Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Krishna: Let me divide your question into two parts and answer them separately.

Your first question: Is it possible for scientists to explain everything they observe using science?

Science has two aspects to it. (3)

One: The principles with which this universe came into existence (to atheists), or created (to theists) and run by it.

Two: The process with which we study this universe.

People usually take only the second one into consideration, not the first one while dealing with this aspect. But the truth is, without scientific principles, this universe in which we live, wouldn't have come into existence in the first place. Only when the scientific principles based universe came into existence, the consequences like galaxies, stars, planets, origin of life, its evolution, human beings and finally all things related to living beings became a reality.

The scientific universe ; Image source: Wikimedia Commons

When this universe itself came into existence using scientific principles, it has all the answers a human mind can pose, written in a “scientific language”. Scientists are trying to unravel these mysteries using the second aspect I mentioned above.

When what the scientists studied, observed, understood tallies with the ‘universal science’, it becomes a fact of science. You can use it for your benefit.

Scientists are not bringing these evidence based facts from somewhere. They are a part of this universe’s language and scientists are trying to read them to unravel its mysteries.

Science, therefore, is the only ‘right way’ to explain everything in our universe. To beat human inadequacies, to find facts as they are scientific method is the best in the present circumstances. The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in the experimenter and bring out the best.

You can tell other creative stories using your imagination but where is the evidence that they are true? If they are not true, how can you use them, how can they work?

Can you create a phone or a car or a rocket using religion or some other story that originated in your mind? Can you ‘manage’ diabetes or heart attack using a creative narrative?

Now your second question: Will there ever be a complete scientific explanation for everything?

How well a human mind can comprehend these mysteries of scientific universe overcoming all its limitations - is a big question mark.

Yes, if we can overcome all our limitations, science - the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence can answer all the questions. But that “IF” is our limiting factor. Scientists are trying to overcome it. How far can we go? Only time will tell. (2)

But Science should try to explain everything. As far as possible.

If it can’t, alternatives to science people suggest are very shaky and completely untrustworthy: Consider these other sources of 'truth and advice' that place themselves as alternatives to science ... religious practices and stories that cannot show any evidence, future predictions like horoscopes/tarot/palm reading, fortune telling, witch and quack doctors who practice dubiously and use untested things to treat people, latest fad crazes, ill-informed relatives, neighbours, friends and groups, the village elders, ignorant advice columnists, cults (e.g. scientology). Now pick what you want. (1)

There is only a scientific explanation for everything in this universe and written into its language. How much scientists can comprehend is limited by human mind capabilities.

Image source: iStock


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