Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Krishna: Define ‘simple’ first.

If it is so simple why only highly trained scientists can provide solutions? Why can’t every body else do it?

Everything looks simple after an answer is provided.

Throwing a ball looks easy and simple but do you know how many things are involved in it?

The physics of throwing a ball involves mainly the following concepts:

  • *Projectile motion: The study of how an object, called a projectile, moves through the air
  • *Initial velocity: The speed and direction of motion when a projectile is launched
  • *Gravity: The force that causes a projectile to accelerate downward towards the earth
  • *Air resistance: The force that slows down a projectile
  • *Trajectory: The path the ball follows
  • *Momentum: The product of mass and velocity, which determines an object's initial path
  • *Kinetic energy: The energy that changes as the speed of the ball changes due to the applied force

Then there are throwing of a football, base ball, cricket ball, golf ball and several other types.

Then there are overarm throwing, underarm throwing, spinning a ball, swinging a ball, reverse swinging a ball.

Then there are types of pitches that influence it, weather that modifies it, biomechanics that confuses it, and several other things you can’t even imagine.

I can write several books on it.

Can you now say throwing a ball and playing it are easy and simple?

Now go and read some original scientific research papers and explain them to me. You yourself will delete this question then, atleast in your mind!

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