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Krishna :We are not vaccine “believers”.

We have genuine evidence to trust the efficacy of vaccines.

How do you build a healthy immune system? By exposing people to dirt and disease-causing harmful microbes?

For healthy immune function, we need exposure to a diverse range of bacteria, fungi and other bugs—known as microbes—in the environment that ‘’*don't* make us sick’’, that is the important point.

To develop immunity, first a person will have to be exposed to a lower number of micro-organisms. When the number of a particular species of a micro-organism a person is exposed to is more than the immune system can cope - this usually happens in very dirty conditions - the person develops various diseases and health conditions which make the person very weak and in severe cases if medical help is not available, the person could even die. That is more tragic. A disease-survived weak person gets more deadly diseases. This is a vicious cycle.
Moreover poor nutritional status like the ones have in low economic strata makes a person’s immunity go very weak .
Dirty conditions also invite more disease carrying vectors like flies, mosquitoes, fruit-flies etc.
Moreover, very small children have less developed immune systems which cannot fight diseases. Once they develop dangerous diseases, death becomes inevitable.
Then do you think dirty conditions are good? No! Exposure to every microbe on Earth? NO!
The best solution is being moderately clean and getting vaccinated. With vaccination you and your child will get exposed to killed or weakened microbes that cannot cause disease but at the same time you develop immunity to the microbe. Moderate cleaning keeps away most disease causing vectors and little bit exposure to pathogens and allergens make you immune to most diseases.
For healthy immune function, we need exposure to a diverse range of bacteria, fungi and other bugs—known as microbes—in the environment that *don't* make us sick and weaken our immune system. (1)

If you don’t try to understand this even when we try to educate you over and over again, that situation makes us think you are a person whose mental condition fits the definition of *stupidity*.

I am a microbiologist myself and read hundreds of research papers that provide genuine evidence for vaccine efficacy. I fully trust them because I can understand every bit of what the papers say and got vaccinated for almost all preventable diseases. I am healthy because of these vaccinations. My immune system is trained to fight diseases. It is war-ready with the microbes. I don’t have to worry about any of them and can do other useful things.

Recently we have seen what happened in Gaza. Children were not polio-immunized because of the war and polio that has been almost eradicated has raised its ugly head again. Why didn’t natural immunity stop it? Can you think in the right way and come to the correct conclusion with this argument of yours?

WHO started immunizing children on a war footing now. Because that is the only way to stop the deadly diseases - to use the right weapons scientists developed to fight in a genuine way.

Any intelligent person can see things exactly as they are and comprehend them correctly.

If you can’t, well …. nobody can save you.

Image source: shutterstock


  1. Countering the misinformation on immunity development

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