Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
People are asking me hundreds of Qs on black magic. This shows how this superstition is deep-rooted in this part of the world. In my effort to help people and make them realize their illusions and beliefs are the real cause of their sufferings, I have answered all their Qs. But I am posting here only a few to help others too ...
Q: Is black magic real in India as several people experience it?
Q: Have you ever seen someone doing black magic?
Krishna : Several people are writing to me on this aspect asking several Qs on the topic and also seeking my help. I have already answered several Qs on them earlier, removing myths, baseless beliefs, fears etc. I again want to stress this.
Black magic is not real anywhere in the world.
No! Simply because nobody can do black magic on others.
There really isn’t anything called real black magic, according to science. People are spreading superstitions here.
Pseudoscience by definition is a belief, claim, or practice that is demonstrated as scientific but does not fall under the heading science. Lacking support and evidence makes pseudoscience not considered to be science as it is not valid under the scientific method. Beliefs, certain cultural, and traditional practices can be considered pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is often vague, exaggerated and lacks the ability of evaluation. Good science on the other hand, is one that follows the scientific method checklist. Good science could be measured, tested, evidence based and therefore it is valid and reliable.
While good science works with facts, pseudoscience works with opinion. Good science is always peer reviewed prior publication, while pseudoscience is almost never checked and is simultaneously published for the public. Pseudoscience is false science that with acquired skills makes the public fall for it and start believing in it as it targets one’s emotions and needs.
Black magic works only on mentally weak people, not because it actually works but because it affects their psychology. When you think it is working, you get scared, worried, get depressed and think everything negative happening in your life is because of it.
If somebody can control your mind and life like that it is because you showed them your weaknesses and vulnerability. Fear, uncertainty, greed and jealousy and of course ignorance are these deficiencies in your mental make up.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chilies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can affect you.
The nocebo effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told they may be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others. If you are a sucker, you believe them.
Science doesn’t accept black magic because there is no such thing actually. It just is a superstition. Your baseless belief that is effecting you mentally because you are not strong. So stop believing in it if you don't want it to work psychologically.
A challenge: Black magic, no matter who resorts to it, cannot affect me in any way. Why? Because I know it doesn't work and therefore I am not at all worried. It doesn't affect me psychologically. Nobody, literally nobody, can do black magic to me.
Never has an empirical scientific discovery been deemed wrong and replaced by a more convincing mystical explanation or a misconception. On the contrary science replaced myths, mystics, mythologies, magic, mysteries and misconceptions.
Science is the most accurate understanding of the universe. If it found and says black magic is a superstition, it has evidence in this regard.
Black magic doesn’t work in reality/ It just is your perception that it works based on your culturally conditioned mind.
Q: After reading the above answer of mine, a person sent me this message:
Ma'am, but what if I want to help my friends who strongly believe in these type of stuff due to various incident happened in their lives. I really need your help they are in great trouble and so much scared of that (a person told them they that I know black magic and I can destroy you so do what I want)pls help me to understand this -knowledge is the only path to clear misunderstandings
Krishna: Okay, I will definitely help. Tell me about the incidents. I will analyse and tell you why they actually happened.
Two months back a person came to me and showed some photos on his cell phone. He told me his sister’s clothes (Shalwar Kameej, Pyjamas etc.) started behaving strangely because somebody did black magic to her. It seems one leg of all her dresses became short! I asked him to get the actual dresses and show them to me not the pictures. His sister refused to send them. Why? Because she herself folded them in such a way that one leg looked shorter than the other one and took pictures of them to fool people around! Just to gain some pity and benefits!
People cannot fool us people of science. We analyse things thoroughly, confront people with evidence and explanations.
Nobody, literally nobody can do black magic to me because I am psychologically very strong and I can see complete pictures of everything with the help of science.
Nobody can do black magic to anyone without that person’s consent. And that consent is their mental weakness and fear.
