Science Simplified!

                       JAI VIGNAN

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Urban animals modify their behaviors, learning, and problem-solving skills to cope with urban challenges, reflecting a dynamic response to urban landscapes," they write. "Similarly, humans alter their urban spaces, influencing wildlife behavior and evolution. This reciprocal adaptation between humans and wildlife is fundamental to understanding co-culture."
    Future research is also needed to examine the possibility of cultural and genetic co-evolution—the idea that species' cultures and genomes are evolving in concert. A key question, the researchers say, is "In the context of co-culture, how do cultural adaptations influence genetic evolution, and vice versa, across different species and environments?"

    Cédric Sueur et al, Co-cultures: exploring interspecies culture among humans and other animals, Trends in Ecology & Evolution (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2024.05.011

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    • Animals interact both within and between species, sharing common spaces.
    • Animals exhibit cultural behaviours.
    • Animals can influence and learn from each other, including interactions with other species.
    • The co-culture concept suggests that two populations of different species can influence each other's cultures through synchronised activities.
    • Co-culture emphasises cultural adaptations within ecological niches.
  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study Finds Life on Earth Emerged 4.2 Billion Years Ago

    Once upon a time, Earth was barren. Everything changed when, somehow, out of the chemistry available early in our planet's history, something started squirming – processing available matter to survive, to breed, to thrive.

    What that something was, and when it first squirmed, have been burning questions that have puzzled humanity probably for as long as we've been able to ask "what am I?"

    Now, a new study has found some answers – and life emerged surprisingly early.

    By studying the genomes of organisms that are alive today, scientists have determined that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA), the first organism that spawned all the life that exists today on Earth, emerged as early as 4.2 billion years ago.

    Earth, for context, is around 4.5 billion years old. That means life first emerged when the planet was still practically a newborn.

    Back when it was new, Earth was a very different place, with an atmosphere that we would find extremely toxic today. Oxygen, in the amount current life seems to need, didn't emerge until relatively late in the planet's evolutionary history, only as early as around 3 billion years ago.

    But life emerged prior to that; we have fossils of microbes from 3.48 billion years ago. And scientists think that conditions on Earth may have been stable enough to support life from around 4.3 billion years ago.

    But our planet is subject to erosional, geological, and organic processes that make evidence of that life, from that time, almost impossible to find.

    a team of scientists went looking somewhere else: in genomes from living organisms, and the fossil record.

    Their study is based on something called a molecular clock. Basically, we can estimate the rate at which mutations occur, and count the number to determine how much time has passed since the organisms in question diverged from common ancestors.

    All organisms, from the humblest microbe to the mightiest fungus, have some things in common. There's a universal genetic code. The way we make proteins is the same. There's an almost universal set of 20 amino acids that are all oriented the same way. And all living organisms use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a source of energy in their cells.

    Researchers  worked out, based on these similarities and differences, how long it has been since LUCA's successors started to diverge. And, using complex evolutionary modeling, they were able to learn more about LUCA itself – what it was, and how it survived on an Earth so very inhospitable to its descendants.


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    LUCA, they found, was probably very similar to a prokaryote, a single-celled organism that doesn't have a nucleus. It was obviously not reliant on oxygen, since there would have been little oxygen available; that's not unexpected for a microbe. As such, its metabolic processes probably produced acetate.

    But there was something else interesting. LUCA appears not to have been alone.
    This study showed that LUCA was a complex organism, not too different from modern prokaryotes.
    But what is really interesting is that it's clear it possessed an early immune system, showing that even by 4.2 billion years ago, our ancestor was engaging in an arms race with viruses.
    Because its metabolic processes would have produced waste products that could be used by other lifeforms, they could have emerged not long after LUCA did.

    This implies that it takes relatively little time for a full ecosystem to emerge in the evolutionary history of a planet – a finding that has implications far beyond our own little pale blue dot.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    The Exact Part of The Brain Behind Your Curiosity
    Being curious is a quintessential part of being human, driving us to learn and adapt to new environments. For the first time, scientists have pinpointed the spot in the brain where curiosity emerges.
    The discovery was made by researchers  who used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans to measure oxygen levels in different parts of the brain, indicating how busy each region is at any one time.

    Knowing where curiosity originates could help us understand more about how human beings tick, and potentially lead to therapies for conditions where curiosity is lacking, such as chronic depression.
    This is really the first time we can link the subjective feeling of curiosity about information to the way your brain represents that information.
    In the experiments conducted on curiosity and fMRI scans, notable activity was spotted in three regions: the the occipitotemporal cortex (linked to vision and object recognition), the ventromedial prefrontal cortex or vmPFC (which manages perceptions of value and confidence), and the anterior cingulate cortex (used for information gathering).
    The vmPFC appears to act as a sort of neurological bridge between levels of certainty recorded by the occipitotemporal cortex, and subjective feelings of curiosity – almost like a trigger telling us when to be curious. The less confident the volunteers were about the image subject, the more curious they were about it.
    These results illuminate how perceptual input is transformed by successive neural representations to ultimately evoke a feeling of curiosity," write the researchers in their published paper.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study identifies epigenetic 'switches' that regulate the developmental trajectories of single cells

    Individual cells in the human body develop progressively over time, ultimately becoming specialized in specific functions. This process, known as cell differentiation or specialization, is central to the formation of distinct cell populations that serve different purposes.

    Past studies suggest that the fate of cells is also modulated by epigenetic mechanisms (i.e., interactions between genes and environmental factors). These epigenetic mechanisms, however, have so far been proved difficult to pinpoint.

    Researchers recently carried out a study aimed at exploring the epigenetic processes influencing the developmental trajectories of individual cells, using human brain and retina organoids derived from pluripotent stem cells.  

    Their paper, published in Nature Neuroscience, outlines a single-cell epigenome-wide map that could aid the study of human cell fate determination.

    This paper was inspired by the need to better understand the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate cell fate decisions during human brain and retina development.

    The primary objective was to create a comprehensive single-cell epigenomic map that could capture the transitions from pluripotent stem cells to differentiated neural cells.

    To study the epigenetic mechanisms underpinning the diversification of human cells, the researchers carried out experiments on human brain and retina organoids, three-dimensional (3D), miniaturized versions of human organs created in laboratory settings, using pluripotent stem cells.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Using epigenetic techniques, the researchers were able to track how these three key histone modifications changed as cells transitioned through different stages of development. The observations gathered in their experiments allowed them to identify dynamic epigenetic "switches" that regulate the fate of individual cells.
    They discovered that the switching of repressive and activating histone modifications happens before cell fate decisions.
    Additionally, they demonstrated that removing H3K27me3 at the neuroectoderm stage disrupts fate restriction, leading to aberrant cell identities.

    Fides Zenk et al, Single-cell epigenomic reconstruction of developmental trajectories from pluripotency in human neural organoid systems, Nature Neuroscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01652-0

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    How climate change is altering the Earth's rotation

    For the first time, researchers have been able to fully explain the various causes of long-term polar motion in the most comprehensive modeling to date, using AI methods. Their model and their observations show that climate change and global warming will have a greater influence on the Earth's rotational speed than the effect of the moon, which has determined the increase in the length of the day for billions of years.

