Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

A request to my artist friends: Please try to reduce your Ecological Foot Prints

Recently I have watched several videos on various websites, networks and You Tube in which artists showed how they create their works of art. Some were even "trying to teach" others through their videos. But what alarmed me the most while watching them was some of the artists were wasting colors and other art materials! Shall I tell you how? Okay.

When they want to create different patterns first some of the artists use watery solutions (or washes of water colours and acrylics) that run down the papers or canvases and fall on the floors below. Then they repeat this procedure several times with other colors until they get different colour patterns and shades. They are  painting the floors too along with the canvases! Some wipe off some of the colours painted on the canvases with sponges, blotting and toilet papers to get artistic patterns and designes and throw them away into dust bins or wash them away in sinks! Some use spray paints which paints easels, tables & everything around the canvases!  (I too use spray paint but try not to use it on the edges of the canvas).

Yes, everybody is an "expert" on the internet. Most of the artists want to share with or "teach" others their methods. But I feel most of them are not good teachers! They are showing the world how to waste art materials.

I know as artists you might support your fellow artists and say it is necessary to waste some of the art materials in order to create good works. But to a person like me who is from the field of science and who don't waste even a single drop (if I can say that) of color, it is horrifying to see all that material that is going waste in the art world. Yes, I am very stingy! You have to be one if you are a good environmentalist!

Friends, have you heard about "Ecological Foot Print" and "Carbon Foot Print" ?

The " Ecological Foot Print" is a measure of human demand on Earth's ecosystems.  It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate. It represents the amount of Biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste. Everything we do has consequences.  Today humanity's total ecological foot print was estimated at 1.5 planet Earths - in other words - humanity uses ecological services 1.5 times as fast as Earth can renew them! It now takes the Earth one year six months to regenerate what we use in a year! We maintain this overshot by liquidating the Earth's resources. Overshoot is vastly under-estimated threat to human well-being and the health of the planet and the one that is not adequately addressed. We need a collective action in support of the world, where the humanity lives within the Earth's bounds.

A "Carbon Foot Print" is a measure of the amount of Carbon dioxide produced by a person, organization or state in a given time. The measure of greenhouse gases that are produced by the activity of a person, a family etc. The impact of a certain activity on the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your lifestyle or use of a particular product or service impacts CO2  production. The papers, the canvases you use for pastels, water colours, oils &acrylics, the paints, the easels, brushes everything you use for creating art works have effect on greenhouse gas productions - which in turn affect our environment. Therefore, using them judiciously and in a proper way is very important for the well being of our planet.

People who waste art materials might not have realized the consequences of their acts. So they do it so carelessly. But for a person like me who can see like a movie on a screen before my eyes what impact all that waste on the environment we live in have, it is really shocking and scary! Therefore, I want to bring this picture before your eyes too. I don't intend to criticize anybody, I only want to paint the truth before the art world so that artists would  realize and appreciate my efforts to save this beautiful planet  Earth.

My Ecological Foot Print is as low as 5.02. If everybody has such a low EFP, we would need only 0.3 Earths! Our planet would be green forever!

So may I ask all my artist friends to come with me into a ecologically balanced beautiful world that would be as wonderful as your art works?

(I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own - Andy Warhol)

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Christ. This Woman is still trying to intimidate and Dominate Innocent Artist with her Obsessive Self Promotion Agenda.

Get a Life, Leave the Artist alone and Buy a Paint by Numbers Kit..It could only improve your Painting.

 Listen Krishna; If you practice 4 hours painting every day, after many years of hard work , you may learn that you have no talent what-so-ever and being Gay is nothing to be ashamed of.

        And for God Sake ..get a new Photo of yourself..a real one.


Fantastic and right proposal

You really made me laugh, Stephen. You don't change, do you? My photo is real! One person asked  me whether I really exist! Yes, I do! You can come & see me in person if you want. I look exactly like that! That photo can launch millions of dollars! So why should I change it? I will not change it  perhaps never - why should I forgo all the benefits I am getting right now?
Am I intimidating the artists? Yes, you got to do it sometimes to make people think!
Stephen Hanger said:


Christ. This Woman is still trying to intimidate and Dominate Innocent Artist with her Obsessive Self Promotion Agenda.

Get a Life, Leave the Artist alone and Buy a Paint by Numbers Kit..It could only improve your Painting.

 Listen Krishna; If you practice 4 hours painting every day, after many years of hard work , you may learn that you have no talent what-so-ever and being Gay is nothing to be ashamed of.

