Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Just by seeing an art work, can we tell about the origin of the art work? Sometimes we can, sometimes, we can't.
If you take abstract art - you cannot say where it originated from. However, if an art work depicts  the culture of a region & if you are familiar with the culture painted, you can. If you take landscapes, the colours and contours can sometimes differ from place to place. Here in our country, we have light orange/ pink sunsets & sunrises. However, in some parts of the world, they will be deep red. Landscapes in Europe will usually be dark & lush green, whereas here in the equatorial region, they will usually be in rustic browns - especially in summer & winter seasons. An artist tries to paint the colour he sees in his surroundings. So sometimes we can see marks of origin in an art work. An expert can tell where the art work originated by seeing it.
They say art is universal. Human emotions too are universal. However, an artist painting an art work takes the surroundings into account too. In such cases even if a painter paints the smile of a person - which is universal, the clothes the person in the picture wears, the hair style, facial contours, surrounding things in the room (background) or buildings or landscapes say where the art work originated. Yes, Mona Lisa's smile is Universal. But the clothes she wears are not! They belong to centuries ago European Culture. So we can guess where it originated. If you see Raja Ravi Verma's  (Indian painter) works, you can tell they originated in India & belonged to last century - the way his women draped in sarees - the style belonged to last century not to this century.
So friends, let your brains work. Next time if you see an art work of an unknown artist, try to guess where the art work originated & which period it belonged to. And soon you too will become an expert in art!

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I am trying to become one too!
there are elements that might let you discover procedence, speatially into realism.
Other styles are more difficult to analize. Some artist lived in different places,
being hard to guess . Gauguin wouldn`t be discovered as a French painter, if you look
at his natives and water melon images.In other images, just forget it!
If you take an unknown painting of an old master to an expert, he can tell whether it is truly painted by the master or not. There are scientific ways to tell it. There will be some signatures - not real ones - but style signatures that tell who painted it. And then the time & period when it was done can always be assessed by scientific methods. For eg., when a video of Osama bin Laden was surfaced some time back, the Americans could find out where it was taken by just seeing the background scenery.
I have seen the pics of Gauguin just now & could tell they belonged to Europe by the way he dressed, his hair style, hat & mushtash had last century styles . The portrait of a lady he did has last century dress style! Then
his pics told me he had Latin American influence. I could tell these things just by seeing his pics. I don't know anything about him till now. Am I right in my assessment?
I am learning things now.

Marcelino Ferreiro Paz said:
there are elements that might let you discover procedence, speatially into realism.
Other styles are more difficult to analize. Some artist lived in different places, being hard to guess . Gauguin wouldn`t be discovered as a French painter, if you look at his natives and water melon images.In other images, just forget it!
you possibly want to become a painter difficcult to distinguish, isn`t it?
Out of time and different. Misterious.
would love to be a water melon for one day, with option for longer period.
But with memory and not eatable.I mean , any extraordinary experience would suit me,
without suffering....
What does that mean?

Marcelino Ferreiro Paz said:
you possibly want to become a painter difficcult to distinguish, isn`t it?
Out of time and different. Misterious.
would love to be a water melon for one day, with option for longer period.
But with memory and not eatable.I mean , any extraordinary experience would suit me,
without suffering....


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