    Climate change is causing the ice masses in Greenland and Antarctica to melt. Water from the polar regions is flowing into the world's oceans—and especially into the equatorial region.

    This means that a shift in mass is taking place, and this is affecting the Earth's rotation.

    It's like when a figure skater does a pirouette, first holding her arms close to her body and then stretching them out. The initially fast rotation becomes slower because the masses move away from the axis of rotation, increasing physical inertia.

    In physics, we speak of the law of conservation of angular momentum, and this same law also governs the Earth's rotation. If the Earth turns more slowly, the days get longer. Climate change is therefore also altering the length of the day on Earth, albeit only minimally for now.

    Another cause of this slowdown is tidal friction, which is triggered by the moon. However, the new study comes to a surprising conclusion: if humans continue to emit more greenhouse gases and the Earth warms up accordingly, this would ultimately have a greater influence on the Earth's rotational speed than the effect of the moon, which has determined the increase in the length of the day for billions of years.

    We humans have a greater impact on our planet than we realize and this naturally places great responsibility on us for the future of our planet.

    However, shifts in mass on the Earth's surface and in its interior caused by the melting ice not only change the Earth's rotational speed and the length of day: as the researchers show in Nature Geoscience, they also alter the axis of rotation. This means that the points where the axis of rotation actually meets the Earth's surface move.

    Researchers can observe this polar motion, which, over a longer timeframe, comes to some ten meters per hundred years. It's not only the melting of the ice sheets that plays a role here, but also movements taking place in the Earth's interior.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Deep in the Earth's mantle, where the rock becomes viscous due to high pressure, displacements occur over long periods of time. And there are also heat flows in the liquid metal of Earth's outer core, which are responsible for both generating the Earth's magnetic field and leading to shifts in mass.

    In the most comprehensive modeling to date, researchers have now shown how polar motion results from individual processes in the core, in the mantle and from the climate at the surface.
    One finding in particular that stands out in their study is that the processes on and in the Earth are interconnected and influence each other. Climate change is causing the Earth's axis of rotation to move, and it appears that the feedback from the conservation of angular momentum is also changing the dynamics of the Earth's core.
    Ongoing climate change could therefore even be affecting processes deep inside the Earth and have a greater reach than previously assumed. However, there is little cause for concern, as these effects are minor and it's unlikely that they pose a risk.
    Implications for space travel
    Even if the Earth's rotation is changing only slowly, this effect has to be taken into account when navigating in space—for example, when sending a space probe to land on another planet. Even a slight deviation of just one centimeter on Earth can grow to a deviation of hundreds of meters over the huge distances involved.

    "Otherwise, it won't be possible to land in a specific crater on Mars".

     Kiani Shahvandi, Mostafa, The increasingly dominant role of climate change on length of day variations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2406930121.

    Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi et al, Contributions of core, mantle and climatological processes to Earth's polar motion, Nature Geoscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01478-2.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study finds abortion restrictions harm mental health, with low-income women hardest hit

    People living in states that enacted tighter abortion restrictions in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health decision, which returned regulation of abortion access to state legislatures, are more likely to report elevated levels of mental distress. This is particularly true for people of lower socioeconomic means.

    These are the key takeaways of July 2024 paper published in Science Advances.


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Loss of oxygen in bodies of water identified as new tipping point

    Oxygen concentrations in our planet's waters are decreasing rapidly and dramatically—from ponds to the ocean. The progressive loss of oxygen threatens not only ecosystems, but also the livelihoods of large sectors of society and the entire planet, according to the authors of an international study involving GEOMAR published recently in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

    Oxygen is a fundamental requirement of life on planet Earth. The loss of oxygen in water, also referred to as aquatic deoxygenation, is a threat to life at all levels. The international team of researchers describes how ongoing deoxygenation presents a major threat to the livelihoods of large parts of society and for the stability of life on our planet.

    Previous research has identified a suite of global scale processes, referred to as planetary boundaries, that regulate the overall habitability and stability of the planet. If critical thresholds in these processes are passed, the risk of large-scale, abrupt or irreversible environmental changes ("tipping points") increases and the resilience of our planet, its stability, is jeopardized.

    Among the nine planetary boundaries are climate change, land use change, and biodiversity loss. The authors of the new study argue that aquatic deoxygenation both responds to, and regulates, other planetary boundary processes.

    Across all aquatic ecosystems, from streams and rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds to estuaries, coasts, and the open ocean, dissolved oxygen concentrations have rapidly and substantially declined in recent decades.

    Lakes and reservoirs have experienced oxygen losses of 5.5% and 18.6% respectively since 1980. The ocean has experienced oxygen losses of around 2% since 1960. Although this number sounds small, due to the large ocean volume it represents an extensive mass of oxygen lost.

    Marine ecosystems have also experienced substantial variability in oxygen depletion.

    The volumes of aquatic ecosystems affected by oxygen depletion have increased dramatically across all types.

    The causes of aquatic oxygen loss are global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions and the input of nutrients as a result of land use.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    If water temperatures rise, the solubility of oxygen in the water decreases. In addition, global warming enhances stratification of the water column, because warmer, low-salinity water with a lower density lies on top of the colder, saltier deep water below.

    This hinders the exchange of the oxygen-poor deep layers with the oxygen-rich surface water. In addition, nutrient inputs from land support algal blooms, which lead to more oxygen being consumed as more organic material sinks and is decomposed by microbes at depth.
    Areas in the sea where there is so little oxygen that fish, mussels or crustaceans can no longer survive threaten not only the organisms themselves, but also ecosystem services such as fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and cultural practices.

    Microbiotic processes in oxygen-depleted regions also increasingly produce potent greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane, which can lead to a further increase in global warming and thus a major cause of oxygen depletion.
    The authors warn: We are approaching critical thresholds of aquatic deoxygenation that will ultimately affect several other planetary boundaries.
    Failure to address aquatic deoxygenation will, ultimately, not only affect ecosystems but also economic activity, and society at a global level.

     Kevin C. Rose et al, Aquatic deoxygenation as a planetary boundary and key regulator of Earth system stability, Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02448-y

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Existence of lunar lava tube cave demonstrated

    The presence of conduits below the lunar surface has been theorized and extensively debated for at least 50 years. Now, an analysis of NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter radar data reveals what lies below the Mare Tranquillitatis.

    For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the existence of a tunnel in the lunar subsurface. It seems to be an empty lava tube. The study, published in Nature Astronomy, is the result of an international collaboration.

    Cosmic and solar radiation can be as much as 150 times more powerful on the lunar surface than we experience on Earth and there is a constant threat of meteorite impact. These conditions drive a need to find safe sites for the construction of infrastructure that can support sustained exploration. Caves such as this one offer a solution to that problem.

    Leonardo Carrer, Radar evidence of an accessible cave conduit on the Moon below the Mare Tranquillitatis pit, Nature Astronomy (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    CAR-T could shrink kids’ brain tumours
    CAR-T therapy, which genetically engineers a person’s own immune cells to destroy tumour cells, could treat deadly brain and spinal cancers in children. In small clinical trials, the therapy shrank tumours by more than half in some cases and only one participant experienced severe side effects. One young man even remained in remission more than 30 months after his first treatment.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Asexual reproduction usually leads to a lack of genetic diversity. Not for these ants

    Genetic diversity is essential to the survival of a species. It's easy enough to maintain if a species reproduces sexually; an egg and a sperm combine genetic material from two creatures into one, forming a genomically robust offspring with two distinct versions of the species' genome.

