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Science and Art - Bioptical Art


Science and Art - Bioptical Art

Bioptical Art is taught here

Members: 65
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2021

Bioptical art

Bioptical Art provides techniques to achieve artistic compositions applying three areas (known):
- Binocular rivalry (right eye image, different
essential, to the left eye image, such as square and circle),
-Color fusion, Helmholtz (for example the right eye... red,
for the left eye... green or even black and white, what is perceived as silver)

Each area is described in detail in Google

Discussion Forum

Complements to subcortical discrimination, binocular rivalry, magnetic resonance

Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 20, 2018. 0 Replies

Life itself is a beautiful interaction between art and science. You cannot escape this reality no matter what you say or do!                        Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa It is appropriate to…Continue

Complements to preliminary correction of optical systems and some observations related to acromatizations

Started by Liviu Iliescu Apr 2, 2018. 0 Replies

I'm still referring to the publication of the Institute of Applied Physics - Friedrich Schiller -  Universität Jena …Continue

Fine art compositions using binocular rivalry

Started by Liviu Iliescu. Last reply by Liviu Iliescu Mar 16, 2018. 1 Reply

Fine art compositions using binocular rivalry  Postfine art binocular rivalry   you will notice that the first page appears, after mentioning some publications that I share, and the recent…Continue

A thought about miracles

Started by Liviu Iliescu Mar 13, 2018. 0 Replies

A thought about miracles ife ...... man .. the immeasurable concentration of wonders .... science explains them gradually  for the benefit of man, by the grace that defines him ... even in terms of…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Milivoj Šegan on May 4, 2012 at 9:23am

Comment by Giovanni Guadagno Space Art on May 2, 2012 at 1:08am

Thank you,
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa, for the invitation to this group
Wishing you all the best

Comment by Milivoj Šegan on April 30, 2012 at 11:25am
Thank you so much  for the reply Mr. Liviu IliescuI highly appreciated Yours high effort andwork in Defining the Concept of  Knowledge and  Art! Greetings from Croatian!
Comment by Liviu Iliescu on April 30, 2012 at 5:46am

Dear Milivoj Šegan 


Your are interesting considerations suggested by Bioptical Art.
Largely exceed my competence and will be members of our groupthat we will exploit.
My intention (developed in Bioptical Art) is as possible to make communication by images.

Comment by Milivoj Šegan on April 30, 2012 at 1:10am

A recap of my opinions about the problem and not just visual and human cognition. Everything has its own perception of the protein in the nucleus, the so-called fundamentals of living cells bearer of life, which originated in the Energy conjunction of space and time, and as a result of Illusion reflection, and we call it life (or reality) There is a paradox of the 1957 Dr. Wu. In this case, knowledge of the experiment the left mirror does not apply to the spin chirality is the neutrons of cobalt, up to now neriješivo in the interpretation of the so-called illusion of individual areas of the image and the border of reality! He wants to answer, and yet we have no real issues: what we know with certainty? What is the foundation of human knowledge? MEMBERSHIP get terms? What it means to be a critical realist and bioptikal experiment? So, still we find the expected, and by me and all that wrong? So if you know it. Can you justify itself in terms of so-called objectivity of metaphysical positions, and be all we know is that the same or similar to these that we call scientific experiment on aksimatskim illusions, that we can also organize with nothing to call the image of the real world, a self out of our senses in this case not only of sight and bipolar complementary pairs of neurons of the brain? all an illusion and all the apparatus, and scientific tools and geometry, which explains all the same illusion, just a different name,, scientific as opposed to dogmatic ,, and are essentially the same, l'art pur l'art .. no razunijevanja proteins that show that the space during life, because different positions in this correlates imply different functions of nuclei and macro organisms, and these are all just light and heat us, and nothing more, except the singular idea of energy fields!
Asymmetry of sight (the experience of the unconscious brain neurons percapcije) my sketch of complementary pairs of white-black-square supra my upgrade Malevich.

ps Asymmetry of sight (the experience of the unconscious brain neurons percapcije) my sketch of complementary pairs of white-black-square supra upgrade Malevich

Comment by Milivoj Šegan on April 30, 2012 at 12:49am

Special glasses confuse the optic nerve:
Scientists have perfected over time Purkinjev trick and make glasses that create the beam of light signals that confuses the vision center in the brain, thus creating imaginative images. The trick is confirmed that the brain is constantly in a battle to the multitude of signals from the environment to draw meaningful and comprehensive picture. because the neurons of the brain scan everything, even that which we are aware. The reality of it is his conception, and not somebody else's, light and nothing more. The brain is hungry for light, Arsitotelov trick creates a false nose. This tactile trick is one of many invented by Aristotle. Sit back and cross your fingers for luck as well. Peaks of both fingertips lightly cross the entire length of the nose. After less than a minute you will feel that touching another person's nose or to have two noses. Binoculars or a new painkiller. If injuries to fingers or thumb, take your binoculars is to see the reverse side of the wound. Arm or leg you will see fewer and far away, you will feel much less pain and swelling will a psychological element that transmits nerve signals, and the brain is just there to survive in the congruence of all the visual signals, where one of the most comprehensive of its courier the environment with whom I have corresponded via natural light and its wavelength components. zrcalnost or hologram, and agrees dmenziju second to third on a time interval between the speed signal and matching databases in a form or figure, only the illusion of an experience as I said to survive! Art is not none of that, just as the question remains as to the reality inside and outside of our brains! The senses are crucial for any questions or to answer, neither is covered by approximately 80% of the information of the existence of the brain! Hallucinations are changes in the waveform peaks relationships learned basically everything alive, and in the nucleus to be a so-called life, a protein that changes all their functions by changing the spatial variations of the shape of a large range of almost inanimate and has no idea when individual areas of the border as compared to term life called perception of the brain!

Comment by Liviu Iliescu on April 29, 2012 at 7:54pm

 Dear Marcel Charest  

Thanks for watching Bioptical Art
Soon I will give data on the accuracy of executed within the,
bioptical compositions.
  Deviations must be summarized within the 10/60 degrees.
Eyes have accuracy of, observation 1/60 degrees, which I use
to observe execution errors by the  Bioptical  Device


Comment by Marcel Charest on April 29, 2012 at 5:58pm

Sometime ago, I discovered that both eyes don't have exactly the same view point. I also discoved that nobody is perfect; any one eye is not perfect. To know the limits of our eye, to accept it, and keep them in mind while working, and to use them for what they are helped me. The absolute criterium to judge a blue, for instance, does not exist; too many factors are involved; so, it is not easy to evaluate.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on April 29, 2012 at 5:28am

A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!

Before practice elementary images to learn techniques of
Bioptical Art, browse titles and images in : , inclusive my blogs in Art LAB

Insist not understand.
That you can not look, crossed eyes is not eliminatory.
We use a small optical device consisting of two plane mirrors
they look relaxed (normally-used)
With an eye to the free and the other by this little device.
Of course Bioptical Paintings should contemplate, relax.
See stereoscopic paintings of Salvador Dali and the way of contemplation.
Any question you ask (even absurd) is a contribution.
Any bioptical sketch that you do (in the simplest form possible)
Your contribution will be

I would urge patience and work somewhat to find the easiest ways to access BA

Comment by Milivoj Šegan on April 27, 2012 at 11:45pm

I thank, I'm glad to be a member Bioptical Art, Greetings!


Members (65)





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