Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Recently one person complained about science. I am sure this person is completely against science and women in science. Because he  attacked only the women scientists. I think it is very important to remove these misconceptions about science. And I tried my best. This is the conversation between us:
Person against science (PAS): Science created all kinds of inconveniences, such as science classes and vaccination, that our ancestors simply did not have to suffer(?). They may have died younger (not always), but they had more freedom and their overlords could not be everywhere and did not have cameras. Science just enslaved us in return for a few advantages, sometimes questionable or not even delivered. I prefer fashion.

My reply:
Complaining about gaining knowledge? Do you still want to be in midieval times and don't want to progress? It is your choice!
Science never tries to enslave people. It is the people who are unable to control their urges and become slaves to the things invented by scientists. It is your choice! If you can use science properly, it will benefit you in several ways. If you complain about science, it is like a bad worker complaining about the tools! I created some pieces of art on this very topic. Please visit my WS to see them.
PAS: I did not choose to go to school and study science. I did not choose vaccination and in many countries, some is, or used to be, mandatory. Science has been imposed upon me in these ways and others, I did not have the urge to become a slave to its inventions. Fashion existed even before scientific inventions like nylon, so it's not as if science created fashion, it just created more technical means for this art. We need to get back to a simpler way of life with less science and more freedom.
My reply: Fashion is a way of enslaving people too! You always want to follow the latest trends, spending your time and money on the things you need not have in order to survive!

Nobody can impose things on you without your consent. Vaccination is important for the very survival of human kind. It removes suffering. It doesn't cause suffering.  Whole communities have been wiped out because of diseases like plague before vaccines came into the picture. It is not only good for your well being - millions of lives depend on it. When it is good for the whole world, the world - well most of it - accepts it willingly and consents for it. It is not slavery. It is intelligence - identifying the problem and tackling it with efficiency - which is a mark of human beings' evolved mind!

ASP: Not true. People can have a reasonable standard of living above a fairly basic level of technological development. Ancient Romans did, for example. They can also survive without vaccination, which I, indeed, never get as an adult if I can help it (but then is sometimes required even for some jobs or for travel, so don't say things are not imposed). When mortality was higher, birth rates were, too. Science does not keep us alive and out of caves, it just helps but enslaves us.

My reply: You may not know this: microbes mutated and evolved in such a way that they cause lots of more diseases now than in the ancient periods. People never travelled so widely in ancient times to spread diseases. You yourself said sometimes vaccination is required - while travelling internationally- for stopping these diseases from spreading - from you to other people. We cannot risk other peoples' lives for stupid opinions and beliefs of some  people. One or two people and their opinions are not important - the survival of humanity as a whole is important. That is why we impose things like compulsory vaccination. If you don't want to follow the rules, you can simply stay at home.

Birth rates have increased because of improving health conditions of women in the reproductive age groups , better medical facilities have made them live longer. Hasn't science helped the world in that way?

PAS: ...S..I..L..E..N..C..E

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