    Without that combination of different genetic makeups, asexually reproducing species typically suffer from a lack of diversity that can doom them to a limited run on Earth. One such animal should be the clonal raider ant, which produces daughter after genetically identical daughter directly from an unfertilized ovum through parthenogenesis, a method of asexual reproduction in which the offspring inherits two sets of genetically identical chromosomes from its mother.

    Over time, the random inheritance of these chromosomes on endless repeat should lead to catastrophic loss of genetic distinctiveness and eventual species collapse. And yet this blind, queenless insect—a native of Bangladesh that is now found in tropical settings around the world—seems to be surviving just fine. How is that possible?

    As researchers at Rockefeller University recently discovered, the clonal raider ant doesn't gamble when it comes to passing along its genes. Instead, it ensures that offspring inherit two distinct versions of its entire genome, largely preserving the genetic diversity present in the ancient founder of each clonal line.

    In theory, this shouldn't work: Chromosomes are thought to randomly shuffle during meiosis, the type of cell division used to produce sperm and egg cells during reproduction in all animals, plants, and fungi. Yet in this animal, the process seems to be anything but random, as they reported in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

    Yes, clonal raider ants are avoiding the loss of genetic diversity that otherwise routinely results from parthenogenesis. Maybe this diversity enables the survival of the species.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    During meiosis, chromosomes break apart and recombine, resulting in new combinations of gene copies. After these so-called crossover events occur, chromosomes are randomly shuffled through cell divisions.

    In parthenogenetic reproduction, a clonal line draws from two identical chromosomal sets, so you expect to lose a lot of diversity during each cycle.

    To understand how this may not be true for clonal raider ants, the researchers focused on mother-daughter and sister-sister pairs of ants. To make sure they had true family duos, they tracked transgenic ants that fluoresce red when viewed through a microscope—a breakthrough method of genetic manipulation developed in Kronauer's lab by researcher Taylor Hart. These pairs were the only animals in their colonies to glow.

    Using linked-read genetic sequencing—which allows the reconstruction of whole chromosome sequences—they found that no genetic diversity was lost from mother to daughter. However, the daughter's genomes showed evidence of crossovers. In all, they documented 144 crossover events, and only one showed a loss of genetic diversity.

    That's because the chromosomes that have recombined with each other are always inherited together. This co-inheritance could explain how this species continues to survive. In clonal raider ants, it's 800% more likely to occur than would be expected from a random roll of the genetic dice.

    This strategy for retaining genetic diversity has never been documented before. Its existence suggests there may be more ways to get around random genetic inheritance than we knew. One well-known deviation from random inheritance, for example, is when "selfish" genes promote their own propagation over other genes, essentially rigging the game in their favor.

    But this deviation can't account for clonal raider ant reproduction, which is "unselfish" because no gene has an advantage; all gene copies are co-inherited. Whether this strategy of unselfish inheritance occurs in other animals—including sexually reproducing species—is unknown.

    This finding highlights the usefulness of studying species with unusual reproductive biology.

    Kip D. Lacy et al, Co-inheritance of recombined chromatids maintains heterozygosity in a parthenogenetic ant, Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02455-z

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    New study finds early detection of miRNAs in maternal blood may offer potential for predicting preeclampsia

    Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy. With preeclampsia,  a woman might have high blood pressure, high levels of protein in urine that indicate kidney damage (proteinuria), or other signs of organ damage.

    Pre-eclampsia is thought to be caused by the placenta not developing properly due to a problem with the blood vessels supplying it.

    Without treatment, preeclampsia can cause serious health problems for the pregnant woman and her baby, and can even cause seizures or death. Health problems for pregnant people who have preeclampsia include: Kidney, liver and brain damage. Problems with how their blood clots.

    Preeclampsia (PE) is a significant contributor to the increase in maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. It can also  result in premature birth with associated morbidities for the infants as well.

    A new study by researchers  finds that early detection of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) packaged in vesicles may offer the opportunity to predict preeclampsia in pregnant people before clinical symptoms manifest.

    The study identifies the potential of a specific set of miRNAs within extracellular vesicles (EVs)—tiny particles that transfer information between cells—as a noninvasive biomarker for preeclampsia.

    Compared to women with healthy pregnancies, women with preeclampsia had miRNAs found within EVs in early pregnancy. Researchers identified 148 miRNAs with differential abundance in preeclampsia EVs: 12 in higher amounts and 135 in lower amounts compared to EVs from healthy pregnancies. Specific groups of miRNAs showed clear differences in how many were present in EVs from women with preeclampsia.

    The EVs taken from the blood of pregnant women with preeclampsia contained a group of microRNAs starting as early as the first to the second trimester of pregnancy. These miRNAs follow a specific pattern throughout pregnancy that changes when preeclampsia develops. Some miRNAs originate from the placenta and act as messengers between the placenta and other organs in the body.

    The researchers say this panel of miRNAs has the potential to predict the development of symptoms of preeclampsia, especially late-onset preeclampsia.

    The findings suggest a future in which miRNAs within EVs could transform the current monitoring and care of mothers everywhere. They would serve as noninvasive biomarkers for early detection of preeclampsia in pregnancy and significantly enhance the understanding of the condition's pathophysiology.

    Circulating Extracellular Vesicular MicroRNA Signatures in Early Gestation Show an Association with Subsequent Clinical Features of Pre-Eclampsia, Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-64057-w

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Apparel industry leaks millions of tons of plastic into environment each year, study finds

    A study has found that waste from the global apparel industry is leaking millions of tons of plastic into the environment each year—an overlooked pollution source which may be getting worse over time.

    The findings are detailed in a recent study by researchers, which found that global apparel consumption resulted in over 20 million tons of plastic waste in 2019. Around 40% of that waste may have been improperly managed and become environmental pollution, a process known as "plastic leakage."

    Textile waste was divided between two sources; clothing made from synthetic materials like polyester, nylon and acrylic, and clothing made from cotton and other natural fibers. Researchers looked at plastic waste generated across an apparel product's "value chain," which refers to the entire lifecycle of a product—including, for example, not only the piece of apparel itself, but the plastics used to wrap it.

    Much of the plastic waste that leaks into the environment comes from clothes that are thrown away, especially synthetic apparel. There is also waste from manufacturing, packaging and even from tire abrasion during transport, as well as microplastics which get pulled into the water when we wash our clothes.

    Researchers found that synthetic apparel was by far the largest source of plastic waste. 

    As opposed to the end-of-life plastic waste created by discarded synthetic apparel, plastic waste from cotton and other fibers came almost entirely from the plastic used in packaging.

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Researchers found that where apparel was sold is not necessarily where plastic waste leaks into the environment. For apparel originally sold in high-income countries like the United States, Japan and many others, most of the resulting pollution happened in lower-income countries where these pieces of clothing might be sold in the secondary market.

    This finding points to a major concern with how people in higher-income countries consume apparel.

