Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


I proposed some techniques related to composition of fine art

   belonging to the field of Science-Art

 For introduction see the links; 

2. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art
3. Bioptical effects, definitions

12. Visual-sense-storming

 For documentation post:

fine art visual sense science

fine art  visual sense images

 To establish efficiency the documentation which I propose to see links.


  For the connection between sci-art and psychic life I quote:

   Norbert Sillamy, Dictionnaire of Psychology, Larousse. , 1995;

respectively of defined content; AFFECTION;


Psychic life would include three areas (inseparable)

that I try to represent by graphs:

6. Aspects relative to the applications of plastic arts in psychotherapy

Excerpt paragraph:  Psychic life 
As is known, man's psychic life has three fields: activity, intelligence and affectivity. The last one comprises feelings, emotions, passions. They all coexist inseparably. Yet we may take into account the fact that we become aware of some being dominant or having a higher share. I may state that, in the case of the bioptical art, the share of affectivity increases in comparison with the case of the known abstract art. This statement should be pointed out to specialists in psychology. 
The shares in psychic life related to plastic arts may be presented as in the graphs of figures 6.4 and 6.5 (approximations for enlightening ideas).

Fig. 6.4

Fig. 6.5

Figure 6.4. Graph of the Bioptical Art. 
Figure 6.5. Graph of known abstract art. 
1 - activity; 2 - intelligence; 3 - affectivity.


Some publications of researchers highlight the link between science-art

 and the areas of psychic life.

May still develop recommendations for adjustments in balancing

 the areas of psychic life.


Generally people, especially scientists feel the need to balance areas

their psychic life, some using art.

   Scientists are in positions:

  amateur, theorists by adjacent to their specialty or authors of artistic compositions.


A remarkable example of this offer

 Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa    by setting - ART LAB - Art, Science, Litt,.


  I still quote an interesting example:

   Famous professor of mathematics, Solomon Marcus (Member of the Romanian Academy )                                                      

 write book

Semiotica matematica a artelor vizuale, Editura Enciclopedica Bucuresti 1982

(Mathematical semiotics of visual arts, Ed Encyclopedic Bucharest 1982)


In an interview on TV he believes that number, 2 provides a mathematical metaphor

through emotion that causes it is found that there is not a number

 that multiplied by the same number to result number 2 (the decimal that may have an infinite number of digits!)



But even in scientific activity occurring emotional states:

emotions of feverishness with which to realize topic; satisfaction

of partial acknowledgments, and especially in achieving the target.


Some scientists may be authors of. hypercube compositions: 

  1.  See link;  Images for hypercube


Examples of my work. 

Communication means contributions are restrictive,

for which designers avoid publication of the remarkable results.

  The design activity in productive areas, in many cases the novelty is

  routine confused with, even by the author.


In my work I designed optical instruments, including mathematical calculations

 to obtain clear images.


In 1958 Herzberger M, published simplifcate algorithms for calculating optical systems.

  They pemis specialists (mathematicians, physicists, computer) to build, automated programs

 for calculating optical systems.

  These programs were implemented on computers that were under perfecting.

(at that time, decades ago)


  See, Herzberger M Modern Geometrical Optics, New York,

Interscience Publishers Inc.., 1958


 At that time I proposed a kind of preparatory algorithm (with linear differential equations)

applied to a geometric shape (parallelepiped), a method we called it step by step.


Although I have obtained results (I had the satisfaction of achievement) however I abandoned this method

  which was already much more perfected of groups of specialists from renowned companies.

  Also in that time, the company where I worked, bought a thus program to a specialized company


At that time colleague Nicolae Dumitrescu made ​​computer program

to calculate the optical scheme and calculating level of correction optical system, using algorithms Herzberger.


But in his program D.N. made an advantageous simplification in the famous

Herzberger algorithms, reducing the number of instructions.

   Nicolae Dumitrescu unfortunately did not publish these improvements.


 At that time  I used D.N. programs applying them to another type of automatic correction using

traditional technique known as Bending. 

I used the resulting program to establish baseline characteristics

to some products.

  But essential corrections I have made them with programs purchased at the specialized companies.

Program made ​​by me brought me satisfaction, but I have not made ​​ to be published.


A page of Nicolae Dumitrescu program.


A page from my program.


Some of subroutines (GOSUB) containing parts of programs D.N.


Views: 466


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Comment by Liviu Iliescu on February 18, 2013 at 8:11am

                    I reproduce Herzberger's algorithm, giving an example

                    in my book:

    Iliescu Liviu, Elemente constructive si ansambluri opitice Editura Tehnica,

      Bucharest, 1977, 136 pages.

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