Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Q: Do telecommunication signals destroy CORONA virus?

Krishna: NO!

If the virus is inside the body: The normal communication RF signals have very low radiating power that may not kill the virus.

Even if the viral particle is in the air or present on the surface like railings/handles/etc. these signals cannot denature the virus. 

There is no evidence to show that they do.

However, I came across a few papers that say non-ionising radiation can affect viruses to some extent in indirect ways if the medium in which the viral particles exist absorbs the radiation. You can read about it here:

Q: My friend sent me a package from CHINA. Can I accept it?

Krishna: Yes, you can. The virus does not survive long on objects, so there is no need to worry about getting infected by this mean. It is completely safe to receive anything from China. A few days back I too received a painting from my artist friend in China. I accepted it. No, I didn't get infected because of this.

Q: Is handling pets safe after walking them outside?

Krishna: There is no evidence to show that pets spread the disease.  However, this virus was shown to cling to foot wear in hospitals. Therefore, wash your hands after handling pets  to prevent even other potential infections, such as Salmonella.

Q: Do only old people die of this corona virus?

Krishna: Corona virus can kill even young people. People of all ages can be affected. Read here why: 

Q: Can BCG vaccination prevent COVID 19?

Krishna: There is no evidence to show that it does.

Q: Can we use antibiotics to treat COVID 19?

Krishna: NO! Antibiotics don't work with viral infections.

Q: Can air purifiers prevent Corona virus infection?

Krishna: You should not use air purifiers to clear corona viruses. There is no  evidence to show air purifiers prevent the infection. Read here why:

Q: Can anti-malaria drugs cure COVID 19?

Krishna: NO! Anti-malaria drugs don't cure COVID 19. 

Q: Do mosquitoes and flies spread COVID19?

Krishna: No, they don't directly! To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes or flies.

However, I found an article which says cockroaches and houseflies have the chance to  transmit the disease indirectly via faeces : A Brief Review on the Possible Role of Houseflies and Cockroaches in the Mechanical Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Not in humans but the role of houseflies in transmitting Turkey corona virus has been discussed in this paper

Mechanical transmission of turkey coronavirus by domestic houseflies (Musca domestica Linnaeaus).

So be careful.

Q: Can drinking cow's urine protect us from COVID 19?

Krishna: No, it doesn't!

Q: Can killing bats control the disease?

Krishna: NO! Bats are useful to us. Killing them would disturb ecological balance and cause more harm to us. Read here why:

Q: Is this corona virus a biological weapon?

Krishna: NO! Scientists have tested and found that it originated naturally. Find the full explanation here:

Q: Does eating non-veg food increase the chances of getting COVID19?

Krishna: NO!   You can eat non-veg food as there is no connection. Read here why:

Q: Does washing your nose with soap water remove corona virus?

Krishna: There is no evidence. Read here why:

Q: Do majority of Indians have immunity towards COVID 19?

Krishna: Not yet as this is a new disease. 

Q: Is the strain circulating in India less virulant?

Krishna: No evidence. 

Q: Can air conditioning spread the disease?

Krishna: I read one paper that linked COVID 19 to airconditioning. The research hasn't clearly established the facts so be cautious.

Q: Can fasting help prevent the infection? 

Krishna: NO! 

Q: Is there any cure in alternative medical systems like homeopathy, unani, nature therapies and  ayurveda for this disease?

Krishna: There is no cure at all for COVID 19 in any of the medical systems.

Q: Are there any preventive medicines?

Krishna: There aren't any preventive drugs for COVID 19.

Q: Do home remedies work?

Krishna: NO! It seems people are using datura, garlic, ginger, herbal teas etc. But in reality they don't work!

Q: Does acid in our stomach kill the virus if we drink lots of water? 

Krishna: Not true. Most viruses can survive exposure to stomach acids. If you drink more water, the acid in your stomach would be diluted, much as we dilute acid in a chemistry laboratory by adding water to it. So one would expect any effect of the acid to be weakened, not strengthened if you drank more water.  In fact in some cases even digestive system gets affected by corona virus infection.

Q: Does warmer weather  effect  the virus spread?

Krishna: Although very high temperatures have some affect on the viruses, the room temperature at which it spreads doesn't affect it much.

In some cases, as for the influenza virus, there is some seasonality in infections, with the “flu season” in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere largely confined to the winter months. However, you should remember that summer in the northern hemisphere is winter in the southern hemisphere, so the virus could find a comfortable home there temporarily and then return to infect us later in the year. This is one of many possibilities with seasonality.

Q: Can inhaling steam kill the virus?

Krishna: There is absolutely no reason to believe this and if you are not careful, you might wind up with a bad steam burn.