    Anna Kounina et al, The global apparel industry is a significant yet overlooked source of plastic leakage, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49441-4

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Producing heat energy from captured carbon

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Low-cost cellphone-based Raman spectrometer system can identify unknown biological molecules within minutes

    Imagine knowing what berry or mushroom is safe to eat during a hike or swiftly detecting pathogens in a hospital setting that would traditionally require days to identify.

    Identification and detection of drugs, chemicals and biological molecules invisible to the human eye can be made possible through the combined technology of a cellphone camera and a Raman spectrometer—a powerful laser chemical analysis method.

    This new invention allows the user to make non-invasive identifications of potentially harmful chemicals or materials in the field, especially in remote areas where laboratory spectrometers cannot be used due to their size and power needs.

    This new Raman spectrometer system integrates lenses, a diode laser and a diffraction grating—a small thin square-shaped surface that scatters light for analysis—in combination with a camera from a cellphone to record the Raman spectrum. Peaks in the spectrum provide detailed data about the chemical composition and molecular structure of a substance, depending on their intensities and positions.

    To use the device, a cellphone is placed behind the transmission grating with the camera facing the grating, ready to record the Raman spectrum. A laser shoots a beam into a sample of unknown material, such as a bacterium, on a slide. The camera records the spectrum, and when paired with an appropriate cellphone application/database, this handheld instrument can enable rapid materials identification on site.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Smart soil can water and feed itself

    A newly engineered type of soil can capture water out of thin air to keep plants hydrated and manage controlled release of fertilizer for a constant supply of nutrients.

    Underpinning this exciting smart soil system is a hydrogel material developed by researchers. In experiments, the hydrogel-infused soil led to the growth of larger, healthier plants, compared to regular soil, all while using less water and fertilizer.

    This new gel technology can reduce the burden on farmers by decreasing the need for frequent irrigation and fertilization. 

    The technology is also versatile enough to be adopted across a wide range of climates, from arid regions to temperate areas.

    The research was published recently in ACS Materials Letters

    In experiments, plants rooted in the hydrogel soil saw a 138% increase in stem length compared to a control group in regular soil. And the modified soil can achieve approximately 40% water savings, significantly reducing the need for frequent irrigation and ensuring robust crop development. This research builds on previous discoveries involving hydrogels that can pull water from the atmosphere and make farming more efficient.

    Jungjoon Park et al, Self-Irrigation and Slow-Release Fertilizer Hydrogels for Sustainable Agriculture, ACS Materials Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.4c01120

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Intensive farming could raise risk of new pandemics, researchers warn

    Industrialized farming is often thought to reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals to humans) because of better control, biosecurity and separation of livestock.

    A new study examines the effect of social and economic factors—which are often overlooked in traditional assessments. 

    It finds that the effects of intensifying agriculture are at best uncertain and at worst may contribute to EID (emerging infectious disease) risk.

    The risks of emergence and transmission depend on multiple factors, including contact between humans and animals, and how we use land.

    Livestock farming plays a potentially significant role in those risks, shaping landscapes and providing hosts that can act as the source or amplifiers of emerging pathogens.

    While such risks are usually assessed in terms of microbiological, ecological and veterinary sciences, the new study highlights the need to consider social, economic and political factors.

    Disease is always more than a matter of pathogen transmission, contact and contagion.

    The founding myth in intensive farming is that we separate livestock from wildlife and thereby shut off the risk of diseases passing between them.

    "But these farms exist in the real world—so buildings and fences can get damaged, wildlife like rats or wild birds can get in, and workers move around. In short, there will always be accidents.

    "Once social, economic and political factors are taken into account, the pandemic risk posed by intensive farming is concerning."

    The paper highlights the expansion of intensive farming and the resulting environmental degradation as factors which can raise EID risks.

    It also says intensification leads to a "mixed landscape"—with a variety of farming practices and types—which creates the "worst of all possible worlds in terms of EID risk."

    On biosecurity, the paper says some farm businesses find the costs "debilitating," while regional variations also have an impact.

    The researches say,' we need to reconsider the socio-cultural impacts of intensifying farm animal production on planetary health, environmental sustainability and animal welfare issues.'

    Understanding the roles of economy and society in the relative risks of zoonosis emergence from livestock, Royal Society Open Science (2024). DOI: 10.1098/


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study shows autoantibodies behind lifelong risk of viral infection

    A new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, shows that about 2% of the population develop autoantibodies against type 1 interferons, mostly later in life. This makes individuals more susceptible to viral diseases like COVID-19. The study  is based on an analysis of a large collection of historical blood samples.

    Virus infections trigger the cells of the immune system to release type 1 interferons. These proteins act as early messengers that warn uninfected cells and tissues that a virus is spreading. This allows cells to prepare themselves so that they are ready to fight the virus when it reaches them.

    In individuals with a compromised type 1 interferon system, severe viral infections can occur because the body cannot mount a full defense. Recent research has shown that about 5 to 15% of people who are in hospital with severe COVID-19 or influenza have a deficiency in their type 1 interferon response. This is because their blood contains autoantibodies—antibodies that target a person's own structures—that bind type 1 interferons and stop the messenger from functioning.

    analyzed the blood samples for the presence of autoantibodies against type 1 interferons to find out who had developed the autoantibodies, when this occurred, and how long these autoantibodies lasted in the blood.

    The analysis revealed that around 2% of individuals produced autoantibodies against type 1 interferons in their lifetime and that this typically occurred between the ages of 60 to 65. This confirms prior studies that reported that the prevalence of autoantibodies against type 1 interferons might increase with age.

    Next, by studying clinical data, researchers were also able to understand which factors contributed to the development of autoantibodies against type 1 interferons. The individuals who developed them appeared to be prone to also producing antibodies against other proteins formed by their own bodies. This so-called loss of self-tolerance can occur in some people as they age.

    These individuals may produce antibodies against their own type 1 interferons because they are both prone to making autoantibodies and are exposed to high levels of type 1 interferons, for example, because their immune system produces interferons against other infections at the time. 


  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Lifelong consequences of autoantibodies: Importantly, the study found that once developed, these autoantibodies remained detectable in the blood of individuals for the rest of their lives. People with autoantibodies against type 1 interferons, even when they had developed them as far back as in 2008, were more likely to suffer from severe COVID-19 in 2020.

    These autoantibodies have consequences for individuals decades later, leading to a compromised type 1 interferon system and reduced immunity against viruses.

    Understanding these risk factors might lead to future diagnostic tests that can identify older individuals who are more prone to developing this deficiency, and therefore help with measures to prevent autoantibodies ever developing. Identifying individuals with autoantibodies against type 1 interferons could also help to prioritize these people for vaccines or antivirals to prevent severe viral infections.

    Sonja Fernbach et al, Loss of Tolerance Precedes Triggering and Lifelong Persistence of Pathogenic Type I Interferon Autoantibodies, Journal of Experimental Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.1084/jem.20240365

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    New invention makes vibrations disappear

    When everything shakes, precision is usually impossible—everybody who has ever tried to take a photo with shaky hands or make handwritten notes on a bumpy bus journey knows that. With technical precision measurements, even much smaller vibrations are a major problem, for example, with high-performance microscopes or precisely aligned telescope mirrors. Even the smallest vibrations, which are not even perceptible to humans, can render the measurement result unusable.

