Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

At first, repetitions and completions on the name and content Bioptical Art

I have chosen the name "bioptical" art and not "dioptical" or "binoptical", because compositions involve elements which unleash deeper psychical processes. Thus, for instance, the perception of a movement in the presence of static stimuli should be described by a title which is not connected to prevailingly physical aspects.

I used the attribute "bioptical" in the publication of the year 1987:

Iliescu Liviu; Bioptical painting, "Stiinta si Tehnica" (Bucharest), 
no 8/1987, page 30; no 9/1987 page 34

Link ; Bioptical painting 

Then Bioptical Art ; in the book:                                                              

Iliescu Liviu; Bioptical Art - training of bioptical vision, Crater, Bucharest, 1998, 148 pages. ISBN 973-9029-37-X


This new field refers to techniques applicable to fine art

as a complement to existing techniques, in order to help the artists, without interfering in their style.


I see the name of more restrictive: Art Deco; Arte Nucleare; Arte Povera; Art Nouveau


I had in mind the perspective that some talented artists to shine by the compositions

 in the attention of philosophers  for aesthetic chapters:

disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge

and visual psychotherapy . 

It is important for artists to use new technical means

for their creative universe. Will appear surprising compositions.

It would be great if it would invent a crystal ball of witchcraft. 


I received this message from Mr. Zhenlian


I think that there is no need to put a stress on science art and non-science art, when you express your feelings in terms of images you are called an artist, an artist has his or her own preference for the objects he chooses to express, there is no limitation on the subjects, as long as your images strike a resonance from the viewers, an artist has achieved his goal.

Private reply:

Hello Dr. Krishna,

This is a real difficult subject, at least I have never noticed that there is science art scene in China,  the hot topic here is a theme on politics which have no interest for me at all. so I can't give you an idea.



  I answer indirectly at this message  because I think the explanations are of wider interest.

Thank you Mr. Zhenlian for giving me the opportunity to continue some

  descriptions trying to make  B.A. more intelligible.


I mention that these, additions, I mean

technical and artistic aspects not. (I am not an art critic)


As I wrote Bioptical Art does not impose any restriction on artistic expression,

the artist can paint (made up)   in their own style.


So I used to explain one of the compositions Mr Zhelian

from which I extract a part (figure 2 )



Fig. 1 ; Zhenlian ; Bird lovers


                                                                                        Fig. 2


In field 2, insert shapes, lines and colors, using

bioptical rules, obtaining many such effects:


Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, space and time in bioptical art, field binocular rivalry.

Some of these have not been experienced by humans yet.


-        These perceptions are perceived by the standard man (starting with the intellectual level below average – without specialty training – with a normal binocular vision, as the case may be corrected with eyeglasses, but who perceives stereoscopic images, or, as the case may be, can be educated to gain the habit to perceive them.

-       Bioptical compositions are similar to traditional fine art compositions, however with distinct artistic structures that stand out when contemplated as traditional, conventional compositions.

-       Bioptical art compositions may be submitted to the attention of recognized artists, at least to have experiences with innovative stimuli.



For introduction in Bioptical Art, both for contemplation and for executing compositions, need to walk several tests, starting with the most simple.

These actions must take place step by step, in consultation with me always.

I recommend to participate, using the intercom, several artists.

Is formed an interactive structure that help to expand , the visual perceptions


I present two simple examples





Repeating field 1 and the field 2 is replaced

the birds with green circle.

Binocular rivalry effect is obtained when one sees through the bioptical  device


Drawings for execution bioptical device.

  Is observed at intervals of ~ 5 seconds birds in succession with the green circle;

  important is that you can insert time in painting

Fig.4 Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)


Another phenomenon experienced in Bioptical Art, which causes

perception of time in painting I described under the title:

dynamics of space depth.


Is the importance  as concerns my research

 I posted in Google keywords (domain):

fine art visual sense time

My works are highlighted on the first two positions of

~ 400 millions of results


fine art visual sense time


About 420,000,000 results



  1. 12. Visual-sense-storming - - Cached


Rivalry - Colour Fusion - Stereoscopy. The Paired off Visual Signal Liviu Iliescu ...

  1. Bioptical Art ; visual sense and images - ART LAB - Cached

7 Jun 2012 ... I live a long time crisis, the impossibility to communicate accumulation

relative to
extensions of ... Areas ( keywords) fine art visual sense images ...

  1. Faculty of Fine Arts | Faculty: Profs: J. Fisher - Cached - Similar

Faculty of Fine Arts. FACULTY ... Department of Visual Arts, York University

 ... art,
curatorial practice, display culture and the aesthetics of the non-visual senses.




Example 2


Besides the central ellipse of the field 2, which causes binocular rivalry,

 is inserted into the field, 1, and the field 2, a small orange form that generates

a stereoscopic space.






Fig 6


 Is the importance  as concerns my research

 I posted in Google keywords (domain):

fine art visual sense stereoscopy science 3D

My works are highlighted on the first two positions of

~ 100 millions of results


fine art visual sense stereoscopy science 3D


About 104,000,000 results



  1. bioptical art - ART LAB - Cached

23 Mar 2012 ... fine art colour fusion helmholtz ; fine art binocular rivalry.

 fine art binocular rivalry
science ; fine art visual sense stereoscopy. fine art visual ...

  1. 12. Visual-sense-storming - - Cached

Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art ... The new and innovative
modalities of perception in fine arts enable alternative contemplations. ... This
way, visual-sense-storming methods may be applied, with the view to perfecting
.... in science: the fundamental sizes SPACE AND TIME („Science leaves the
eyes for the ...




Thank you Catherine Hislop



Views: 306

Replies to This Discussion

This is a really interesting discussion. I am sure the members of Bioptical art group will  like this.

My pleasure..

Dear Catherine

Please write to me more especially relative to my explanation unclear.

Thanks for your intervention.

I was saying pleasure for the mention.

I belief that perception is important to build up the whole.

seeing beneath the surface of what one is trying to achieve

A member of Art Lab has again posted this discussion on his network . You can read it here:

Thanks for information

Mr. Dan has given the source of the discussion. If people gives source, I think it doesn't amount to plagiarism. Because he is acknowledging that he has taken it from another network and he is not claiming he has done it. It happens all the time on line.


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