Relative to figure 2.11 (Study H), the presence of the oval in the composition Enclosure with converted matter makes me refer to some already expressed opinions and experiments. I would like to point to Piet Mondrian`s period called "Ovals" and to some observations of Victor Ieronim Stoichita in his book Mondrian (Meridiane, 1979, p. 13, 14). Stoichita discusses Mondrian`s Oval and then refers to the egg seen by Brancusi as Beginning of the World. He states that for Paul Klee the plastic equivalent of the egg is the dot. He also mentions Ion Barbu's poem Oul dogmatic [The dogmatic egg] and quotes the verses Nevinovatul noul ou / Palat de nunta si cavou ["The new and innocent egg/ Bridal palace and burial vault"], which are surprisingly close to my intention. To help create an image closer to my aim, I quote the whole stanza: Cum lumea veche in clestar/ Inoata in subtire var/ Nevinovatul noul ou,/ Palat de nunta si cavou ["The same as the old world in crystal/ Swims in thin lime/ The new and innocent egg/ Bridal palace and burial vault"]. Stoichita's observations on Mondrian's oeuvre are valuable as he brings a contribution to the imaginary aspect and his erudition is adapted to the artistic creation. He helps to create an educational atmosphere, even in the case of compositions such as those of the "Ovals" period, where the economy of signs is the greatest. Since an abstract composition allows several explanations, I think that Mondrian's inspiration may also be interpreted in a different way, as concerns the painting Oval composition (1913-1914). A great many vertical and horizontal lines are circumscribed by an oval, which exceeds the sides of the painting. In my opinion this is a synthesis between the Euclidean and the non-Euclidean. If perpendiculars on a straight line do not intersect anywhere in space - this is Euclidean geometry. If perpendiculars on an equator meet in a point at a finite distance, such as the Pole (suggested by the lines of the oval), another postulate is obvious, with the nightmarish images of the trans-Euclidean geometry.
Acest text ( si capitolul in intrgime) este publicat si in cartea.... 13. The Paired Off Visual Signal 2007, Monitorul Oficial, Bucharest, 95 pages ISBN 978-973-0-05187-2.
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8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
Relative to figure 2.11 (Study H), the presence of the oval in the composition Enclosure with converted matter makes me refer to some already expressed opinions and experiments. I would like to point to Piet Mondrian`s period called "Ovals" and to some observations of Victor Ieronim Stoichita in his book Mondrian (Meridiane, 1979, p. 13, 14).
Stoichita discusses Mondrian`s Oval and then refers to the egg seen by Brancusi as Beginning of the World. He states that for Paul Klee the plastic equivalent of the egg is the dot. He also mentions Ion Barbu's poem Oul dogmatic [The dogmatic egg] and quotes the verses Nevinovatul noul ou / Palat de nunta si cavou ["The new and innocent egg/ Bridal palace and burial vault"], which are surprisingly close to my intention.
To help create an image closer to my aim, I quote the whole stanza: Cum lumea veche in clestar/ Inoata in subtire var/ Nevinovatul noul ou,/ Palat de nunta si cavou ["The same as the old world in crystal/ Swims in thin lime/ The new and innocent egg/ Bridal palace and burial vault"]. Stoichita's observations on Mondrian's oeuvre are valuable as he brings a contribution to the imaginary aspect and his erudition is adapted to the artistic creation. He helps to create an educational atmosphere, even in the case of compositions such as those of the "Ovals" period, where the economy of signs is the greatest.
Since an abstract composition allows several explanations, I think that Mondrian's inspiration may also be interpreted in a different way, as concerns the painting Oval composition (1913-1914). A great many vertical and horizontal lines are circumscribed by an oval, which exceeds the sides of the painting. In my opinion this is a synthesis between the Euclidean and the non-Euclidean. If perpendiculars on a straight line do not intersect anywhere in space - this is Euclidean geometry. If perpendiculars on an equator meet in a point at a finite distance, such as the Pole (suggested by the lines of the oval), another postulate is obvious, with the nightmarish images of the trans-Euclidean geometry.
Acest text ( si capitolul in intrgime) este publicat si in cartea.... 13. The Paired Off Visual Signal 2007, Monitorul Oficial, Bucharest, 95 pages ISBN 978-973-0-05187-2.
Cartea verde pe care o ai de la mine
Dear Carmen
Sometimes I want to share something nonconformist of person with particular sensitivity,
associated with patience understanding the passions, like my amateurish painting.
For those I usually invoked as your patience.
I believe that communication through ART LAB is an important feature mediated by
Dr. Krishna and because it allows us to digress in literature in adjacent to
with science, course with clear boundaries, without making confusion.
Thus, as an amateur, I painted the picture below:
I have entitled: Survivor.
I imagined a scenario when after the neutron war,
has remained a man who followed the urge ... is healthy to run.
As an amateur painter must not risk a portrait, to master the nuances
because the image does not look with deformations of the face.
I risked from pessimism and from opportunity to also show a contrast.
With the disappearance of the last man disappears and the universe.
The universe will exist in eternity of the absurd.
Draga Carmen
Uneori eu doresc sa impartasesc ceva neconformist unei persoane cu sensibilitate
deosebita, asociata cu rabdarea intelegerii pasiunilor,
ca de exemplu amatorismul meu in pictura.
De aceia am apelat, ca de obicei, la rabdarea dumitale.
Eu consider ca a comunica prin ART LAB este o facilitate importanta intermediata de
Dr. Krishna si prin faptul ca ne permite sa divagam in literatura, in adiacenta cu
cu stiinta , desigur cu departajeri clare, far a face confuzii.
Astfel ca amator am pictat tabloul de mai jos:
Eu l-am intitulat: Supravietuitorul .
Mi-am imaginat un scenariu cand dupa un razboi neutronic
a mai ramas un om care a urmat indemnul … este sanatos sa alergi.
Ca pictor amator este o indrasneala sa risti un portret, respeciv sa stapanesti nuantele
pentru ca imaginea sa nu arate cu fata deformata.
Am riscat din impulsuri pesimiste si din prilejul de a mai prezenta un contrast.
Odata cu disparitia ultimului om dispare si universul, care va exista in absurdul vesniciei.
Draga Carmen
Iti multumesc! Am fost impreuna in cuget si simtiri pentru IOR,
pentru locul din univers la care tinem.
Am trait emotiile cand ni s-a confirmat pe ecranul calculatorului
ca primul zoom romanesc , ca urmare a unui algoritm stiintific, a fost lansat cu succes.
Sanatate tie si la ai tai
Dear Carmen
Thank you! We were together in conscience and feelings for IOR
for place in the universe that we care.
We lived the thrill of it was confirmed on the computer screen
the first Romanian zoom, following a scientific algorithm, has been successfully launched.
Health to you and yours
Te rog posteaza
science visual sense fine art
Sunt citat pe primele doua locuri dintr-un numar incredibil de rezultate.....
Incerc sa conving artisti din anonimat sa exerseze macar ca antrenament
tehnicile mele.
Vox clamantis in deserto ( Sf. Ioan Botezatorul)
Multumesc pentru sustinerea cauzei
Bine ai venit. Sper sa te inscrii si in grupa mea
Best regards