Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

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  • AnaSpînu
  • wandi xlx
  • Chiorean Aurel
  • c s choudhary
  • nasser
  • Jahangir Alam
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  • Art World
  • O'ok Resydewa
  • Dr. Aanand Kambli (AM)
  • Viorela Codreanu Tiron
  • hlema
  • Umer Farooq
  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa


Profile Information

Are you genuinely interested in joining this network and consider being very active? We have very limited space here.
degree in econmics, work in accuting and finance,comercial and arts, poet and amateur painter
Your Art/science/literature Website
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with invitation
In what way you are associated with art/science/literature?
oil paiting, design and decor photography
Why do you want to join Sci-Art lab?
for making friends and art discusions

short of my bio

I am a dreamer, poet, painter, photographer and accountant. Degree in economics. Hobby : ecology, old oriental and dac medicine, herbal medicine, astronomy, phytotherapy, presopuncture, voluntarian activity, mountain tourism and sports. I love nature and good people, married and a proud parent
I am a spiritual persone but also I give a lot of credit to science and his utility in the human history. I always believed in a good future for all human kind when all people will try to stand togheter in hard times, like friends, also when give the respect to his big home - earth and mother nature. The universal friendship will be the key of human salvation, the non-manipulation hope and human positive freedome spirit too.

my motto : "I am always looking the key form for essential of the true "

Constantin Brancusi
[ great roumanian artist]

 contact :


 scurta biografie
economist, poet, pictor si fotograf amator; iubitoare a traditiilor stravechi dacice, amerindiene si orientale, si a stiintelor viitorului [ sf ]

hobby : medicina naturista si fitoterapia,presopunctura, ecologia si voluntariatul, astronomia,[ arheonautica],  botanica-gradinarit si orientare turistica montana [ si nu numai]. Iubesc natura, copii si oamenii cumsecade. Ca animale preferate sunt pasarile , dar si fauna montana. Imi place enorm de mult sa fac fotografii si sa comunic cu cat mai multi oameni daca e cu putinta chiar si virtual pentru schimb de impresii si idei sau pentru a ma perfectiona intr-un domeniu. Sunt sociabila insa in limita bunului simt, urasc hartuirea, violarea de intimitate  si prostia reavoitoare.Imi place sa imi fac multe cunostiinte. Nu-mi place singuratatea decat in natura.Cred ca stiinta viitorului ca si spiritualitatea ascunsa din om va fi calea de evolutie in viitor a omenirii, bazata pe colaborare deschisa, prietenie universala si non manipulare, prin cunoasterea profunda a energiei,spiritului si materiei din care suntem creati si care ne inconjoara.

 Precum spunea Brancusi " EU AM CAUTAT SI VOI CAUTA MEREU FORMA CHEIE CARE SA FIE ADEVARUL ESENTIALULUI " in tot ceea ce studiez, caut si fac. Viata mea e un drum spre a invata sa fiu Om si de a ma bucura de aceasta calitate. 

                   "Un suflet iubit este un suflet innaripat, iar un suflet innaripat este un suflet liber" .....just me

" Viata mintii este lumina cunostiintei, iar nestiinta e orbirea sufletului" Sf Maxim


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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 7:32am on February 5, 2011, Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said…
Thank you
At 11:33am on February 4, 2011, PACURAR ANA EUGENIA said…
you can find me here

Pacurar Ana

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