Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Bioptical Art is taught here
Members: 65
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2021
Bioptical Art provides techniques to achieve artistic compositions applying three areas (known):
- Binocular rivalry (right eye image, different
essential, to the left eye image, such as square and circle),
-Color fusion, Helmholtz (for example the right eye... red,
for the left eye... green or even black and white, what is perceived as silver)
Each area is described in detail in Google
Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 20, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Life itself is a beautiful interaction between art and science. You cannot escape this reality no matter what you say or do! Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa It is appropriate to…Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 2, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
I'm still referring to the publication of the Institute of Applied Physics - Friedrich Schiller - Universität Jena …Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu. Last reply by Liviu Iliescu Mar 16, 2018. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Fine art compositions using binocular rivalry Postfine art binocular rivalry you will notice that the first page appears, after mentioning some publications that I share, and the recent…Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu Mar 13, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
A thought about miracles ife ...... man .. the immeasurable concentration of wonders .... science explains them gradually for the benefit of man, by the grace that defines him ... even in terms of…Continue
Dear Mr. Liviu
To me every word is istpovremeno and images, and physically through the waves, or enters the eye, creating a variety of aspects of the interaction of reagents in all directions receptora.A before the letter symbols that teach us first that we believe what we see and talk, listen or taste, and so I feel my way. Caring emotional speech filled grimace also learn from our 5 receptor, mam. Dad .. grandma .. and so on back in the crib. :)) And so read and all of us learn to be other than an individual, only rarely do, those that do not affect you, the most our benefactors, the best and greatest teachers are those people and friend, whom you have never met (and not just metaphorically, it is the only true high-creations :)). Begins to shape our world is burdened with the relationship among the others say most belong to the form. Nothing less time and experiential time again disturb the foundation of our existence in order to find his bearings in this world, but not by themselves, but in someone else's perception of good and evil, survival in intention as I said, learning about growing up. And all that our brains scanned from sensory receptors. So saying, the most common type in our environment in modern times enters into all spore, the existence of society and man. This I call it impaired habitat through the brain is endlessly hungry for light, light pollution as a scientific category, where is a physicist and my published works and thoughts of course :)) Yes, just a chemistry, physics, when in addition to interfering in the transformation of different carriers and pulse transmission, genetics engineering, through to stimulants and eventually even Bioptical technology devices. To me very much to embrace charity, undermined the foundation, awareness of ecology, envi, the organism as a super-natural entity, the so-called balance of natural selection or the default theistic more spheres, to which corresponds? :)) .. All in the name of a good man, and more recently futile care for the environment, especially the inner thoughts of the human consciousness euthanasia 6 synchronic senses, like a puppet in the end, unfortunately for preksano clown. :)) line on the line.Blue tuth! (-_-)
Thank you not, rather well I understand that I do not understand, it's my only goal is contrary to this concept, and understand where I work, or I do not understand, but I know it is right for me and my existence and the world around me and interior! Best Wishes,,dear Liviu,my bow!!
Dear Milivoj
There is no point in a debate with you.
Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion, allow me to explain some aspects
on B.A.
….knowledge depending on the art
- ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics
(philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques I propose can process any composition
conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer, have a look normal with two eyes.
In addition, not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation
Independently of descriptions which I do for BA
I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence.
I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory
Your compositions impresses me and I think you
become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions
fine art I report at my training .
I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
I recommend reading chapters:
8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
Dear Milivoj
There is no point in a debate with you.
Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion allow me to explain some aspects
on B.A.
….knowledge depending on the art
- ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics
(philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques we propose can process any composition
conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer have a look normal with two eyes.
In additio not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation
Independently of descriptions which I do for BA
I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence.
I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory
Your compositions impresses me, and I think you
become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions
fine art, we report at my training .
I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
I recommend reading chapters:
8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
Dear Liviu,
Your last comment for me triggers my curiosity even more. I feel our association will be very enlightning for me because you are not "condescentant", french word for patronizing . I guess, your direct language sometimes is hard on my feelings on account of my gentrification due to my way of life since I took my pension from schoolteaching.
Dear Art L. friend, sir. Liviu.Thank you,for your opinion. I'm to think that I bad at everything, no not possessive, live a so-called art,sculptor by profession. Which is irrelevant to art. I'm not an expert in the art. Art is above the polemics, not praise, be critical! Not experts in the art, except those who create it where and when? A professional by profession I'm a senior conservator-restorer, the conservation of cultural monuments, to collaborate with several research institutes in the analysis of the carrier material in its change under different influences, Such as, humidity, salt, light when it comes to pigments. As for the theory and art history, it is good to know, and I have my opinion about it. Other branches of philosophy as an example and a second pair of gloves, the product of more speculative, abstract categories, both before and after Plato to Kant and Leibniz, the philosopher Descartes and significant danas.Sve to this theory in my opinion a man with a cubic head.(-_-).A science 17 centuries after it exploded. Developing know and experience the eye and mind and brain are neurons by different area I am interested in the theory of space,.Which I attended on the subject at the academy, Which I finished in Zagreb., Postgraduate,, master 84. ! A theory of light and optics is a physical category in Which You are a great expert, not an expert in art history.? Sometimes you're an expert I just wonder why you went into individual areas of psychology, Which is in connection with the art of Abbot special category of so-called know about art. This is a medical category, the human psyche and terapija iff it then fine, honored art of the application for that purpose, but you are an optometrist and an engineer not a doctor, if you are not cheating again?If yes,sory truly!
Dear Milvoj
I saw your work. Your are a talented artist. I am by profession
expert in optics calculation and I handled the psychology of vision.Therefore we developed techniques applicable in fine art
It appears that an area (in, contemporary) is distinguished by decorative.
Unfortunately you apply the principle that not what you know, may no longer exist, and nothing else.
Obviously you have a style which I think is in the top.
But the problem is as can be seen in hundreds of thousands
forms that gives artists.
My techniques are recognized by Google highlighting them in more than 20 millions of results by automatic Inspection
that applies to each title over 300 criteria
Add keywords
visual sense, fine art pictures
Techniques that I suggest you preserved the style (even a certain composition) but gives
opportunity to communicate something of the feelings you have
had while painting
Your last comment shows a very poor knowledge
bases of aesthetics (philosophy)
Publish your work in the discussion group reserved B, A.
be interpreted as a naive atitdine yours to prove thatyour work is
Bioptical Art
Ingenious Superb novel is one that is not written, so and the man, one who is not yet born. Only future is the perfect, present is the real and polemical, and past is the relative,as and so called art and knowledge !!
“... Pois a Natureza mantém seu véu cerrado,
Misteriosa, ainda que em plena luz do dia,
E onde o espírito não pode penetrar,
Nossos instrumentos nunca hão de abrir caminho.”
Superb art .. Milivoj Šegan
Dear Liviu,
The most important thing for us is to try to understand eachother. You made no offense.
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