Q: Can clapping hands destroy corona virus?

Krishna: NO! Clapping hands creates sound waves. The sound that is created is sensed through the vibrations of our eardrums which then creates oscillations in the fluid in our inner ear. A virus is about a million times smaller than the size of the eardrum and would hardly even sense these vibrations. There is absolutely no reason to believe that this could be true.

Q: Can religious chants prevent the infection?

Krishna: NO! The vibration created by chanting would not even be sensed by something as small as a virus.

Q: Are there any supplements that can prevent this infection?

Krishna: NO! Just eat healthy food. That's all. 

Q: Is COVID 19 sexually transmitted?

Krishna: COVID-19 is unlikely to be spread through semen. The researchers found no evidence of the virus that causes COVID-19 in the semen or testes of the men.

The study was not comprehensive enough to fully rule out the possibility that the disease could be sexually transmitted. However, the chances of it occurring, based on this limited finding, appear to be remote. But just because the virus wasn't present in the existing semen didn't necessary rule out that it hadn't entered the testes where sperm cells  are formed.

The studies are still going on and we can confirm these observations only after further studies.

(Source: Feng Pan et al, No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in semen of males recovering from COVID-19, Fertility and Sterility (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.04.024 )

This is a multi-organ disease and  infection occurs in respiratory tract too, so direct contact with saliva can transmit the virus. While COVID-19 has not yet been found in semen or vaginal fluid, it has been found in faeces of people who are infected. As always, condoms and dental dams can reduce the risk and reduce contact with saliva and faeces during anal and oral sex or oral/anal contact.

Q: Can vitamin C prevent COVID 19?

Krishna: Although vitamin C can have a marginal effect on warding off a cold, there’s no evidence that it can stop or treat the new coronavirus.

Q: Is COVID 19 a conspiracy theory  that doesn't actually exist?

Krishna: COVID 19 is real and it exists. 

Q: Is the danger due to corona virus exaggerated? 

Krishna: Real science didn't exaggerate anything.  However, some false stories circulating in the media, did magnify the view to some extent.

Q: Does 5G cause corona virus infection?

Krishna: NO! Read here why:

Q: Does standing in the Sun for sometime reduce the chance of infection?

Krishna: NO! You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19.

Q: Does once infected with Corona virus make you immune to it for life?

Krishna. NO! We don't yet know for how long the immunity lasts. Moreover, the virus might mutate.

 Q: Alcohol is used in sanitisers. So can drinking alcohol  make us beat the virus?

Krishna: NO! Moreover alcohol consumption can increase your risk of health problems. 

Q: Does hot water bath remove virus from the body?

Krishna: It will only remove virus from your skin, not from inside your body.

Q: Can we use UV lamps to kill the virus on our hands?

Krishna: UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.

Q: Can spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the new coronavirus?

Krishna: No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body. Spraying such substances can be harmful to clothes or mucous membranes (i.e. eyes, mouth). Be aware that both alcohol and chlorine can be useful to disinfect surfaces, but they need to be used under appropriate recommendations.

Q: Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

Krishna: No. There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the new coronavirus. 

There is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections.

Q: Can gargling mouthwash protect you from infection with the new coronavirus?

Krishna: No. There is no evidence that using mouthwash will protect you from infection with the new coronavirus.

Some brands or mouthwash can eliminate certain microbes for a few minutes in the saliva in your mouth. However, this does not mean they protect you from Corona virus infection.

Q: Does sesame oil or till oil prevent corona virus infection?

Krishna: NO!

Q: Are toilets and sewage systems an infection risk?

Krishna: It is possible, because people with covid-19 shed the virus in their faeces. When Yuguo Li at the University of Hong Kong and his colleagues analysed surface and air samples taken from a hospital treating people with covid-19, the team found the most virus in samples taken from toilets.

In 2003, the SARS virus is thought to have spread through a housing block through plumbing and ventilation systems, but overall, the risk of getting the virus from toilets or sewage is low, according to the WHO.

Q: Are you protected if you have been infected by a different coronavirus?

Krishna: There are at least four other kinds of coronavirus that cause coughs and colds, but we don’t know if having encountered one of these puts you in a worse or better position. Often, if your immune system makes antibodies against one microbe, it gets a head start for fighting a related one later on.

But this doesn’t always apply. There is evidence that encountering a virus can sometimes lead to worse symptoms in subsequent infections involving the same virus or a similar one.

“It isn’t safe to assume you can’t catch or spread the virus if you have already recovered from it”.

This seems to happen when the body doesn’t make very effective antibodies. Worryingly, there are hints from animal studies that these can be triggered by the SARS coronavirus – leading to concerns that prior coronavirus infections may be harmful, not protective.

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