Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

I am not a genius or great to have my own quotes. I am adding here the views I expressed  in different fora & in the articles that I wrote and have been appreciated by people from all parts of the world.

In the field of science one rational approach based on facts will carry more weight  than millions of irrational approaches based on just beliefs - Krishna

Impossible? There shouldn't be such words in anybody's dictionary if he or she wants to achieve something.
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

Why we act differently

Perception differs from person to person depending on one's cognitive abilities, biases, fallacies, conditioning of mind, education levels and distortions of the mind. We can tolerate different perceptions and the resultant behaviour only till they don't affect others' lives. The moment we think they are causing harm to the societies we live in, we will have to tackle them, correct them and put them on the right path. Not doing so  makes you an impotent coward that helped the rotting of the world. Intellectuals cannot just be mere spectators. - KKC
Most of the time what you think are faults of others are not faults at all.  They are just your perceptions. CKK
You cannot win an argument against most of the scientists. Not because they want to win at any cost but because they want to put facts before people and make them realize them. When you are facing evidence based facts, you don't have a chance to win! - CKK

Not all scientific theories are absolute truths,  they are relative truths. Till new full proof theory emerges, they are truths in transition. We must not feel shy to accept this. - Krishna

Religion is man-made while science is Nature-made or for those who believe in a creator - God-made. This universe runs on scientific principles coined by Nature or for theists God.

Think about this: 

Religion is man-made while Science is Nature-made or for those who believe in a creator - God-made. This universe runs on scientific principles coined by Nature or for theists God. Now tell me, do you believe in a man-made religion or a Nature or God-made science?

But what is bizarre is men give more importance to   man-made religion than nature made science!

How wise is that?- Krishna

Giving up a problem  without attempting  to solve it is a crime in the scientific world - Krishna

Unlike what several people think, science deals with moral issues too and can be a good guide to life's journey through the  checkerboard of blacks and whites!- Krishna

Pseudo-science goes to places where science refuses to tread - Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

No wishes unnatural will be granted because Natural Laws that govern this universe scientifically don't permit them!

Do people trust scientists who are atheists? Because they can use reason and can critically think  about anything and therefore can be good human beings?

Being a good human being is a matter of ceaselessly practicing good behavior. It matters little which path one took to get there.

There is no need to distrust people just because they are atheists and don't belong to your religious group. Atheists can be good human beings too. Any belief system that says or gives the idea that one should not trust people for choosing other alternate paths is not weighing things in a proper manner - Krishna

A research paper is a scientist’s tequila. We are drunk on it!

Let us move forward with this attitude. Let us defy the laws of nature with our inner strengths.
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

"Agreed, all parts of the brain works during processing of thoughts but how they work, which part more and which less makes a person who s/he is!"

Each person has his or her own equations to depend on to make decisions. If you give advice based on yours, it might not work for others. Your x need not be not my x, your y need  not be my y and therefore, your x^{2}+y^{2}=z^{2} need not be my .x^{2}+y^{2}=z^{2} .

let me calculate my Z Square

using  my formula ax+by+xy=Z Square

Thank you.

Yes, when you go about in this world with a smile on your lips, your
face radiating with positive thoughts, your heart filled with kindness
& your mind packed with power you can see & feel change all around you.
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

If you question a terrible system , you might invite enmity.

If you don't question it, you will become a slave to the existing rotten system.
It is better to question and change the system than becoming a slave to a decaying system.

Somebody said this: "Monetary value is the least and poorest way to evaluate fine art.
'Value' often comes from a body of work, not a few paintings. Value is
built up over time, as the artist improve in technique and the ability
to express herself. The work takes on more artistic value. Many fine
artists never sell any work."  & my reply is:
Then how come da Vinci, who has painted only a few paintings, is called
a master? I don't think body of work or number of works produced by an
artist counts. Even one or two good works can make an artist stand out. A genius has the qualities & in built ability & even though he doesn't learn in a school or collage, he can produce master pieces!
Yes, I agree monetary value cannot value the true importance of a work.
It is how much the work appeals to majority of viewer's mind & what impact it made in the lives of people is more important. 

Creativity gets Killed?! Never for me! Yes, you have to deal with all sorts of people, circumstances & situations in this world. Negative
situations only strengthen my determination. The more I face problems,
the more creative I become because I get my inspirations & thoughts
from them when I analyse these things! I will never let external factors
affect my mind or life. My poems, stories, articles & art work
clearly show the state of my mind.

- Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

My reply to a Q "What kills your Creativity?"

Yes, strength does not come from winning. If everything comes easily for
you, you will never become mentally strong! Your struggles develop your
strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender
but fight back that is strength. When you analyse situations &
circumstances that are adverse & realize how to overcome them, you
will become more strong from within. If you build your life from these
negative experiences, You become rock solid & nothing can move you.
In fact you will invite more struggles like I do! I want to test myself
& each negative experience gives more muscles and gray cells to my mind! In fact
Your creativity increases because of all the knowledge you gain from
life's lessons! -Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

Somebody said this: One thing the ego does is try to remove any opposite point of view.

My reply: At the same time a person of science tries to remove views originated from the darkness & ignorance in a person's mind through facts & knowledge & not because of ego - Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

Somebody asked  this Q in a forum discussion: Can knowing ourselves better improve our lives?

My reply: Yes and sometimes No! Because I saw people who don't have any knowledge about these things & themselves because of ignorance leading their lives very happily. And people who know about themselves feel miserable too to unable to change themselves. These values and types differ from culture to culture and place to place. The bottom line is if you are happy with what you have and can make others happy with your type of personality, you can say you are leading a good life.  ( My reply was adjudged as the best in the forum!) 

To beat inaccuracy, you need the weapon of absolute truth - not another inaccuracy!

All the people who think differently from others run the risk of standing apart and get heckled. Only the brave who survive this onslaught can stand out! 

Try to understand the world around you with child -like enthusiasm and science becomes a part of you automatically!
Don't depend on anyone for anything. If you are self-reliant, nobody can take the interest away from you or discourage you.
If you really love what you do, you will never ever get bored or taken away from your chosen path.


Our behavior is nothing more or less than our brain activity, and brain activity is a function of our genes and our environment. When we punish an individual for bad behaviour , then, we're not reprimanding poor choices, we are punishing differently oriented electrical and chemical events in the brain.

It is important to cultivate analytical thinking through good science education among people of the world for controlling most of the ills like superstitions and witchcraft we face in today's world.

Courage is  not seeking the society’s approval for your actions. Do not hesitate to do what you feel is right even if it means that the society might frown upon you. Even if you are a person who normally abide by the societal norms,  fight for something you really believe in.

Q: Is there a distinction between an artist and a painter?

My reply: Yes, definitely. A person who can  think differently and get inspired by something to create art is a real artist. A person who just copies - and thinks only about colours and compositions - is just a painter. "Thinking art" is the real art. A person who can show things in a new light with his/her inner vision is a true artist.


A man who does not see himself as capable of becoming more than he is is no man!

People ask me how I manage my time while doing so many things. And my reply: You need to borrow the time and energy from tomorrow to do today's work. I am doing just that!

Science is still in its infancy. It still has to grow a lot, learn a lot, study a lot, experiment a lot and think a lot! How can a child answer all your questions and solve all your problems? Who knows what it grows to be like? - Krishna

Art should represent everything associated with life. As modern day life is closely intertwined with the culture of Science and Technology, we want science too to be represented in the world of art.- Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa


Life itself is a beautiful interaction between art and science. You cannot escape this reality no matter what you say or do!                        

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa (Founder, KK Art Lab) 

Science itself has an in-built creativity aspect!  - CKK

Respect for anyone cannot be ordered; it must be earned

 In Nature both art and science are entangled with each other, but we human beings have separated the two subjects for better operational purposes! Science-art is all about utilizing the best from both the fields and get an interesting enlightenment the nature  wants us to have! - Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

The intuition of an artist is not equal to the guesses based on knowledge of a scientist.

Should Scientists be able to Identify themselves with All of Humanity? Yes, because science is universal and scientists should be able to identify themselves with the whole of humanity, not one particular community! Science doesn't differentiate between different regions and places.

 For me art is something that comes out of a thorough thought. It interprets the way a person sees the world and in different ways. It should open a dialogue with the viewer, make him/her think and see things differently. Should show things in a new light.  Art is incomplete without the perceptual and emotional involvement of the viewer.

"Only fools rush into places  where wise men fear to tread." And I don't want to be a fool.


