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Why is biology as a field of science complex, more complex and harder than Rocket Science?

Krishna: I think this misconception took birth when science was in a primitive stage in the earlier centuries.

Recently after reading an explanation about cancer biology and therapy, one physicist exclaimed, “Oh my! This sounds harder than Rocket Science!”

I told him then, sir, you are right, rocket science has been mastered by human beings but not cancer biology or therapy. It is that difficult. That is why we are still struggling with it!

Now all the fields of science are inter-related. You cannot separate them and succeed much.

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that applies approaches and methods traditionally used in physics to study biological phenomena. Biophysics covers all scales of biological organization, from molecular to organismic and populations (1).

Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. It emerged as a distinct discipline around the beginning of the 20th century when scientists combined chemistry, physiology, and biology to investigate the chemistry of living systems (2).

Mathematical biology (also known as biomathematics or mathematical and theoretical biology) is a branch of biology that uses mathematical models and analyses and representations of living organisms to examine the systems that govern structure, development, and behaviour of and within biological systems (3).

Genetic engineering, molecular biology , neuroscience, microbiology, medicine all make use of the above fields to progress.

Nobody who deals with biology in a lab in the present times can say Biology is easy.

Outsiders can think and say anything they want.

Those who still live in ancient times cannot see things clearly now.

Read this answer to a Q on the same topic  to find out why Biology is very complex:

Because biology is complex. Given the energy output of the sun, its mass, the mass of hydrogen and helium atoms, and e=mc^2, you can calculate that the sun can keep shining for billions of years. I did that in physics in college. That was one of the great scientific problems of the 19th century and I solved it on a single sheet of paper. It was a profound lesson to me that sometimes you can get very deep results from simple facts put together the right way.

You can describe the chemistry of a compound in a page or two. You can describe a rock in a page or two.

There’s a nearly microscopic nematode, Caenorhabditis eleganswhose development from a zygote has been completely characterized. It has about 1000 cells, has been completely mapped, cell by cell, and the complete description takes a large volume to describe, comparable to a Chicago phone book. Caenorhabditis Elegans: Development from the Perspective of the Ind....

It’s just inherently complex. I can tell you how long the sun will shine on a single sheet of paper but you need a large city phone book to describe an animal you can barely see.

http://Why is biology as a field of science complex?


  1. Biophysics - Wikipedia

2. What is Biochemistry?

3. Mathematical Biology

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