Q: A message sent by another person read like this: A lady when walking down some trees in the night gets a sudden fright as if a “ghost” had jumped into her. On returning home she narrates the incidence, but after an hour or so, she gets a high fever. No medicine can cure her, and she needs an exorcist. The exorcist does strange things on her like beating her with a broom if peacock features and some strange mantras after which she was cured. But until the exorcist is called in, she keeps shivering and speaks in Chinese or some strange language. What is this if not black magic, Dr. Krishna?
Krishna: Hmmm. Do you really want to know the truth? Then read my analysis ...
This lady got psychologically affected by stories about huge trees, ghosts, darkness and the dark side of black magic. She got fever because of the fear she faced! The exorcist's 'cure' is also a psychological affect. She thought his strange doings removed the black magic and started behaving normally after the exorcist's visit!
It just is based on her vulnerable psychology. Nothing more to it!
Q: Another message: 6 months back, some weird stuff started happening in my neighbour's house. A 11th class student was haunted in her dreams, for a couple of days. What she told us was there 's some man, really tall who haunts her in her dreams.
No one took it much seriously. A week later, at night, around 11, she literally turned into something strange. Her eyes well totally white. Her body made some colour changes, Her voice changed drastically. I guess you can imagine what I am saying.
There was some spirit inside her body. Somebody did black magic to her.
Krishna: Nobody did black magic to her. She has some mental issues. They are reflecting in her dreams. The fear is gripping her and resulting in somatic changes too. Please ask her to consult a psychiatrist immediately.
Q: My sister-in-law and her family members are accusing me of doing black magic to them. No matter how much I tried to convince them that I cannot do such things, they simply refuse to listen to me. I am getting mad over this. What do I do?
Krishna: Your sister-in-law and her family members need some counselling.
Yes, I can understand their situation too. They are under some stress because of something bad happening to them frequently*. This is because of losing control over their lives and situations they are in. They can't think properly and analyse things correctly because of superstitions and fears they have. People around too plant strange stories to enhance their suspicion. In such circumstances, they usually think people they don't like are doing all that to them with black magic. Fake witches and babas too spread fears by doing some rituals that people fear about.
But there is no such thing as black magic in reality. It just is peoples' false perception. Bring your sister-in-law to my home. I will explain things to her and try my best to convince her that she 's under a false perception. And I will also explain her how she can improve her conditions herself, instead of blaming others for her own inadequacies.
(*like infections, fevers, and other health conditions because of their ignorance or carelessness or loss of money because of mismanagement and inadequate planning ) .
Q: What are the remedies for one suffering from tantra or black magic?
Krishna : The real remedy lies in not believing in black magic because it is a superstition that affects you psychologically. There is no real evidence of black magic. Science has been telling this to the world since ages. But still people ignore it and bring upon themselves the misery. It is a self made one - that is mistake number one. The second one is going the pseudo-remedy way wasting your money. Come out of these delusions.
How can you get rid of this superstition and its effects? Read these Qs and answers on black magic.
Q: If someone is constantly targeting your whole family with black magic and even trying to kill, should we also opt for the same thing and teach them a lesson?
I have read several reports in the news papers here recently people killing other innocent men and women just based on such ignorant imaginations and baseless beliefs. This is reaching dangerous proportions and should be halted immediately. We are not living in ancient times. You are a literate person and good enough to understand what is rational and what is irrational. But still why are you not able to come out of these delusions?
Black magic doesn’t exist! Science confirmed this long back. Nobody can move even your finger without your consent leave alone kill you with black magic. Why are you imagining things then? Cultural Conditioning of mind! You are unable to come out of ancient thinking and understand why somethings really happen. You are connecting unrelated things. Your thinking is going haywire. Nocebo Effect !
If you don’t stop thinking about harming others unnecessarily, I might report you to police because it is illegal to harm others that too based on irrational thinking.
Look how people are killing others in the name of black magic ....
