Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Q: Erwin Schrodinger said:

I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity.

Your response please.


People ask me several similar such questions. Know what? They almost always quote the scientists of earlier centuries when they do this!
Then science was not that developed. These quotes and thoughts reflect their times!
Now science can answer/explain several of these things. And some mysteries are on the brink of unravelling.  
The answer below gives a full explanation.

Image source: ESA

Krishna: The word 'Belief' has no longer relevance in science.

This universe came into existence using scientific principles. They run this universe, each and every atom here follows these scientific rules. Life follows these rules. The very fact that this universe is working wonderfully using these scientific principles is itself proof that everything here is science based and science integrated.

Show me a single thing here that doesn't follow these scientific principles. You simply can't!

This is the first aspect of science.

The second one, i.e., the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained, is limited by human mind inadequacies. That is why we still don't have some answers to the questions a human mind poses..

People say science cannot solve all the problems and doesn't answer all the questions human minds pose. True! But think about this: This universe started with a Big Bang ( according to one theory - which is not yet proved!) some 14 Billion years ago. But science is just a few hundred years old.

The universe in which we find ourselves is about 14,000,000,000 years old, planet Earth is about 5,000,000,000 years old, the species Homo sapiens, to which we belong, 300,000 years old, and modern science a mere 500 years old ( all approximate, not exact years) .

Science ( the process with which we try to study and understand this universe) is still in its infancy. It has to learn a lot, study a lot, think a lot, experiment a lot and then only it can come up with all the answers we are seeking right now. How can you expect a child to solve all the problems of his ancestors? And answer the questions posed by his great, great, great, great grandfathers? Is it appropriate to even expect such a thing? I don't think so.

There is science ( the laws that govern this universe) every millimeter and Angstrom of this universe. And the universe is unimaginably vast! But the scientists are so few! How can the limited number of scientists read the language this universe is written in such a short time?

Moreover, there are more pressing problems like saving lives, more food production for the ever increasing population. We can’t waste our time on less important ones. But we get ridiculed for our choices of problems!

We should be amazed at how we have been able to get so far in understanding the things in this universe despite our inadequacies! Science is doing its best with the limited resources it has to both answer the questions and solve the problems. As the time goes by, I am pretty sure, it will succeed more and more. Please have patience! Give science some time.

According to scientists, there are many, many phenomena that science can’t currently explain for purely practical reasons: they’re too difficult or dangerous or expensive or time-consuming to investigate. But there is no genuine phenomenon we know of which can’t be explained in principle by science.
When these obstacles are removed, science can slowly move forward and explain the things you think are beyond science now.

And let me assure you when science answers these Qs, they will not be silly stories but universe-shivering true facts.

A slow, steady and authentic process is better than untested and hasty explanations that don't make any sense.

Another way to put it: It is not science that cannot explain things, but us. Science is merely a tool and is as good or as bad as the one who wields it.

Science is the language this universe is written in. It is already there and scientific principles rule this universe and run it. It is the human understanding that isn’t developed to match it. We, the scientists, are not bringing things from somewhere. We are discovering things because they exist in the universe.

Everything has a natural explanation, it's just that we are still yet to understand a great many things.

Just because we can't explain it now, doesn't mean magic or supernatural become better alternatives.

There is another aspect to it too...

You imagine something. Or you hallucinate about it. And call it supernatural. And say science cannot explain it.

Right. How can science explain things that just lie in the realm of only your imagination and not in the real scientific world? Call it with whatever name you want, but introducing an additional, unnecessary entity, the supernatural thing, to fill the gaps of your understanding, is escaping into an unrealistic world. It’s never justified to call a phenomenon supernatural in a scientific context. Whoever does that has already left scientific ground because science deals only with the natural world. There are countless phenomena that cannot be explained by science at the moment, e.g. dark energy or dark matter or the origins of the Big Bang. But that does not mean that those must be of supernatural nature. They are natural phenomena waiting to be understood when we get the capacity to do so. (1)

Meanwhile people start ridiculing science. But remember if you bash science, you are bashing your own universe, everything in it , life and that includes your own self which is science based!

And people quote earlier century scientists while doing this! Then science was not that developed. These quotes and thoughts reflect their times!

Now science can answer/explain several of these things. And some mysteries are on the brink of unravelling.

My evidence:

Science and Spirituality

Science and Spirituality - Part 2

How Genuine Science Explains Near Death Experiences

Science, Stitha Prajna and Samadhi

Enjoy this eternal bliss of scientific understanding!

Can science explain or deal with emotions and morals?

Science can tell what constitutes the beauty of a rose!

How can a human mind identify beauty - scientifically explained

People whose minds are still lodged in ancient times cannot fully comprehend what science is and what it can do now. Come out the caves you are living in and see the right picture now.

There is nothing in this universe that is not science based. Period!

But you have to wait for some more time to fully comprehend what is what and what is not because of human mind limitations.

And you cannot separate science from this universe, never!


  1. Science will answer your questions and solve your problems too!

(My own article based on this)

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