Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
I am doing research to write a white paper for the Leonardo SEAD science- art journal and network titled "Science-art interactions in Asia with particular reference to India ". My abstract has already been accepted and I got the go ahead to do research and write the paper.
You can read the abstract of the paper here:
As you might already know science-art is the most happening thing in North America, Europe and Australia now. But you don't see many artists experimenting with it in Asia.
I have done a lot of research on the subject but still want to hear from all of you as people working on the ground can give me first hand information.
I request all my Asian artist and art curator friends to let me know their experiences in the field of art, provide information on art market dynamics and mechanisms in their regions.
Also please let me know your opinions on why science as a subject is not being taken up by the artists as a theme to do art works in your region. I want to know what your roadblocks, reservations and difficulties are in dealing with science art.
This paper will help improve the situation with regard to science-art as big players in the science-art arena in the world are interested to know what the causes are for this dismal performance of science based art in Asia to take steps to rectify the situation.
I request all my Asian artist friends to come forward and express their opinions freely.
If possible please add your comments on the abstract page of the Leonardo sead network too.
If members from other parts of the world want to comment, they are welcome to do so with their observations on the situation here.
Thank you
Now you can read the full paper here:
You can also read the analysis of all white papers here:
What they are doing in the West is not actually art. These people are just transferring science illustrations, models and specimens into art galleries and claiming they are creating a new kind of art which they call science-art. Who are they fooling? We are not interested in this bogus art. We want to create real art.
It is important to increase preoccupations in Science > Art and in Art > Science
in countries with smaller contributions.
I think it should be kept in mind and practice of art directed somewhat to stimulate the creation
of more productive through group activity, course emphasizing the
contribution of each member.
This way of proceeding would be close to target social network.
Computer with digital images offers multiple features for visual communication through fine art.
(especially in terms of communication kinetic image), helping to goals that are proposed by the network.
On the other hand I wrote about ideas, images bioptical as expanding skills in visual sense
are obtained substantial increases opportunities for communication of emotion through forms of fine art, which
also additional benefit people with only primary education.
In this respect recall a synthesis of my techniques that I have written in the book
Iliesu Liviu :Visual-Sense-Storming, SEMNE Bucharest, 2010, 49 pages,
ISBN 978-973-624-946-4
See link ; 12. Visual-sense-storming
I want to help further, at theme Art Lab
especially regarding difficult side, namely the contribution of art > science.
But it can do so only if I manage to get the collaboration of artists, even fine art amateur artists.
In this vast theme I emphasize Binocular Rivalry as among the most effective areas
on the art applications in science, by developing fine art images by artists of fine art.
The phenomenon Binocular Rivalry was discovered by Dutour during 1760, 1763, and described by
Hermann von Helmholtz in the nineteenth century, calling him, Retinal Rivalry.
Name of Retinal Rivalry was replaced with Binocular Rivalry, considered
to be more explicit.
I describe it in chapter 2 in the book:
Iliescu Liviu: The Paired Off Visual Signal 2007, Monitorul Oficial, Bucharest,
95 pages ISBN 978-973-0-05187-2.
See link ; 2. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art
In the last two decades have published over 500 scientific papers
in Binocular Rivalry area., with applications in neuroimaging,
using pairs of graphic works as tests.
Graphic tests are created by researchs and have no artistic forms.
I proposed that stimuli Binocular Rivalry be applicable, by artists in fine art compositions,
I have described the application techniques in the book:
Iliescu Liviu; Initiation into bioptical art: metavirtual images; Monitorul Oficial,
Bucharest, 2005, 87 pages. ISBN 973-567-472-6.
See link; Manual EN
The artists with their talent and their accumulation they will be distinguished by surprising contributions
in help of the researchers from neuroimaging.
I have described in ART LAB on application bioptical techniques.
I have yet not received any response to my invitation to transmit these techniques step by step.
A major difficulty in applying techniques that I propose is the how to look for merging image pair.
One way of looking at it as he met with Cross Eyes. I described way of looking at these, we repeat below.
Currently this way to see, is very common; published numerous 3D images observed with
crossed eyes without special glasses
I selected two pairs of images : A and B
Image A
Iage B
I invited artists and amateur artists to explore together possibility techniques
that I propose (Bioptical Art)
To start cooperation in Bioptical Art is required to confirm that that the interlocutor could obtain images
stereoscopic observing with Cross Eyes.