Q: What is the meaning of the mixture of a white maize mustered and red chili in black magic
But if you want to imagine something, you can give as many interpretations as possible.
Q: What if you see a ghost in your wife?
You must consult a medical doctor immediately if you see a ghost in your wife. Because you are imagining things, hallucinating things which are signs of mental conditions.
There is no genuine evidence of ghosts according to science. Therefore anything you say about such things come under ‘delusions’.
Q: Can I get a lost love back using black magic?
Krishna: If you think you can get your love back with black magic, you are under a delusion and falling prey to cheats like the one you gave me the example of by providing the link to a dubious site.
Try genuine methods, not dubious, shady ones, to win your love back.
There is no such thing called black magic. You can never win any body's love with it.
Q: How do I get rid of black magic?
First get rid of the thought that black magic exists. Because there is no evidence of black magic , according to science.
Then why do people suffer? Because of a psychological effect called “Nocebo”.
Both nocebo and placebo effects are psychogenic. These reactions result from a persons expectations and perceptions of how the substance or something will affect him or her. Negative suggestion can induce symptoms of illness. Nocebo effects are the adverse events that occur during sham treatment and/or as a result of negative expectations.
It usually effects the weak minds.
So, if you believe that black magic can harm you, you ‘feel’ sick. And think everything bad happening in your life is because of it.
Only if you get rid of your baseless beliefs, you can get rid of black magic effects. Period.
Or you can give your hard earned money to a witch or a quack who says s/he can help you and get fooled. Oh, yes, again if you think the rituals this witch does can remove the spell of black magic, again that psychologically boosts your confidence. But you lose your money for no reason!
Why should you follow the second one, when you can get rid of your fears with the first one without spending any money?
Think about that!
Q: What are the symptoms of black magic?
Krishna: None, as there isn’t any evidence for black magic in the first place, according to science.
But there is a thing called Nocebo Effect.(Please click on the link and read what it is)
When you believe in it, you feel psychologically it is really affecting you and interpret all the bad things happening to you is because of it only. You start to fear everything and suffer as a consequence.
So stop believing in it and you won’t suffer.
Q: Does not believing in black magic make you prone to psychic attacks?
But if you have fear, it governs everything you think and do - like you are doing now - and makes you prone to mental conditions. Learn things, acquire scientific knowledge, take its help to understand things. You will never face any bad things if you do that.
Q: Can I find out who is doing black magic in my life?
It just is your loss of control over the situation you are in, imagination and fear that is affecting you, not black magic. You can accuse some people but that depends on wrong thinking, delusion, animosity, ignorance and other mental conditions. Try to come out of these fears, superstitions and delusions. Learn why something really happens and try to correct the situation using genuine knowledge. Then everything will correct itself.
Don’t accuse anybody and harm them unnecessarily.
Q: How do I know if someone is performing black magic on me?
According to science, there isn’t anything called black magic in reality. Therefore, nobody can do black magic to another person just like that.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chilies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can effect you.
The nocebo effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told they may be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others or remove black magic for money. If you are a sucker, you believe them.
Q: What are some myths related to black magic?
Krishna: Black magic itself is a myth. No such thing exists in reality, according to science. Read here some Qs and answers on black magic to find out the truth about it: Black magic
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa's poem on black magic ......
Watch this video to understand black magic tricks ...
And these videos to realize why black magic doesn't effect people who don't believe in them ...
Then Why do you feel a few negative consequences? You are making connections where none exist! There is a thing called Nocebo Effect.
When you believe in black magic, you feel psychologically it is really affecting you and interpret all the bad things happening to you is because of it only. You start to fear everything and suffer as a consequence.
So stop believing in it and you won’t suffer.
And, this is very important, don’t accuse anybody of doing black magic, because nobody can do it in reality, and hate and punish them. Law will catch up with you if you do that.
Find the truth about it here: Black magic
Q: Which Pujari should we meet for black magic?