    A new type of vibration damping technology has now been invented by researchers that solves such problems in an unusual way: electropermanent magnets are used. These are magnets that, like ordinary permanent magnets, maintain their magnetism permanently without the need for a power supply, but which are also fitted with a coil so that their magnetization can be changed extremely fast using an electrical pulse. This makes it possible, for example, to actively suppress vibrations in mirrors in large telescopes and thus dramatically increase their performance.

    Alexander Pechhacker et al, Integrated Electromagnetic Actuator With Adaptable Zero Power Gravity Compensation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2023). DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3288176

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Trusted TV doctors 'deepfaked' to promote health scams on social media

    Some of the UK's most recognizable TV doctors are increasingly being "deepfaked" in videos to sell scam products across social media, finds The BMJ recently. 

    Trusted names including Hilary Jones, Michael Mosley and Rangan Chatterjee are being used to promote products claiming to fix high BP and diabetes, and to sell hemp gummies.

    Deepfaking is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to map a digital likeness of a real-life human being onto a video of a body that isn't theirs. Reliable evidence on how convincing it is can be hard to come by, but one recent study suggests that up to half of all people shown deepfakes talking about scientific subjects cannot distinguish them from authentic videos.

    The fraudsters think it's much cheaper to spend their cash on making videos than it is on doing research and coming up with new products and getting them to market in the conventional way.

    The slew of questionable content on social media co-opting the likenesses of popular doctors and celebrities is an inevitable consequence of the AI revolution we're currently living through. The rapid democratization of accessible AI tools for voice cloning and avatar generation has transformed the fraud and impersonation landscape.

    Feature: Deepfakes and doctors: How people are being fooled by social media scams, The BMJ (2024). DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1319

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Scientists develop fridge-free storage approach for vital medicines

    Scientists have developed a new approach to store and distribute crucial protein therapeutics without the need for fridges or freezers.

    The breakthrough, published in the journal Nature, could significantly improve accessibility of essential protein-based drugs in developing countries where cold storage infrastructure may be lacking, helping efforts to diagnose and treat more people with serious health conditions.

    The researchers have designed a hydrogel—a material mostly made of water—that stabilizes proteins, protecting its properties and functionality at temperatures as high as 50°C.

    The technology keeps proteins so stable that they can even be sent through the post with no loss of effectiveness, opening up new possibilities for more affordable, less energy-intensive methods of keeping patients and clinics supplied with vital treatments.
    Protein therapeutics are used to treat a range of conditions, from cancer to diabetes and most recently to treat obesity and play a vital role in modern medicine and biotechnology. However, keeping them stable and safe for storage and transportation is a challenge. They must be kept cold to prevent any deterioration, using significant amounts of energy and limiting equitable distribution in developing countries.

    The medicines also often include additives—called excipients—which must be safe for the drug and its recipients limiting material options.

    This new technology developed marks a significant advance in overcoming the challenges of the existing 'cold chain' which delivers therapeutic proteins to patients. The results of the tests have very encouraging results, going far beyond current hydrogel storage techniques' abilities to withstand heat and vibration. That could help create much more robust delivery systems in the future, which require much less careful handling and temperature management.

     The researchers showed in their research paper how the hydrogel works to store two valuable proteins: insulin, used to treat diabetes, and beta-galactosidase, an enzyme with numerous applications in biotechnology and life sciences.

    Dave Adams, Mechanical release of homogenous proteins from supramolecular gels, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study shows small animals use 'stolen' genes from bacteria to protect against infection

    Certain small, freshwater animals protect themselves from infections using antibiotic recipes "stolen" from bacteria, according to new research .

    The tiny creatures are called bdelloid rotifers, which means "crawling wheel-animals." They have a head, mouth, gut, muscles and nerves like other animals, though they are smaller than a hair's breadth.

    When these rotifers are exposed to fungal infection, the study found, they switch on hundreds of genes that they acquired from bacteria and other microbes. Some of these genes produce resistance weapons, such as antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents, in the rotifers. Researchers report their findings in Nature Communications.

    When the researchers translated the DNA code to see what the stolen genes were doing, they had a surprise. The main genes were instructions for chemicals that  they didn't think animals could make—they looked like recipes for antibiotics.

    Prior research found that rotifers have been picking up DNA from their surroundings for millions of years, but the new study is the first to discover them using these genes against diseases. No other animals are known to "steal" genes from microbes on such a large scale.

    These complex genes—some of which aren't found in any other animals—were acquired from bacteria but have undergone evolution in rotifers. This raises the potential that rotifers are producing novel antimicrobials that may be less toxic to animals, including humans, than those we develop from bacteria and fungi.

    Antibiotics are essential to modern health care, but most of them were not invented by scientists. Instead, they are produced naturally by fungi and bacteria in the wild, and humans can make artificial versions to use as medicine.

    The new study suggests that rotifers might be doing something similar.

    These strange little animals have copied the DNA that tells microbes how to make antibiotics  Scientists watched them using one of these genes against a disease caused by a fungus, and the animals that survived the infection were producing 10 times more of the chemical recipe than the ones that died, indicating that it helps to suppress the disease.

    The scientists think that rotifers could give important clues in the hunt for drugs to treat human infections caused by bacteria or fungi.

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    A big question is why rotifers are the only animals that borrow these useful genes from microbes at such high rates.

    Scientists think it might be linked with another strange fact about these rotifers. Unlike other animals, we never see male rotifers. Rotifer mothers lay eggs that hatch into genetic copies of themselves, without needing sex or fertilization.

    According to one theory, animals that copy themselves like this can become so similar that they start to be unhealthy.

    If one catches a disease, so will the rest. 

    Because bdelloid rotifers don't have sex, which allows the parental genes to recombine in beneficial ways, the rotifer mother's genome is directly transferred to her offspring without introducing any new variation. If rotifers don't find a way to change their genes, they could go extinct. This might help explain why these rotifers have borrowed so many genes from other places, especially anything that helps them cope with infections.

    The rotifers were using hundreds of genes that aren't seen in other animals. 

    Bdelloid rotifers deploy horizontally acquired biosynthetic genes against a fungal pathogen, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

     Research shows young infants use their mother's scent to perceive faces

    Humans see the world through the five senses, but how and when the ability to integrate across the senses arises is debated. Research shows that humans combine sensory information together, particularly when one sense is not able to produce a sufficient response alone. Studies also show that infants may use multisensory cues to perceive their environments more efficiently.

    A new Child Development study by researchers tracked how and when infants aged between four and 12 months use their mother's scent to perceive faces.

    Results helped researchers confirm that the ability to perceive faces greatly improves between 4 and 12 months, with younger infants benefiting the most from the presence of their mother's odor. The research also suggests that older infants efficiently perceive faces from visual information, and they do not need to rely on other concurrent cues anymore.

    Olfactory-to-visual facilitation in the infant brain declines gradually from 4 to 12 months, Child Development (2024). DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14124

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Tool predicts rogue waves up to five minutes in advance

    A new tool that can be used to predict the emergence of unusually large and unpredictable waves at sea—known as rogue waves—up to five minutes into the future is presented in a study published in Scientific Reports. The authors suggest that the tool could be used to issue advance warnings to ships and offshore platforms to enable those working on them to seek shelter, perform emergency shutdowns, or maneuver to minimize the impacts of approaching rogue waves.

