Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


Science Simplified!

                       JAI VIGNAN

All about Science - to remove misconceptions and encourage scientific temper

Communicating science to the common people

'To make  them see the world differently through the beautiful lense of  science'

Members: 22
Latest Activity: 2 hours ago


     THIS  IS A WAR ZONE WHERE SCIENCE FIGHTS WITH NONSENSE AND WINS                                               

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”             

                    "Being a scientist is a state of mind, not a profession!"

                  "Science, when it's done right, can yield amazing things".

         The Reach of Scientific Research From Labs to Laymen

The aim of science is not only to open a door to infinite knowledge and                                     wisdom but to set a limit to infinite error.

"Knowledge is a Superpower but the irony is you cannot get enough of it with ever increasing data base unless you try to keep up with it constantly and in the right way!" The best education comes from learning from people who know what they are exactly talking about.

Science is this glorious adventure into the unknown, the opportunity to discover things that nobody knew before. And that’s just an experience that’s not to be missed. But it’s also a motivated effort to try to help humankind. And maybe that’s just by increasing human knowledge—because that’s a way to make us a nobler species.

If you are scientifically literate the world looks very different to you.

We do science and science communication not because they are easy but because they are difficult!

“Science is not a subject you studied in school. It’s life. We 're brought into existence by it!"

 Links to some important articles :

1. Interactive science series...

a. how-to-do-research-and-write-research-papers-part 13

b. Some Qs people asked me on science and my replies to them...

Part 6part-10part-11part-12, part 14  ,  part- 8

part- 1part-2part-4part-5part-16part-17part-18 , part-19 , part-20

part-21 , part-22part-23part-24part-25part-26part-27 , part-28



Part 48 part49Critical thinking -part 50 , part -51part-52part-53


part 64, part-65part-66part-67part-68part 69part-70 part-71part-73 ...


BP variations during pregnancy part-72

who is responsible for the gender of  their children - a man or a woman -part-56

c. some-questions-people-asked-me-on-science-based-on-my-art-and-poems -part-7

d. science-s-rules-are-unyielding-they-will-not-be-bent-for-anybody-part-3-

e. debate-between-scientists-and-people-who-practice-and-propagate-pseudo-science - part -9

f. why astrology is pseudo-science part 15

g. How Science is demolishing patriarchal ideas - part-39

2. in-defence-of-mangalyaan-why-even-developing-countries-like-india need space research programmes

3. Science communication series:

a. science-communication - part 1

b. how-scienitsts-should-communicate-with-laymen - part 2

c. main-challenges-of-science-communication-and-how-to-overcome-them - part 3

d. the-importance-of-science-communication-through-art- part 4

e. why-science-communication-is-geting worse - part  5

f. why-science-journalism-is-not-taken-seriously-in-this-part-of-the-world - part 6

g. blogs-the-best-bet-to-communicate-science-by-scientists- part 7

h. why-it-is-difficult-for-scientists-to-debate-controversial-issues - part 8

i. science-writers-and-communicators-where-are-you - part 9

j. shooting-the-messengers-for-a-different-reason-for-conveying-the- part 10

k. why-is-science-journalism-different-from-other-forms-of-journalism - part 11

l.  golden-rules-of-science-communication- Part 12

m. science-writers-should-develop-a-broader-view-to-put-things-in-th - part 13

n. an-informed-patient-is-the-most-cooperative-one -part 14

o. the-risks-scientists-will-have-to-face-while-communicating-science - part 15

p. the-most-difficult-part-of-science-communication - part 16

q. clarity-on-who-you-are-writing-for-is-important-before-sitting-to write a science story - part 17

r. science-communicators-get-thick-skinned-to-communicate-science-without-any-bias - part 18

s. is-post-truth-another-name-for-science-communication-failure?

t. why-is-it-difficult-for-scientists-to-have-high-eqs

u. art-and-literature-as-effective-aids-in-science-communication-and teaching

v.* some-qs-people-asked-me-on-science communication-and-my-replies-to-them

 ** qs-people-asked-me-on-science-and-my-replies-to-them-part-173

w. why-motivated-perception-influences-your-understanding-of-science

x. science-communication-in-uncertain-times

y. sci-com: why-keep-a-dog-and-bark-yourself

z. How to deal with sci com dilemmas?

