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More Qs people asked me on this subject and my replies:

Q: Dr. Krishna, after reading your article on 'science and spirituality' and much contemplation, I have realized that my own pursuit of Enlightenment is the pursuit of my own preconceptions about what Enlightenment is. In other words, I am pursuing my own imagination. Is there a way out of this?

Krishna: I am glad you realized this. I am glad I helped you in realizing this fact.

But your last Q is a bit bothering. I have already shown you a way out of your pre-conceived notions. Read my article one more time. Think about it one more time. You yourself will realize what to do. 

Q: Why don't you become a spiritual guru? It looks as though you know a lot about spirituality!

Krishna: NO! I can't!

I am a scientist, not a spiritualist. I still don't even have 1% of scientific knowledge. Let me learn more first. Half knowledge is very dangerous. And if you try to teach with half knowledge, that becomes more dangerous in science!

Q: How does it feel after ego's death?

Krishna: It is a strange feeling. Because you find emptiness all inside you and outside. 

  It is beyond words, beyond spacetime, beyond self. There are no sense of self, no agonising thoughts. There are only pure awareness and ecstatic freedom. 

Nothing hurts you anymore. Nothing bothers you anymore. You are completely liberated.

You have to face it to understand it.  

Q: How can science bring so much enlightenment and liberation?

Krishna: Earlier had anybody said they have got 'enlightenment' through science, I would have asked the same Q. I never tried it myself! It occurred to me without even trying!

The trick is truly understanding science to the core. Following its ways strictly without deviating even an inch. 

It automatically takes you to a clear state of perception of everything. That 's exactly what happened to me.

( More Qs will be added in the future)



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Science, logic and reason all three work in strange different ways

If you try to use scientific method to prove the existence of God, you will never come to any conclusion!

Because there is no genuine solid evidence to the presence of GOD , only anecdotal ones.

Since the first human ancestors appeared between five million and seven million years ago, till now nobody has seen GOD! They just imagined, hallucinated, and believed all that is true and stuck to their ‘creation theory’ all the while, while science showed evidence of fossils, and several other things to show evolution is right.

Yes, human beings need god, someone above in the sky, to meet their emotional needs.

Several scientists, especially those belonging to the earlier centuries, tried to play with the God concept.

But the majority of the modern day scientists think God concept is imagination based as there is absolutely no evidence at all about his existence. In the entire human history, nobody has ever found any evidence. The God hypothesis is a primitive way to explain things about the origins and running of this universe, according to these scientists.

Science doesn’t have the processes to prove or disprove the existence of God. Science studies and attempts to explain only the natural world while God, in most religions, is supernatural.

Okay, if we say we are open to the god hypothesis, how can we test this imagination based one when there is no physical reality ( def: Physical things are real things that can be touched and seen, rather than ideas or spoken words)? Scientific methods cannot be followed to establish facts.

On the other hand can people who believe in God provide evidence for his existence using scientific method to establish him as a scientific fact?

The late particle physicist Victor Stenger addressed some of these questions in his 2007 book God: The Failed Hypothesis. (To make his position clear, he gave the book the subtitle How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist.) Stenger quickly dismissed the theist notion of a God who responds to prayers and cures ill children, because scientists would’ve noticed that kind of divine intervention by now. Then he argued against the existence of a deist God who created the universe and its laws and then stood back and watched it run (1).

Had a God created this universe scientifically, a 'scientist God' would have known that without evidence, the scientific community can't accept his existence and therefore would have provided some evidence about his existence and we would have got it. Alternatively if he didn't want us to know about his existence, he would have erased all the evidence and therefore, no matter how much you try in this physical universe, you will not get it. (2)

So what is the use of trying and wasting our time, money and energy on it? We can utilize them in a better way to serve the world.

Logic can be used in several ways and in arguments to say GOD exists. You can give several anecdotal evidence too .

Logic is a method of deducing things based on other information, logic by itself can't prove anything, it requires a proof that the base point for the logic is true. If the basis of the logic is false then the logical conclusions are still logically correct but cannot become evidence based facts. So it cannot be used to prove anything correctly.

Reasoning is the action of thinking about something in a sensible way.

There are two types of reasoning (3):
(1) the one that is attached to emotions and beliefs
(2) the one that is detached and neutral
An example: You have a very young daughter whom you love more than your life. If one day she behaves very badly during a party, you try to understand with your loving mind and think that as she is still a child she doesn’t know how to behave properly and she would definitely learn things when she grows up and excuse her! Here your love for her shaped up your behaviour! As an unemotional person I would say that even if the child is young, she has to be taught how to behave in a public place with a mild warning after understanding her innocence so that she doesn’t repeat it and help her correct herself.

There is another aspect to this type of reasoning: Motivation. You want to forget your ex-girlfriend. So you try to reason that you would be better off without her by recollecting all her negative qualities!

This biased analysis of anything is due to the now well-known psychological phenomenon of motivated reasoning. Research suggests that all people tend to seek out information that confirms (or at least does not challenge) the conclusions they want to draw on a given topic. In other words, we will work to discredit or avoid information that might require us to reconsider our pre-existing beliefs. Motivated reasoning is particularly likely when taking the other side might create conflict within our social circle—like religious or political groups.

Likewise if you are attached to a belief (or emotion or group), it fogs your reasoning power out of fear, hope, love, inertia or respect and affects your behaviour. A mind that is agitated by belief can never be free and therefore never know the truth.

So Logic and reasoning are not good ways to prove anything.

Only the scientific method is the right way and the GOD concept cannot be proved by it.

So the answer to your question is a big NO!


  2. Why the concept of God cannot be incorporated into science
  3. Science and Spirituality

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