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Microalgae or microphytes are  fast growing, photosynthetic microorganisms that can convert light and carbon dioxide into a range of unique products such as next generation biofuels, nutraceuticals, organic pigments and high value biomolecules with minimal nutrient requirements. 

 They are unicellular species which exist individually, or in chains or groups. Depending on the species, their sizes can range from a few micrometers (μm) to a few hundred micrometers. Unlike higher plants, microalgae do not have roots, stems, or leaves. They are specially adapted to an environment dominated by viscous forces. Microalgae, capable of performing photosynthesis, are important for life on earth; they produce approximately half of the atmospheric oxygen  (1) and use simultaneously the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to grow photoautotrophically.

The biodiversity of microalgae is enormous and they represent an almost untapped resource. It has been estimated that about 200,000-800,000 species in many different genera exist of which about 50,000 species are described.[3] Over 15,000 novel compounds originating from algal biomass have been chemically determined.[4] Most of these microalgae species produce unique products like carotenoids, antioxidants, fatty acids, enzymes, polymers, peptides, toxins and sterols.

Algal technologies is attractive from several standpoints, especially in food industry. To produce nutritious food for the ever growing population without impacting the environment is a great challenge. Microalgae is one of the best answers to this challenge.  Let us find out why ...

Reasons  (2) we should be eating microalgae:

Micro algae  (Image source: google images)

Less environmental impact

Algae don’t require pesticides to sustain their productivity. Algae can also be grown in wastewaters (water that has been used in the home or in some industrial process), taking up nutrients and other dissolved substances into their biomass. This causes fewer contaminants being released into the environment and less pollution in our waterways.

It can be grown year-round

High growth and reproduction rates mean microalgae can double their biomass in as little as one to three days, depending on the time of the year. While their growth rate is slower in winter, they are not limited to a growing season, such as plants, or a long maturation period, such as animals.

This means microalgae produce more biomass on a given area of land per year, than animals or plants.

High growth rates also mean frequent harvesting. This makes microalgal cultures more resilient to sudden or extreme weather events, where production losses may be only several days of growth.

 It has more protein

Algae produce more protein than plant based food, including soybean and pulse legumes. While algae produce 3.5-13 tonnes of protein per hectare per year, soybean and pulse legumes produce 0.5-1.8 tonnes of protein per hectare per year. The higher growth rate of microalgae and ability to produce their own food from the sun, means microalgal protein yields are more than 100 times greater than animal based proteins, including beef, eggs and dairy (0.01 – 0.23 tonnes per hectare per year).

Farms can be built anywhere

Algae production systems don’t require arable land. They comprise either open ponds or closed vessels with a light source, known as photobioreactors. The systems can be built almost anywhere, including non-productive land or in the sea.

It doesn’t require fresh water

Thousands of marine and estuarine microalgal species grow best in seawater rather than freshwater. This would reduce our reliance on fresh water for food production.

It’s nutritious

Algae have long been recognised for their nutritional properties, forming a vital food source in human diets. Over the last few decades, microalgae have been used in vitamin supplements,  health food products and Omega-3 capsules.

Microalgae contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutritional components that have wide potential application in the food industry. For example, algae have a broad array of amino acids that support human growth and development.

Apart from adding nutrients, microalgae have other properties that facilitate their incorporation into foods, including emulsifying, foaming, gelation, and absorption of fat and water.

Using microalgae in emulsions allows for a decrease in the oil, showing promise for their potential use in low-fat products. When added to desserts as colouring agents, the cell structure in microalgae protects pigments from thermal degradation during processing, enabling foods to maintain their vibrancy.

It’s cruelty-free

Algae can be harvested by sedimentation, flotation or filtration, with not an abattoir or live exporter in sight.

It can be used in sustainable products

Microalgae are increasingly being used as sustainable components of other products, including cosmetics, nutraceuticals, industrial enzymes and bioplastics, and as a biofuel to replace fossil fuels in niche markets.

Many microalgae have high levels of palmitic acid. This acid is also the principal component of palm oil - a widely used oil in food production which leads to deforestation and loss of animal habitat. Replacing palm oil with microalgae would reduce reliance on this unsustainable industry.

An opportunity for developing regions

The low-tech, basic infrastructure needed for microalgal farming could provide economic opportunities for developing regions.


1.  "Microscopic algae produce half the oxygen we breathe". 25 October 2013.


3. Starckx, Senne (31 October 2012) A place in the sun - Algae is the crop of the future, according to ... Flanders Today, Retrieved 8 December 2012

4.  Cardozo, Karina H.-M.; Thais, Guaratini; Marcelo P., Barros; Vanessa R., Falcão; Angela P., Tonon; Norberto P., Lopes; Sara, Campos; Moacir A., Torres; Anderson O., Souza; Pio, Colepicolo; Ernani, Pinto (2006-06-29). "Metabolites from algae with economical impact". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C146 (1–2): 60–78. doi:10.1016/j.cbpc.2006.05.007PMID 16901759.

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