 A+. sci-com-what-makes-a-story-news-worthy-in-science

 B+. is-a-perfect-language-important-in-writing-science-stories

C+. sci-com-how-much-entertainment-is-too-much-while-communicating-sc

D+. sci-com-why-can-t-everybody-understand-science-in-the-same-way

E+. how-to-successfully-negotiate-the-science-communication-maze

4. Health related topics:

a. why-antibiotic-resistance-is-increasing-and-how-scientists-are-tr

b. what-might-happen-when-you-take-lots-of-medicines

c. know-your-cesarean-facts-ladies

d. right-facts-about-menstruation

e. answer-to-the-question-why-on-big-c

f. how-scientists-are-identifying-new-preventive-measures-and-cures-

g. what-if-little-creatures-high-jack-your-brain-and-try-to-control-

h. who-knows-better?

i. mycotoxicoses

j. immunotherapy

k. can-rust-from-old-drinking-water-pipes-cause-health-problems

l. pvc-and-cpvc-pipes-should-not-be-used-for-drinking-water-supply

m. melioidosis


o. desensitization-and-transplant-success-story

p. do-you-think-the-medicines-you-are-taking-are-perfectly-alright-then revisit your position!

q. swine-flu-the-difficlulties-we-still-face-while-tackling-the-outb

r. dump-this-useless-information-into-a-garbage-bin-if-you-really-care about evidence based medicine

s. don-t-ignore-these-head-injuries

t. the-detoxification-scam

u. allergic- agony-caused-by-caterpillars-and-moths

General science: 


b. don-t-knock-down-your-own-life-line

c. the-most-menacing-animal-in-the-world

d. how-exo-planets-are-detected

e. the-importance-of-earth-s-magnetic-field

f. saving-tigers-from-extinction-is-still-a-travail

g. the-importance-of-snakes-in-our-eco-systems

h. understanding-reverse-osmosis

i. the-importance-of-microbiomes

j. crispr-cas9-gene-editing-technique-a-boon-to-fixing-defective-gen

k. biomimicry-a-solution-to-some-of-our-problems

5. the-dilemmas-scientists-face

6. why-we-get-contradictory-reports-in-science

7. be-alert-pseudo-science-and-anti-science-are-on-prowl

8. science-will-answer-your-questions-and-solve-your-problems

9. how-science-debunks-baseless-beliefs

10. climate-science-and-its-relevance

11. the-road-to-a-healthy-life

12. relative-truth-about-gm-crops-and-foods

13. intuition-based-work-is-bad-science

14. how-science-explains-near-death-experiences

15. just-studies-are-different-from-thorough-scientific-research

16. lab-scientists-versus-internet-scientists

17. can-you-challenge-science?

18. the-myth-of-ritual-working

20. comets-are-not-harmful-or-bad-omens-so-enjoy-the-clestial-shows

21. explanation-of-mysterious-lights-during-earthquakes

22. science-can-tell-what-constitutes-the-beauty-of-a-rose

23. what-lessons-can-science-learn-from-tragedies-like-these

24. the-specific-traits-of-a-scientific-mind

25. science-and-the-paranormal

26. are-these-inventions-and-discoveries-really-accidental-and-intuitive like the journalists say?

27. how-the-brain-of-a-polymath-copes-with-all-the-things-it-does

28. how-to-make-scientific-research-in-india-a-success-story

29. getting-rid-of-plastic-the-natural-way

30. why-some-interesting-things-happen-in-nature

31. real-life-stories-that-proves-how-science-helps-you

32. Science and trust series:

a. how-to-trust-science-stories-a-guide-for-common-man

b. trust-in-science-what-makes-people-waver

c. standing-up-for-science-showing-reasons-why-science-should-be-trusted

You will find the entire list of discussions here:

( Please go through the comments section below to find scientific research  reports posted on a daily basis and watch videos based on science)

Get interactive...

Please contact us if you want us to add any information or scientific explanation on any topic that interests you. We will try our level best to give you the right information.

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Discussion Forum

The three scientific cultures and their relevance to Biology

Started by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa. Last reply by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa 3 hours ago. 1 Reply

Researchers who study Earth's biosphere tend to operate from one of three scientific cultures, each with distinct ways of conducting science, and which have been operating mostly independently from…Continue

Baking powder and baking soda

Started by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa. Last reply by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa 4 hours ago. 1 Reply

Q; What is the difference between using fermentation method and baking soda while preparing food?Q: Is it harmful to use baking powder and baking soda while preparing food?Krishna: Fermentation is an…Continue

Light can vaporize water without the need for heat!