Yes, science and religion can co-exist only if the latter doesn't try to undo what the former is trying to do!

Art deals the world with emotion while Science approaches the world with reason.         Emotions are unstable and can be changed and therefore could be a temporary phenomenon while influencing people. But  reasoning based on facts  and truth is stable. - Krishna

People who cannot do great things do small things in a great way!

Most human beings are driven by emotion and subjective analysis not reason. So they are more affiliated to art than science!

For one who is well determined and has a clear focus on the path,  success is just a question of time.


If you are trying to belittle other fields, religions, subjects and areas to promote yours, you have already lost your race and are accepting that you don't have any other go but to blacken  other things so that others don't see their importance!

My reply to people who said science is weak:

Science is strong because this world is created (according to creationists) or came into existence on its own (according to atheists) based on scientific laws like gravity and other fundamental forces of Physics, chemical interactions of everything including Biological ones which gave rise to life. Our understanding of science is weak but not science! Don't confuse one with the other.


Reasoning is of two types:

1. Unbiased and neutral ( done by scientists and people who wants to find truth)

2. Biased that follows confirmation bias ( done by people who wants to see only what they want to see)

It is extremely difficult to beat somebody who does not reason well and follow the second type. That sucks, it really does, but it is a bare and undeniable fact. Because of that, it's going to hurt, but you'll find that it's forgotten fairly quickly.

Just walk away from people who does the second type of reasoning if you don't want to waste your time on them;  Never continue the argument with them as soon as you find what type of reasoning they are following. Once you've satisfied yourself that neutral reason is not going to suffice, you're done. You don't even have to announce, "I see you're unreasonable, and I've done all I can." Just walk away. Period.

- Krishna

Q: How can people get smarter than they actually are?

My reply: It depends on the person actually. Not only gathering information, critically thinking about it in an unbiased way (detached and neutral processing in the world of science) is very important. Pursuit of truth without any fear, illusions, preconceived notions and beliefs is what smarter people do. Can you get disentangled from conditioning of mind? Can you be realistic, neither optimistic nor pessimistic? (While Optimists can see a glass half filled with water, pessimists can see the glass half empty, the realists (most scientists) can see it fully filled - half with water and half with air!). That is the real smartness!


You require an immense amount of knowledge just to be able to see your own depth of ignorance.

Only a person who has at least some knowledge knows and can think he is ignorant. 
 Only a person who has at least some knowledge knows and can think he is stupid.
An ignorant  person can't even understand that he is ignorant or stupid!
Because 'it takes something' to assess something. If you don't have anything, what would you assess or analyse  something with? 
I never stay in my comfort zone. I always push myself to the edge. When I reach the end of the cliff and there is no place left to tread on, I develop wings and fly. There is tremendous thrill in this. Only those who left their comfort zones forever know what this intoxication is. 
Digest this: You can never miss an appointment with death - K
"Open your mind before your mouth" . Let your words have some knowledge behind them, not emotions. 
But ,  if your mind contains ‘your version of the truth’ such as limitations, biases and beliefs which are not necessarily true, and if you use them to analyse things before you, there is nothing you can do even if you think. -K
Each word you speak tell a thousand stories about you. Only those who have 'special receptors' can receive the right information.
If you tell me ....
Do the work this way, do it that way. Do it my way. 
Live life like me. King size.
Look at me, I enjoy life like hell. 
You don't know how to enjoy life like I do.
You don't know how to live.
I feel sorry for you!
Really? Then  my reply to you is : You don't know how to think correctly!

All controversies in science are resolved by using better data and genuine evidence, not by expressing opinions. Peer review is not an opinion expression. It is stating whether the data is sufficient or not to come to a conclusion and whether more data is needed.

Outside of peer review, do expressions and opinions have any value at all?

- Krishna


Doing science is the ultimate act of rebellion

For women in science it is partly about shattering stereotypes and glass ceilings.

