Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

While talking of hope and its directions of horizon with participant artists make me think very much bolder and wider then ever. Either side of hope between person and legal authoritarian transformed transparent fields into fugitive. Artists make them again insider of fugitive caves that shows other side brighter light beams try to break through. Contemporary subject are out of many subjects asks more attention. Because war seem always been contemporary subject to any generation. More ever, one generation is inherited or parented to next generation. It is ongoing process never ends, we all lives in it and making the part of society. War is always next to you to take action either way.

The form of painting is Communication between artist and art lover or viewer. Art lover could have its own interpretation while viewing the painting. Artists have meaning over their expressing or impressing thoughts towards implementing, transforming, crafting, molding into artwork. Hard task of organizer is meeting personally to artist. Listening carefully to him and observe artist while telling his hope. Make arguments and reach to minimum words to express thought to make very clear to the concept. While doing this process organizer must be transparent to brought perfect message of artist to any viewer of his painting. This innocent process of story telling comes in the project. Normal art reporter does this kind of reporting to tell the audience. Some times Art critic makes authentic study of artwork and aesthetics of painting try to criticize by some mean.

Then what is extraordinary in this project or very much to soil? It is personal touch between artist and his openness towards project carried by 80 to larger audience at common places or public places rather then museums and galleries to common viewer.

Appealing to artist to participate in project is another task. Who to ask was question mark? Do all artists react to this project? No. Some of fill this is not important to their activities. They may be filling not comfortable with subject. Organization 80 questions made clear for participating in could be any one who deals with art expressions. No age limit. Not only professionals but also art student, enthusiast amateurs welcomed. More or less this comes to express your thought on show your hope that means more expression then impression of war peace and related subjects. When organization expand project towards world tour and its wing towards other hopes of artist, who are engaged in sensitive mind fields and having meanings. More unique thoughts step forward to visual transforming. Huge outsource of visuals took place in 4 years of time. Provided panels are limited size. It is quite small to most of artist whose work always in bigger format. Everything counts for this small panel. Organizer made clear to size and artists are not bound to medium so there is variety of mediums. Oil medium become powerful to express meaning of artist. There are other medium used to send the message of Show Your Hope. Long terms perspective of preserving whole collection opens possibilities to have home at any museum.

Sending message of peace and developing world consciousness through art would be diversity to coming young generation. Who may not engage to support of war process somewhere in world? Normally direct approach of appealing people on war and peace is more exhibited through war documentation. 80questions has finds another view on this subject. It is direct but multi faceted. Positive side of creativity of human helps to generate thinking direction of moderate discussion points.

What energy it generate through this project? Who come forward through this project? What benefits could be delivered. What will happen after this project would finish? Many questions going to be asked on the way on world tour of this project.

Artist point of view he makes statement trough his meaning on consciousness. He is part of activity that brings strong message in this huge machine of democracy. Changing face of political systems such as capitalistic, socialistic, communistic and dictatorial might have some deep influence. Socially artist is responsible for keeping up appearances of such subjects and analyzed situations in history. Taking initiatives of these kinds of projects shows their awareness towards contemporary society.

Organizers made promises to artists would have some thing against participating. Hope factor is always abstract. Financially everyone has signed for it with responsibility. First place asking artist to show your hope makes very difficult to concentrate him on finding right hope. Because exhibitions took place since 2004 then Show Your Hope not only related to war and peace but wider range of subjects got involve. Beginning of project took place in Eindhoven and in east Europe. Now it is traveling in Netherlands at some institutional places and some just in common places. Usually traveling to destination places and talking to people on painting. Make some music on the spot to hold the audience. Is it becoming movement of artists? I do not think so! It is subject of interest, who may call anything.

Somebody called Human project. I said they think diversely. The Multicultural cosmopolitan activities do not deny over views of social bodies of city experts for financial support to 80 questions projects.

The message SHOW YOUR HOPE of foundation 80 questions carries to world is important step of group of artist who joined caravan. We have seen interesting projects, traveling on sea, flying in air. Train journeys. Such kind of adventures has been took place in history. This may be seems like that to any one but it is different of its kind.

Experience of many artists will make collective thought to serve the society. This exhibitions and work of art fulfill the gap of communication between local and global. Art speaks itself but communicator makes easier to understand. Arts come to common places as well as to unknown viewer at unknown places. Is it desire to bring art to common places to perform with a cause?

In golden age of Holland had painted common subject by painters. May be 400 years later that common thought to come at open space. Open space is place to hold exhibitions is not such common idea. But spaces are captured by architect is also interesting we all hope for having different experience would bring appropriate message of show your hope.

Artimediair is 20-year platform in Holland to my art activities spreader wings with 80 questions and my personal views added to their cause becomes me an exciting period.

80questions driving force Mr. Martin Voorbij is positive thinker and energetic person who try to make every body’s world colorful, meaningful through show Your Hope Exhibitions. At home at Eindhoven all the workers of foundation and supporters are taking care of this project should take place positively. Financial support for projects may not be easy task in this tax-oriented state of Europe. Beyond all odds we try to realize this project from our bottom of Heart.

I have long ago decided to take this project to India and we are half way further

Bhaskar Hande
18 June 2007

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