Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
I read a lot about this psychic healing, William. I believe in mind over matter theory. It works for me.
If I am injured & in pain, I tell myself- I don't have any pain & this is only illusion -several times till I don't feel any pain. I am a very delicate person but still do very hard physical work by telling myself "I can do this. This isn't difficult at all". If I am successful & can do several things at a time it is because I believe I can do all these. It gives me confidence. And with this confidence I feel I can do anything I set my mind on. Well, whether it is true or not if it helps you or somebody, it is really good. Why don't you try it here?
Mind over matter (this is one of my paintings)
A mentally weak person says: “You can’t escape your Biology” or “It is impossible to overcome your Biology”. Right? Wrong!
Yes, your genes control the way you behave & live – through biochemical reactions. Your nerves & pleasure points in the body & brain affect your behaviour too.
Harmones try to get involved in every thing you do. With all these strings attached to your life & affecting every move you make, how can you escape your Biology?
But, you can! The same life came with a mind & a thought process too. With a little bit of thinking – you can determine what is wrong & what is right, what is bad & what is good, what is pain & what is pleasure in the end. By tightly controlling this process & in turn the behaviour one can overcome one’s Biology. It is not easy & requires tremendous training of the mind. But if a person can do it, he can become a superhuman.
Yes, I agree.
I am a realist. I accept the possibility of theories, however my research involves looking at hard evidence and then extrapolating from this what is really possible. With the research at Princeton, and also the research of all quantum physicists, it has become clear that mind and matter are interwoven. For example the state of an electron depends upon the viewers mind. In the Bells calaight experiment we see that photons are telepathically in contact. The basic building blocks of existence are also mind stuff. There has been documented evidence dating back hundreds of years regarding the placebo effect, which is people healing themselves or alleviating pain through mind power. This mind over mater is so powerful and prominent and common that it is statistically taken into account in all medical trials. With just placebo effect alone we have documented absolute proof of mind over matter. Most people don't realize the magnitude of what placebo effect is.
This all means that mind over matter, especially in healing is absolutely possible and can and does supersede our biology. This is a tappable resource, but it is being held back by the very scientists that uncovered it, possibly by corporations that have a vested interest in denying it to sell more of their product, and certainly by our own collective resistance, because we have been lead to believe (read brainwashed) that it is impossible. But it is not only possible it is a fact. The more people can come to this realization the more the collective unconscious will allow mind over matter to progress.
A scientific experiment has been conducted to test the collective
unconscious. A group of English speaking subjects were asked to
memorize a number of Japanese poems. Some were mere gibberish and some were
well known Japanese nursery-rhymes. The result was that the nursery-rhymes were
learned more easily than the gibberish. These examples illustrate that the collective
unconscious is a verifiable force
The connection to a wider consciousness was put to the test by the
CIA and later the US air force in a project now known as Project Star gate.74 It
involved several psychics experimenting with remote viewing. Psychics practicing
remote viewing during the cold war were able to ‘see’ things psychically such as a
new class of soviet submarine seen by a team of three, and the location of a crashed
Soviet aircraft in Africa. The Remote Viewing state was entered by certain methods
that involved shutting down the everyday left-brain processes, which allowed the right
brain to connect with the collective unconscious for information about a person, event
or place in the present or the future. Carl Jung coined the term collective unconscious
and it refers to the collective knowledge and unconscious minds of humanity. If we tap into it we can access all knowledge and possibly, all power.
And since the mind has been proven to be able to manipulate matter, imagine what the
power of collective humanity could do as one?
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said:I read a lot about this psychic healing, William. I believe in mind over matter theory. It works for me.
If I am injured & in pain, I tell myself- I don't have any pain & this is only illusion -several times till I don't feel any pain. I am a very delicate person but still do very hard physical work by telling myself "I can do this. This isn't difficult at all". If I am successful & can do several things at a time it is because I believe I can do all these. It gives me confidence. And with this confidence I feel I can do anything I set my mind on. Well, whether it is true or not if it helps you or somebody, it is really good. Why don't you try it here?Mind over matter (this is one of my paintings)
A mentally weak person says: “You can’t escape your Biology” or “It is impossible to overcome your Biology”. Right? Wrong!
Yes, your genes control the way you behave & live – through biochemical reactions. Your nerves & pleasure points in the body & brain affect your behaviour too.
Harmones try to get involved in every thing you do. With all these strings attached to your life & affecting every move you make, how can you escape your Biology?
But, you can! The same life came with a mind & a thought process too. With a little bit of thinking – you can determine what is wrong & what is right, what is bad & what is good, what is pain & what is pleasure in the end. By tightly controlling this process & in turn the behaviour one can overcome one’s Biology. It is not easy & requires tremendous training of the mind. But if a person can do it, he can become a superhuman.