For everybody in science, it is about shattering myths, superstitions, ancient ways of thinking, unproven and baseless beliefs, irrationality and everything else an evolved human mind shouldn't be doing. - Krishna


 Science is not  a cooking recipe. Not everybody is entitled to write on it. It is a powerful weapon that can have severe consequences in the society we live in. So only experts have a right to write on it. - CKK


You’re walking towards DEATH, from birth to the end of your life, every moment of your existence. But still you are afraid of it and  think to avoid it. Strange! -  KK


The prediction of science (kk's):

If the doors of perception were cleansed using scientific knowledge, everything would appear as it is... reality! There won't be any illusions, misconceptions, distortions, and haziness in our thought and understanding.  
While some are born with or acquire the ability to perceive higher realms, many of us are blind to what we cannot discern with our own tactile senses.
Though we're starting to grasp the fundamental workings of the cosmos, our understanding of the universe is still in its infancy. But science is the only way to get the right and final picture of it.
You can consider alternate realities, play with strange perceptions but ultimately only the evidence based facts prevail.
In the end the world will have to come to grips with it, no matter how much your conditioned mind resists it.
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
While you slept peacefully, we worked hard, analysed your sleep, dreams and told you what they are made of AND HOW TO REALIZE THEM.


Humour is increasingly becoming an escape route to human stupidity and prejudices - Krishna

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Life itself is a beautiful interaction between art and science. You cannot escape this reality no matter what you say or do!

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa (Founder, KK Art Lab)

Science itself has an in-built creativity aspect! - CKK


Reasoning is of two types:

1. Unbiased and neutral

2. Biased that follows confirmation bias

You will never, ever beat somebody who does not reason well and follow the second type. Because s/he refuses to see things in the way they are! That sucks, it really does, but it is a bare and undeniable fact. Because of that, it's going to hurt, but you'll find that it's forgotten fairly quickly.

Just walk away from people who does the second type of reasoning;  Never continue the argument with them as soon as you find what type of reasoning they are following. Once you've satisfied yourself that neutral reason is not going to suffice, you're done. You don't even have to announce, "I see you're unreasonable, and I've done all I can." Just walk away. Period.

Because they say: Never argue with a fool. He will not only bring you down to his level but also beat you with his experience in foolishness!

- Krishna

Most human beings are driven by emotion and subjective analysis not reason. So they are more affiliated to art than science!- Krishna

But wait, even this art is derived from the science of the mind!


"Open your mind before your mouth" . 
Let your words have some knowledge behind them, not emotions. 
But ,  if your mind contains ‘your version of the truth’ such as limitations, biases and beliefs which are not necessarily true, and if you use them to analyse things before you, there is nothing you can do even if you think. 
Each word you speak tell a thousand stories about you. Only those who have 'special receptors' can receive the right information. -K

Yuk. I prefer to die instead of killing and eating a human being.

If you give me the choice, ‘kill or get killed’, I will get killed and if they choose it, become food to someone else.

Cannibalism? No, never!

That's for devils!

Kalame samadhanam cheptundi anedi chetakani vallu cheppe saku. Samasyaku eduru velli, dhikoni, chedinchi, solve chesi, andarini ananda parichedi  samardu laina vallu chese ghanakaryam. -Krishna

(Translation): To say, 'Time will give answers to all problematic questions' is incompetence. 

Facing the problem head on, colliding with it, breaking through, solving it and making everyone happy is the feat done by smart people.

మీరు చెప్పేది నిజం మరియు మీరు సరైనవారని మీకు తెలిస్తే, ఇది అర్థం చేసుకోని వ్యక్తితో వ్యవహరించడం కష్టం.

The more we learn , the more we comprehend reality in the right way, the more we feel we are different from the common people's world. If the people around us don't understand things from our view point, we tend to move away from them. This is not arrogance but to get peace of mind. But still I try to put things from my perspective too before people. If they try to understand it, it is ok, if they don't that will alienate us more. It takes two to tango! Why blame only one person, the learned one?

"When a stupid person can't understand an average person, the stupid person is blamed, but when an average person can't understand a genius, the genius is blamed!"

So...a scientist is in a disadvantageous position and has to really try very hard.


I have two inferences on this matter.

When someone excels in any stream or field they become laser sharp in their respective areas. They are double edged swords actually.

Society should know how to treat them, Instead of this most of the time people tend to mess with them and bleed. And then they put blame on the other side.

If we don't know how to use the sword to cut the tumors of ignorance and wrong beliefs that's fine upto some extent but judging with myopic view is Utter nonsense.

As you know the G-Force will be experienced by the entity which is moving upwards from the earth not by the grounded one.


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