Then what is it people call ‘black magic’? This name was given to a cheating game some people play. Black magic works only on mentally weak people, not because it actually works but because it affects their psychology. When you think it is working, you get scared, worried, get depressed and think everything negative happening in your life is because of it.
If somebody can control your mind and life like that it is because you showed them your weaknesses and vulnerability. Fear, uncertainty, greed and jealousy and of course ignorance are these deficiencies in your mental make up.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chilies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can affect you.
The nocebo (click on this link and read about it fully) effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told they may be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others. If you are a sucker, you believe them.
Science doesn’t accept black magic because there is no such thing actually. It just is a superstition. Your baseless belief that is effecting you mentally because you are not strong. So stop believing in it if you don't want it to work psychologically.
A challenge: Black magic, no matter who resorts to it, cannot affect me in any way. Why? Because I know it doesn't work and therefore I am not at all worried. It doesn't affect me psychologically. Nobody, literally nobody, can do black magic to me.
Never has an empirical scientific discovery been deemed wrong and replaced by a more convincing mystical explanation or a misconception. On the contrary science replaced myths, mystics, mythologies, magic, mysteries and misconceptions.
Science is the most accurate understanding of the universe. If it found and says black magic is a superstition, it has evidence in this regard.
You cannot use black magic on others. And if you accuse others of black magic and attack them, law will catch up with you.
We have been reading several stories in the news papers here that people are killing others suspecting that they are doing black magic to them. This is a real tragedy. Killing somebody for a non-existent reason! Superstitions have reached such a state that you are losing your mind over them. And slaying your fellow human beings!
Black magic doesn’t work in reality. It just is your perception that it works based on your culturally conditioned mind. Period.
Please read some Qs people asked me on black magic and my replies to them based on science here: Black Magic
Q: What are voodoo dolls used for? What is so special about them?
Textual records attest to the fact that certain people in some countries made dolls of a witch out of rags and other materials and then pierced them with pins with the intention of inflicting physical harm on the witch and breaking their bewitchment.
Voodoo and Vodou was promoted as part of the wider negative depictions of Afro-Caribbean religious practices in the United States.
Although voodoo dolls are sometimes thought to be used to bring about negative effects, a voodoo doll can also be used for good in your own life or in the lives of others: for love, healing, protection, and success, just to name a few. Voodoo to some is a religion, to others it's a mystery, and to some voodoo dolls are simply a tool to promote change.
According to a myth, if you stick pins into a voodoo doll thinking that it is a bad person who you hate, it will cause harm to that person. But, in reality, it doesn’t!
Now the doll is used to make movies, sell silly things to get money and what not. as long as there are suckers, there will be cheaters!
Q: What are some odd or generally unknown facts about black magic?There isn’t anything called black magic according to science. Nobody can do any harm to others just like that without ‘your consent’. Your consent hear means ‘your mental weakness’.
Black magic doesn’t effect mentally strong people because it doesn’t exist in the first place. And mentally weak people get psychologically effected because they think they are under some ‘bad influence’. That makes them worry and sick, not because of actual black magic but because of a thing called Nocebo Effect .
Some leaves, chillies, kumkum, turmeric powder, a doll cannot do any harm to any one. Some chanting of silly mantras cannot effect anybody just like that. Stop believing in it and it won’t effect you in any way !
Q: Can you help me get rid of my problem? I am suffering from severe black magic for many years. Do you know an expert who can help me? Can you provide me with his contact information? Or can you yourself help me?
Krishna: Yes , I can. But first you have to trust me because I am talking about scientific facts. Get rid of the thought that black magic exists. Because there is no evidence of black magic , according to science.
You are not suffering because of black magic. You are suffering from something called Nocebo Effect (Please click on the link and read what it is). When you believe in black magic, you feel psychologically it is really affecting you and interpret all the bad things happening to you is because of it only. You start to fear everything and suffer as a consequence. Both nocebo and placebo effects are psychogenic. These reactions result from a persons expectations and perceptions of how the substance or something will affect him or her. Negative suggestion can induce symptoms of illness. Nocebo effects are the adverse events that occur during sham treatment and/or as a result of negative expectations.
