.

    The Mojave poppy bee and Las Vegas bearpoppy are also being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Both species will be evaluated for potential declining populations and vulnerability to extinction due to climate change and to habitat loss from urban development and mining in their native region.

    Researchers assembled the genome or genetic map that will help further to understand the Mojave poppy bee's biological traits.

    The genome, with additional genetic sampling of individuals, will also potentially give us insights into the genetic basis for host-plant specialization, susceptibility to pesticides, and susceptibility to drought and climate tolerance.

    Rena M Schweizer et al, Reference genome for the Mojave poppy bee (Perdita meconis), a specialist pollinator of conservation concern, Journal of Heredity (2023). DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esad076

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Male chicks play more than females!

    Play is widespread, but far from ubiquitous, across the animal kingdom. Especially common in mammals, play is also known to occur in taxa as diverse as birds, fish, octopuses, and even insects. But what is its function, given that natural selection never selects fun for its own sake? One prominent hypothesis is that play is beneficial to individuals because it allows them to practice skills needed later in life.

    Now, a study in Frontiers in Ethology has shown that male baby chickens play far more than females. This result is of interest given that domestic chickens are directly descended from a species—red jungle fowl—with a pronounced difference between the sexes in morphology, coloration, and behaviour.

    This difference is mainly because males engage more in social and object play.

    The researchers distinguished 12 distinct play behaviors. Examples of locomotor play were frolicking and wing flapping. Object play included chasing an object or pecking at it or exchanging it with another chick. Social play included sparring, jumping, and sparring stand-offs.

    Object play was more frequently seen than social play, while locomotor play was least common. Both females and males showed every type of playful behavior. However, the frequency of play differed between them: male chicks played more overall than females. This was due to males engaging more often in object and social play, while there was no difference between the sexes in the frequency of locomotor play.

    The researcher concluded that these sex differences in chicks in the frequency of play can be explained by the high degree of sexual dimorphism of adult junglefowl. This means that male chicks would benefit more from practicing various skills related to physical ability and social tactics.

    The present study indicates that a possible function is to prepare animals for specific challenges they may encounter later in life. In a species like the chicken, where only males compete for territories, it makes sense that they engage in more social play as young.

    Rebecca Oscarsson et al, Male chicks play more than females—sex differences in chicken play ontogeny, Frontiers in Ethology (2024). DOI: 10.3389/ … ho.2024.1392378/full

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Weak magnetic field may have supported diversification of life on Earth

    An unusual reduction in the strength of Earth's magnetic field between 591 and 565 million years ago coincided with a significant increase in the oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans, according to a paper published in Communications Earth & Environment. The authors propose that the weakening of the magnetic field may have led to the increase in oxygen, which is  thought to have supported the evolution of some of the earliest complex organisms.

    Between 600 and 540 million years ago, life on Earth consisted of soft-bodied organisms known as the Ediacaran fauna, the earliest known complex multicellular animals. The fossil record shows that these organisms significantly diversified in complexity and type between 575 and 565 million years ago. Previous research has suggested that this diversification is linked to a significant increase in atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels that occurred over the same period. However, it is not yet clear why this increase in oxygen occurred.

    Researchers analyzed the magnetic properties of 21 plagioclase crystals, a common mineral in Earth's crust, which were extracted from a 591-million-year-old rock formation in Brazil. Plagioclase crystals contain tiny magnetic minerals that preserve the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at the time they are formed.
    Analysis of the crystals showed that at their point of formation, Earth's magnetic field was the weakest ever recorded—some 30 times weaker than both the current magnetic field intensity, and that measured from similar crystals formed approximately 2,000 million years ago.
    The authors combined their results with previous measurements to establish that the Earth's magnetic field was at this weak level for at least 26 million years, from 591 to 565 million years ago. This overlaps with the rise in oxygen, which occurred between 575 and 565 million years ago.

    Part 1

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The authors propose that the weakened magnetic field may have allowed more hydrogen to escape to space, resulting in a greater percentage of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere and oceans, which may in turn have supported the diversification in the types and complexity of organisms.

    John Tarduno, Near-collapse of the geomagnetic field may have contributed to atmospheric oxygenation and animal radiation in the Ediacaran Period, Communications Earth & Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

    Part 2

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Testing for residual cancer cells before blood cell transplant therapy is important and practical, new study finds

    Patients in remission after battling a high-risk blood cancer are likely to have better outcomes if no trace of the cancer is detectable before the patients receive donor blood cells.

    The finding appearing in JAMA Oncology emphasizes the importance and practicality of testing for measurable residual disease (MRD)—a condition that refers to evidence of lingering cancer cells in the body after people receive apparently successful chemotherapy treatment in adults with acute myeloid leukemia.

    The good news is this testing is doable.  You don't need to be at a specialized center with customized technology and high levels of expertise—testing can be done using commercially available kits potentially at any major modern hospital lab. It is now a matter of implementation.

    In a study of 537 patients with AML treated throughout the United States, scientists used a method called targeted ultra-deep DNA sequencing to see if they could find specific, leftover cancer-related gene mutations in the blood of patients who were in remission, but still awaiting a bone marrow transplant from donors to restore their healthy blood supply.
    The scientists were looking at DNA in blood for mutations in the FLT3 gene, which is among the most common seen in patients with AML. They found that if as little as 1 in 10,000 molecules of DNA tested contained a mutation, it corresponded with a higher risk of the cancer returning, and lower chances of survival with current standard treatments.

    Measurable Residual FLT3-ITD before Allogeneic Transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, JAMA Oncology (2024). DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2024.0985