    The tool developed by Thomas Breunung and Balakumar Balachandran consists of a neural network that has been trained to distinguish ocean waves that will be followed by rogue waves, from those that will not.

    The authors trained the neural network using a dataset consisting of 14 million 30 minute-long samples of sea surface elevation measurements from 172 buoys located near the shores of the continental United States and the Pacific Islands. They used their tool to predict the emergence of rogue waves using a separate dataset consisting of 40,000 sea surface elevation measurements from the same buoys.

    The authors found that their tool was able to correctly predict the emergence of 75% of rogue waves one minute into the future and 73% of rogue waves five minutes into the future. The tool was also able to predict the emergence of rogue waves near two buoys not included within the datasets used in training with 75% accuracy one minute into the future. This highlights that the tool may be capable of predicting rogue waves at new locations.

    The authors suggest that the accuracy and advance warning time of their tool's forecasts could be further improved by incorporating water depth, wind speed, and wave location data. Future research could also enable the heights of upcoming rogue waves or the times at which they may emerge to be predicted, they add.

    Thomas Breunung, Prediction of freak waves from buoy measurements, Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study finds facially expressive primates make better leaders

    Facially expressive monkeys are more socially successful and lead better connected social groups, according to research  which shows the benefits of facial communication in primates, including humans.

    The study focused on nine social groups of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) all consisting of one adult male, multiple adult females, and offspring. The article, "Facial expressivity in dominant macaques is linked to group cohesion," has been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

    As social animals, primates are known to use their face to convey information related to identity, family relations, dominance, benign intent, affiliation, and motivation to play.

    The researchers analyzed the facial expressions of the dominant male in each group by using a specially designed coding system for studying rhesus macaques, called MaqFACS, to track 17 separate facial muscle movements.
    In addition, researchers quantified the social lives of all 66 monkeys across the groups, measuring how often each pair spend time together and how often they engage in friendly grooming interactions.

    The males who displayed a greater diversity of facial expressions, perhaps to make their intent clear and reduce uncertainty, were found to be more socially connected within their groups, enjoying stronger social bonds and occupying more central positions within their social networks.

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    Facially expressive individuals may be better equipped to build and maintain strong social connections, potentially leading to the range of benefits associated with group cohesion, such as increased access to resources, mating opportunities, and protection from threats
    Social connectivity was also more evenly distributed throughout their group members when the dominant male was more expressive, suggesting the increased facial communication was linked to more tolerant leadership styles.

    The research has implications for understanding human social behavior, suggesting that facial expressivity has evolved to help us build and maintain social relationships.
    Now why do you think 'expressive-faced' actors are more popular than 'no-expression' scientists?

    J. Whitehouse et al, Facial expressivity in dominant macaques is linked to group cohesion, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2024.0984

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Our last common ancestor
    The shared forebearer of all life — known as the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) — was a complex microbe that lived around 4.2 billion years ago, ate carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and produced acetate that might have fed other life. Researchers inferred information about our great-great-grandblob’s genetics and biology by tracing duplicated, lost and mutated genes back up the microbial family tree. LUCA probably possessed an early immune system, too — hinting that it lived in an established ecosystem with other microbes and was already involved in an arms race with viruses.

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study shows promise for a universal influenza vaccine: Scientists validate theory using 1918 flu virus

    New research  reveals a promising approach to developing a universal influenza vaccine—a so-called "one and done" vaccine that confers lifetime immunity against an evolving virus.

    The study, published recently in the journal Nature Communications, tested an OHSU-developed vaccine platform against the virus considered most likely to trigger the next pandemic.

    Researchers reported the vaccine generated a robust immune response in nonhuman primates that were exposed to the avian H5N1 influenza virus. But the vaccine wasn't based on the contemporary H5N1 virus; instead, the primates were inoculated against the influenza virus of 1918 that killed millions of people worldwide.

    Researchers reported that six of 11 nonhuman primates inoculated against the virus that circulated a century ago—the 1918 flu—survived exposure to one of the deadliest viruses in the world today, H5N1. In contrast, a control group of six unvaccinated primates exposed to the H5N1 virus succumbed to the disease.

    This approach harnesses a vaccine platform previously developed by scientists at OHSU to fight HIV and tuberculosis, and in fact is already being used in a clinical trial against HIV.

    The method involves inserting small pieces of target pathogens into the common herpes virus cytomegalovirus, or CMV, which infects most people in their lifetimes and typically produces mild or no symptoms. The virus acts as a vector specifically designed to induce an immune response from the body's own T cells.

    This approach differs from common vaccines—including the existing flu vaccines—which are designed to induce an antibody response that targets the most recent evolution of the virus, distinguished by the arrangement of proteins covering the exterior surface.

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    The problem with influenza is that it's not just one virus. Like the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it's always evolving the next variant and we're always left to chase where the virus was, not where it's going to be.

    The spike proteins on the virus exterior surface evolve to elude antibodies. In the case of flu, vaccines are updated regularly using a best estimate of the next evolution of the virus. Sometimes it's accurate, sometimes less so.

    In contrast, a specific type of T cell in the lungs, known as effector memory T cell, targets the internal structural proteins of the virus, rather than its continually mutating outer envelope. This internal structure doesn't change much over time—presenting a stationary target for T cells to search out and destroy any cells infected by an old or newly evolved influenza virus.
    To test their T cell theory, researchers designed a CMV-based vaccine using the 1918 influenza virus as a template. Working within a highly secure biosafety level 3 laboratory, they exposed the vaccinated nonhuman primates to small particle aerosols containing the avian H5N1 influenza virus—an especially severe virus that is currently circulating among dairy cows in the United States.

    Remarkably, six of the 11 vaccinated primates survived the exposure, despite the century-long period of virus evolution.

    It worked because the interior protein of the virus was so well preserved. So much so, that even after almost 100 years of evolution, the virus can't change those critically important parts of itself.

    The study raises the potential for developing a protective vaccine against H5N1 in people.

    Cytomegalovirus vaccine vector-induced effector memory CD4+ T cells protect cynomolgus macaques from lethal aerosolized heterologous avian influenza, Nature Communications (2024).

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study suggests prenatal diet may play a role in autism

    A small team of public health specialists from the University of Glasgow and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health reports a possible link between some cases of autism and prenatal diet.

    In their study, published in JAMA Network Open, the group analyzed information in two large databases of medical information on thousands of mothers and daughters in Norway and England.
    Prior research has suggested that there appears to be diet, genetic and environmental factors involved in the development of autism in children while they are still in the womb, though the exact cause is still unknown. For this new study, the research team looked more closely at the role of diet in its development.

    The researchers analyzed patient information from two large databases: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children and the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. The researchers looked at data for the years 2002 through 2008 and 1990 through 1992, which included data for children up to age 8. In all, they analyzed data for more than 95,000 mother/daughter pairs.
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    As part of their analysis, the researchers found a pattern—women who adhered to a "healthy diet" have a 22% lower chance of delivering a child with autism than women who ate a less-than-healthy diet.

    In their work, they defined a healthy diet as one that included regular servings of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and whole grains, and excluded foods high in fat, processed meats, soft drinks and refined carbohydrates.