It usually effects the weak minds. It just is your loss of control over the situation you are in, imagination and fear that is affecting you, not black magic. You can accuse some people but that depends on wrong thinking, delusion, animosity, ignorance and other mental conditions. Try to come out of these fears, superstitions and delusions. Learn why something really happens and try to correct the situation using genuine knowledge. Then everything will correct itself.
So stop believing in it and you won’t suffer. Stop being superstitious. Abandon ancient thinking.
If anybody says they can take you away from black magic using ‘white magic’, they a re only trying to hoodwink you and cheat you. Nobody can actually suffer because of black magic because it just is imaginative and nobody can do it to others or remove it when it doesn’t exist in reality. Period.
Read more Qs and answers about black magic here to overcome this superstition: Black magic
Q: How does black magic work?
It works only for people who believe it and those who are mentally weak. How?
Not because it actually works but because it affects their psychology. When you think it is working, you get scared, worried, get depressed and think everything negative happening in your life is because of it.
If somebody can control your mind and life like that it is because you showed them your weaknesses and vulnerability. Fear, uncertainty, greed and jealousy and of course ignorance are these deficiencies in your mental make up.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chillies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can affect you.
The nocebo (Read what it is by clicking on the word) effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told they may be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others. If you are a sucker, you believe them.
Science doesn’t accept black magic because there is no such thing actually. It just is a superstition. Your baseless belief that is effecting you mentally because you are not strong. So stop believing in it if you don't want it to work psychologically.
Q: How do you cure the worst kind of black magic?
Read here how: Black magic
Q: What kind of vibrations does a black magic victim get?
Q: Does black magic exist in this world? Is there scientific evidence for it?
Krishna: There is no scientific evidence for black magic. When there is no evidence, all that people think and describe about it is ‘imaginative’. And the suffering is imaginative too because it affects mentally weak people psychologically. We call this nocebo effect.
Yes, almost all human beings face some difficulties in their lives. Health issues, because you are a living being, financial issues because you live in societies where money controls several things, problems in inter-personal relationships because of unwanted emotions.
Show me a single individual who doesn’t suffer these things. But Instead of understanding why something happens and how to deal with it efficiently using your knowledge and mind power like a modern day person, if you still think in ancient ways and resort to age old rituals, yes, ignorance, superstitions, mind blocks, and inertia have cast a spell on you.
Want a remedy? Read these Qs and As:
Come out of these superstitions so that this doesn’t lead to Nocebo Effect.
Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression cause half of all insomnia cases. Many medical problems also cause insomnia like asthma, allergies, Parkinson’s disease, hyperthyroidism, acid reflux, kidney disease, and cancer. Chronic pain is also a common cause of insomnia.
Many prescription drugs can interfere with sleep, including antidepressants, stimulants for ADHD, corticosteroids, thyroid hormone, high blood pressure medications, and some contraceptives. Common over-the-counter culprits include cold and flu medications that contain alcohol, pain relievers that contain caffeine (Midol, Excedrin), diuretics, and slimming pills.
Insomnia is itself a sleep disorder, but it can also be a symptom of other sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and circadian rhythm disturbances tied to jet lag or late-night shift work.
‘Entities crawling on your leg?’
Usually people with Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, and celiac disease will have these sensations (formication).
But formication is what’s called a tactile hallucination and can affect almost anyone. What isn’t very obvious is why exactly the brain produces this hallucination in the first place. Essentially, your brain is registering the sensation of something crawling on or under your skin when this isn’t actually happening. So your nervous system, which usually determines when something is crawling on you and sends that information back to the brain, is sending those signals without the external influence of something touching you.