I had not honestly thought about trying it through a group of people on the net. I was hoping someone, who is in a position of healing with a physical group might take the information and proceed to give it a go.
However, it is possible for a net group to have an effect. There would need to be a number of people involved. The more the better. The trial would have to be conducted over a period of time, say a week, because the different time zones and people's commitments would probably make it untenable to do a group experiment at a pin pointed time.
We would need a subject who is ill. We would need some information about this person. The more the better, but a first name and location to a name of a suburb and country should do it based on experiments with remote viewing. Those who are willing to help would take as much time as they could to relax and instruct their unconscious to heal our patient. The concentration factor is not a huge thing. But what is necessary is to calm and clear the mind of words as much as possible. Then ask you unconscious, or higher self to go about the work of healing our patient. The Princeton experiments showed that ordinary people with even a little of mindfulness to the task can have an effect.
If people would like an aid in their clearing of the mind and relaxation for the task, I can provide a free download of music that produces the alpha mind state (the brain waves of meditation). This music is classical music selected because it has a tempo of between 60 to 70 beats per minute. When listening to this music, even at low volumes in the background, the heart rate follows the beat of the music, and slows, which in turn slows the brain waves. This music has been proven by experiment to work. It is used to enhance learning and is used by Super learning to accelerate learning of languages. The results of super learning have been tested and documented for decades. I use it, and it is quite amazing. You mind and body relaxes into a stress free meditative state effortlessly. I think if our healers listen to this music while instructing their more powerful unconscious minds (a better term would be super conscious minds), we could get some results. Instructing our super conscious to heal the person is as simple as just asking it to do it. No more concentration is needed other than that and keeping the mind calm and still.
The music download is available at . If you click on the link your computer will ask you if you want to download the file. I have put the file on my book site, so it will be downloaded from there. It is perfectly safe that way. But I understand if some are reluctant. I could provide a link to my online store to get it, but then you would have to pay for it. If anyone downloads it, you can listen to it on your computer or burn it to a CD and play it on any CD player. If anyone has problems doing this let me know and I will give detailed instructions on how to make a CD.
That is my idea for a trial of psychic healing. Now we just need a patient and some willing people who want to try psychic healing.
BTW here is the link if you wanted to buy the Alpha Music
Do you want to try this here, William?
Krishna William Henderson said:I had not honestly thought about trying it through a group of people on the net. I was hoping someone, who is in a position of healing with a physical group might take the information and proceed to give it a go.
However, it is possible for a net group to have an effect. There would need to be a number of people involved. The more the better. The trial would have to be conducted over a period of time, say a week, because the different time zones and people's commitments would probably make it untenable to do a group experiment at a pin pointed time. We would need a subject who is ill. We would need some information about this person. The more the better, but a first name and location to a name of a suburb and country should do it based on experiments with remote viewing. Those who are willing to help would take as much time as they could to relax and instruct their unconscious to heal our patient. The concentration factor is not a huge thing. But what is necessary is to calm and clear the mind of words as much as possible. Then ask you unconscious, or higher self to go about the work of healing our patient. The Princeton experiments showed that ordinary people with even a little of mindfulness to the task can have an effect.
If people would like an aid in their clearing of the mind and relaxation for the task, I can provide a free download of music that produces the alpha mind state (the brain waves of meditation). This music is classical music selected because it has a tempo of between 60 to 70 beats per minute. When listening to this music, even at low volumes in the background, the heart rate follows the beat of the music, and slows, which in turn slows the brain waves. This music has been proven by experiment to work. It is used to enhance learning and is used by Super learning to accelerate learning of languages. The results of super learning have been tested and documented for decades. I use it, and it is quite amazing. You mind and body relaxes into a stress free meditative state effortlessly. I think if our healers listen to this music while instructing their more powerful unconscious minds (a better term would be super conscious minds), we could get some results. Instructing our super conscious to heal the person is as simple as just asking it to do it. No more concentration is needed other than that and keeping the mind calm and still.
The music download is available at . If you click on the link your computer will ask you if you want to download the file. I have put the file on my book site, so it will be downloaded from there. It is perfectly safe that way. But I understand if some are reluctant. I could provide a link to my online store to get it, but then you would have to pay for it. If anyone downloads it, you can listen to it on your computer or burn it to a CD and play it on any CD player. If anyone has problems doing this let me know and I will give detailed instructions on how to make a CD.
That is my idea for a trial of psychic healing. Now we just need a patient and some willing people who want to try psychic healing.
BTW here is the link if you wanted to buy the Alpha Music
Hi all, William, If you want to try this, count with me for sending energy to heal...I'm not experienced in this topic, but feel it can work... Blessings, Abelia in Argentina (Distance may be is not a problem for 'thoughts' some way, I believe they may act outside space and time...)
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