Started by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa. Last reply by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa 5 hours ago. 1 Reply

It's the most fundamental of processes—the evaporation of water from the surfaces of oceans and lakes, the burning off of fog in the morning sun, and the drying of briny ponds that leaves solid salt…Continue

Metal cutting by lasers

Started by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa. Last reply by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa 6 hours ago. 1 Reply

Q: Can other metals be impenetrable, resistant and/or immune to lasers?Krishna: …Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 25, 2020 at 6:02am

*Images reveal how bacteria form communities on the human tongue


DNA riddle unravelled: How cells access data from 'genetic cotton reels'


Scientists reveal how proteins team up to repair DNA


*'But you don't look sick': How invisible illnesses like autoimmune disorders impact patient experience


Scientists find new way to block cancer-causing HPV virus


Genes that Escape Silencing on the Second X Chromosome May Drive Disease

When X-linked genes evade silencing on the “inactive” chromosome in XX cells, some protect women from diseases such as cancer, but others seem to promote conditions such as autoimmunity.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 25, 2020 at 5:16am

Old human cells rejuvenated with stem cell technology, research finds


Stroke: When the system fails for the second time


Scientists invent symmetry-breaking for the first time in a nanoscale device that can mimic human brain


* Global carbon capture potential for rare nanoparticle


Jets of bacteria carry microscopic cargo


Scientists observe superconductivity in meteorites


Sensing internal organ temperature with optically stimulated luminescence


Ships' emissions create measurable regional change in clouds

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 24, 2020 at 9:28am

Grey white-eyes (Zosterops borbonicus) living on Reunion, a small volcanic island in the Mascarene archipelago, have evolved into five distinct color variants associated with separate geographical territories located only 10 kilometers apart, according to a study published on February 27 in Molecular Ecology.

Researchers found that both natural selection occurring from separate physical environments and sexual selection driven by a preference for a mate that looks the same have pushed the birds’ colors apart.


Microsoft reported a "critical" security vulnerability Monday that could affect millions of Windows users. The critical label is the highest severity rating issued to potential threats.


The story behind that little padlock in your browser


Buildings grown by bacteria – new research is finding ways to turn cells into mini-factories for materials


World's first ultrasound biosensor created 


Eye blinking on-a-chip


Researchers develop early warning system to fight disinformation online


Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 24, 2020 at 6:11am

Scientists can see the bias in your brain


Time symmetry and the laws of physics: If three or more objects move around each other, history cannot be reversed. Physicists now show that only three particles are enough to break the time symmetry.


Engineers have created a tiny device that can rapidly detect harmful bacteria in blood, allowing health care professionals to pinpoint the cause of potentially deadly infections and fight them with drugs.


Vibes before it bites: 10 types of defensive behaviour for the false coral snake


It's in the genome: Uncovering clues to longevity from human genetics


Interactions between cancer cells and fibroblasts promote metastasis


*The coronavirus isn’t alive. That’s why it’s so hard to kill.

The science behind what makes this coronavirus so sneaky, deadly and difficult to defeat




Sudden Loss of Smell Could Indicate 'Hidden Carriers' of Coronavirus, Say UK Experts

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 23, 2020 at 8:28am

WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments


Scientists create quantum sensor that covers entire radio frequency spectrum


Researchers demonstrate the missing link for a quantum internet


Concrete solutions that lower both emissions and air pollution


The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves


Skulls gone wild: How and why some frogs evolved extreme heads


Ancestor of all animals identified in Australian fossils


New research may help older adults stay physically capable for longer

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 23, 2020 at 7:24am

WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments


*Opening a new chapter in antibody mimetics


Graphite nanoplatelets on medical devices kill bacteria and prevent infections


Evidence for broken time-reversal symmetry in a topological superconductor


Christmas Island discovery redraws map of life


Asia puts twist on alternative meats

Dumplings made with tropical fruit, plant-based burger, fake pork made from jackfruit: Asia puts twist on alternative meats

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 23, 2020 at 6:38am

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 22, 2020 at 10:46am

Scientists May Have Discovered The Shape of The Very First Proteins That Started Life


The Largest Mass Migration on The Planet Happens Every Single Day, And We Never See It


Why some heart patients may be especially vulnerable to COVID-19

People with hypertension and cardiovascular disease risk severe bouts of the disease


Virus rebels: People who refuse to follow what scientists advice are a threat to the societies we live in. Can anybody instill some sense into these mutineers?


Coronavirus: how long does it take to get sick? How infectious is it? Will you always have a fever? COVID-19 basics explained


Why dogs don’t care for being groomed (and for the love of dog don’t snip their whiskers)


The Diversity of Tropical Forest Carbon Sinks Is More Complicated Than We Thought

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 21, 2020 at 7:57am

What does it mean to self-quarantine?


Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 21, 2020 at 7:42am

The long-term negative effects of bullying


What Is the Geometry of the Universe?

In our mind’s eye, the universe seems to go on forever. But using geometry we can explore a variety of three-dimensional shapes that offer alternatives to “ordinary” infinite space.
*What Shape Is the Universe? A New Study Suggests We’ve Got It All Wrong
When researchers reanalyzed the gold-standard data set of the early universe, they concluded that the cosmos must be “closed,” or curled up like a ball. Most others remain unconvinced.

How the Universe’s carbon came to be


Greenhouse gas emissions show sharp decline due to pandemic


Members (22)


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