Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Some considerations on the Dioptical-bioptical percepttion and art lovers

  Through my profession builder and designer optical optics

I inset to apply my knowledge about fine art geometric sequences of visual sense.

So I participated in discussions and wrote blogs. presenting examples of compositions, which

could be considered that it belongs to a domain that I did called 

Bioptical Art (Dioptical-bioptical Art)

This title has allowed me the opportunity may appeal to Google to see to what extent

highlighting scientific criteria, which apply Google, can help develop my studies.


  I managed to introduce the fine art compositions stimuli we use in scientific papers

such as Binocular Rivalry, Color Fusion.

  Compositions resulted for Both Eyes (such as stereoscopic images)


  The techniques that I propose is accomplished fine art compositions,

  who enroll in the possible limits of science criteria.


Extracted from

Some Science

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

 From: Science itself has an in-built creativity aspect!  - Krishna


Five basic requirements for a field to be considered scientifically rigorous: clearly defined terminology, quantifiability, highly controlled experimental conditions, reproducibility and, finally, predictability and testability.


Far as I am able prove the results that I have obtained

  Following submission of my work at the University of Architecture Bucharest


  Of course you can not fulfill criterion quantifiability considering

   that art is qualitative evaluation criteria (to a great extent subjective)


It was found that my proposed techniques could be applied by students in compositions

fine art, confirming the effectiveness of the stimuli proceeding from the research.

See link:


9. About a didactic experiment in biopptical art


I present still dioptical-bioptical composition, made by a student Oana R., which I prove that this form is compatible with the form of traditional, conventional, that makes sense and contemplation with one eye.



Liviu Iliescu; Drawing Model


To be compatible with composition for two eyes

traditional composition (possibly with an eye contemplation)

   I developed a technique to avoid stereoscopic composition,

  which require horizontal arrangement of the two component fields,

which would appear to be congruent.

  This apparent congruence substantially diminish artistic effects.


In the sketch model, I give an example of applying the bioptical rules

by which I introduce differences in shapes, including different colors


So that the differences between the part of the left

  compared to those on the right, make a whole tend towards

 compatibility with the conventional formulation.


Dioptic-biotic effects occur observation with crossed eyes.


Posting field (keywords)

 fine art pictures

digital fine art images


automatically obtain a large number of results (hundreds of millions)

  what is written on the internet related to this field.

  Following this huge investigation, Googel automatically chooses and presents hundreds of compositions,

  placed in order of value as a result of applying hundreds of criteria established scientifically.

Ultimately course evaluation is that of experts.


I consider important result of automatic browsing and ordering sites of Googel the fields;


fine art visual sense images


Fine art sense         ( I'm quoted in the first   page-Liviu Iliescu -

from over 70.000.000 results )                                                                                                      


 Visit the sites in the first page                          

                               I think the large number of results in these areas compared to that of   important movements known researchers concern is to find new ways in communicating in fine art.

                               Publications in this area are recommended to be consulted, containing bibliographic  references important developments in fine art.


Aesthetics are also considered important in the fine art compositions which are distinguished by: unselfishly helpful and pleasant.

I think the fine art compositions, they suggest, may produce

   similar effects surprises in contemplation (visual shock)                            

See links:

       Imagini pentru fine art visual sense

Bioptical Art -Cabinet for visual psychotherapy

 Laboratory hall for visual therapy


I have found in testing that fine art can induce in some people

sensations similar to surprises (visual shock)


See links;


Subcortical discrimination; binocular rivalry; magnetic resonance


Bioptical Art : Psychical satiety in affectivity



In this respect I believe that my knowledge applications prove that making contributions in fine art only in terms of the techniques that were used by others. in which

  have confirmed the effects that I describe.

  This is the case relizarii Dioptic-bpotice compositions by students in the University of Architecture Bucharest. about the teacher concerned department Prof. Dr. Sorin V.asilescu writes:

The "Ion Mincu" Institute of Architecture hosts a course of lectures on "Visual Communications" for fourth-year students (7th and 8th semesters). Several problems are dealt with, in order to thoroughly study the aspects of visual communication, the perception of light, colour and forms, as well as the questions of language in architecture.

This course of lectures is aimed at:

–The detailed description and definition of "the instrument of visual communications", as related to visual arts in general and to architecture in particular.

–The defining of terms: composition, point, counterpoint, rhythm, symmetry, harmony, visual field, kinetism, ratios, proportions, cadence, optical corrections, relations between the real and the virtual image, static-dynamic image, formal invariants, organic forms.

The courses of lectures given in 1995-1997 by Liviu Iliescu on the subject-matter of "Visual Communications" at the "Ion Mincu" Institute of Architecture of Bucharest ("Study of Form and Design" Chair–professor Sorin Vasilescu) were attended by a great number of students and professors. The lecturer succeeded in convincing his audience that the new means of investigating the universe of the visual are permanently changing and that their acquisition opens new ways in mastering space and colour.

Prof. dr. Sorin Vasilescu 
Teacher at Arhitectura Institute "Ion Mincu" Bucuharest

I regret that so far I have not managed to convince the members of my group to

make at least exercises, sketches, which could provide them with new possibilities

communication, considering that they will keep their style already adopted.


But I note with pleasure the participation of artists, amateur artists, with compositions using traditional techniques.

There are also photos and kinetic remercabile communicated out of the desire

to share their artistic sensitivity


I am not competent art critic.

   I belong to its large crowd of art lovers.


I believe that professional artists and amateur artists, they have fine art compositions, which are admired by that in contemplation there primary stage of sensations dominant (instinctive)


Stage immediately following (perceptive) is decisive, in general, in art criticism.


This could be one of the explanations people desire to decorate your home with paintings    and generally art objects.


To the extent that was possible I contemplated and many other images.

  Almost all have told me feelings of dominance of sensations,

  some of dedication, artistic authors, as a kind of spiritual purity

in moments of creation.


For example I present below some compositions of fine art, photos on

  artistic compositions of artists members of ART LAB science.


  Submit in time sequence they were pubic.



Added by Macovei Lilioara on July 18, 2013 at 12:32pm

Archimedean spiral light

Added by Milivoj Šegan on April 19, 2013 at 3:49am

Op Art as cores da felicidade

Added by lucia mesquita bleasby on May 8, 2012 at 6:48am 




Fluorescent Minerals

Added by Georgescu Dan on March 7, 2012 at 8:49am


Nanotech Marvels

Added by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on September 29, 2011 at 4:40am

Je n'ai que des fleurs 2

Added by Marcel Charest on December 18, 2011 at 1:06am



Armonii vegetale

Added by Dorin Macovei on July 2, 2010 at 9:23am



Beautiful Nature & Female

Added by Mukesh Parth on October 23, 2009 at 7:32am


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