Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

I have heard several times political leaders all over the world stressing the need for balancing growth and environmental issues. They say : "Development that hurts the environment is no development; but at the same time there is no justification for depriving people of development in the name of environment." Very balanced speech. But in practice they tilt more towards growth and forget all about the environment. This, I feel, is short-sightedness in its full splendour!

Ecological balance is "a state of dynamic equilibrium within a community of organisms in which genetic, species and ecosystem diversity remain relatively stable, subject to gradual changes through natural succession." The Earth and its ecology may act as co-ordinated systems in order to maintain the balance of nature. If it is not maintained properly and if we tilt it to suit us, we have to face severe consequences and destruction of the Natural world.

One of the most significant achievements of science over the past few decades has been to provide convincing evidence that human activity has had a growing and potentially unsustainable impact on virtually every aspect of our planet.The scientific community now needs to help society find a way out of this situation and on to a sustainable course of social and economic development that is compatible with the planet's natural systems and finite resources.

The warnings of catastrophe are still essential, particularly at a time when the minds of most politicians and their electorates in the world are focused on financial issues of more immediate concern. They need constant reminding from the scientists that the  consumerism has enhanced the environmental crisis.

The more evidence that scientists can gather to support this, and the better they outline the likely consequences of failure to change current trends, the higher the chances that politicians will adopt policies that are sustainable both economically and environmentally .

In the name of development, we remove trees and vegetation, change how we use land, and keep expanding paved areas. We use oil and other natural resources without any control. Increased population demand more developmental activities. But where do we get all that our greed demands from? From our planet that has limited ability to provide all that we ask for? From Nature?

Scientific indicators show that environmental change caused by human activities in recent times continues to rise — in some cases heading towards the point beyond which there may be no recovery.

Yes, exploiting natural resources in an unlimited manner brings revenue to the governments now. Expansion of industries bring employment opportunities to this generation. People will be happy with all the facilities provided by power generated by natural resources available at present.

But what about the future? If we consume everything Nature has to offer now itself how will the future generations  survive? Will you make your children, grand children,  great grand children and great, great grand children suffer because of your greed?! Will you allow them to go hungry and die at an young age without propagating? Will you make this planet of ours a hell for future generations to live in? Do you make them buy water, food and even air if at all they are available in clean states then?


Had our ancestors did this to us, do you think we would have survived this long? Think about it!

This article shows development and environment can go together without affecting one another adversely:

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Govt moots ideas to sync green norms with growth

A number of steps have been taken in the past six months to speed up green clearances but the government is also examining 55 additional suggestions to achieve its twin goals of economic growth and environment protection.

Many of the suggestions, extended by a high-level panel of the environment ministry, will either be incorporated in the existing laws through suitable amendments or be made part of a new 'umbrella' law which may be introduced in Parliament during the Budget session.

Though suitable changes in the existing green laws to make it in sync with the Narendra Modi government's development agenda are the high points of the former cabinet secretary TSR Subramanian-led panel's recommendations, it also suggested many other measures which may go a long way in protecting environment.

"We are looking at all those 55 suggestions and discussing it with stakeholders, including experts and environmentalists," said a senior official of the environment ministry.

The panel's recommendations, being discussed at different levels in the ministry, include stringent measures and multi-pronged approach to deal with air pollution, environmental mapping of the country, definite time frame for cities to dispose of their municipal solid waste, incorporation of noise pollution as an offence in the Environment Protection Act, authorizing officers of the wildlife bureau to file complaints in courts, banning manufacture and possession of leg and mouth traps that are used by poachers and demarcation of coastal regulation zone.

Underlining that air pollution in cities cannot be effectively addressed without dealing with the issue of emission from motor vehicles, the panel suggested taking up overall policy initiatives.

It said, "A concerted effort from different ministries would be required in this regard. These need to include major new emphasis on public transportation to curb rapid increase of private motor vehicles, a revised system of taxation to inhibit increase in vehicle population, improved management of urban traffic including zones where strong 'entry fees' are to be imposed and effective policies for reduction of vehicle emission and monitoring.'

Coral bleaching and famine - how they are linked:

"There is a huge gap between the public's understanding of the situation and the scientific understanding. If the public doesn't understand, it is not going to happen. Political leaders are not independent of public opinion."

Without a dramatic change in public opinion, future generations will inherit a world where global warming is out of control.

"Our parents honestly did not know what the consequences of continued development and reliance on fossil fuels as an energy source. We can no longer claim that as the science is now clear. We can only pretend we don't know."

Climate change is not seen as being urgent any more.
Ex-NASA scientists say that only proven climate change aspects should be taken into account.
My Reply to this article:
I will say climate change is a complex subject and right now we are not in a position to completely prove certain theories. But they are based on solid knowledge. Waiting for a disaster to happen and then get proved is not the right way to follow for any individual with a little bit of intelligence. Predicting it before hand and taking precautions to avoid it is what grey matter dictates. Worrying about reputation is ridiculous in case of climate change. We must act before it is too late - Krishna

Melting Glaciers Liberate Ancient Microbes

The release of life-forms in cold storage for eons raises new concerns about the impacts of climate change

'Save the planet', science leaders urge G8 governments


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