    They also found that children born to mothers who regularly ate a healthy diet while pregnant were 24% less likely to develop social and/or communication problems irrespective of autism. The researchers noted that the association in both cases was stronger in mother/daughter pairs than in mother/son pairs.

    The research team points out that the study does not explain why women eating a healthier diet may reduce their risk of having an autistic child, though they theorize that it might have something to do with how foods affect DNA or the immune process. They also note that their data was not able to show whether the impact of diet was causal in nature or due to other factors.

    Catherine Friel et al, Healthy Prenatal Dietary Pattern and Offspring Autism, JAMA Network Open (2024). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.22815

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

     How our brains track time

    According to an old adage time flies when you're having fun. A new study by a team of  researchers suggests that although there's ‘some’ truth to the trope, the reality is 'time flies when you're doing a lot.'

    Many people think of their brains as being intrinsically synced to the man-made clocks on their electronic devices, counting time in very specific, minute-by-minute increments. But a study, published in Current Biology, shows that our brains don't work that way.

    By analyzing changes in brain activity patterns,  researchers found that we perceive the passage of time based on the number of experiences we have—not some kind of internal clock. What's more, increasing speed or output during an activity appears to affect how our brains perceive time.

    We tell time in our own experience by things we do, things that happen to us, they conclude.

    When we're still and we're bored, time goes very slowly because we're not doing anything or nothing is happening. On the contrary, when a lot of events happen, each one of those activities is advancing our brains forward. And if this is how our brains objectively tell time, then the more that we do and the more that happens to us, the faster time goes.

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    The findings are based on analysis of activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a portion of the brain important for monitoring activity and tracking experiences. To do this, rodents were tasked with using their noses to respond to a prompt 200 times.
    Scientists already knew that brain patterns are similar, but slightly different, each time you do a repetitive motion, so they set out to answer: Is it possible to detect whether these slight differences in brain pattern changes correspond with doing the first versus 200th motion in series? And does the amount of time it takes to complete a series of motions impact brain wave activity?

    By comparing pattern changes throughout the course of the task, researchers observed that there are indeed detectable changes in brain activity that occur as one moves from the beginning to middle to end of carrying out a task. And regardless of how slowly or quickly the animals moved, the brain patterns followed the same path.
    The patterns were consistent when researchers applied a machine learning-based mathematical model to predict the flow of brain activity, bolstering evidence that it's experiences—not time, or a prescribed number of minutes, as you would measure it on a clock—that produce changes in our neurons' activity patterns.
    The researchers drove home the crux of the findings by sharing an anecdote of two factory workers tasked with making 100 widgets during their shift, with one worker completing the task in 30 minutes and the other in 90 minutes.

    The length of time it took to complete the task didn't impact the brain patterns. The brain is not a clock; it acts like a counter. Our brains register a vibe, a feeling about time. And what that means for our workers making widgets is that you can tell the difference between making widget No. 85 and widget No. 60, but not necessarily between No. 85 and No. 88.
    But exactly "how" does the brain count? Researchers discovered that as the brain progresses through a task involving a series of motions, various small groups of firing cells begin to collaborate—essentially passing off the task to a different group of neurons every few repetitions, similar to runners passing the baton in a relay race.

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    So, the cells are working together and over time randomly align to get the job done: one cell will take a few tasks and then another takes a few tasks. The cells are tracking motions and, thus, chunks of activities and time over the course of the task.

    And the study's findings about our brains' perception of time applies to activities-based actions other than physical motions too.
    By observing the rodents who worked quickly, scientists also concluded that keeping up a good pace helps influence time perception: "The more we do, the faster time moves. They say that time flies when you're having fun. As opposed to having fun, maybe it should be 'time flies when you're doing a lot.'

     Ryan A. Wirt et al, Temporal information in the anterior cingulate cortex relates to accumulated experiences, Current Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.05.045

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    One drop of blood, many diagnoses: Infrared spectroscopy for screening health

    Envision a scenario where a single drop of blood provides comprehensive health insights within minutes. Thanks to recent scientific advancements, this vision may become reality in the near future.

    Scientists have developed a health screening tool that uses infrared light and machine learning to detect multiple health conditions with just one measurement. The work is published in Cell Reports Medicine.

    Infrared spectroscopy, a technique that employs infrared light to analyze the molecular composition of substances, has been a foundational tool in chemistry for decades. It's like giving molecules a fingerprint that can be delivered by a specialized machine called a spectrometer.

    When applied to complex biofluids like blood plasma, this physico-chemical technique can reveal detailed information about molecular signals, making it a promising tool for medical diagnostics. Despite its long-standing use in chemistry and industry, infrared spectroscopy has not been established nor integrated into the canon of medical diagnostics.

    Researchers initiated an effort to tackle this issue now.

    More than 5,000 blood plasma samples were measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.

    The researchers applied machine learning to analyze the molecular fingerprints and correlated them with medical data.

    They discovered that these fingerprints contain valuable information that enables rapid health screening. A multi-task computer algorithm that is now capable of distinguishing between various health states, including abnormal levels of blood lipids, various changes in blood pressure, seeing type-2 diabetes but also spotting even pre-diabetes, a precursor to diabetes often undetected.

    Interestingly, the algorithm could also single out individuals who were healthy and remained healthy over the investigated years. This was very significant for two reasons. First, most people in any random population experience abnormal health changes and, given that we are all different, as well as that we all change over time, it is all but trivial to find fully healthy individuals. Second, many individuals suffer from multiple conditions in various combinations. Traditionally, doctors would need a new test for each disease.

    However, this new approach doesn't just pinpoint one condition at a time—it accurately identifies a range of health issues. This machine learning-powered system not only identifies healthy individuals but also detects complex conditions involving multiple illnesses simultaneously. Moreover, it can predict the development of metabolic syndrome years before symptoms appear, providing a window for interventions.

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    This study lays the groundwork for infrared molecular fingerprinting to become a routine part of health screening, enabling doctors to detect and manage conditions more efficiently, the researchers say. This is especially important for metabolic disorders such as cholesterol abnormalities and diabetes, where timely and effective interventions can significantly improve outcomes.
    The potential applications of this technology extend even further. As researchers continue to refine the system and expand its capabilities, by means of technology development and the establishment of these in the context of clinical studies, there will be even more health conditions and their combinations added to the diagnostic repertoire, the researchers think.
    This could lead to personalized health monitoring, where individuals regularly check their health status and catch potential issues long before they become serious.

    The combination of infrared spectroscopy with machine learning is set to transform health diagnostics, the researchers say. With a single drop of blood and infrared light, there will be a powerful new tool to keep tabs on our health, catching problems more efficiently and potentially improving health care globally.

     Tarek Eissa et al, Plasma infrared fingerprinting with machine learning enables single-measurement multi-phenotype health screening, Cell Reports Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101625

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Testing menstrual blood for health conditions

    There's good news for anyone who menstruates and doesn't like the needles involved in blood testing. In January 2024, the biotechnology research company Qvin won FDA approval for their Q-Pad product—a menstrual pad with a removable strip to collect blood samples for clinical tests. It offers a needle-free way of testing menstrual blood for signs of diabetes and other health conditions.

