Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
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Stimulated abstraction; ad-hoc educational atmosphereI sometimes feel the need to write about the art of stating assumptions in my limited knowledge, helped the definitions from Wikipedia… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
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Oct 18, 2016 Reply by Liviu Iliescu |
Some aspects concerning the composition of fine art, Sci- Art- LittThe composition of fine art complex is difficult to achieve in that involves diverse content using techniques that include references t… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
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Sep 29, 2016 Reply by Liviu Iliescu |
Aspects relative to the cosmic space and fine artIn the world there are a great number of artists of fine art, which like the theme of cosmic space Of these distinguished artists who… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Sep 13, 2016 |
About images defined by geometric opticsThe definitions of real image, virtual image I proposed and metavirtual image. Bi-optical techniques described by me, on communications… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Jun 30, 2016 |
Perspectives entocentrica, telecentres, hipercentrica used in optical calculation, as in the fine art techniques.Entocentrica perspectives, telecentres, hipercentrica are known (from specialized publications) and applied on a case by professionals… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
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Jun 7, 2016 Reply by Macovei Lilioara |
About the concept Binocular Rivalry called Retinal Rivalry in the 19th centuryI believe that change the name a concept with another name. but with the same definition, induces confusion. Relative to the same defi… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Apr 22, 2016 |
Fine art and geometrical opticsI practiced in Romanian Optics Company (IOR), participating in the construction of optical devices. I drew and was executed form called m… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Feb 29, 2016 |
Proposals on the application of techniques in fine artIt is natural that professional artists, owners of techniques accumulated in millennia to manifest caution in accepting to analyze tech… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Jan 16, 2016 |
Anaglyph applied in fine artIn addition to the discussion relative to the composition made by Aura Balanescu; Blak Sun: Hypotheses concerning the definition an se… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
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Jan 4, 2016 Reply by Liviu Iliescu |
fine art sense bioptic imagesIn the development of bioptical studies conducted by me, I consult Google publications to see the direction they develop research in fine… Started by Liviu Iliescu |
0 | Dec 14, 2015 |
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