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Bioptical Art is taught here
Members: 65
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2021
Bioptical Art provides techniques to achieve artistic compositions applying three areas (known):
- Binocular rivalry (right eye image, different
essential, to the left eye image, such as square and circle),
-Color fusion, Helmholtz (for example the right eye... red,
for the left eye... green or even black and white, what is perceived as silver)
Each area is described in detail in Google
Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 20, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Life itself is a beautiful interaction between art and science. You cannot escape this reality no matter what you say or do! Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa It is appropriate to…Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 2, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
I'm still referring to the publication of the Institute of Applied Physics - Friedrich Schiller - Universität Jena …Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu. Last reply by Liviu Iliescu Mar 16, 2018. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Fine art compositions using binocular rivalry Postfine art binocular rivalry you will notice that the first page appears, after mentioning some publications that I share, and the recent…Continue
Started by Liviu Iliescu Mar 13, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
A thought about miracles ife ...... man .. the immeasurable concentration of wonders .... science explains them gradually for the benefit of man, by the grace that defines him ... even in terms of…Continue
Dear Marcel
If you follow the instructions you'll find that Bioptical Art allows people,a mixture of psycho-physical color: with an eye one sees a color
and the other another color.
I apply color fusion Helmholtz
I accept that a scientific understanding of Bioptical Art is very "direct to the point", meaningful, useful. But I tempted more by an artistic approach. When I began to use colors, they tried to make us learn by heart the art of mixing colors. By my years of experience, I am still learning the art of mixing colors, not solely by heart.
Dear Milivoj,about art and science and philosophy,
I am curious to read what you can write about the difference between truth and reality.
Dear friend Liviu ,all is ok. I love argue about the so-called art, most notably by the formulas of the so-called science that tries to create the illusion of knowledge about art. This road leads to some kind of sect, as Pythagorean . (-_-) Here's my digital shot, work, which is a recording Ilusion that disproves the Pythagorean theorem . This my shot of the light beam, and showing evident going from black square (the so-called concept of individual areas of nuclear Sat, nothing , zero, the quantum theory of space forces) All is games and imagination, known about a reality , there is very questionable.?? Every man with his five senses is a scientist, he said, brave Hubbel. And so the artist's every man (Original) I think!Every man is true to himself and not single formula(so-called knowledge ) what is the Truth ?!And as a professional senior conservator, in the maintenance of decay that is analytical material carriers and their variability, unstoppable, a lot of sensationalism in the so-called evaluation, and knowledge about art.
The essence of each and not just a work of art. And so are very valuable your work. Lots thanks to you,and conversation the controversy the arts and sciences. To You and All in Art lab, Best Regards!
Dear friends Milivoj and Marcel
I thank you for your messages.
I am not prepared to comment on the foundations of philosophy
Aesthetics is an important area in philosophy and the names,
disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge
are chapters devoted, which states the assumptions philosophers.
Dear SirLivi uIliescu,my Art Lab Friend,
What is art?! aesthetics and ethics are not, so what do you think that science, knowledge of art, so-called .. or what you said Leonardo
De Vinci (Vinci is the before notion of Moses culture, as oday's Serbia .. Vinca)? Art can speak only one who I practiced mimesis. practices, (Treatise) nature is and than our 5 senses and nothing more,every man. so called living man and inanimate bein ??!!
The science of History searches what was closest to reality, not necessarily the truth as in a moral code. Philosophy is also a science; I think it is the science of sciences; it is more about reality than the truth; there is a small difference. It does not mean that philosophy does not tell the truth. Philosophy is the spirit that thinks about itself; it is very easy to fall in a vicious circle because in order to fully understand your spirit, you must get out of it, like a problem you can't solve because your in it. I don't know anybody that can do that.
Dear Milivoj Segan
It is difficult for me to following you. Yours considerations belong to a topics that I do not know. Philosophy is an area where the magma of intelligence, boils emitting assumptions underlying the many ways in finding the truth.
A title of what I do, would be following:
The modalities that I propose may be valorised by arousing a wider interest, if the fine art artists, by using traditional techniques and their talent, will create complex compositions with bioptical stimuli. On one hand, Bioptical Art will bring developments in research of psychology, neurology and psychiatry, and, on the other hand, it will give possibilities to the field of aesthetics to supplement chapters such as: disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge and others.
Please help me in terms of possible additions to the chapters the aesthetic, which I repeat:
, …..on the other hand, it will give possibilities to the field of aesthetics to supplement chapters such as: disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge and others.
Philosophy of origins, because all the matrix based on the complementary polar rnosti fourfold, which is the main paradigm of Philosophy origin. So our brain works! My sketch drawings of the segments of the complementary pair, black ~ white squared, Upgrading of the theory of black squares, Malevich's Suprematism starting point for me is not round, all so-called universe emerged from a similar perception of the squares, space, as we interpret it in mind .that tends to see a circle, but there is a problem not solvable chirality, mirror?? Lower right shows a sketch of the asymmetry term real ~ Lens, in contrast to this, which is symmetrical in all directions and the diagonal, and the problem lies in the irrational, diagonal squares of the mind, the number Pi, Archimedes' constant or Ludolfov number π ≈ 3.14159 option=com_content&task=view...
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