        And for God Sake ..get a new Photo of yourself..a real one.


Thank you!

Fantastic and right proposal

Reply by Mona Youssef:


Dear Krishna,

What a wonderful, informative and friendly article. Caring for our planet is caring for our fellow men, our future and for our children.

I could not agree more with you. I too, although, use oil paint which is very poisoning to one's health, yet pay
extra attention when using it in every way and only put on my pallet
what I need. When I wash brushes do not throw the remains in the toilet
but in recycling pen special for that. Otherwise, we will be drinking it
back eventually. I heard many artists who when paint have the colors
all over their cloths and everywhere in the studio. No need, this can be
avoided when we care enough for good environment and are

Thank you very much for explaining what are the "Ecological Foot Print" and "Carbon Foot Print" ! You certainly,
made the urgent request clear and convincing.

After all in this case, I prefer stingy artists, thank you for being one: -)

Wish you all happy and successful future


Thank you, Mona, some take it seriously & some just laugh it away. I will do my bit inspite of the reactions I get!

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said:

Reply by Mona Youssef:


Dear Krishna,

What a wonderful, informative and friendly article. Caring for our planet is caring for our fellow men, our future and for our children.

I could not agree more with you. I too, although, use oil paint which is very poisoning to one's health, yet pay
extra attention when using it in every way and only put on my pallet
what I need. When I wash brushes do not throw the remains in the toilet
but in recycling pen special for that. Otherwise, we will be drinking it
back eventually. I heard many artists who when paint have the colors
all over their cloths and everywhere in the studio. No need, this can be
avoided when we care enough for good environment and are

Thank you very much for explaining what are the "Ecological Foot Print" and "Carbon Foot Print" ! You certainly,
made the urgent request clear and convincing.

After all in this case, I prefer stingy artists, thank you for being one: -)

Wish you all happy and successful future


Happy New Year, Dear Dr. Krishna, may it show a global amelioration in curbing wastes. Of all kinds.

Of using with love and intelligence what is.

I would be interested in knowing how one calculates one 's own Ecological Foot Print .

Thank you for this good article 

Happy New Year to all,

and thank you Krishna for the article.

I think it is very important to take care of Ecology, by any mean one can. I am not a painter - but, re oil's - there is water-base oil paint ( sounds strange????) of Talens/Van Gough. Why not using it? much more health-safe too...

As a ceramist, I can tell it is very very little of waste in my medium of art. I use to say ceramist are very "tight"in using their staff - not throwing away anything....Just one thing I am sorry for using and didn't find replacement, these are the plastic bags we use to keep clay- works wet enough to keep on working on. We re-using them times and again until torn out, but at the end they are going to the bin on the way to planet...

How one measure the  Ecological Foot Print? 

Thank you. Glad to hear that you don't waste any art material.

There are various methods to measure your EFPs. One of the easiest ways is by taking a quiz. You can measure your EFP by taking a quiz here:

Irit Hakim-Keller said:

Happy New Year to all,

and thank you Krishna for the article.

I think it is very important to take care of Ecology, by any mean one can. I am not a painter - but, re oil's - there is water-base oil paint ( sounds strange????) of Talens/Van Gough. Why not using it? much more health-safe too...

As a ceramist, I can tell it is very very little of waste in my medium of art. I use to say ceramist are very "tight"in using their staff - not throwing away anything....Just one thing I am sorry for using and didn't find replacement, these are the plastic bags we use to keep clay- works wet enough to keep on working on. We re-using them times and again until torn out, but at the end they are going to the bin on the way to planet...

How one measure the  Ecological Foot Print? 

Thank you.

There are various methods to measure your EFPs. One of the easiest ways is by taking a quiz. You can measure your EFP by taking a quiz here:

Catherine Mascrès said:

Happy New Year, Dear Dr. Krishna, may it show a global amelioration in curbing wastes. Of all kinds.

Of using with love and intelligence what is.

I would be interested in knowing how one calculates one 's own Ecological Foot Print .

Thank you for this good article 

I tell myself I should ignore these e-mails but like driving past a severe Auto Accident ; you Know you shouldn't ...but you just got to look.....

Oh for Heaven sake, now the Sarah Palin of  the Art world is trying to advise other  Artist to change their  Technique

 ( but I feeeeel, most of them are not Good Theacers ) unlike herself  who we all know is such a very renown Teacher .

Maybe you should try to create  one  decent work before you lecture others Krishna ...just think about it....give a little thought....

Some how i don't think Krishna had a lot of friends as a child....go figure..


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