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Q: Can meditation be bad for someone?

Krishna: Spirituality deals with meditation differently and science deals with it differently. Science is only interested in what happens to your brain during meditation and in what way it effects your body. I  read some articles in science magazines and journals that questioned the benefits of meditation.
 I have read some articles and research papers that say it does harm!

Meditation-induced psychosis



Background: Meditation is a self-regulatory psychological strategy that is frequently applied in Western as well as non-Western countries for different purposes; little is known about adverse events.

Sampling and methods: A male patient is described who developed an acute and transient psychosis with polymorphic symptomatology after meditating. A literature search for psychotic states related to meditation was carried out on PubMed, Embase and PsycInfo.

Results: In the case presented a diagnosis of acute polymorphic psychotic disorder was made. Other case reports dealt with either a relapse of a pre-existent psychotic disorder or with a brief psychotic reaction in patients without a psychiatric history.

Conclusion: Meditation can act as a stressor in vulnerable patients who may develop a transient psychosis with polymorphic symptomatology. The syndrome is not culture bound but sometimes classified in culture-bound taxonomies like Qi-gong Psychotic Reaction.

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  • Meditation in association with psychosis.
    Chan-Ob T, Boonyanaruthee V.J Med Assoc Thai. 1999 Sep;82(9):925-30.PMID: 10561951
  • Meditation in association with psychosis

    • PMID: 10561951


    This study analysed the correlation between contemplation and psychosis from three cases of patients presenting psychotic symptoms subsequent to practising meditation. Sleep loss following a wrong doing in meditation was found to be the main cause in the first two cases, and drug withdrawal was found to be the principal factor in causing a psychotic eruption in the third case. In this last case, sleep deprivation subsequent to meditation was only a minor influence. Discussion regarding the correlation between meditation and psychosis is presented in this study.

    Now you can come to your own conclusion.


    Eight Weeks of Meditation Doesn’t Change the Brain, Study Finds

    Study finds that, contrary to what other research has found, a popular meditation course does not appear to alter brain structure.

    Can meditation restructure our brains? Several recent studies have claimed that, with daily practice, meditation can boost grey matter volume and density in some brain areas in just eight short weeks. But a study published recently (May 20) in Science Advances—one with the largest sample size yet—was not able to replicate these findings. 

    “There was frankly a lot of hype . . . saying that if you meditated for eight weeks you could change the volume of your prefrontal cortex. That is false,” study coauthor Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, saysHe adds that beneficial functional and behavioral changes due to meditation are likely to occur much faster, however. 

    The study focused on a meditation program called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a popular mindfulness intervention that clinicians developed to help patients cope with pain. The authors and other experts are quick to point out that MBSR is very effective—studies have found that it helps reduce stress and lessen symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

    “We’re big fans of meditation,” the scientists say, “but we’re big fans of truth, too.”

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