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Boptical Art; a possible continuum, literature and fine art?

I try the various additions to the documentation of my sites to stimulate questions from members of the group.
So I try the following examples to bring the amateur of Bioptical  Art specifics

Bioptical Painting, seen with naked eyes. appears as a conventional composition, but with a special correlation of  forms.

Mainly B.A. technique  are obtained  mostly perceptions primitive.
  This style, subjects (topics) resumption of artistic manners are elements of transit.

Many rules, valuable in conventionalism in some cases are less important

 in Bioptical Art


 In the scheme presents bioptical painting (placed vertically-viewed with bioptical device), and horizontal location (for eyes withcrossed eyes or diaphragm)

Important is the observation of the bioptical effects . Not all people with normal visual perception can, to gain skills  observation with crossed eyes or diaphragm.
So I sent drawings to bioptical device that can be made with, means handicraft.

Bioptical device enables a relaxed contemplations as it regards through stereoscope

This little device is the ship, with which we are traveling in Terra Incognita
There are people who can not see space through stereoscope.


Some references


Multimedia, TOUT-FAIT: The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal

The advent of stereoscopic drawings quickly led to a whirl of experiments ....
Marcel Duchamp, mathematical note from In the Infinitive [a.k.a. the White Box], ...



A stereoscope required a special kind of dual photograph or stereo-pair painting.
A number of artists, including Salvador Dali, created exceptional stereo-pair ...


To see contributions Bioptical Art in stereocopy post:

fine art visual sense stereoscopy

New techniques in fine arts by applying the research from  Binocular At is Binocular Rivalry associated in a synergistic manner with Colour Fusion Helmholtz and with elements of Stereoscopy.

To see the contribution Bioptical Art  in fine art post:

 fine art visual sense pictures

Googel make a order of value, applying each domain, a sophisticated program with over 300 criterias

It can be trained to observe however  some bioptical effects.

From observation with crossed eyes and  and then using diaphragm method is an inversion of space studied so as to make sense of anti-space.


  I give an example that might occur as a naive proposal (relative to that of the surface A can enter any image)


A possible continuum,  literature and fine art?
see  (link)
Stimuli-evoked abstractization

Abstractizare stimulata




L. Iliescu, Study C, oil on cardboard, 65x90 cm




Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)

 Detail of figure



             In figure I present a way of generating in fine art abstract forms. This method can be called stimulated abstraction.

   Is used a text description, and after some time to paint abstract shapes that suggest the actions of the description. So these forms can also be references to reality. For example I used an episode of The Talisman novel, written by Sir Walter Scott, where Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, and Richard the Lion Heart, King of England, meet in a desert in the Holy Land for a conference in which each has an opportunity to display his prowess. … Heavy sword, iron bar, built with refinement sword, veil.

            In this way we can say that they try a continuum between fine art and literary description.   The theme can be developed in several paintings by one or more artists. The exhibition is a resonance space, people will experience feelings of abstraction process, knowing description.

3. Bioptical effects, definitions
D-HOC EDUCATIONAL ATMOSPHERE Means by which the recipient-subjects are educated and brought closer to the meanings and techniques of an artistic current (bioptical art included). 

           I say that in this case perceptions are mainly developed by bioptical stimuli, the conflict being their support.

Of course the theme that I propose can be made more professional by artists of fine art.



See with diafragm (inversion  stereo-binogramme)




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