It is a communication problem with the nervous system. This might explain why it’s so common in people with the above conditions mentioned. Fibromyalgia sufferers often deal with other nervous system problems like irritable bowel syndrome or chronic itching. So with a clear link between all of these different nerve system disorders and fibromyalgia, it seems like the pain of fibromyalgia might actually be rooted in the nerves. Usually, your nervous system sends signals to the brain, which in turn interprets these signals. Your brain simply registers pain that isn’t there in certain conditions. And in cases of formication with fibromyalgia, those same faulty neural pathways are registering a sensation of bugs under your skin that isn’t there.
You have to treat the underlying condition to get rid of formication.
Black magic doesn’t exist according to science. Nobody can do black magic to you in reality. Come out of these delusions and consult a qualified medical doctor to treat your conditions.
Q: How does a black magician find evil spells?
Second, there is no evidence for black magic and therefore black magicians are people who try to hoodwink the gullible using fake methods.
Therefore, anybody who tries to explain a fake method is not giving the right answer to this Q. So don’t expect to get a correct answer to this Q.
Q; How can I get rid of this lady who is always involved in doing all black magic and tricks? I have seen her doing all this and for once it resulted in a person's death too.Tags:
Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression cause half of all insomnia cases. Many medical problems also cause insomnia like asthma, allergies, Parkinson’s disease, hyperthyroidism, acid reflux, kidney disease, and cancer. Chronic pain is also a common cause of insomnia.
Many prescription drugs can interfere with sleep, including antidepressants, stimulants for ADHD, corticosteroids, thyroid hormone, high blood pressure medications, and some contraceptives. Common over-the-counter culprits include cold and flu medications that contain alcohol, pain relievers that contain caffeine (Midol, Excedrin), diuretics, and slimming pills.
Insomnia is itself a sleep disorder, but it can also be a symptom of other sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and circadian rhythm disturbances tied to jet lag or late-night shift work.
‘Entities crawling on your leg?’
Usually people with Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, and celiac disease will have these sensations (formication).
But formication is what’s called a tactile hallucination and can affect almost anyone. What isn’t very obvious is why exactly the brain produces this hallucination in the first place. Essentially, your brain is registering the sensation of something crawling on or under your skin when this isn’t actually happening. So your nervous system, which usually determines when something is crawling on you and sends that information back to the brain, is sending those signals without the external influence of something touching you.
It is a communication problem with the nervous system. This might explain why it’s so common in people with the above conditions mentioned. Fibromyalgia sufferers often deal with other nervous system problems like irritable bowel syndrome or chronic itching. So with a clear link between all of these different nerve system disorders and fibromyalgia, it seems like the pain of fibromyalgia might actually be rooted in the nerves. Usually, your nervous system sends signals to the brain, which in turn interprets these signals. Your brain simply registers pain that isn’t there in certain conditions. And in cases of formication with fibromyalgia, those same faulty neural pathways are registering a sensation of bugs under your skin that isn’t there.
You have to treat the underlying condition to get rid of formication.
Black magic doesn’t exist according to science. Nobody can do black magic to you in reality. Come out of these delusions and consult a qualified medical doctor to treat your conditions. Read these Qs and answers on black magic that might help you by clciking on the link below:
Yes, but only if you really trust me and my analysis.
Krishna: You people have lost control over the situation you ‘re in, your lives and blaming others around, instead of really trying to understand what went wrong. That is an easy way out! To escape the blame and your own wrong doings.
There is no evidence for black magic, according to science.
Black magic works only on mentally weak people, not because it actually works but because it affects their psychology. When you think it is working, you get scared, worried, get depressed and think everything negative happening in your life is because of it.
If somebody can control your mind and life like that it is because you showed them your weaknesses and vulnerability. Fear, uncertainty, greed and jealousy and of course ignorance are these deficiencies in your mental make up.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chilies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can affect you.