    Part of that involves a shift away from seeing this blood as a waste product.
  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Study highlights association between urinary and vaginal pathogenic E. coli in recurrent cystitis

    The human body hosts a diverse array of microorganisms that maintain a delicate balance crucial for overall health. This microbial harmony can be disrupted by factors such as infections, aging, and hormonal changes, leading to dysbiosis—a condition where microbial communities become imbalanced and harmful to health.

    Postmenopausal women, for instance, are particularly susceptible to recurrent urinary tract infections and inflammation, including cystitis, due to these microbial shifts.

    In postmenopausal women, the vaginal flora changes with a decrease in Lactobacillus species. Women experiencing recurrent infections of the urinary system, also known as recurrent cystitis have distinctive vaginal microbial colony compared to those with non-recurring cystitis.

    The study, published online in Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy on June 4, 2024, highlights the association between urinary and vaginal pathogenic Escherichia coli in recurrent cystitis.

    Pathogenic E. coli causes urinary tract infections. In this study, the team isolated pathogenic Escherichia coli from the urine and vagina of patients with recurrent cystitis and examined the bacterial genome using multiple molecular techniques. The team also examined the sensitivity of isolated E. coli to a panel of anti-microbial agents.

    A dendrogram based on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed that, in a majority of the cases, the pathogenic E. coli isolated from urine and vagina were highly similar or identical. Genomic analysis of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) gene PCR and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed that the pathogenic E. coli isolated from urine and vagina were identical. The E. coli also showed similar sensitivity to the panel of anti-microbial drugs.

    These findings reveal that the disease-causing pathogen was resident in both the urinary bladder and the vagina.

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    The authors postulate that E. coli migrates back and forth between the two niches, infecting cells in both organs and causing the disease to recur despite the prior treatment with antibiotics.
    The vagina can serve as a reservoir of enteric bacteria, including E. coli, and cystitis can become intractable. In recurrent cystitis, it is important to target E. coli not only in the urine but also in the vagina.
    Researchers are developing Lactobacillus vaginal suppositories, as a means of prevention and treatment of recurrent cystitis. This new 'non-antimicrobial' prevention will reduce the unnecessary administration of antimicrobials and the consequent emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. The Lactobacillus suppositories will effectively regulate the vaginal environment and reduce the virulence of E. coli.
    This study highlights the crucial need to balance the microbial environment to favor protective bacteria for better health outcomes. Implementing new medical strategies based on these insights promises to revolutionize the management of recurrent cystitis, ensuring more effective and targeted treatments.

    Takanori Sekito et al, Homology of Escherichia coli isolated from urine and vagina and their antimicrobial susceptibility in postmenopausal women with recurrent cystitis, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jiac.2024.05.015

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Earth's Water Is Rapidly Losing Oxygen

    Supplies of dissolved oxygen in bodies of water across the globe are dwindling rapidly, and scientists say it's one of the greatest risks to Earth's life support system.
    Just as atmospheric oxygen is vital for animals like ourselves, dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is essential for healthy aquatic ecosystems, whether freshwater or marine. With billions of people relying on marine and freshwater habitats for food and income, it's concerning these ecosystems' oxygen has been substantially and rapidly declining.
    A team of scientists is proposing that aquatic deoxygenation be added to the list of 'planetary boundaries', which in its latest form describes nine domains that impose thresholds "within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come."

    So far, the planetary boundaries are climate change, ocean acidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, interference with the global phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, rate of biodiversity loss, global freshwater use, land-system change, aerosol loading, and chemical pollution.
    The observed deoxygenation of the Earth's freshwater and marine ecosystems represents an additional planetary boundary process," the authors write, "that is critical to the integrity of Earth's ecological and social systems, and both regulates and responds to ongoing changes in other planetary boundary processes.

    "Relevant, critical oxygen thresholds are being approached at rates comparable to other planetary boundary processes."

    The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water drops for a number of reasons. Warmer waters can't hold as much dissolved oxygen, for instance, and with greenhouse gas emissions continuing to raise air and water temperatures above their long-term averages, surface waters are becoming less able to hold on to this vital element.

    Dissolved oxygen can also be depleted by aquatic life faster than it is replenished by the ecosystem's producers. Algal blooms and bacterial booms triggered by an influx of organic matter and nutrients in the form of agricultural and domestic fertilizers, sewage, and industrial waste, quickly soak up available dissolved oxygen.
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    In the worst cases, the oxygen becomes so depleted that the microbes suffocate and die, often taking larger species with them. Populations of microbe that don't rely on oxygen then feed on the bounty of dead organic material, growing to a density that reduces light and limits photosynthesis to trap the entire water body in a vicious, suffocating cycle called eutrophication.
    Aquatic deoxygenation is also driven by an increase in the density difference between layers in the water column. This increase can be attributed to surface waters warming faster than deeper waters and melting ice decreasing surface salinity in the oceans.

    The more distinctly defined those layers are, the less movement there is between those layers of the water column, which the vertical strata of underwater life relies upon. These density fluctuations power the movement of oxygenated surface water into the deep, and without this temperature-powered freight, ventilation in the lower depths of aquatic environments grinds to a halt.

    All this has wrought havoc on aquatic ecosystems, many of which our own species rely on for our own food, water, incomes, and wellbeing.

    The paper's authors call for a concerted, global effort to monitor and research deoxygenation of the 'blue' parts of our planet, along with policy efforts to prevent rapid deoxygenation and the associated challenges we are already beginning to face.

    "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient runoff and organic carbon inputs (for example, raw sewage loading) would slow or potentially reverse deoxygenation," they write.

    "The expansion of the planetary boundaries framework to include deoxygenation as a boundary [will help] to focus those efforts."

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     Eyelash Extension Dangers

  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Breakthrough Test Predicts Whether Organ Transplants Will Be Rejected

    Scientists have figured out a non-invasive way to determine if a transplanted organ is failing to take in a patient – no matter if it's a kidney, liver, lung, or heart.

    It's the first time that biomarkers of dysfunction have matched across multiple types of transplanted organs, and it hints at the possibility of a blood test that can diagnose early rejection in all transplant scenarios – a tool that doesn't yet exist.

    If more research is done, the newly identified biomarkers could even be used to differentiate between various types of organ rejection, including immune issues, inadequate blood supply, or maladaptive repairs.

    The survival of a transplant differs between organs, with a long-term success rate of 59 percent for the lungs, 80 percent for the liver, 82 percent for the kidney, and 73 percent for the heart. Rejection can occur at any time after the surgery, even years later, creating a lifelong threat for patients.

    Usually, doctors suspect transplant rejection when there are signs that the organ in question is not working at full capacity. But sometimes, patients might not experience any symptoms before failure occurs, and an invasive biopsy is the only way to tell for sure what is going on.

    In recent years, several studies have investigated whether there are signs of organ rejection flowing through a patient's blood or urine that can be accessed more easily than via surgery. But potential biomarkers that have been identified are not yet in clinical practice, and they aren't predictive of all organ rejections, usually just one type.

    The current study is a meta-analysis that seeks to bridge that gap. Its authors, led by statistician Harry Robertson from the University of Sydney, have analyzed 54 datasets, including 40 kidney, 5 lung, 5 liver, and 4 heart transplant studies.
    Part 1