Bioptical images are derived from combining sophisticated areas:
Binocular Rivalry, Color Fusion Helmholtz; Stereoscopy (adaptation)
Are persons who manage not to fuse even though they look normal binocular vision.
I present training techniques for some persons learn skills of observation images
with Crossed eyes.
Crossed-eye viewing
Dutour clearly describes binocular rivalry of two outlined colours (in 1760, 1763). Thus, Dutour describes the effects obtained by their fusion with the naked eyes, by eye convergence or divergence.
Paired-off drawings are used for research in the field of binocular rivalry, and for publications the convergent vision was chosen, with the mention: arranged for cross-eyed viewing.
This manner of observing was resumed also in the auto-stereogrammes invented by Christopher Tyler in 1990 (known as the Magic Eye)
I also used the Dutour method in my first publication:
Method for Model Making OSIM no. 67678 on 19.02.1974
I also used the method subsequently, as the sole manner of communication by publications, although it involves adaptation difficulties.
Fig. 25 L.Iliescu; Scheme to form the habit of observation with
crossed eyes
The sketch showing the crossed-eye viewing:
With the left eye (Og) the pencil tip is projected to the circle (Cd), and with the right eye (Od) the tip is projected to the circle (Cg), so that to notice three circles, concurrently with the appearance of another image between the two initial ones, which is the fusion image.
Fig 26 L. Iliescu; Bioptical painting
Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)
This is a drawing that can be diversified by beginners (I can provide certain explanations as the case may be ); in the case of this drawing, stereoscopic and transparency effects are obtained by fusion.
SEAD: White Papers
Science-Art Interactions in Asia with Particular Reference to India
Coordinator: Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
Abstract: While North America, Europe and Australia are basking in the glory of new wave science-art collaborations and reaping all the benefits that these interactions are bringing, there are some parts of the world that are relatively untouched by these happenings! Asia, to which the Indian subcontinent belongs, remains almost immune to the developments happening around the world in this subject. With the exception of China, we hardly find any science-art projects here. Moreover, the few science-art interactions that are occurring are concentrated in China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, UAE and Japan. Interestingly these areas with healthy scientific backgrounds are relatively high on the economic scales too in Asia. If we search for science-art interactions in this region, we mostly come up with science and technology assisted art rather than pure science art. This paper discusses the reasons for the dismal performance of science art and science based art in relation to the dynamics of the art world mechanisms in this region and suggests ways to remove the road blocks to make science based art flourish here.
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3 Responses to “Science-Art Interactions in Asia with Particular Reference to India”
liviu iliescu
August 2, 2012 at 5:37 am
I believe your concern, to develop science topics
and art as being of major importance
You insist passionately the ideas that are sure contributions to culture
universal, despite some areas dominated by private specialists
they are trained and that the contest that you promote it.
Developing the science and art theme is based on your
values accumulated millennia Indian culture such as:
the truth value, the good value the beauty and value.
Of course today must recognize that wherever we find
the science must participate in the development of these values with others
that we could highlight.
These values are found in university culture but senses that fall
from the Indian perspective are related to specific education.
I think that other people who have not received Indian education,
have feelings of social meanings of these values, and contribute to their support.
They are contained in Indian aesthetics to be associated with other values
to be the attention of aesthetic thinkers for additions to the chapters:
disinterested interest, as sensory art experience, art knowledge dependent and others.
Liviu Iliescu
Suseela Rani Gadwal
August 2, 2012 at 9:04 pm
We don’t get to see science art in India and Asia. When there is no art, naturally there won’t be any information on it. This indeed an interesting attempt not only to provide the details but also to take the sick man to the doctors. Let us see how the doctors can help the ailing man. Look forward to reading the full paper.
Basant soni
December 14, 2012 at 5:47 am
Dr. Krishna …i’m reading from time to time all out yours endeavors for the entire New research for creativity in the field of Science-Art.So far i saw your art work on several sites closely correlating..the feelings of natural laws rather even connected with pure science & applied science. i opined that science based art ..has given the magnificent impetus to the present Art scenario.ONLY need to get recognition …!!
So far as to the best of knowledge & on-line study …no one from Asia rather India has attempted the way you generate the Science-Art..concept !! Definitely,one day art lovers realize and associate to strengthen your research project from many ways in meritorious way to remember you as pioneer by Art community & new generation.
My best wishes ..Always feel to share & associate with u the concept of ” Eco Friendly Organic Art ” made from thrown out ingredients of our mother earth on Bark Canvas of Palm tree.
Warm regards wishes…Basant soni
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