The nocebo effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told there might be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others. If you are a sucker, you believe them. Some try to earn money by hoodwinking you that they can cure black magic. Don’t fall prey to this too. Nobody can cure something that doesn’t exist in the first place.
Black magic doesn’t work in reality/ It just is your perception that it works based on your culturally conditioned mind.
So, the first thing you have to do is get rid of these superstitions.
Then try to analyze the situation you are in a realistic and neutral way. Try to find solutions to your problems using your mind efficiently.
Work genuinely to remove all these problems.
That is the only way out.
Krishna: Black magic doesn’t happen at all, ever!
It just is peoples’ imagination and blind belief. There is no evidence for black magic in the first place according to science.
But if you can imagine certain things, you can imagine other things as well. So if black magic is your wild fancy, it happening on a full moon day is a mind’s invention too!
Krishna: According to science, there is no evidence for black magic. So ‘proven’ cannot happen, ever, unless you follow unscientific and illegal ways to do that.
What you imagine or believe is your headache.
But if you try to ‘punish’ people because of your imagination, as this has been happening - people are killing others for what they call ‘practicing black magic’ - law will catch up with you.
First you are at fault because of your irrational and fearful thought process. Then you want to punish others for your faulty imagination. What type of justice is this?
Come out of these delusions.
These are just superstitions. There is no evidence for black magic and witching except for the anecdotal stories people tell based on their perceptions.
Black magic works only on mentally weak people, not because it actually works but because it affects their psychology. When you think it is working, you get scared, worried, get depressed and think everything negative happening in your life is because of it.
If somebody can control your mind and life like that it is because you showed them your weaknesses and vulnerability. Fear, uncertainty, greed and jealousy and of course ignorance are these deficiencies in your mental make up.
Just a few mantras, lemon and chilies or some kumkum and haldi or a doll or a few neem leaves cannot do any harm to anybody. A person who cannot control his own destiny cannot do any harm to others. No person has such supernatural powers as to cause harm to others just by wishful thinking. Realize that. Then nothing or nobody can affect you.
The nocebo effect has been seen in clinical trials. The opposite of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect can cause patients to develop symptoms when told they may be a side-effect of a possibly harmless drug. This may explain how a curse could have a real effect.
Some people try to earn money by cheating people and telling them they can do black magic on others. If you are a sucker, you believe them.
Science doesn’t accept black magic because there is no such thing actually. It just is a superstition. Your baseless belief that is effecting you mentally because you are not strong. So stop believing in it if you don't want it to work psychologically.
If anybody says they can remove these things they are lying to you to cheat you.
Come out of these superstitions in the first place to get rid of your difficulties
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Qs people asked me on science and my replies to them - black magic
K:There is no evidence of black magic , according to science. If you believe in it blindly, you can believe in anything people say about it too.
You can’t cure something that doesn’t exist in the first place. There can be a few psychological effects because you ‘imagine things’. Unless you come out of these superstitions, nothing can help you.
K: Nobody can do black magic to anybody in any way. Because it doesn’t exist according to science because no evidence has been shown till now.
But if you imagine things and believe in superstitions, your fears can take you to levels of deep depression and you yourself make your life miserable.
Krishna: Black magic cannot be proved scientifically because ….
According to science, there is no evidence for black magic. It just is people’s imagination. It originated in ancient times when people didn’t have any idea why some things happen.
Now scientific knowledge has increased. We have answers for several of our questions. But still instead of accepting these evidence based facts, some people hang on to their old baseless beliefs. When these things are harming people - not because of black magic but because of a thing called nocebo effect (1) - if you still insist on clinging to your old beliefs, what should people call you?
Some people try to control others using this weapon of black magic. If you are a sucker, you fall for their gimmicks.
No, a person of science never believes in black magic (2).
Is there such as thing when a disoriented animalish behvaior in an immature female can attack male to look into the male future and keep controlling the body and torture remotely from a different place.
Krishna: Please consult a psychiatrist immediately.
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